Smash summit has started! Crew battles about to start lumi v Jaice
Don't tell me how much I should care about Jett, cAKE. Jett, you suck. :-O Thank cAKE for my disrespect.
I can understand a joke while still offering a sobering comment
Give Jett a break, he is probably the most underrated guy in the community. He comes to every event and i feel people take him for granted.
Sondor that joke flew over your head as high as a space ship
If you're having the kind of dates Jett is, you'd probably prefer them.
GUF #52 bracket starting soon at
Tomorrow I'm hosting Queenslands version of smash summit. Bracket, crews and muck around events included. 12pm on
I prefer figs over dates, personally.
Don't be rude BlazikenGod. Jett is busy with Jettette tonight. Let the man have his date in peace.
Jett, when will you return.
In Jett's absence, GUF 52 is live at
I take every poll seriously Sonder. I am sure the 27 other people who voted for QLDeez did as well!
Vic Deez has more tournaments, has been around longer, and pretty much everyone voted QldDeez as a joke.
Vic Deez should be the real Deez.
We got bigger problems like, why isn't deez "deezvic" yet? The people have voted!
Stfu its just names ffs
gonna be real right now Deez, your taking this past the salt infused giggles Danza and I were havin on FB. deal with it :)
I don't think its fair that you get that tag all to yourself on this site. QLDBlazikenGod v VICBlazikenGod
Real talk BlazikenGod we're gonna have to have a poll to see which one of us gets the name BlazikenGod.
I really think Deez should get over the fact that there's many people in the world that have the same name/gamertag
I really think Qldanzah should change his name out of respect for Danza who lives in vic
Now that I've quit competitive smash I can shitpost on this site 100% more! I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY THIS
Pretty last minute, but SGT has been confirmed for this Sunday.
I'm still working on Bayonetta, I'll let you guys know how I feel in a while.
Congratulations Ghost and Waveguider for being the first sponsored AU SM4SH players and thanks Nuovo!
re: VIC vs. QLD Deez... 73 tagged tournaments vs. 2... geez dunno
Rare sighting of Deez defending VIC. Its gonna be a good day..
Vic Deezel, the famous movie actor.
It's just another case of East Coast bias.
whats the big deal over a name? theyre different anyways you guys gotta calm down jeeeeez
Karnu, i prefer to call Deez_Vic by the name VicDeez.
I'm beating Jaice to it (If he's going to) by plugging his twitter:
And Danzah. Brawl is the only way to prove how long someone has beem here plus toutnaments. Don't get ahead of yourself
I swear to god everyone if gonna be a fucker and pick deez qld
In other news go check out the poll and crush deez_vic's soul.
We don't talk about that "brawl" thing, so we sure as don't count those tournaments either :)
Look, deezqld died after a month of the meme. So nah, I'll pass.
Only one way to settle this then: MM between Deez and Deez_VIC #2. I hold no bias. :-O
Legit, our dude has been here much longer. Was here during brawl. Plus he has more tournament data than your qld dude. So plus one to us
DANZAH has been Playing Since the beginning of time. VIC Cucko's Get out.
Danza has been Playing Since brawl, QLD Cucko's Get out.
Home coming present!!!!!!!
Its Sakurai's personal coming home for Linoone
I reported myself for typing your instead of you're, always proof read.
I won't be salty if your in my pool again
Yeah thats right main peach again
Hi linoone what do you think of the bayo nerfs
Hey guys i'm back from the desert! What did i miss... Oh... No...
BAM 9 confirmed
QLD Danzah joined here 10 months ago, your Danza joined 7 months ago. Highly unlikely our Danzah would've known about the other.
What is it with Qld and stealing names? Lmfao
Qld, can you please get your Danzah to change his name as we have a Danza down here. He has been known longer.
Best part of E3 is Nintendo announcing the Pokemon YungGoogs
Jollus with that east coast bias right there.
(yay its my birthday..... ehhh)
No amount of memes and shitposts can make up for how ashamed I am of my own state.
By the looks of it. The real struggle is kirby's down b
And then commentators proceed to talk about east coast bias and the struggle that is playing on the west coast.
I just watched Genki walk into a fully charged DK down smash. You guys still lost. WTF Western Australia.
Dean normally transfers results to Tio pro and uploads them. Hours of work. The man is the low key god of VIC
Did Dean upload my recent tournament I T.O.ed? I tried to but couldn't because it was smash gg :( come join for east coast bias :^)
We are also in a new room for this Q216 due to exam block!
If you wish to be part of the NSW V QLD Crew battle please attend Stacked 3 as this is where deciders will be held.
I hope not, i wanna rewatch my set against Sadhour! :D
Darn, no one will ever witness how I double 3 stocked you AzureWolf...
@Scrail does that mean the entire GUF 51 is lost to the ether?! :-O
To anyone wondering about GUF 51 VODs: sorry, I forgot to save the archive, what with the rushed nature of the stream.
What if I told you, SpaceJam, that everyone on QLDSmash is talking BS?
I am conflicted
And its probably me.
Well clearly one of us is just talking BS
Should probably just put the QLD PR to 5 places due to the lack of high caliber players in QLD.
@BlazikenGod should probably split SC PR in to North and South due to the sheer number of high caliber players in Sunny Coast.
Has the stream from GUF 51 been uploaded?
Played FG and come across a pro Sonic and TLink. They played like AT and Umbrella respectively. =P
Yeah maybe
Maybe I should stop going Shulk in tournament lmao
SA doing there best VIC impression tonight jfc
@Duon I think there's gonna be a new Sunshine Coast PR soon in about a month or so
Empire is really _thebest
Duon should do the K~G PR but I don't know if he can top the collaboration effort between Dean and I
Yo, mods are awesome everyone should try them out, waluigi is amazing
@jezmo are you one of the inactive players?
To try to win, Shitashi had to resort to making stupid stuff happen in WF and GF to get me laughing. Nearly worked too...
Has anyone here download mods yet?
I'm been telling 'em for ages since we have like 3 inactive PR players, but no-one seems keen.
*looking at you queensland update your god damn PR already*
btw if anyone wants a PR image done feel free to message me. I know Joel has locked WA down but I love doing these images so hmu fam
Not just Jaice! Karnu and Seymour were phenomenal as well! Not Shitashi, though. Never Shitashi :-O
Yeah, smash exodus was great congrats to Jaice
Great night everyone :)
My poll about what John you'd give Spacejam was very serious. I will most certainly use this john (as voted by the people) if we ever play.
Can we just stop the polls? 90% of them are the same question and the other 10% are jokes.
Oh man, shoutouts to Pulse and Kelasius for getting 5th place at GUF. Wish I was there to see it. XP
repetitive polls be back bois