
13th Victoria Trojans 4/12/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #53 Star Forge #53 Diddy KongDonkey KongLucinaMarioMetaknight
13th Victoria Hazzacka 4/12/2018 [VIC] EBS LXXVI Smash 4 Singles Bracket Diddy Kong
4th New South Wales Ryan 4/12/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #53 Star Forge #53 Diddy Kong
4th Victoria Piski 4/12/2018 [VIC] EBS LXXVI Smash 4 Singles Bracket Diddy Kong
4th Victoria Piski 30/11/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #26 Nekocards Fortnightly #24 Diddy Kong
3rd New South Wales Ryan 29/11/2018 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 3 GvP Super Smash Thursdays III - Sm4sh Singles Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Toketchan 29/11/2018 [QLD] Smash @ The Jack 1 - Smash 4 Farewell Smash @ the Jack CloudDiddy KongLucasMr. Game and WatchPikachu
9th New South Wales Ryan 27/11/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #52 Star Forge #52 Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Piski 27/11/2018 [VIC] EBS LXXV Smash 4 Singles Bracket Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 24/11/2018 [VIC] Couchwarriors Nov 2018 Smash 4 Singles Top 32 Diddy Kong
5th Victoria B-2 24/11/2018 [VIC] Couchwarriors Nov 2018 Smash 4 Singles Pools Diddy Kong
3rd Queensland schooner 24/11/2018 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD November Ranbat Smash 4 Singles Pro bracket Diddy KongDonkey Kong
2nd New South Wales Ryan 24/11/2018 [NSW] Final Fight 12 Final Fight 12 - Smash Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
2nd Victoria Piski 24/11/2018 [VIC] Couchwarriors Nov 2018 Smash 4 Singles Pools Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Piski 21/11/2018 [VIC] Guf Geelong 168 Wii U Singles CloudDiddy Kong
17th New South Wales Ryan 20/11/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #51 Bracket Diddy Kong
9th New South Wales Ryan 13/11/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #50 Bracket Diddy Kong
4th South Australia Jacko 11/11/2018 [SA] Revival of SA #5 Revival of SA #5 Diddy KongMega ManPalutena
5th New South Wales Ryan 6/11/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #49 Star Forge 49 Diddy Kong
9th New South Wales Ryan 30/10/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #48 Bracket Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Trojans 23/10/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #47 Starforge 47 Diddy KongFox
9th New South Wales Ryan 23/10/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #47 Starforge 47 Diddy Kong
17th New South Wales Ryan 21/10/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #5 Singles Top 24 Diddy Kong
3rd New South Wales Ryan 21/10/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #5 Singles Bracket Diddy Kong
2nd South Australia Taicho 19/10/2018 [SA] EVAC October 2018 EVAC October 2018 Bowser Jr.Diddy KongMewtwo
9th Victoria Piski 14/10/2018 [VIC] Stay Smashed October Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
7th New Zealand Aluf 6/10/2018 [NZ] Southern Cross Up 2018 SXU2018 Smash 4 Top 8 Diddy KongMario
9th New South Wales Ryan 2/10/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #46 Bracket Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Ryan 25/09/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #45 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
3rd New South Wales Ryan 18/09/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #44 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Ryan 17/09/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #43 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria B-2 7/09/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #21 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Ryan 4/09/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #42 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria P9 2/09/2018 [VIC] Melbourne E-Sports Open 2018 wii u singles Diddy KongSheikVillager
17th New South Wales Ryan 28/08/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #41 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Trojans 28/08/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #41 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongSheik
5th South Australia Jacko 24/08/2018 [SA] EVAC August 2018 EVAC August 2018 Diddy Kong
17th New South Wales Ryan 21/08/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #40 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
10th Victoria B-2 21/08/2018 [VIC] EBS LXII wii u singles Diddy KongKirby
9th Victoria Trojans 21/08/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #40 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongSheik
3rd South Australia Jacko 19/08/2018 [SA] Smash @ Pop Club #7 Smash @ Pop Club #7 Diddy KongPalutena
17th Victoria B-2 14/08/2018 [VIC] EBS LXI wii u singles Diddy Kong
25th Victoria B-2 12/08/2018 [VIC] Stay Smashed Aug 2018 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Piski 12/08/2018 [VIC] Stay Smashed Aug 2018 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
4th South Australia Jacko 12/08/2018 [SA] ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #4 ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #4 Diddy KongPalutena
9th Queensland Toketchan 8/08/2018 [WA] BigWinHouse Returns BigWinHouse Returns Diddy KongLucas
17th New South Wales Ryan 7/08/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #39 Bracket Diddy Kong
33rd Queensland Toketchan 4/08/2018 [WA] BigWin Championship BigWin Championship Top 48 Singles CloudDiddy KongLucas
17th Western Australia Ttam 4/08/2018 [WA] BigWin Championship BigWin Championship Top 48 Singles Diddy KongMario
3rd Queensland Toketchan 4/08/2018 [WA] BigWin Championship Smash 4 - Singles Pools Diddy Kong
2nd Western Australia Ttam 4/08/2018 [WA] BigWin Championship Smash 4 - Singles Pools Diddy KongMario
33rd Queensland Toketchan 3/08/2018 [WA] Pre-BigWinChampionship Pre-BigWinChampionship Singles Diddy Kong
9th South Australia Jacko 3/08/2018 [WA] Pre-BigWinChampionship Pre-BigWinChampionship Singles Diddy Kong
9th New South Wales Spike 2/08/2018 [NSW] GvP Q3 Episode 4 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongMarioZero Suit Samus
17th Queensland Toketchan 1/08/2018 [WA] B-Air in the BigWinInvitational B-Air in the BigWinInvitational Singles Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Ryan 31/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #38 Bracket Diddy Kong
5th South Australia Jacko 29/07/2018 [SA] Revival of SA #2 Revival of SA #2 Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 28/07/2018 [VIC] CouchWarriors Jul 2018 wii u pro Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
9th Victoria Piski 27/07/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #18 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
3rd New South Wales Spike 26/07/2018 [NSW] GvP Q3 Episode 3 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongMarioROB
13th New South Wales Ryan 24/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #37 Bracket Diddy Kong
13th Victoria B-2 24/07/2018 [VIC] EBS LVIII wii u singles Diddy Kong
4th New South Wales Spike 19/07/2018 [NSW] GvP Q3 Episode 2 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongMario
17th New South Wales Ryan 17/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #36 Bracket Diddy Kong
7th Victoria Trojans 17/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #36 Bracket CloudDiddy KongFoxSheik
5th South Australia Jacko 15/07/2018 [SA] ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #3 ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #3 Diddy KongPalutena
4th Queensland schooner 14/07/2018 [QLD] QUT Smash #5 Pros Diddy Kong
3rd Western Australia Ttam 11/07/2018 [WA] B-Air in the BigWinHouse I B-Air in the BigWinHouse I Singles Diddy KongMario
17th New South Wales Ryan 10/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #35 Bracket Diddy Kong
13th Victoria B-2 10/07/2018 [VIC] EBS LVI wii u singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 10/07/2018 [VIC] EBS LVI wii u singles Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Trojans 10/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #35 Bracket Captain FalconCloudDiddy KongDonkey KongFoxLucinaMarioZero Suit Samus
3rd Victoria Piski 9/07/2018 [VIC] Holy Mond4y 8 wii u singles Diddy Kong
4th South Australia Jacko 8/07/2018 [SA] Revival of SA Revival of SA Diddy Kong
9th New South Wales Ryan 3/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #34 Bracket Diddy KongJigglypuff
17th New South Wales Ryan 1/07/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Arcadian Bracket Diddy Kong
7th South Australia Jacko 1/07/2018 [SA] Smash @ Pop Club #6 Smash @ Pop Club #6 Diddy KongPalutena
9th New South Wales Ryan 26/06/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #33 Bracket Diddy KongJigglypuff
5th Victoria Trojans 26/06/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #33 Bracket CloudDiddy KongFoxLucinaMarioSheik
5th Victoria Piski 26/06/2018 [VIC] EBS LIV wii u singles Diddy Kong
25th New South Wales Ryan 19/06/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #32 Bracket Diddy Kong
