@Deez lol, I was making a joke: Blue character, easy to play? I was referring to SANIC. Lucario is tough to master, IMO.
03/13/2016 08:40:59
You guys are saltier than Smiths Originals
03/13/2016 08:28:36
Please buff her immediately
03/13/2016 08:24:39
Sakurai how could you make a character this bad, her side b is bad and her other moves are useless!!
03/13/2016 08:24:24
"Bayo is fine because she can't 0-death my character and I can kill her at 20% then" - Deez
03/13/2016 08:23:23
Oh yeah, because Lucario has mediocre Neutral and finds it difficult to find the kill. Sure, Bayo isn't really that bad. Stop complaining
03/13/2016 08:23:08
Broken or not, I think we can all agree playing Bayonetta WELL does take some semblance of skill? She's not some blue nuisance: Lucario :-P
03/13/2016 08:12:42
Editing a Deez post for relevance: Guys, kill me please. This game has become so dumb with heaps of Bayonetta. Kill MEEEEEE
03/13/2016 07:30:35
i like how easy its become to pinpoint stupid people. just look for the ones defending bayonetta (dog)
03/13/2016 07:29:48
She has Melee/PM combos in a game where nobody else does and her neutral is really safe and non committal so it's easy to start her combos
03/13/2016 07:25:47
Bayo is fine. Why does everyone keeps complaining about her?
03/13/2016 07:24:50
Only Jezmo could get like 20 likes for like whoring. Hell, even I liked it.
03/13/2016 07:14:27
It's just a prank bro, adapt.
03/13/2016 07:09:30
Like this shoutout if you find bayonetta vomit-inducing?
03/13/2016 06:18:12
its good to be here
03/13/2016 06:04:38
Proud of u, welcome to success and like 30 tier placements higher
03/13/2016 05:33:37
Er yeah, I might use her every now and again tho
03/13/2016 05:15:47
ESAM (briefly) mentions his trip to BAM8 at the end! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQo1JMKUeOg
03/13/2016 05:06:06
Did u finally give up on zelda
03/13/2016 04:27:47
Thank you, thank you
03/13/2016 04:21:37
Hectic highlights reel there, Umbrella. I think my favourite is Flex's gimp on Weeb.
03/13/2016 03:51:34
Great job Umbrella, caught some really great moments there. And as always thank you Jett for capturing so much Smash footage week after week
03/13/2016 03:17:56
Check out this sweet highlight reel Umbrella made for GUF #39 https://youtu.be/vhq7awugo3k
03/13/2016 02:18:26
rip mafia, day 4 hasnt started yet
03/12/2016 10:32:30
Rip qld smash, little activity for 2+ hours
03/12/2016 10:31:50
I played knarf on FG once, decent zss.
03/12/2016 10:21:38
Ghost. I want to fight your Bayo again when you come down. :)
03/12/2016 08:56:23
Knarf is his first name backwards btw
03/12/2016 08:31:55
TFW you get home from a tournament, and still no bread
03/12/2016 08:31:35
Knarf97 sounds like a run escape name.
03/12/2016 04:39:51
03/12/2016 01:52:47
Checks to see if the thread is unlocked again is not, well back to badge making for me :)
03/12/2016 01:47:14
And we are live from More Forward Smash #14 - https://www.twitch.tv/upsidedownsmash Melee right now. smash 4 at 2:30pm (an hour from now)
03/12/2016 00:30:21
You disgust me
03/11/2016 23:26:24
*in FG
03/11/2016 23:16:47
Someone said GG to me while I BM'ed him. I feel kinda filthy now
03/11/2016 23:16:38
That's not fair, though. I can't beat your anything.
03/11/2016 17:34:04
Can't beat my bayo though.
03/11/2016 15:20:59
I did.
03/11/2016 14:30:35
How to beat Bayo. You don't.
03/11/2016 14:29:22
Bayonetta is a rood word and should be banned from this site.
03/11/2016 13:41:58
Rule 4 Shitashi.
03/11/2016 13:40:31
You adapt.
03/11/2016 13:03:30
Thank you Waveguider for helping me beat Lumi for the first time in ages. Now how the fuck do you beat Bayonetta omfg.
03/11/2016 13:00:19
Good games tonight McJobo, You have a nice Corrin, it beats my Corrin. :) I very Proud.
03/11/2016 12:37:20
@cAKE yeah, ranked #74 in Queensland.
03/11/2016 12:27:48
Still wondering the answer to this question: are you allowed to mod your gamecube controller to have an xbox one analog stick?
03/11/2016 12:23:39
Blaze is top 75...?
03/11/2016 12:19:28
@dean payback for back in game 1 when you locked the thread while I was typing and i died that night before i got to make my post :<
03/11/2016 12:17:57
If whoopsing because you played zelda for four hours. You have no life.
03/11/2016 11:32:40
Whoops just spend like 4 hours playing Twilight Princess then 1 hour on youtube. Whoops.
