
17th New South Wales IntenseQuack 24/11/2018 [NSW] Final Fight 12 Final Fight 12 - Smash Wii U Singles BowserDr. MarioSamusZeldaZero Suit Samus
13th Queensland Fiasco 10/11/2018 [QLD] QUT Smash #10 Pros Dr. Mario
3rd Queensland Fiasco 10/11/2018 [QLD] QUT Smash #10 Pools Dr. Mario
7th New South Wales IntenseQuack 21/10/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #5 Singles Bracket BowserDr. MarioSamusZeldaZero Suit Samus
4th New Zealand Bozzie 21/10/2018 [NZ] FightZone #23 SM4SH Singles Dr. Mario
8th New South Wales IntenseQuack 19/08/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Underground 4 Singles Bracket BowserDr. MarioSamusZeldaZero Suit Samus
3rd Victoria Gary 20/06/2018 [VIC] Guf Geelong 147 Singles Captain FalconDr. MarioGanondorfIkeKing DededeLink
13th Victoria Kaito 1/06/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #14 Wii U singles Dr. Mario
7th New South Wales EmanSaur 21/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #28 SM4SH Singles Dr. MarioMr. Game and Watch
9th Victoria Dampé 24/04/2018 [VIC] EBS XLVI Wii U singles Dr. MarioPikmin & Olimar
7th Victoria Dampé 16/04/2018 [VIC] Holy Mond4y 3 wii u singles Dr. MarioPikmin & Olimar
9th Victoria Dampé 10/04/2018 [VIC] EBS XLV Wii U singles Dr. MarioPikmin & Olimar
8th New South Wales IntenseQuack 7/04/2018 [NSW] Expand Gong 3 wii u pools BowserDr. MarioSamusZeldaZero Suit Samus
9th Victoria Dampé 28/03/2018 [VIC] Guf Geelong 135 Wii U singles Dr. MarioPikmin & Olimar
9th Victoria Dampé 27/03/2018 [VIC] EBS XLIII Wii U singles Dr. MarioPikmin & Olimar
7th Victoria Dampé 27/03/2018 [VIC] EBS XLIII Wii U redemption Dr. MarioPikachu
13th Victoria Dampé 20/03/2018 [VIC] EBS XLII Wii U singles Dr. MarioPikmin & Olimar
4th Victoria Dampé 19/03/2018 [VIC] Holy Mond4y 2 wii u singles Dr. MarioPikmin & Olimar
1st South Australia Andre 1/11/2017 [SA] Esg Weekly #6 Smash 4 Singles Dr. MarioMarthZero Suit Samus
3rd New South Wales Spike 22/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 9 Smash Wii U Amateurs Diddy KongDr. MarioJigglypuffLuigiMewtwoRandom
2nd New South Wales Zesco 15/04/2017 [NSW] Hornsby Gametraders 15/4/17 SM4SH Singles Dr. MarioLink
9th Western Australia JonCheee 12/04/2017 [WA] BigWinSmash Weekly BigWinSmash Smash 4 Singles Captain FalconDr. MarioLucinaPitShulk
2nd Australian Capital Territory Joey 12/04/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #30 Redemption Bracket Dr. Mario
3rd Australian Capital Territory Juno 5/04/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #29 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
3rd Australian Capital Territory Juno 29/03/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #28 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
3rd Australian Capital Territory Juno 26/03/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 26 Smash 4 Pro Bracket Diddy KongDr. Mario
5th Queensland Fiasco 25/03/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 29 - March 2017 Pros Dr. MarioFox
9th Queensland Fiasco 24/03/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 92 Singles Dr. MarioFox
2nd Australian Capital Territory Juno 23/03/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #27 Wii U Singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
1st Queensland Fiasco 20/03/2017 [QLD] Mountain Smash #3 Amateurs Dr. MarioFox
4th Queensland Fiasco 12/03/2017 [QLD] Super Mountain Smash (SUNDAY EVENT) Amateurs Dr. Mario
3rd Queensland Raibok 12/03/2017 [QLD] Super Mountain Smash (SUNDAY EVENT) Amateurs Dr. MarioFalcoLucinaLuigi
9th Australian Capital Territory Bloom 18/01/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #22 - wtf i love doubles now Smash 4 Singles Captain FalconDr. MarioSamus
7th Queensland drSlump 10/01/2017 [QLD] Smash by the Beach #6 and a half Singles Bowser Jr.CharizardCloudDr. MarioGanondorfJigglypuffKing DededeLucinaMarthRandomZelda
5th Australian Capital Territory Juno 18/12/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 22 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
9th Tasmania Jai2Go 15/12/2016 [TAS] Guf 15/12/16 Guf 15/12/16 Dr. MarioMewtwo
4th Australian Capital Territory Juno 14/12/2016 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #20 Wii U Singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
17th Victoria Insie 9/12/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #45 Wii U singles BayonettaCaptain FalconCharizardDr. MarioFalcoIkeMarioPalutenaRandom