2nd Western Australia Ttam 16/06/2018 [WA] Rabblemaster Games #15 Rabblemaster Games #15 Singles Diddy KongMario
5th Victoria Piski 12/06/2018 [VIC] EBS LII Wii U singles Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Ryan 12/06/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #31 Bracket Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Piski 10/06/2018 [VIC] Stay Smashed Jun 2018 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Ryan 5/06/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #30 Bracket Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Piski 5/06/2018 [VIC] EBS LI wii u singles Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Trojans 5/06/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #30 Bracket CloudDiddy KongFoxLucinaMarioMetaknightNessRyuZero Suit Samus
2nd South Australia Jacko 3/06/2018 [SA] Smash @ Pop Club #5 Smash @ Pop Club #5 Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Piski 1/06/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #14 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria Duon 1/06/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #14 Wii U singles Diddy KongFoxLucarioMario
1st South Australia Jacko 1/06/2018 [SA] EVAC June 2018 EVAC June 2018 Diddy KongPalutenaRobin
17th New South Wales Ryan 29/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #29 Bracket Diddy KongJigglypuff
5th Victoria Piski 29/05/2018 [VIC] EBS L Wii U singles Diddy Kong
2nd Victoria Piski 28/05/2018 [VIC] Holy Mond4y 6 wii u singles CloudDiddy Kong
5th Victoria Piski 22/05/2018 [VIC] EBS XLIX Wii U singles Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Ryan 21/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #28 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
33rd Victoria Piski 19/05/2018 [VIC] BAM 10 Wii U singles Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
25th Queensland schooner 19/05/2018 [VIC] BAM 10 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
33rd Victoria Piski 17/05/2018 [VIC] BAM10 Salty Suite Wii U singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Piski 15/05/2018 [VIC] EBS XLVIII wii u singles Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Ryan 15/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #27 Bracket Diddy Kong
4th Queensland schooner 11/05/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 148 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Ryan 8/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #26 Star Forge #26 Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Ryan 5/05/2018 [NSW] Smash Street May Bracket Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Piski 4/05/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #13 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
5th Queensland schooner 4/05/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 147 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
17th New South Wales Ryan 1/05/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #25 Wii U singles Diddy KongJigglypuff
4th Victoria Piski 30/04/2018 [VIC] Holy Mond4y 4 wii u singles CloudDiddy KongPikmin & Olimar
5th Queensland schooner 27/04/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 146 Singles Diddy Kong
2nd South Australia Jacko 27/04/2018 [SA] EVAC April 2018 EVAC April 2018 Diddy KongPalutenaZelda
2nd South Australia Jacko 25/04/2018 [SA] ESG Weekly #32 ESG Weekly #32 Diddy KongPalutena
7th Victoria Piski 24/04/2018 [VIC] EBS XLVI Wii U singles Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Piski 20/04/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #12 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
1st Queensland schooner 20/04/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 145 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Western Australia Ttam 18/04/2018 [WA] BigWinSmash 52 BigWinSmash 52 Singles Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Ryan 17/04/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #23 Star Forge #23 Diddy KongJigglypuff
5th Victoria Piski 16/04/2018 [VIC] Holy Mond4y 3 wii u singles Diddy Kong
17th New South Wales Ryan 15/04/2018 [NSW] Smash House #3 Smash Wii u Singles Diddy KongJigglypuff
2nd Victoria Trojans 15/04/2018 [NSW] Smash House #3 Smash Wii u Singles CloudDiddy KongDonkey KongFoxSheik
2nd South Australia Jacko 15/04/2018 [SA] ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #2 ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #2 Diddy Kong
1st Victoria SebPro101 11/04/2018 [VIC] Guf Geelong 137 Wii U singles Diddy KongRandomROB
17th New South Wales Ryan 10/04/2018 [NSW] Star Forge 22 Wii U singles Diddy KongJigglypuff
5th Victoria SebPro101 10/04/2018 [VIC] EBS XLV Wii U singles Diddy KongROB
17th New South Wales Ryan 3/04/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #21 Star Forge #21 Diddy KongJigglypuff
4th Victoria Trojans 3/04/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #21 Star Forge #21 Captain FalconCloudDiddy KongDonkey KongFoxSheik
13th New South Wales Ryan 27/03/2018 [NSW] Star Forge #20 Star Forge #20 Diddy KongJigglypuff
4th Victoria Piski 24/03/2018 [TAS] Tassie Fighter Con 3 Smash 4 Singles - TFC 3 Top 12 Diddy Kong
1st Victoria Piski 24/03/2018 [TAS] Tassie Fighter Con 3 Smash 4 Singles - TFC 3 Bracket Diddy Kong
5th South Australia Jacko 23/03/2018 [SA] Evac March 2018 Evac March 2018 Diddy Kong
4th South Australia Jacko 18/03/2018 [SA] Smash @ Pop Club #3 Smash @ Pop Club #3 Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Ryan 13/03/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly 9 Star Forge Fortnightly 9 Diddy KongJigglypuff
2nd Western Australia Ttam 11/03/2018 [WA] PCGA Smashdown 3 March PCGA Smashdown 3 March Singles Diddy KongRandomVillager
13th Victoria Hazzacka 9/03/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #10 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
9th Queensland schooner 9/03/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 139 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
4th Victoria Piski 9/03/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #10 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Piski 5/03/2018 [VIC] Holy Mond4y wii u singles CloudDiddy KongLucas
5th South Australia Jacko 4/03/2018 [SA] ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #1 ESG Smash 4 Stock Showdown #1 Diddy Kong
9th New South Wales Ryan 27/02/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly 8 Star Forge Fortnightly 8 Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Hazzacka 27/02/2018 [VIC] EBS XXXIX WIi U singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 24/02/2018 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Feb 2018 wii u pro Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Hazzacka 20/02/2018 [VIC] EBS XXXVIII Wii U singles Diddy Kong
4th South Australia Jacko 17/02/2018 [SA] Evac Feb 2018 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 14/02/2018 [SA] ESG Weekly #26 ESG Weekly #26 Diddy KongMetaknightToon Link
17th New South Wales Ryan 13/02/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #7 Bracket Diddy Kong
2nd Victoria Trojans 13/02/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #7 Bracket CloudDiddy KongSheik
13th Victoria Piski 11/02/2018 [VIC] Stay Smashed Feb 2018 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria SebPro101 11/02/2018 [VIC] Stay Smashed Feb 2018 Wii U redemption Diddy KongROB
3rd Victoria Piski 11/02/2018 [VIC] Stay Smashed Feb 2018 Wii U redemption CloudDiddy KongSonic
13th New South Wales Ryan 10/02/2018 [NSW] Smash Street 2 Bracket Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Piski 9/02/2018 [VIC] Nekocards #8 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
7th South Australia Jacko 7/02/2018 [SA] ESG Weekly #25 ESG Weekly #25 Diddy KongPalutena
5th Victoria Hazzacka 6/02/2018 [VIC] EBS XXXVI Wii U singles Diddy Kong
7th Queensland schooner 4/02/2018 [QLD] Fight For Flight 8 Pros Diddy Kong
4th South Australia Jacko 4/02/2018 [SA] Smash @ Pop Club #2 Smash @ Pop Club #2 Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Ryan 30/01/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #6 Bracket Diddy KongJigglypuff
9th Victoria Trojans 30/01/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #6 Bracket CloudDiddy KongFoxLuigiMarioMetaknight
9th Victoria Hazzacka 30/01/2018 [VIC] EBS XXXV Wii U singles Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Piski 30/01/2018 [VIC] EBS XXXV Wii U singles Diddy Kong
4th Queensland schooner 28/01/2018 [QLD] Reload Gaming Presents - Caloundra Smash 1 Bracket Diddy Kong
3rd Western Australia Ttam 24/01/2018 [WA] BigWinSmash 41 BigWinSmash 41 Singles Diddy KongSheik
17th Victoria Piski 21/01/2018 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2018 wii u pro Diddy Kong
5th Queensland schooner 19/01/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 134 Singles Diddy KongFoxLuigiMario
4th Western Australia Ttam 17/01/2018 [WA] BigWinSmash 40 BigWinSmash 40 Singles Diddy Kong
1st South Australia Jacko 14/01/2018 [SA] Smash at the Pop Club SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Switch 12/01/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 133 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongFox
3rd Queensland schooner 12/01/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 133 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongFalco
5th South Australia Jon Bombo 10/01/2018 [SA] Esg Weekly #21 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongToon LinkYoshi
5th Western Australia Ttam 10/01/2018 [WA] BigWinSmash 39 BigWinSmash 39 Singles Diddy Kong
4th South Australia Jacko 10/01/2018 [SA] Esg Weekly #21 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
17th New South Wales Ryan 9/01/2018 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #5 Singles Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Ryan 6/01/2018 [NSW] Larry's Blast Zone 1 Season 2 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Switch 5/01/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 132 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongFox
7th South Australia Jacko 3/01/2018 [SA] Esg Weekly #20 ESG Weekly #20 Diddy KongZero Suit Samus
5th Western Australia Ttam 3/01/2018 [WA] BigWinSmash 38 BigWinSmash 38 Singles Diddy KongMarthVillager
1st Queensland schooner 22/12/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 131 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Western Australia Ttam 20/12/2017 [WA] BigWinSmash 37 BigWinSmash 37 Singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Piski 19/12/2017 [VIC] EBS XXXI Wii U singles Diddy Kong
17th New South Wales Ryan 12/12/2017 [NSW] Star Forge 13 Bracket Diddy Kong
9th Western Australia Ttam 10/12/2017 [WA] Perthbound - A West Australian Regional PerthBound Singles Diddy Kong
65th Victoria B-2 9/12/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Dec 2017 wii u singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Piski 9/12/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Dec 2017 wii u singles Diddy Kong
7th Western Australia Ttam 6/12/2017 [WA] BigWinSmash 35 BigWinSmash 35 Singles Diddy Kong
9th Queensland schooner 3/12/2017 [QLD] Fight For Flight 6 Pros Diddy KongFoxMario
2nd New South Wales Spike 30/11/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q4 Episode 9 Smash Wii U Amateurs Bowser Jr.CloudDiddy KongFoxGanondorfJigglypuffMewtwoPikachuSamusYoshiZero Suit Samus
7th Western Australia Ttam 29/11/2017 [WA] BigWinSmash 34 BigWinSmash 34 Diddy KongVillager
13th South Australia Jacko 25/11/2017 [SA] SXC2K17 - Southern Cross Championships 2K17 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
9th South Australia Jon Bombo 25/11/2017 [SA] SXC2K17 - Southern Cross Championships 2K17 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongToon Link
2nd Queensland schooner 24/11/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 127 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongMario
7th South Australia Jacko 22/11/2017 [SA] Esg Weekly #9 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
5th Western Australia Ttam 22/11/2017 [WA] BigWinSmash 33 BigWinSmash 33 Diddy KongVillager
3rd Victoria Duon 22/11/2017 [SA] Esg Weekly #9 Smash 4 Singles Captain FalconDiddy KongFoxLittle Mac
9th South Australia Jacko 18/11/2017 [SA] SAFGC Spring Season R3 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria B-2 17/11/2017 [VIC] Nekocards 3 Nekocards 3 Diddy Kong
7th South Australia Jacko 15/11/2017 [SA] Esg Weekly #8 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongPalutenaZelda
33rd Victoria B-2 12/11/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2017 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Piski 12/11/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2017 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Duon 12/11/2017 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #1 Smash 4 Singles Pro Bracket Diddy KongFox
5th Victoria Duon 11/11/2017 [NSW] NSW Smash Circuit Finals WiiU Singles Diddy KongFoxLuigi
4th Queensland schooner 10/11/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 125 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongLuigiMario
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 8/11/2017 [SA] Esg weekly #7 Singles Diddy KongMetaknightToon Link
17th Victoria B-2 7/11/2017 [VIC] EBS XXVIII Wii U singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Trojans 7/11/2017 [NSW] Star Forge Fortnightly #2 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongDonkey KongFoxLuigiShulk
9th Queensland schooner 5/11/2017 [QLD] Fight For Flight 5 Pros CloudDiddy KongMarioZero Suit Samus
17th Victoria B-2 3/11/2017 [VIC] Nekocards 2 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 3/11/2017 [VIC] Nekocards 2 Wii U singles Diddy KongNessPikmin & OlimarSonic
7th South Australia Jacko 3/11/2017 [SA] Evac November Wii u singles Diddy Kong
7th South Australia Jon Bombo 1/11/2017 [SA] Esg Weekly #6 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongMetaknightToon Link
5th Victoria Piski 28/10/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2017 wii u pro Diddy Kong
5th Western Australia Ttam 28/10/2017 [WA] Master Sword 22 Master Sword 22 Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria Pazx 28/10/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 33 Wii U Top 8 BayonettaDiddy Kong
2nd Victoria Duon 28/10/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2017 wii u pro Diddy KongFoxLittle MacLuigi
17th Queensland Switch 27/10/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 123 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongFox
5th South Australia Jacko 22/10/2017 [SA] SAFGC Spring Season R2 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Western Australia Ttam 21/10/2017 [WA] Rabble Master Games #5 RabbleMaster Singles Diddy KongMarioMarthSheik
9th Victoria Piski 20/10/2017 [VIC] Nekocards 1 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
9th Western Australia Ttam 14/10/2017 [WA] Master Sword 21 Master Sword 21 Singles Diddy KongVillager
5th South Australia Jacko 11/10/2017 [SA] Esg Weekly #4 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongPalutena
2nd Victoria Pazx 11/10/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT 52 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria Duon 10/10/2017 [VIC] EBS XXVI Wii U singles Diddy KongFoxMario
9th South Australia Jacko 6/10/2017 [SA] Evac October 2017 Wii u singles Diddy Kong
9th Queensland Switch 6/10/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 120 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongFox
2nd South Australia Jon Bombo 6/10/2017 [SA] Evac October 2017 Wii u singles Diddy KongToon Link
7th South Australia Jacko 4/10/2017 [SA] Esg weekly #3 Wii u singles Diddy KongPalutena
5th Victoria Pazx 4/10/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT 51 s Diddy Kong
7th South Australia Jon Bombo 1/10/2017 [SA] Safgc r1 2017 Wii u singles BayonettaDiddy KongMetaknightToon Link
7th South Australia Jacko 1/10/2017 [SA] Safgc r1 2017 Wii u singles Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Pazx 30/09/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 32 Wii U Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
1st Western Australia Ttam 30/09/2017 [WA] Mushroom Cup 5 Mushroom Cup 5 - Singles Diddy Kong
7th Western Australia LoneZen 27/09/2017 [WA] BigWinSmash 25 BigWinSmash 25 - Redemption Diddy KongROB
5th South Australia Jacko 27/09/2017 [SA] Esg weekly #2 Singles Diddy KongPalutenaZelda
2nd South Australia Jon Bombo 27/09/2017 [SA] Esg weekly #2 Singles Diddy KongMetaknight
1st Western Australia Ttam 27/09/2017 [WA] BigWinSmash 25 BigWinSmash 25 - Redemption Diddy KongVillager
1st Victoria Pazx 27/09/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT 50 s Diddy Kong
25th Victoria Piski 23/09/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2017 wii u pro Diddy Kong
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 20/09/2017 [SA] Esg Weekly #1 Singles Diddy KongRoyToon Link
3rd Victoria Duon 20/09/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 108 Wii U singles Diddy KongFoxLuigiRyu
1st Victoria Pazx 20/09/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT 49 Singles Diddy Kong
25th South Australia Jacko 16/09/2017 [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 15 WiiU Singles Diddy KongPalutena
17th Victoria Piski 16/09/2017 [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 15 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Pazx 16/09/2017 [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 15 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Duon 16/09/2017 [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 15 WiiU Singles Diddy KongFox
7th Western Australia Ttam 16/09/2017 [WA] Master Sword 20 Master Sword 20 Diddy KongVillager
2nd Queensland Curtain 14/09/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #24 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongWario
5th Victoria Pazx 13/09/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT 48 Singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Trojans 12/09/2017 [NSW] Star Forge #4 WiiU Singles CloudDiddy KongFox
13th Victoria Piski 10/09/2017 [VIC] Stay Smashed Sep 2017 wii u singles Diddy Kong
