rip in spagetti never forgetti
Whoever's managing that account must be dankness incarnate
This twitter account is full of gold.
God damn it Urisk i thought it wasn't happaning QwQ
Jei babyyyyyy whats going ooooon. You can come see me ;)
If you were confused Friday Night Smash 26 (GUF) is on this Friday I just forgot to make the event. Woops
Late December most likely.
Who the fak lives in ACT that is cool? I am thinking on going for a cheeky road trip to be in ACT for a couple of days.
It's going to 41 degress trmo. Someone kill me.
hahaha good times
We could've of teamed Luke and throw bacon pieces at people we beat like what happened at Sizzlers
Strawberries & cream cluster flavour zooper dooper is soooooo good-uh
I think he's teaming with Kaion, but maybe you should ask Jaice or something, I if he has a teammate
where jezmo at, he's secretly NSW, he'll team with me right? god that team would be brutal, jezmo plz carry me
I'm teaming with fatass (boozer) /tears
oi areo, my SXC team mate probably isnt gonna show, you got a dubs partner?
haha, fringe states bringing up placings... good one ay!
Deez idk why you're taking this so hard. It's a opinion, not a dick.
'Cos if you're gonna bring up one off placings, 9th/17 at a Geelong local… isn't really grounds for trash talking anyone.
Atyeo, you also got da movement. Jezmo does too.
Tfw when I can remember aero placed top 4 for doubles at a national before <3
I have a challenge for you, Deez. Place consistently well in top 3 before you start bringing up results when talking trash
oi I got movement :'<
Aero, I have a challenge for,you. If you can make top three at CW just like qld since there are like 5 top players there. Then you can talk
Deez Pleez
Lel thx JLo but Luminescent is a really good player and he's on 3DS
P.s i have new 3DS
Rolling counts as movement!
Yes they are thecrynek, just be prepared for people to judge you and shit lol
Bait triggered
Just a Question are 3DS controllers allowed in VIC Couchwarriors WII U?
Like, it maybe a competition between players, but in the end, it doesn't matter. If one is better than the other, good for them.
Aero, you can't talk for shit because you lost $40 to me. Karnu is probably better than me, so what? Does it really matter?
Honestly Karnu is one of the only players in the country who has actual movement with his character.
Watching Karnu at whatever GUF he came 2nd in solidifies him as significantly better than Deez.
It's so useless unlike Lagless ledge getup on Duck Hunt Dog. That tech single handedly raises him to S tier.
Does anyone even care about out perfect pivoting anymore
Deez once said only Lucario in top 50 elo. Now I'll use that qoute. BOOM!
ur a muffin googs
idk im only 11 u muffin
Saw a lot of people either ban those stages (effectively giving players no bans compared to other tournaments) or just being taken to one.
@Shitashi I am pro removal of those 2 stages, Would recommend removing a ban if it happens though
And I'm only doing the scrape once and working off stored json so I'll only have to update it every week or two maybe.
I didn't want to have to gather results manually for PR discussions so I made it. It scrapes a player page every 5-10 seconds so dw too much
The scraper is cool. I want to build an API to serve that data so it hammers the site a little less. Nice work Summoner!
Hey that's cool.
I did a thing: https://gist.github.com/Upfoldian/c09a55c4c2e398f7d465
soz for scraperino cappuccino shitashi
The combo thing isn't 100% accurate though. Also it doesnt have D.I so thats another issue.
And perhaps more embarassing... That the combo ticker in training goes up ONLY for inescapable combos. This will help me I think
Some days I really feel like an idiot. I just learned I was playing my main wrong for ages
battlefront. rly. inb4 128 player online with intense lag!
Space Jam the movie! Featuring SpaceJam!
spacejam is a jam comfirmed
thank you spacejum
Happy Birthday SpaceJam!
Happy birthday Aerodrome.
Pacs god tier confirmed, better than fox melee
@Aero http://www.nutrisha.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/2644.jpg (yes, really)
I just drank diet coke and do not understand why this substance is still being produced.
When your gay and your tournaments mains are apart of this meme : 0 https://instagram.com/p/-NGv8TPHEAiY6AOqdhUmdZB4fargpnVERco6A0/
Smashbox V details are up http://qldsmash.com/Smashbox I'm considering removing Delphino and Halberd if people want.
smash. Make that 76,458 times!
I have told Bimbobot to crawl the website while everyone sleeps. Also the word 'Smash' appears on this site 76457 times apparently.
I already main Ike so playing two kinda similar characters will be great!
I think i will play Ike more since he is somewhat similar to Cloud but until then i will wait I wanna play Cloud
Can't wait to see everyone this Saturday at the first Smash Club for WA!
Your dream roster
Thinking of putting a smash poster in my room, can't decide on any. Anyone got ideas?
You don't? How the hell did I pass my driving test…
Sure it does. You don't stop driving just because there's fog on the road.
So then why do skydivers dive through the clouds? dosent make sense
Fun fact; a cloud 1km x 1km x 1km is 500 tonnes. Thank you based Dr. Karl
-insert airhorns-
Maribro, your whining is like a cloud, it has no point.
-holds b- am i good now?
No. Deez would just hold b on the edge rather than let go.
D-Deez... is that you?
Because skry's Lucina sucks and he's never beat anyone with it
UQ Smash this Saturday. http://qldsmash.com/Forum/Thread/uq-smash-14-21st-november-2015.277/1 . Rego Links are here.
Because Lucina is tacky and everyone hates her
Why are there no videos of Skry's legendary lucina anywhere :/ ?
Because Gaben and watch is our lord
shout outs to everyone I met at SGT yesterday x
I'm impressed Maribro, gone for a few days and I come back to you with the same main.
This isnt going to be bright. Don't worry, there is a sunny future ahead
Alright guys enough I cant weather this anymore
Seasons change, my puns don't. They're always bad.
I guess Maribros puns are seasonal.
Not cool man.
Hey hey, I guess your puns are ICY rather than cloudy. I'm going away now.
To hail with it.
To hail with it.