7th South Australia Andre 9/12/2016 [SA] EVAC SMASH 4 DEC Singles Dr. MarioMarthZero Suit Samus
13th Tasmania Jai2Go 17/11/2016 [TAS] Guf 17/11/16 SM4SH singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
5th Tasmania Jai2Go 3/11/2016 [TAS] Guf 3/11/16 SM4SH singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
9th Tasmania Jai2Go 27/10/2016 [TAS] Guf 27/10/16 SM4SH Singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
7th Victoria Pazx 26/10/2016 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #18 "Redemption" Bracket Dr. MarioGanondorfLucinaMr. Game and WatchSheik
49th New South Wales Leonsii 23/10/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive #3 WiiU Singles Dr. Mario
13th New South Wales Leonsii 23/10/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive #3 WiiU Amateurs Dr. Mario
5th South Australia Andre 23/10/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 5 Singles Dr. MarioZero Suit Samus
17th Victoria Insie 22/10/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2016 wii u pro bracket Dr. MarioIke
13th New South Wales Leonsii 22/10/2016 [NSW] Spooky Cup 3 WiiU Singles Dr. Mario
9th Tasmania Jai2Go 20/10/2016 [TAS] Guf 20/10/16 SM4SH Singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
5th Victoria Insie 14/10/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #39 Wii U singles Dr. MarioIke
9th Tasmania Jai2Go 13/10/2016 [TAS] Guf 13/10/16 SM4SH Singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
7th Tasmania Jai2Go 6/10/2016 [TAS] Guf 6/10/16 SM4SH singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
3rd South Australia Andre 25/09/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 4 SAFGC R4 Smash 4 Dr. MarioMarthZero Suit Samus
2nd Western Australia Poppt1 21/09/2016 [WA] BigWinBeer's Smash Extravaganza XV - Low Tier Tournament BigWinBeer's Smash Extravaganza XV - Low Tier Tournament Dr. MarioKirbyLinkLittle Mac
5th South Australia Andre 16/09/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 September 16/09/16 Evac September Smash 4 Dr. MarioMarthZero Suit Samus
5th Tasmania Jai2Go 8/09/2016 [TAS] Guf 8/9/16 SM4SH Singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
9th Tasmania Jai2Go 1/09/2016 [TAS] Guf 1/9/16 SM4SH Singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
9th Tasmania Jai2Go 25/08/2016 [TAS] Guf 25/8/16 SM4SH singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
3rd New South Wales jasmine 21/08/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 17 Wii U Amateurs Captain FalconDiddy KongDonkey KongDr. MarioKirbyLinkMega ManPac-ManRandom
7th Tasmania Jai2Go 16/08/2016 [TAS] Guf 18/8/16 SM4SH singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
3rd Western Australia Read 10/08/2016 [WA] BigWinBeer's Smash Extravaganza: FUNdraiser Smash 4 Singles Captain FalconCloudCorrinDonkey KongDr. MarioFoxGanondorfLucinaMarioMarth
3rd Tasmania Jai2Go 28/07/2016 [TAS] Guf 28/7/16 Wii U singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
7th Tasmania Jai2Go 14/07/2016 [TAS] Guf 14/7/16 Wii U singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
3rd Victoria Duon 12/07/2016 [VIC] Guf Werribee weekly 4 Singles Dr. MarioFoxLittle MacLuigi
17th New Zealand MrHealthy 9/07/2016 [NZ] The Windbox #2 Smash 4 Singles Dr. MarioKirby
9th Tasmania Jai2Go 7/07/2016 [TAS] Guf 7/7/16 Wii U singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
4th Western Australia JonCheee 30/06/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 7 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 7 Secondary Bracket Captain FalconCloudCorrinDr. MarioFoxLittle MacMarioMarthRoySheikToon LinkZelda
2nd Victoria Gary 29/06/2016 [VIC] Guf Geelong 46 Singles BowserCaptain FalconCloudDr. MarioJigglypuffKing DededeKirbyLinkMarioMr. Game and WatchPikmin & OlimarRandomRobinRosalina & LumaRyuShulkSonicZelda
4th New South Wales Killy 10/06/2016 [NSW] Ganon's Boss Battle 8 Wii U singles BayonettaBowser Jr.Dr. MarioFalcoLittle MacLucinaRyu
5th Tasmania Jai2Go 2/06/2016 [TAS] Guf 2/6/16 Wii U singles Dr. Mario
9th Tasmania Jai2Go 26/05/2016 [TAS] Guf 26/5/16 Wii U singles Dr. MarioMewtwo
5th Western Australia Little Z 20/04/2016 [WA] BigwinBeer Presents: Low Tiers BigwinBeer Presents: Low Tiers Dr. Mario
4th Western Australia Sable 20/04/2016 [WA] BigwinBeer Presents: Low Tiers BigwinBeer Presents: Low Tiers Dr. Mario
13th New South Wales jasmine 20/03/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 11 S4 Amateurs Dr. MarioPac-Man
7th New Zealand MrHealthy 12/03/2016 [NZ] Yosh Land Smash 1 Yosh Land Smash SSB4 1 Dr. MarioMarth