7th Queensland schooner 10/09/2017 [QLD] Fight For Flight 3 Pro Diddy KongLuigi
2nd Queensland Curtain 10/09/2017 [QLD] Fight For Flight 3 Pro Diddy Kong
2nd Victoria Trojans 10/09/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 8 - HungryLuigi.jpg Singles Diddy KongFoxSheik
4th South Australia Jon Bombo 9/09/2017 [SA] ESG Monthly #3 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongToon Link
1st Tasmania Varous 9/09/2017 [TAS] Area 52 Q3 League #5 Smash 4 Singles CloudDiddy KongLuigiVillagerWario
9th Victoria Pazx 7/09/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT 47 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
4th Queensland Curtain 7/09/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #23 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
1st Victoria Pazx 7/09/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT 47 Redemption Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Duon 3/09/2017 [VIC] Over9k Sep 2017 wii u singles Diddy KongFoxMewtwo
7th South Australia Jacko 2/09/2017 [SA] Adelaide Uni Campus Cup Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
7th Western Australia Ttam 2/09/2017 [WA] Master Sword 19 Master Sword 19 Diddy KongVillager
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 2/09/2017 [SA] Adelaide Uni Campus Cup Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongMarthMetaknightToon Link
4th South Australia Jacko 1/09/2017 [SA] Evac September 2017 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongPalutena
9th Queensland schooner 31/08/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #22 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongFox
7th New South Wales Spike 31/08/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q3 Episode 9 Wii U Singles Diddy KongMarioSamus
2nd Queensland Curtain 31/08/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #22 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Australian Capital Territory Juno 30/08/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #46 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
2nd New South Wales jasmine 30/08/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #46 Redemption Bracket BayonettaDiddy KongNessPac-ManPit
2nd Victoria Pazx 30/08/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #46 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
2nd Victoria Duon 29/08/2017 [VIC] EBS XXII wii u singles Diddy KongDonkey KongFoxLucarioMewtwoShulk
17th Victoria Piski 26/08/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Aug 2017 Wii U wii u pro Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Duon 26/08/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Aug 2017 Wii U wii u pro Diddy KongFox
5th Queensland schooner 26/08/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 35 - August Wii U Bracket Diddy KongFoxLuigiMarioMetaknight
13th Queensland Switch 25/08/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 114 Singles CloudDiddy Kong
9th Queensland Switch 24/08/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #21 Smash 4 Singles CloudDiddy Kong
2nd Queensland schooner 24/08/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #21 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongFoxLuigiMario
4th Victoria Pazx 23/08/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #45 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
1st New South Wales jasmine 23/08/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #45 Redemption Bracket Diddy KongMarioMega ManMewtwoNessPac-ManPit
13th Tasmania Varous 19/08/2017 [TAS] Tasmania PR Circuit #1 Tasmania PR Circuit #1 Diddy KongVillager
7th Queensland schooner 19/08/2017 [QLD] FNS Saturday Special Baby! Smash4 Pro Diddy KongLuigi
7th Queensland Switch 19/08/2017 [QLD] FNS Saturday Special Baby! Smash4 Amateurs CloudDiddy KongFox
4th Victoria Pazx 19/08/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 30 Wii U Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
9th Queensland Switch 18/08/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 113 Singles CloudDiddy Kong
9th Queensland schooner 17/08/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #20 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongLuigi
2nd Queensland Curtain 17/08/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #20 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
2nd Victoria Pazx 16/08/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #44 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
4th Victoria Duon 15/08/2017 [VIC] EBS XXI Wii U singles Diddy KongFoxLittle MacMewtwo
7th Victoria Piski 13/08/2017 [VIC] Stay Smashed 5 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria Duon 13/08/2017 [VIC] Stay Smashed 5 Wii U singles Diddy KongFoxLittle Mac
5th South Australia Jacko 12/08/2017 [SA] ESG Monthly #2 Singles Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Switch 11/08/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 112 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongSheik
17th Queensland Switch 10/08/2017 [QLD] Super Smash 19 Feat: Tekken7 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Queensland schooner 10/08/2017 [QLD] Super Smash 19 Feat: Tekken7 Singles Diddy KongFoxLuigiMarioVillager
1st Queensland Curtain 10/08/2017 [QLD] Super Smash 19 Feat: Tekken7 Singles Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Pazx 9/08/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #43 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
9th New South Wales Spike 6/08/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 7- Ponies for Pudge Wii U Amateurs Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Ryan 5/08/2017 [NSW] Larry's Blast Zone #8 WiiU Singles Diddy KongJigglypuff
17th Queensland Switch 4/08/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 111 Smash4 Singles Diddy Kong
13th South Australia Jacko 4/08/2017 [SA] Evac August 2017 Singles Diddy KongZelda
2nd South Australia Jon Bombo 4/08/2017 [SA] Evac August 2017 Singles Diddy KongRoyToon Link
13th Queensland Switch 3/08/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #18 - Feat Fifa 17 Singles CloudDiddy Kong
3rd Queensland schooner 3/08/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #18 - Feat Fifa 17 Singles Diddy KongLuigiMario
7th Victoria Pazx 2/08/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #42 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria Duon 2/08/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 101 Wii U singles Captain FalconDiddy KongFoxGanondorf
2nd Victoria Duon 1/08/2017 [VIC] EBS XX Wii U singles Diddy KongFoxLucario
7th Victoria Piski 29/07/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 100 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
5th Queensland schooner 29/07/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 34 - July Wii U Pros Diddy KongLucinaLuigi
3rd Queensland Curtain 29/07/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 34 - July Wii U Pros Diddy Kong
2nd Victoria Duon 29/07/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 100 Wii U singles Diddy KongFox
17th Queensland Switch 28/07/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 110 Smash 4 Singles CloudDiddy Kong
9th Queensland Switch 27/07/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #17 - Feat Tekken 7 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
1st New South Wales Spike 27/07/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q3 Episode 4 Wii U Amateurs Bracket CloudDiddy KongMario
2nd Victoria Pazx 26/07/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #41 Singles Diddy Kong
1st Victoria Duon 26/07/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 99.5 wii u singles Diddy KongFoxLittle MacLucario
13th Victoria Piski 22/07/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Jul 2017 wii u pro Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
5th Victoria Duon 22/07/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Jul 2017 wii u pro Diddy KongFox
3rd Victoria Pazx 22/07/2017 [ACT] NA(t)D 1 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
9th Queensland Crabs 21/07/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 109 Smash 4 Singles CharizardDiddy KongDuck Hunt DuoKing DededeSonic
17th Queensland Switch 20/07/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #16 Singles Diddy KongFox
4th Queensland Curtain 20/07/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #16 Singles Diddy Kong
33rd New South Wales Ryan 16/07/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #5 Wii U Singles Diddy KongLucario
33rd New South Wales Spike 16/07/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #5 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
9th New South Wales Spike 16/07/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #5 WiiU Amateurs Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 15/07/2017 [VIC] Stay Smashed 4 Wii U singles CloudDiddy Kong
9th Western Australia LoneZen 15/07/2017 [WA] RabbleMaster Games 4 RabbleMaster Singles Diddy Kong
2nd South Australia Jon Bombo 15/07/2017 [SA] ESG Monthly #1 Singles Diddy KongToon Link
17th Queensland Switch 14/07/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 108 Smash4 Singles CloudDiddy Kong
