I legitimately saw 2 0-death's today on two excellent players. MVD and Dath both got legit 0-death'd.
So does Boozer.
1.1.3 Bowser was fun. I miss him.
People don't realize that her death combos are true if they follow DI. It's hard, but they're literally true death combos at like 20%
Prepatch Diddy was worse than Bayo imo. You could win tourneys with him without even playing SM4SH.
but we're sending deez :dog: smashes 'im
we already have a good lucario, we don't need another.
when are we sending deez to qld, you can like, keep him if you want :>
Azurewolf, I have immediately fell in love with you and must return to Qld to give you one of my famous hugs. Bae'o is Not Broken however
@Deez lol, I was making a joke: Blue character, easy to play? I was referring to SANIC. Lucario is tough to master, IMO.
You guys are saltier than Smiths Originals
Please buff her immediately
Sakurai how could you make a character this bad, her side b is bad and her other moves are useless!!
"Bayo is fine because she can't 0-death my character and I can kill her at 20% then" - Deez
Oh yeah, because Lucario has mediocre Neutral and finds it difficult to find the kill. Sure, Bayo isn't really that bad. Stop complaining
Broken or not, I think we can all agree playing Bayonetta WELL does take some semblance of skill? She's not some blue nuisance: Lucario :-P
Editing a Deez post for relevance: Guys, kill me please. This game has become so dumb with heaps of Bayonetta. Kill MEEEEEE
i like how easy its become to pinpoint stupid people. just look for the ones defending bayonetta (dog)
She has Melee/PM combos in a game where nobody else does and her neutral is really safe and non committal so it's easy to start her combos
Bayo is fine. Why does everyone keeps complaining about her?
Only Jezmo could get like 20 likes for like whoring. Hell, even I liked it.
It's just a prank bro, adapt.
Like this shoutout if you find bayonetta vomit-inducing?
its good to be here
Proud of u, welcome to success and like 30 tier placements higher
Er yeah, I might use her every now and again tho
ESAM (briefly) mentions his trip to BAM8 at the end! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQo1JMKUeOg
Did u finally give up on zelda
Thank you, thank you
Hectic highlights reel there, Umbrella. I think my favourite is Flex's gimp on Weeb.
Great job Umbrella, caught some really great moments there. And as always thank you Jett for capturing so much Smash footage week after week
Check out this sweet highlight reel Umbrella made for GUF #39 https://youtu.be/vhq7awugo3k
rip mafia, day 4 hasnt started yet
Rip qld smash, little activity for 2+ hours
I played knarf on FG once, decent zss.
Ghost. I want to fight your Bayo again when you come down. :)
Knarf is his first name backwards btw
TFW you get home from a tournament, and still no bread
Knarf97 sounds like a run escape name.
Smash 4 is live from More Forward Smash #14 - https://www.twitch.tv/upsidedownsmash
Checks to see if the thread is unlocked again is not, well back to badge making for me :)
And we are live from More Forward Smash #14 - https://www.twitch.tv/upsidedownsmash Melee right now. smash 4 at 2:30pm (an hour from now)
You disgust me
*in FG
Someone said GG to me while I BM'ed him. I feel kinda filthy now
That's not fair, though. I can't beat your anything.
Can't beat my bayo though.
I did.
How to beat Bayo.
You don't.
Bayonetta is a rood word and should be banned from this site.
Rule 4 Shitashi.
You adapt.
Thank you Waveguider for helping me beat Lumi for the first time in ages. Now how the fuck do you beat Bayonetta omfg.
Good games tonight McJobo, You have a nice Corrin, it beats my Corrin. :) I very Proud.
@cAKE yeah, ranked #74 in Queensland.
Still wondering the answer to this question: are you allowed to mod your gamecube controller to have an xbox one analog stick?
Blaze is top 75...?
@dean payback for back in game 1 when you locked the thread while I was typing and i died that night before i got to make my post :<
If whoopsing because you played zelda for four hours. You have no life.
Whoops just spend like 4 hours playing Twilight Princess then 1 hour on youtube. Whoops.
Booz Cruise!
Bracket on now. Ft. Jaice & Jezmo! http://twitch.tv/JettSmash
Just keep practicing and getting better and your Elo should rise back to the 1000+ mark.
Scrail, if you still feel bad, don't worry mate, i was in your position after Smashbox. Now look at me, top 75 in QLD.
Starting in half an hour with a Fire Emblem vs Pokémon crew battle http://twitch.tv/JettSmash
I need people for Wocka Flocka $quirtle $quad
Sounds right when there's Googers in your crew
unpleasantly damp and cold.
"huge dank caverns"
The mayo inspectors are probably the dankest crew.
@Scrail All ur matches are against good players + Elo just shows ur current performance; not a reflection of u or how good u can get
@Aero Oh yeah?! Put ur... crew where ur... shoutout is! Let's see if we can make a crew battle happen at next UQ Smash? :-D
@scrail , cheers for the match uploads, much appreciated
But yeah. Don't worry, we all hit rock bottom at some point. Accept Jaice and Jezmo. They throw rocks at you ;)
Scrail, pleeeeaaassseeee. If people lose to me, then that's the probably worst thing in the world tbh
@Shitashi, make sure you get cash out for tonight buddy, i need lunch money for the weekend ;) xo~
@Scrail Cheer up mate, we're all been there.
I guess if anyone loses to me now, they must be especially bad.
Now I wallow in my sub-1000 Elo...
Button-Smash 2016 Amateur Bracket: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeRQ0RCN6tIIf92Lj00du2YIYqrjEYAK4
AT, our crew could probably 3 vs 6 your crew.
They are assuming, with your use of english, that you are far away and therefore lag. Use Japanese chars or emoticons/symbols.
Whats with Japanese players always dropping out when their matched up against me on for glory. NAN DESU KA?!
Oh snaaap, it's on now! I suggest next GUF crew battle be JettSmash vs KuroganeHammer: No Johns Edition.
Maybe if anyone in your crew would give me more than 5 Elo for a win, I'd be more inclined to attend.
The elo donation by you.
Attending tournaments vs Elo camping. Can't figure out which is better for our scene.
Yes, you definitely can.
I can :)
Now, now, Jezmo. Not all of us can be part of THEEEE KUUUUROGAAANEE HAMMMMMERRRR.
Nice average ELO, Jettsmash crew.... Lol it's cute.
Before joining the JettSmash crew, I never had 2000 Elo. Just sayin', if maybe your crew is holding you back, consider joining JettSmash :-D
Finally made it to top 20 in QLD :D Now to join the 2000 club..
@boozer and all other bowser mains: you gotta learn this tech: https://youtu.be/EH-qHfd8kcg?t=2m21s
This is all: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QcIy9NiNbmo
Go like and retweet pls <3