no, i need my xenoblade, screw your gmaecub controller
12/02/2015 08:45:23
GC controllers are usually $50... I'm on to you. :P
12/02/2015 08:45:19
ken sumeone dunate 69 dollahrs so i ken bay a gumecub cuntroller
12/02/2015 08:44:31
I'll get you sooner or later girly 😘
12/02/2015 08:36:06
Get converted, everyone. <3
12/02/2015 06:55:55
The Kount confirmed for smash 5
12/02/2015 06:46:24
I aM The Kount
12/02/2015 06:43:32
No more Project M cuz they making Project B
12/02/2015 06:28:55
Smash went down to maintenance... wtf
12/02/2015 06:26:47
inb4 project project m
12/02/2015 06:20:12
Hi I'm someone and I've written articles before. Do I fit the bill Shitashi?
12/02/2015 05:45:15
On the bright side, Squirtle wont get nerfed again.
12/02/2015 05:34:17
This is a sad day for the Project M community. I think it'd be good for someone with Project M knowledge to write an article on this.
12/02/2015 05:30:28
wait. how are people supposed to download project m now?
12/02/2015 05:22:48
rip project m, our kappaing hearts remain with you
12/02/2015 05:03:59
Karnu, theres no need for you to travel to SXC when you can lose to me in your home town. ¯\(◡‿◡✿) /¯
12/02/2015 04:40:35
You should've Blake :( So whens the next major we all agree to meet up again at? <3
12/02/2015 04:33:21 - Project M is finishing on 3.6. Thank you PM Dev Team, hope the PM tourney's continue. ^__^
12/02/2015 04:29:25
Ahh really regret not going to SXC now :(
12/02/2015 03:31:27
Thanks to @Maribro for banishing that seizure-inducing villager from the articles section.
12/02/2015 00:44:04
Cam's just a very good actor. Nobody could truly be that stupid, could they?
12/01/2015 15:07:11
But cam is an idiot and I could feel my IQ dropping by the second.
12/01/2015 15:02:13
It was that moment when cam looked into my eyes, the kind of deep stare you'd think lovers would give each over.
12/01/2015 15:01:19
For some reason camaero dairies gives me a 50 shades of grey vibe.
12/01/2015 14:53:28
Luma stands no chance against the DOC TORNADO!!
12/01/2015 14:28:01
Luma is real MVP, Rosalina's sort of just there.
12/01/2015 14:25:09
Why can Luma be an avatar/dp but not the Kount. This is an outrage, I demand it be made available! >:(
12/01/2015 13:07:21
Can't wait to get my juicy Elo points from this weekend, they're gonna sky rocket >:3 But really why can't it be SXC again this weekend
12/01/2015 12:52:10
H-hAlp. Maribro is clingy and won't let me meet other people.
12/01/2015 11:58:59
But we live a state away, sur- oh wait its a 7-8 hour drive, my b
12/01/2015 11:24:09
Just cos y'all have met Joel once or twice doesn't entitle you to bae him. I'm the only one that holds this honour. Sincerely Joel's 1st Bae
12/01/2015 10:17:46
Us QLDers all miss hanging out with the NSW crew too M. It's okay, we can make this long distance relationship work.
12/01/2015 10:00:37
Mii Gunner > All
12/01/2015 09:21:20
Mii Swordfighter > Mii Brawler.
12/01/2015 09:19:51
I'm sorry but why isn't Shaq your Mii brawler
12/01/2015 08:20:55
Welcome to Mii Mains, baby.
12/01/2015 06:57:14
Kinda considering maining the Kount. It's refreshing to play a character that doesn't handle like a brick, but can hit as hard as one.
12/01/2015 05:50:39
M, is your main now The Kount?
12/01/2015 05:36:52
We need a major that goes for like a week so we can all have time to hang out more, it was amazing seeing everybody but SXC went too fast :(
12/01/2015 05:29:36
I miss hanging with QLDers. :(
12/01/2015 05:24:47
reps from aus because Jaice and Ignis got through... so donate, ye?
12/01/2015 04:46:13
I miss everyone i met at SXC so much already. Why cant life just be back to back Smash majors?
12/01/2015 04:20:20
hungry hungry kirby is fun
12/01/2015 02:45:14
It's sm4sh. Not that hard to unlock things.
11/30/2015 22:27:51
single player is unreal cancer why do i have to do this for stages omg
11/30/2015 21:31:52
i never bothered to unlock stages. im doing it now and wtf is smash tour
11/30/2015 20:58:43
googers, this is your dad here. i just wanted to say how proud of you i am son.