13th Queensland Switch 13/07/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #15 Feat Tekken 7 Singles CloudDiddy KongFox
7th Queensland Crabs 13/07/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #15 Feat Tekken 7 Singles Bowser Jr.Diddy KongGreninjaKing Dedede
5th Victoria Pazx 13/07/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #39 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd New South Wales Spike 13/07/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q3 Episode 2 Smash Wii U Amateurs Diddy KongFoxJigglypuff
2nd Queensland Curtain 13/07/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #15 Feat Tekken 7 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria Duon 11/07/2017 [VIC] EBS XIX Pro bracket Diddy KongFox
49th New South Wales Spike 7/07/2017 [NSW] Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, The NewCastle Siege | July 7th - July 9th NCS Singles Diddy KongJigglypuff
25th New South Wales Revman 7/07/2017 [NSW] Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, The NewCastle Siege | July 7th - July 9th NCS Singles Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Doctor A.Ness 7/07/2017 [NSW] Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, The NewCastle Siege | July 7th - July 9th NCS Singles CloudDiddy KongFox
7th New South Wales Spike 7/07/2017 [NSW] Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, The NewCastle Siege | July 7th - July 9th NCS Amateurs Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria Duon 7/07/2017 [NSW] Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, The NewCastle Siege | July 7th - July 9th NCS Singles Diddy KongFox
9th Queensland Switch 6/07/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #14 Singles Diddy KongFox
3rd New South Wales Spike 6/07/2017 [NSW] Gvp Smash 4 Singles Q3 Episode 1 Smash Wii U Amateurs CloudDiddy KongJigglypuff
13th Victoria Piski 4/07/2017 [VIC] EBS XVIII Wii U singles Diddy Kong
1st Victoria Duon 4/07/2017 [VIC] EBS XVIII Wii U singles Diddy KongFoxLittle MacSamusSheik
25th Queensland schooner 1/07/2017 [QLD] Final Destination #2 - 1st + 2nd July |UQ Smash Major 2017 Wii U Bracket Diddy KongLuigiMario
4th Queensland Curtain 1/07/2017 [QLD] Final Destination #2 - 1st + 2nd July |UQ Smash Major 2017 Wii U Bracket Diddy Kong
25th Queensland Switch 30/06/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 106 Smash4 Singles CloudDiddy KongFox
5th South Australia Jacko 30/06/2017 [SA] Evac June 2017 #2 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Queensland Curtain 29/06/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #13 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd New South Wales Spike 29/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Season Finale Q2 Amateurs Play Offs Bowser Jr.Diddy KongJigglypuffMewtwo
7th Victoria Duon 28/06/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 96 Wii U singles Diddy KongFox
2nd Victoria Pazx 28/06/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #37 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
1st Queensland McJobo 25/06/2017 [QLD] UQ Pre-Destination Paradox Top 12 Diddy KongDonkey KongWario
17th New South Wales Ryan 24/06/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #53 WiiU Singles Diddy KongJigglypuffLucario
13th Western Australia LoneZen 24/06/2017 [WA] Rabblemaster Games 2 Sm4sh Singles Diddy Kong
4th Victoria Duon 24/06/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Jun 2017 Wii U wii u pro Diddy KongFox
1st Victoria Piski 24/06/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Jun 2017 Wii U wii u amateurs Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Switch 22/06/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #12 Wii U Singles CloudDiddy KongFox
9th Queensland Crabs 22/06/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #12 Wii U Singles Bowser Jr.CharizardDiddy KongDuck Hunt DuoGreninjaKing DededeSonic
7th New South Wales Spike 22/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 9 Smash Wii U Singles Diddy KongJigglypuff
5th Queensland schooner 22/06/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #12 Wii U Singles Diddy KongFoxLuigi
3rd Queensland McJobo 22/06/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #12 Wii U Singles Diddy KongDonkey KongMarioMewtwoRyuWario
3rd New South Wales Spike 22/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 9 Smash Wii U Amateurs Diddy KongDr. MarioJigglypuffLuigiMewtwoRandom
5th Victoria Pazx 21/06/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #36 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongFalcoMario
2nd Australian Capital Territory Juno 21/06/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #36 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
1st Victoria Duon 21/06/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 95 Wii U singles Diddy KongFox
9th Victoria Piski 20/06/2017 [VIC] EBS XVII wii u singles Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria Duon 20/06/2017 [VIC] EBS XVII wii u singles Diddy KongFoxLittle MacLuigi
13th New South Wales Spike 18/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 6 - A Day Late and a Dollar Short Smash Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
7th New South Wales Revman 18/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 6 - A Day Late and a Dollar Short Smash Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Duon 18/06/2017 [VIC] Stay Smashed #3 Wii U singles Diddy KongFox
3rd Victoria Piski 18/06/2017 [VIC] Stay Smashed #3 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
2nd New South Wales Spike 18/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 6 - A Day Late and a Dollar Short Smash Wii U Amateurs Diddy KongMario
17th Queensland Switch 15/06/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #11 Smash 4 Singles CloudDiddy Kong
13th Queensland ALP1NE 15/06/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #11 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongNess
5th New South Wales Spike 15/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 8 Smash Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Duon 14/06/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 94 Singles Diddy KongFoxLuigi
17th New South Wales Revman 11/06/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #4 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
17th New South Wales Spike 11/06/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #4 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
2nd Queensland Curtain 9/06/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 103 Smash4 Singles Diddy Kong
9th Queensland ALP1NE 8/06/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #10 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongNess
7th Queensland Switch 8/06/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #10 Smash 4 Singles CloudDiddy KongFox
4th New South Wales Spike 8/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 7 Smash Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria Duon 7/06/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 93 Wii U singles Diddy KongLuigiSamus
5th Victoria Duon 6/06/2017 [VIC] EBS XVI Wii U singles Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Mastodon 3/06/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 33 - June 2017 Pros Diddy KongMario
1st Victoria Duon 3/06/2017 [VIC] Over9k 4 wii u singles Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Switch 2/06/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 102 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongFox
13th New South Wales Spike 1/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 6 Smash Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales SpacemanBad 1/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 6 Smash Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
9th Queensland Switch 1/06/2017 [QLD] Super Smash Thursday - 1st of June Singles Diddy Kong
4th New South Wales Spike 1/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 6 Smash Wii U Amateurs Diddy KongMario
17th Victoria Pazx 28/05/2017 [QLD] PvP presents: Gold Coast to EVO 2017 Top 24 Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Curtain 28/05/2017 [QLD] PvP presents: Gold Coast to EVO 2017 Top 24 Diddy Kong
5th Queensland Switch 28/05/2017 [QLD] PvP presents: Gold Coast to EVO 2017 Amateur Diddy KongFox
2nd Victoria Duon 28/05/2017 [QLD] PvP presents: Gold Coast to EVO 2017 Top 24 Diddy KongFoxLittle Mac
13th New South Wales Revman 27/05/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #52 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
33rd Queensland Switch 26/05/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 101 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongFox
25th Queensland Crabs 26/05/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 101 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongDuck Hunt DuoSonic
13th Queensland Switch 25/05/2017 [QLD] Super Smash Thursday - 25th of May Singles Diddy Kong
9th New South Wales Spike 25/05/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 5 Smash Wii U Singles Bowser Jr.Diddy Kong