9th Queensland Cap 4/03/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #38 guf 38 Captain FalconDiddy KongDr. MarioMario
7th New Zealand MrHealthy 28/02/2016 [NZ] Skynet Ranbats 28/02/16 Smash 4 Singles Dr. MarioMarth
2nd Queensland Cap 27/02/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 17 Non Pro Captain FalconDiddy KongDr. Mario
13th Australian Capital Territory Bloom 21/02/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 10 Wii U Amateurs Dr. MarioDuck Hunt DuoLittle MacMarth
5th New Zealand MrHealthy 20/02/2016 [NZ] The Windbox #0 Smash 4 Singles Dr. MarioLucinaMarioMarth
4th Victoria Ignis 13/02/2016 [VIC] S@S February Extravaganza Wii U singles CorrinDr. MarioMario
9th New Zealand MrHealthy 6/02/2016 [NZ] Petone Ranbats February 2016 Final Smash Smash 4 Singles Dr. Mario
4th Victoria Ignis 30/01/2016 [VIC] Googers' Outback Jamboree II Singles Dr. MarioMarioRobin
7th Victoria Tibs 23/01/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2016 Wii U singles Dr. Mario
3rd New Zealand MrHealthy 23/01/2016 [NZ] Petone Ranbats January 2016 Smash 4 Singles Captain FalconDr. MarioNess
3rd Victoria Ignis 23/01/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2016 Wii U singles Dr. MarioMarioRobin
4th New South Wales jasmine 1/01/2016 [ACT] ACT Smash 'n' Chill 2 Wii U Amateurs Dr. MarioMii SwordfighterPac-Man
3rd Australian Capital Territory Bloom 1/01/2016 [ACT] ACT Smash 'n' Chill 2 Wii U Amateurs Dr. MarioGanondorf
17th Queensland Kelasius 18/12/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #29 Singles Dr. Mario
17th Western Australia Maribro 17/12/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 17th Dec Curtin Smashfest No. 99: Smash 4 Captain FalconCloudDr. MarioDuck Hunt DuoRobin
7th South Australia Andre 15/12/2015 [SA] StreetGeek 15.12 StreetGeek 15.12 Dr. MarioZero Suit Samus
5th New Zealand MrHealthy 12/12/2015 [NZ] Petone Ranbats 12/12/15 Smash 4 Singles Dr. Mario
3rd Queensland Kenlith 12/12/2015 [QLD] Casualty #04 Smash 4 Singles Dr. MarioLucina
17th Queensland Kelasius 11/12/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #28 Singles Dr. Mario
25th Queensland Kelasius 5/12/2015 [QLD] BIG GUF SMASH - Mission 50% Compree - FNS Pros Dr. Mario
2nd Victoria Tibs 8/11/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2015 Wii U pro bracket Dr. Mario
17th New Zealand MrHealthy 6/11/2015 [NZ] More Forward Smash #12 Wii U Singles Dr. Mario
17th Queensland Kelasius 6/11/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #24 Singles Dr. Mario
17th Queensland Kelasius 30/10/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #23 Singles Dr. Mario
1st Victoria Ignis 21/10/2015 [VIC] Guf Geelong 11 Guf Geelong 11 Dr. MarioMarioRobin
5th New South Wales Scarpian 4/10/2015 [NSW] SGT. Sunday Smash | Melee | Wii U | PM | 64 | 3DS | RoA SGT. Wii U Top 16 Captain FalconDonkey KongDr. MarioIkeLinkLittle MacMarioPitRyu
7th Victoria Tibs 26/09/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2015 Wii U singles Dr. Mario
9th Tasmania Jai2Go 13/08/2015 [TAS] Smash Thursdays #6 Smash Thursdays #6 Dr. Mario
9th Tasmania Jai2Go 23/07/2015 [TAS] Smash Thursdays #5 Smash Thursdays #5 Dr. Mario
17th Queensland Cap 17/07/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #8 Singles Dr. Mario
17th Queensland Cap 3/07/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #6 Singles Dr. Mario
17th Queensland Cap 26/06/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #5 Singles Dr. MarioMario
2nd Victoria Tibs 20/06/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors June 2015 Wii U singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
1st Queensland Jezmo 19/04/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 7 SM4SH Pro Bracket Captain FalconDiddy KongDr. MarioJigglypuffNessPikachuZero Suit Samus
17th Queensland Radax 11/04/2015 [QLD] AutumnSmash 2015 Singles Pro Dr. Mario
1st Queensland Jezmo 11/04/2015 [QLD] AutumnSmash 2015 Singles Pro Captain FalconDiddy KongDr. MarioPikachuPit
1st Victoria Tibs 21/03/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors March 2015 wii u singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
33rd Queensland Dogtime 21/02/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 5 Wii U Novice Captain FalconDr. MarioMr. Game and Watch
33rd Queensland Dogtime 3/01/2015 [QLD] PLAY Warehouse IX Wii U Singles Dr. MarioKing DededeLuigi
13th Queensland DThatch 13/12/2014 [QLD] UQ Smash 3 Wii U Singles Dr. Mario