11/30/2015 16:50:13
And a separate, selfish "thank you" to anyone who cheered me on. It's surprisingly touching, actually. Also, Ghost2damgood!
11/30/2015 16:41:08
Got home tonight. Idk what to say. Thanks to EVERYONE, you're all amazing and I had an absolute blast even tho I'm a Luigi buster
11/30/2015 16:39:10
I read everyone's posts in their voice now omfg lmao Shitashi's is irriatating me
11/30/2015 14:26:49
Oh my god they still have me down as Buster Jr, Rip Googers
11/30/2015 14:20:50
Atyeo you're my spirit animal
11/30/2015 14:20:16
QLD smash scene is my spirit animal everyone is chill as fuck
11/30/2015 14:15:58
wens 3 stock major
11/30/2015 13:43:33
Oi oi oi. Pigeons tanking pellets doesn't mean I was camping you. Not everyone uses projectiles to camp ey
11/30/2015 12:39:46
Dean camped my Megaman for 20c with DHD and i hate him dearly for it. Please rot.
11/30/2015 12:35:13
I made 20 cents in a money match and also lost 20 cents in a money match
11/30/2015 12:34:34
You guys all wanna know how much I made at SXC?
11/30/2015 12:02:13
$248, and about $74 for 1st in doubles. I didn't seem grateful on the day but I realize how incredibly fortunate I am now.
11/30/2015 11:48:04
in tourney money*
11/30/2015 11:37:32
Ayy nikes. You still did well tho, T3 is great. Just curious, how much did you get?
11/30/2015 11:37:20
@ThatLaggyPerson That oddshot is going to haunt me for the rest of my smash career...:/
11/30/2015 11:31:22
Welp, now I know why no one comments on articles:
11/30/2015 11:26:44
I did another article guys love me
11/30/2015 11:18:39
Well ok. If you would like to be killed. But it felt great, and I kinda properly felt what synergy meant.
11/30/2015 11:04:10 1st go at Vegas Pro, and pls decide what character i shall montage next
11/30/2015 11:03:03
i am speaking though the connection of afterlife internet. it's very fast
11/30/2015 10:57:37
Wait I killed you, you are supposed to not be talking... gg no re
11/30/2015 10:55:39
11/30/2015 10:55:09
11/30/2015 10:54:46
Rosalina & Lucario? Kill me now
11/30/2015 10:53:02
Jaice completes me as a Doubles parter. I'm in love with the synergy that we had.
11/30/2015 10:49:27
I only found out today I can Z-Drop key on smashville. Whelp maybe i should try and just look at guides more.
11/30/2015 09:03:55
SH FF crazy pellet*
11/30/2015 08:56:35
i just tried to somehow SH crazy pellet for about an hour. help me
11/30/2015 08:56:04
Only frauds don't use their real state.
11/30/2015 08:37:34
I tricked you all! I'm actually living in the Caribbean!
11/30/2015 08:25:13
wait, i thought everyone here was from qld and was just using other state icons ironically
11/30/2015 08:16:37
"Grind Her": the most misleading name since QLDsmash
11/30/2015 07:23:14
"As if you don't know What Grindr is. You probably met on Grindr." Googers to camaero
11/30/2015 07:03:44
Did you guys know that I have a positive record against thecons? WOW
11/30/2015 06:54:55
11/30/2015 04:12:34
Just camp him. He's bitched about your camping all weekend. Deez i had fun yelling at you too lol.
11/30/2015 02:25:16
Shitashi if I never enter a tournament will he remain like that forever? If so you may have just found a way to get rid of me forever.
11/30/2015 01:57:06
11/30/2015 01:35:42
Googers will be known now as BUSTER_JR until he beats SpaceJam in a tourney match as punishment for stealing my gum.
11/30/2015 01:35:03
I'm not Googers
11/30/2015 01:33:21
11/30/2015 00:01:35
When you say you'll interview top 3 of every game but then realise you don't know how to interview people. Whoops lmao.
11/29/2015 23:39:26
aerodrome ur ok
11/29/2015 22:04:06
Jezmo is awesome because he's chill and constantly swears in friendlies and sets lol. And Aerdrome, you're ok. Cheers for the chat with Bozo
11/29/2015 21:58:19
My life is finally complete. I meet Shitashi irl. Haha. OMG, he is such a memster irl, it was a pleasure meeting you Shitashi :) :D
11/29/2015 21:56:48
ghost gunna get hella elo h e l l a
11/29/2015 17:05:28
SXC was great! Elo's gonna get shaken up this week.
11/29/2015 16:56:24
You're fuckin' rad ghost. I hope you go nuts at genesis and win and stuff.
11/29/2015 16:46:46