9th Queensland Crabs 25/05/2017 [QLD] Super Smash Thursday - 25th of May Singles Diddy KongDuck Hunt DuoSonic
3rd Queensland Curtain 25/05/2017 [QLD] Super Smash Thursday - 25th of May Singles Diddy Kong
2nd New South Wales Spike 25/05/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 5 Smash Wii U Amateurs Diddy Kong
4th Australian Capital Territory Juno 24/05/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #35 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
2nd Victoria Pazx 24/05/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #35 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Duon 23/05/2017 [VIC] EBS XV Wii U singles CloudDiddy Kong
25th New South Wales Spike 21/05/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #3 WiiU Singles Bowser Jr.Diddy KongMario
17th New South Wales Revman 21/05/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #3 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria Pazx 21/05/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #3 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
9th New South Wales Revman 20/05/2017 [NSW] Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, NSW Smash Circuit #2 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Spike 20/05/2017 [NSW] Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, NSW Smash Circuit #2 Smash Wii U Amateurs Diddy KongMario
5th South Australia Jacko 20/05/2017 [SA] Smash @ Greenlight #6 Singles Diddy KongPalutena
3rd Victoria Pazx 20/05/2017 [NSW] Gomaz Vs Pedro Presents, NSW Smash Circuit #2 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Flutter 20/05/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 32 - May 2017 Pros Diddy Kong
5th Queensland Curtain 19/05/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 100 Singles Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Switch 18/05/2017 [QLD] Super Smash Thursday - 18th of May Singles Diddy Kong
7th Queensland Crabs 18/05/2017 [QLD] Super Smash Thursday - 18th of May Singles Bowser Jr.CharizardDiddy KongDuck Hunt DuoGreninjaKing DededePitSonic
1st New South Wales Spike 18/05/2017 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles Q2 Episode 4 Smash Wii U Amateurs Diddy KongMario
1st Victoria Pazx 17/05/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #34 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
97th New South Wales Revman 12/05/2017 [VIC] BAM #9 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
65th South Australia Jacko 12/05/2017 [VIC] BAM #9 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
65th Victoria Piski 12/05/2017 [VIC] BAM #9 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Pazx 12/05/2017 [VIC] BAM #9 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Switch 12/05/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 99 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongFox
9th Queensland Switch 11/05/2017 [QLD] Super Smash Thursday - 11th of May Singles Diddy KongFox
9th Victoria Pazx 10/05/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 89 - Big Pre BAM Singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 9/05/2017 [VIC] EBS XIV Wii U singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Duon 9/05/2017 [VIC] EBS XIV Wii U singles Diddy KongFox
7th South Australia Jacko 5/05/2017 [SA] Evac May Singles Diddy KongPalutena
2nd South Australia Jon Bombo 5/05/2017 [SA] Evac May Singles Diddy KongLucinaMarioToon Link
13th Queensland Switch 4/05/2017 [QLD] Super Smash Thursday - 4th of May Singles Diddy KongFox
2nd Queensland Curtain 4/05/2017 [QLD] Super Smash Thursday - 4th of May Singles Diddy Kong
2nd Australian Capital Territory Juno 3/05/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #33 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
4th Queensland Flutter 1/05/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 31 - Labour Smash. Pro Diddy Kong
49th New South Wales Ryan 30/04/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #2 Wii U Singles Diddy KongJigglypuff
33rd New South Wales Revman 30/04/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #2 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Pazx 30/04/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #2 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
5th Western Australia Futurecow 29/04/2017 [WA] UWAnime Smash Tournament 2017 UWAnime Smash Tournament 2017 Diddy KongSonic
17th Queensland Switch 28/04/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 97 Singles Diddy KongFox
17th Queensland Switch 27/04/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #4 Singles Diddy KongFox
3rd Queensland Curtain 27/04/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #4 Singles Diddy Kong
2nd Victoria Pazx 26/04/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #32 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongPalutena
5th Victoria Princess 25/04/2017 [VIC] EBS XIII Wii U amateurs Dark PitDiddy KongLucina
5th Victoria Duon 23/04/2017 [VIC] Stay Smashed #2 Wii U singles Diddy KongFox
2nd Victoria Pazx 23/04/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 27 Smash 4 Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
1st Australian Capital Territory Juno 23/04/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 27 Smash 4 Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Piski 22/04/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Apr 2017 wii u singles Diddy Kong
17th New South Wales Ryan 22/04/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #51 Wii U Singles Diddy KongJigglypuff
13th New South Wales Revman 22/04/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #51 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Switch 20/04/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #3 Singles Diddy KongPeach
3rd Queensland Curtain 20/04/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #3 Singles Diddy Kong
4th Victoria Duon 19/04/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 86 Singles Diddy KongFox
2nd Victoria Pazx 19/04/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #31 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
2nd New South Wales jasmine 19/04/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #31 Smash 4 Redemption Bracket BayonettaDiddy KongJigglypuffMarthPac-ManSamusZelda
2nd Western Australia Futurecow 16/04/2017 [WA] Little Z's Easter Smash Bash Easter Smash Bash Diddy KongSonic
13th Queensland Curtain 15/04/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 30 - Easter Smash - April 2017 Top 24 Diddy Kong
7th South Australia Jacko 15/04/2017 [SA] Smash @ Greenlight #5 Singles Diddy Kong
4th New South Wales Ryan 15/04/2017 [NSW] Hornsby Gametraders 15/4/17 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongJigglypuff
9th Queensland Switch 14/04/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 95 Singles Diddy KongFoxPeach
3rd Queensland Curtain 14/04/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 95 Singles Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Switch 13/04/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #2 Singles Diddy KongPeach
3rd Australian Capital Territory Juno 12/04/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #30 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 11/04/2017 [VIC] EBS XI Wii U singles Diddy Kong
4th New South Wales Revman 9/04/2017 [NSW] GvP Volume 4 - The Smash Combine (Melee + Sm4sh) Smash 4 Pro Diddy Kong
7th New South Wales Ryan 8/04/2017 [NSW] Larry's Blast Zone 4 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongJigglypuff
9th South Australia Jacko 7/04/2017 [SA] Evac April Singles Diddy KongPalutena
9th Queensland Switch 6/04/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #1 Singles Diddy KongFox
2nd Queensland Curtain 6/04/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #1 Singles Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Pazx 5/04/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #29 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongMewtwoMii BrawlerPalutenaPikmin & OlimarRosalina & Luma
3rd Australian Capital Territory Juno 5/04/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #29 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
17th Victoria Piski 4/04/2017 [VIC] EBS X Wii U singles Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Curtain 3/04/2017 [QLD] Mountain Smash #4 Mountain Smash #4 Diddy Kong
7th Queensland Switch 1/04/2017 [QLD] PvP Gaming Presents: Smash #7 Singles Diddy KongFox
5th Victoria Pazx 1/04/2017 [NSW] Expand Gong #2 31st March - 2nd April. Top 48 Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Switch 31/03/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 93 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongFox
5th Victoria Pazx 29/03/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #28 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Australian Capital Territory Juno 29/03/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #28 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
3rd Australian Capital Territory Juno 26/03/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 26 Smash 4 Pro Bracket Diddy KongDr. Mario
