not to attack your state pride, we are trying to help you be on the right page so you can accurately measure your goals and achievements
I love aero, but to say a tournament in which he places 5th is stacked just seems as Luke put it, warped.
1st. Jezmo 2nd. Jaice 3rd. Luminescent 4th. Shitashi 5th. Seymourbutts 5th. Kurogane
How do you think this is even a stacked top 5?
higher level being like top 10 in Australia, not QLD PR
Attendance has nothing to do with being stacked either, it's the higher level players that make it stacked.
having people with little overall OoS experience tell others who have a lot of experience what a stacked tourney is, is a little silly no?
and being proud of how you did is fine, but having a warped perspective is generally not good and people here are trying to help stop that.
the reason I say you guys should travel is so that you lose your small pond mentality and see things more clearly
"for every tournament" and "too liberally" have no congruence in meaning
having all your local top player's, who regularly attend, come to your tournament does not make it stacked. thats the point being made.
Well it was QLD's biggest tourney ever with 86 players entering. Flex and Fool were missing but hey, it was a pretty huge tourney.
Wasn't trying to start anything, just saying that I think you're using the word stacked a little too liberally.
Have a look at results when those guys attend, their placing a barely ever change. Consistently top 8.
A stacked tourney involves names like lumi, flex, Jaice, Jezmo, fool and any other PR players. And a lot of those guys regularly attend.
to be fair if you have to include aero as a reason why your tourney is stacked, it's probably not stacked
lol you guys keep missing the point, whatever, do what you like
Sick of your shit thatlaggyperson, you don't even deserve caps.
Damnit Lumi i want Churros now.
36 has some PJSalt in him ATM
Sometimes I wake up on Saturday mornings and my mum makes the family churros for breakfast.
care to explain
Sick of your shit atyeo
Jezmo already did?
I think maybe you guys need to travel more
I got 2nd in the Rookies, I did good with Corrin.
I'm fairly new but it was the hardest UQ I've been to. Most top players + players I'd fought before played like gods. My Pool was tough too.
Stacked with good people, yes. but idk uq 17 was like 50% scrub 50% people i actually recognise
so having close games against someone makes a tournament stacked?
it was stacked for our local monthly i guess, the games i had from the first set in losers to when i lost to lumi were too close for comfort
I feel like at this point you could only really call a tourney stacked if it had top players from multiple states in attendance
I rarely do. What do you think it means? Jez,Jaice,Shita,Lumi,Aero... not to mention top players who donate their ELO (*cough* VASI).
Why do you call every tournament stacked?
Shoutouts to one of the small children that 2 stocked me
yeah shoutouts to OSCAR for top 8 in rookies
Just saw UQ Smash results. Shoutouts to Mittens for doing insanely well in this stacked tournament! Good stuff man! Congrats to top 8!
Let's go Aero
My spelling has been exposed.
If I could land more of those in my Mario would be a bit more viable in tournaments..
Not yet you mean. Like anything you'll get better if you practice.
You ever get the urge to draw. But then you remember you can't draw too save your life? =w=
Look, I'll happily beat most of qld. And like i got along with everyone becuase its the campy state and i play campy :)
I think Victoria would happily swap Lucarios. Make it happen (no offence ily QLD)
<3 Deez
where are vods containing based saucygod's victory give them to me
even me?
Jaice is Bae. Lumi is bae. All of qld is bae. Qld is like such an awesome state.
Amazing, SaucyDancer wins a tournament on his birthday!! Who'd have seen that coming?
Good job saucyD
Congratulations SaucyDancer for the tournament win in Sydney.
Mewtwo strikes back (I totally didn't steal this)
Of course...
holy shit this stage is incredible
Also Blue Corrin on QLD smash is Squirtle.
Sm4sh results from UQ Yesterday are now up, I put them all into 1 TIO file to make life a bit easy, I will do the melee ones asap.
SA sm4sh tourney
I get nothing but compliments on FG. My fav thus far is "SPINFGGT" :-D
mine is McDonalds?. someone called me ur~fat on FG. i cri.
Shoutouts to Australians for having just generally hilarious tags.
I will happily MM qlddeez because apparently he doesn't play smash 4. EASYYYYYY MONEYYYYY
because airdodging is the best option in every situation laggy
I wish my airdodge was frame 1like bayonettas
learn to airdodge
Just sdi it at 1000 inputs a second its not hard gosh
The combos aren't true you just play a bad character.
"Just adapt"
#freemiis -mii mains
"My character is perfectly balanced" - Bayonetta mains.
Shoutouts to the godly Aero who has only gotten better since his hiatus! And of course Jett for streaming the largest QLD smash 4 tourn yet!
How many peeps have signed up for Button Smash?
cake is a working man, he would know
mi goreng is cheap leisha
ggs crabs
I want some mi goreng now =<
That previous shoutout was directed towards cake, the online page for some reason wasn't updating in real time.
Well said
Unviable*. But Bayo is also unfixable too so it works.
I can't believe that Bayonetta got through playtesting. Guess I better learn how to play her since she makes Bowser unfixable.
Top 8 on now
One Mi Goreng noodles is never enough.
missingno for sun and moon
Lul at triples aura cheese ⊙ω⊙
So excited for Magikarp in Wonder Trade in Pokemon sun and moon!
MFS #13 is live with Wii U singles ;)
Starting at UQ #17 now
NZ stream! - Melee doubles now, Wii U singles at 1:30pm (an hour), Melee singles at 4pm
turns out the moon and sun leaks were true... lol BUT 3DS late 2016? NX pushed to 2017 bascially confirmed
Those who wanted to add me on 3DS i forgot to say but i got a new 3DS months ago so its now updated. Inbox me if you sent me a request .
Yo Pokemon direct in 15 mins or so.
jigglypuff the super resting balloon
Landed sing 4 times in bracket including in semi finals. Invisi sorry you're old news now.
Shoutouts to Boozer for ditching me in triples.
You also like not trying hard and playing broken characters
Shout out to Leisha and boozer for triples today. Coming first was so hype. And my 1v1 with Earl freaked me out :/
UQ Has been advanced for nearly 1 year.
I really just did that XD *3rd
congrats on 3th
Damn 3th seed, I got a hard pool though, good luck all!
Online brackets are an obvious sign of advanced technology in Queensland