03/11/2016 10:13:53
Booz Cruise!
03/11/2016 09:53:20
Bracket on now. Ft. Jaice & Jezmo! http://twitch.tv/JettSmash
03/11/2016 09:36:03
Just keep practicing and getting better and your Elo should rise back to the 1000+ mark.
03/11/2016 07:42:12
Scrail, if you still feel bad, don't worry mate, i was in your position after Smashbox. Now look at me, top 75 in QLD.
03/11/2016 07:41:20
Starting in half an hour with a Fire Emblem vs Pokémon crew battle http://twitch.tv/JettSmash
03/11/2016 07:03:30
I need people for Wocka Flocka $quirtle $quad
03/11/2016 02:27:27
Sounds right when there's Googers in your crew
03/11/2016 02:15:38
dank daŋk/Submit adjective unpleasantly damp and cold. "huge dank caverns"
03/11/2016 02:13:48
03/11/2016 02:13:33
The mayo inspectors are probably the dankest crew.
03/11/2016 00:07:54
03/10/2016 23:55:52
@Scrail All ur matches are against good players + Elo just shows ur current performance; not a reflection of u or how good u can get
03/10/2016 23:29:09
@Aero Oh yeah?! Put ur... crew where ur... shoutout is! Let's see if we can make a crew battle happen at next UQ Smash? :-D
03/10/2016 23:26:53
@scrail , cheers for the match uploads, much appreciated
03/10/2016 22:36:51
But yeah. Don't worry, we all hit rock bottom at some point. Accept Jaice and Jezmo. They throw rocks at you ;)
03/10/2016 22:29:25
Scrail, pleeeeaaassseeee. If people lose to me, then that's the probably worst thing in the world tbh
03/10/2016 22:26:49
@Shitashi, make sure you get cash out for tonight buddy, i need lunch money for the weekend ;) xo~
03/10/2016 22:20:35
@Scrail Cheer up mate, we're all been there.
03/10/2016 22:08:05
I guess if anyone loses to me now, they must be especially bad.
03/10/2016 21:21:44
Now I wallow in my sub-1000 Elo...
03/10/2016 21:20:50
03/10/2016 21:20:16
AT, our crew could probably 3 vs 6 your crew.
03/10/2016 19:03:12
They are assuming, with your use of english, that you are far away and therefore lag. Use Japanese chars or emoticons/symbols.
03/10/2016 15:28:31
Whats with Japanese players always dropping out when their matched up against me on for glory. NAN DESU KA?!
03/10/2016 15:21:01
Oh snaaap, it's on now! I suggest next GUF crew battle be JettSmash vs KuroganeHammer: No Johns Edition.
03/10/2016 14:44:37
Maybe if anyone in your crew would give me more than 5 Elo for a win, I'd be more inclined to attend.
03/10/2016 14:27:41
The elo donation by you.
03/10/2016 14:19:55
Attending tournaments vs Elo camping. Can't figure out which is better for our scene.
03/10/2016 14:16:39
Yes, you definitely can.
03/10/2016 14:15:37
I can :)
03/10/2016 14:10:15
Now, now, Jezmo. Not all of us can be part of THEEEE KUUUUROGAAANEE HAMMMMMERRRR.
03/10/2016 14:00:09
Nice average ELO, Jettsmash crew.... Lol it's cute.
03/10/2016 13:46:54
Before joining the JettSmash crew, I never had 2000 Elo. Just sayin', if maybe your crew is holding you back, consider joining JettSmash :-D
03/10/2016 13:36:34
03/10/2016 11:34:01
Finally made it to top 20 in QLD :D Now to join the 2000 club..
03/10/2016 03:57:25
@boozer and all other bowser mains: you gotta learn this tech: https://youtu.be/EH-qHfd8kcg?t=2m21s
03/10/2016 03:49:09
03/10/2016 01:23:40
I'd be fine with that, it'd be a lot of effort to copy paste 1000s of messages though.
03/09/2016 23:58:43
If the Mafia thread is really innocent Mafia discussion then open it up to the public and let the other Mafia players decide if that's true.
03/09/2016 23:00:24
shut up deezvic you jank lord
03/09/2016 22:55:53
Shitashi should go and SD ;)
03/09/2016 22:52:48
That's not what I'm seeing.
03/09/2016 22:27:15
The "mafia discussion" thread is more like social 2.0, except sometimes we nudge people to post in the actual mafia thread
03/09/2016 22:20:45
I'm trying to understand why the group of people attempting to enforce consistent Smash rules are blatantly ignoring Mafia rules.
03/09/2016 21:57:24
Aside from that, any discussion of the game outside the game is against the spirit of the game, and should not be tolerated
03/09/2016 21:55:16
Maybe it refers to the Senate as being irl Mafia, and they're out to kill the rest of the Australian scene
03/09/2016 21:54:12