2nd Victoria Pazx 26/03/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 26 Smash 4 Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
17th New South Wales Revman 25/03/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #50 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 25/03/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Mar 2017 wii u pro Diddy Kong
4th South Australia Jon Bombo 25/03/2017 [SA] ESG Smash Tournament | $500 Pot Bonus! Top 8 Diddy KongToon Link
2nd Queensland Curtain 24/03/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 92 Singles Diddy Kong
2nd Australian Capital Territory Juno 23/03/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #27 Wii U Singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
1st Victoria Pazx 23/03/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #27 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 21/03/2017 [VIC] EBS IX Wii U singles Diddy Kong
25th New South Wales Revman 19/03/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #1 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Pazx 19/03/2017 [NSW] Newtown Aero Dive #1 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Mastodon 18/03/2017 [QLD] PvP Gaming presents: Smash #6 Singles Diddy KongMarioRandomROB
9th Queensland schooner 18/03/2017 [QLD] PvP Gaming presents: Smash #6 Singles Diddy KongFoxLuigi
9th South Australia Jacko 18/03/2017 [SA] Smash @ Greenlight #4 Singles Diddy KongPalutena
5th Queensland Curtain 18/03/2017 [QLD] PvP Gaming presents: Smash #6 Singles Diddy Kong
25th Queensland Switch 17/03/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 91 Singles Diddy KongFox
13th South Australia Jacko 17/03/2017 [SA] Evac March 2017 Singles Diddy Kong
5th Queensland Curtain 17/03/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 91 Singles Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Crabs 12/03/2017 [QLD] Super Mountain Smash (SUNDAY EVENT) Amateurs CharizardDiddy KongDuck Hunt DuoKing DededeSheikSonic
9th Queensland schooner 11/03/2017 [QLD] PvP Gaming presents: Smash #5 Singles Diddy KongLuigi
9th Queensland Switch 11/03/2017 [QLD] PvP Gaming presents: Smash #5 Singles Diddy KongFox
4th Queensland Curtain 11/03/2017 [QLD] PvP Gaming presents: Smash #5 Singles Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Switch 10/03/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 90 Singles Diddy KongFox
13th Victoria Piski 10/03/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #52 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
5th Queensland Curtain 10/03/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 90 Singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 7/03/2017 [VIC] EBS Deez Wii U singles Diddy Kong
7th Queensland Mastodon 6/03/2017 [QLD] Mountain Smash #2 Mountain Smash #2 Bowser Jr.Diddy KongMarioROB
3rd Queensland Curtain 6/03/2017 [QLD] Mountain Smash #2 Mountain Smash #2 Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Pazx 4/03/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #49 WiiU Singles Diddy KongFalco
13th New South Wales Revman 4/03/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #49 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
7th Queensland schooner 3/03/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 89 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongLuigi
17th Western Australia Futurecow 25/02/2017 [WA] Game City: Smash Club #4 Game City: Smash Club #4 Diddy KongSonic
13th Queensland Mastodon 25/02/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 28 - February 2017 Pros Diddy KongMario
17th Queensland Switch 24/02/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 88 Singles Diddy KongFoxMarth
9th Victoria Piski 24/02/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #51 wii u singles Diddy Kong
4th Victoria Pazx 19/02/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 24 Smash 4 Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
1st Australian Capital Territory Juno 19/02/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 24 Smash 4 Redemption Bracket Diddy Kong
9th South Australia Jacko 18/02/2017 [SA] Smash @ Greenlight #3 Singles Diddy KongPalutena
17th Queensland Mastodon 17/02/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 87 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongMarioROB
13th Queensland Curtain 17/02/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 87 Smash4 Singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Piski 17/02/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #50 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
5th South Australia Jacko 17/02/2017 [SA] Evac Feb 2017 Singles Diddy KongPalutena
5th Queensland schooner 17/02/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 87 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongLuigi
7th Australian Capital Territory Juno 15/02/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #26 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Piski 12/02/2017 [VIC] Bowl's Club 2 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Switch 10/02/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 86 SM4SH SIngles Diddy KongMarth
17th Victoria Piski 10/02/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #49 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Insie 10/02/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #49 Wii U singles CharizardDiddy KongIke
9th Western Australia Futurecow 8/02/2017 [WA] BigWinBeer's Season Week 5 BigWinBeer's Season Week 5 Singles Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Switch 4/02/2017 [QLD] PvP Gaming presents: Smash #2 Singles Diddy KongFox
17th Queensland Curtain 3/02/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 85 Singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Booper 3/02/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #48 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 3/02/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #48 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
4th Australian Capital Territory Juno 1/02/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #24 - I, for one, welcome our new TO overlords Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
2nd Victoria Pazx 1/02/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #24 - I, for one, welcome our new TO overlords Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
7th Australian Capital Territory Juno 29/01/2017 [ACT] Capital Smash 23 Wii U Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
25th New South Wales Revman 28/01/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #48 Singles Diddy Kong
9th New South Wales Enn 28/01/2017 [NSW] York Street Battles #48 Singles CloudDiddy Kong
9th Queensland Crabs 28/01/2017 [QLD] Smash by the Beach #7 Pro Singles Diddy KongDuck Hunt Duo
5th Victoria Piski 28/01/2017 [VIC] CouchWarriors WiiU January 2017 wii u amateurs Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
33rd Victoria Piski 27/01/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #47 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Switch 27/01/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 84 Singles Diddy KongFoxMarth
17th Queensland Crabs 27/01/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 84 Singles Diddy KongDuck Hunt DuoKing DededeNess
4th Queensland Curtain 27/01/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 84 Singles Diddy Kong
4th Australian Capital Territory Juno 25/01/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #23 - Shmookipu is not Pazx13 Singles Diddy Kong
9th South Australia Jacko 21/01/2017 [SA] Smash @ Greenlight #2 Singles Diddy KongPalutena
5th Victoria Pazx 21/01/2017 [NSW] GvP Presents The GvP Invitational: Welcome to the Thunderdome Main Event - Singles Diddy Kong
5th Queensland Mastodon 21/01/2017 [QLD] PvP Gaming presents: Smash! Singles Bracket Diddy KongMarioROB
4th Victoria Pazx 21/01/2017 [NSW] GvP Presents The GvP Invitational: Welcome to the Thunderdome Seeded Singles Second Seeds Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Danzah 21/01/2017 [QLD] Level Up Lounge 7 | Grand Finale Super Smash Bros Jan 2017 Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Crabs 20/01/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 83 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongDuck Hunt Duo
7th Australian Capital Territory Juno 18/01/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #22 - wtf i love doubles now Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Pazx 18/01/2017 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #22 - wtf i love doubles now Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
33rd Victoria Piski 13/01/2017 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #46 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
7th Queensland Crabs 13/01/2017 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 82 Smash4 Singles Diddy KongDuck Hunt Duo
13th Victoria Light 12/01/2017 [VIC] Guf Geelong 71 singles Diddy Kong
33rd Victoria Light 10/01/2017 [VIC] EBS VI: Jash Saga Jash Saga Singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Piski 10/01/2017 [VIC] EBS VI: Jash Saga Jash Saga Singles Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
9th Victoria Light 10/01/2017 [VIC] EBS VI: Jash Saga Jash Saga Redemption Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Piski 10/01/2017 [VIC] EBS VI: Jash Saga Jash Saga Redemption Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
9th Queensland Crabs 10/01/2017 [QLD] Smash by the Beach #6 and a half Singles Diddy KongDuck Hunt DuoKing DededePikmin & Olimar
5th Queensland Flutter 7/01/2017 [QLD] UQ Smash 27 - January 2017 Pros BayonettaBowserCaptain FalconDiddy KongDonkey KongFoxGreninjaJigglypuffLittle MacLucinaLuigiMarioMarthMetaknightNessPalutenaRobinRosalina & LumaSamusSheikSonicVillagerZero Suit Samus
7th New South Wales jasmine 18/12/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 22 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongMarthNessPac-Man
5th Australian Capital Territory Juno 18/12/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 22 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
2nd Victoria Pazx 18/12/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 22 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
9th Tasmania Varous 17/12/2016 [TAS] Area 52 Summer League 1 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongWario
5th Western Australia Futurecow 17/12/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 16 & Oil Panic 15 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 16 Diddy KongSonic
4th Australian Capital Territory Juno 14/12/2016 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #20 Wii U Singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
3rd Victoria Pazx 14/12/2016 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #20 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
13th South Australia Jacko 11/12/2016 [SA] Smash @ Greenlight #1 Singles Diddy KongPalutena
2nd South Australia Jon Bombo 11/12/2016 [SA] Smash @ Greenlight #1 Singles Diddy KongKirbyToon Link
33rd Victoria Piski 10/12/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors December 2016 wii u singles Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
4th Queensland Crabs 10/12/2016 [QLD] ChriSmash by the Beach (#6) Amateur Bracket Diddy KongKing Dedede
1st Victoria Pazx 10/12/2016 [NSW] Final Fight 5 Wii U Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
49th Victoria Piski 9/12/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #45 Wii U singles Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
13th South Australia Jacko 9/12/2016 [SA] EVAC SMASH 4 DEC Singles Diddy KongPalutenaZelda
13th Queensland Curtain 9/12/2016 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 77 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Duon 9/12/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #45 Wii U singles Diddy KongFoxLittle MacRyu
7th Queensland Crabs 9/12/2016 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 77 SM4SH Singles Diddy KongDuck Hunt DuoSonic
1st Victoria Pazx 7/12/2016 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #19 Wii U Singles Diddy KongFalco
5th Australian Capital Territory Juno 4/12/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 21 Wii U Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
1st Victoria Pazx 4/12/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 21 Wii U Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
3rd Western Australia Futurecow 3/12/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 15 and Oil Panic 15 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 15 and Oil Panic 15 Diddy KongSonic
33rd South Australia Jacko 2/12/2016 [SA] SXC2K16 - Southern Cross Championships 2K16 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Crabs 2/12/2016 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 76 Friday Night Smash 76 Diddy KongDuck Hunt DuoKing DededeRandom
13th Queensland Curtain 2/12/2016 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 76 Friday Night Smash 76 Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Duon 30/11/2016 [VIC] Digital Bunker wii u singles Diddy KongFox
2nd Victoria Duon 29/11/2016 [VIC] EBS: Big Vinnie_OC Saga Wii U Singles Diddy KongFoxLittle MacRyu
17th Victoria Piski 26/11/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2016 wii u pro bracket Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
3rd New South Wales Revman 26/11/2016 [NSW] York Street Battles #47 WiiU Amateurs Diddy Kong
33rd Victoria Piski 25/11/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #44 Wii U singles Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
9th New South Wales Revman 20/11/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive #4 WiiU Amateurs Diddy Kong
9th South Australia Jacko 13/11/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 6 Singles Diddy KongPalutena
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 13/11/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 6 Singles Diddy KongToon Link
13th Queensland Curtain 11/11/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #73 GUF Friday Night Smash #73 Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Piski 11/11/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #43 Wii U singles Diddy KongSheik
9th South Australia Jacko 11/11/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 November Singles Diddy Kong
4th South Australia Jon Bombo 11/11/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 November Singles Diddy KongToon Link
9th New South Wales Naughtybird42 10/11/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles - 10/11/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 10/11/2016 Pro Diddy Kong
3rd Western Australia Futurecow 10/11/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 14 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 14 Diddy Kong
5th Western Australia Futurecow 6/11/2016 [WA] Stratagem Smash Bros. 20 Stratagem Smash Bros No. 20 Diddy Kong
33rd Victoria Piski 4/11/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #42 Wii U singles Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
13th New South Wales Revman 4/11/2016 [NSW] Ganon's Final Boss Battle Wii U singles Diddy Kong
9th Queensland Curtain 4/11/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #72 Singles Diddy Kong
7th Victoria Pazx 4/11/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #42 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
7th Victoria Pazx 30/10/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 20 Smash 4 Redemption BowserDiddy KongGreninjaPikmin & OlimarRosalina & Luma
13th New South Wales Revman 29/10/2016 [NSW] York Street Battles #46 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
17th South Australia Jacko 23/10/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 5 Singles Diddy KongLucina
17th New South Wales Revman 23/10/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive #3 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
13th South Australia Amarelo 23/10/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 5 Singles CorrinDiddy KongGreninjaMewtwoVillager
13th New South Wales Scarpian 23/10/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive #3 WiiU Singles Captain FalconDiddy KongMarioRyu
2nd South Australia Jon Bombo 23/10/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 5 Singles Diddy KongToon Link
5th New South Wales Ryan 22/10/2016 [NSW] Hornsby Gametraders 22/10/16 WiiU Singles Diddy KongJigglypuff
33rd Victoria Piski 14/10/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #39 Wii U singles Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
17th Queensland Danzah 14/10/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #69 Singles Diddy KongMewtwoSheik
13th New South Wales Revman 14/10/2016 [NSW] Ganon's Boss Battle 15 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
13th South Australia Jacko 14/10/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 October Singles Diddy KongPalutena
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 14/10/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 October Singles Diddy KongLuigiToon Link
25th New South Wales Revman 1/10/2016 [NSW] eSports Arena at EB Expo WiiU Top 32 Diddy Kong
9th South Australia Jacko 1/10/2016 [SA] Street Geek X Street Geek X 2016 Diddy KongPalutena
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 1/10/2016 [SA] Street Geek X Street Geek X 2016 Diddy KongLucasToon Link
5th Western Australia Futurecow 29/09/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 11 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 11 Diddy Kong
9th South Australia Jacko 25/09/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 4 SAFGC R4 Smash 4 Diddy Kong
4th Queensland Danzah 25/09/2016 [QLD] Level Up Lounge Season 2 Final Smash League 2 Finals Diddy KongSheik
2nd South Australia Jon Bombo 25/09/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 4 SAFGC R4 Smash 4 Diddy KongLuigiRandomSonicToon Link
9th Queensland Flutter 24/09/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 23 Top 32 Diddy KongFoxMetaknightNessPalutena
3rd New South Wales Revman 24/09/2016 [NSW] York Street Battles #45 WiiU Amateurs Diddy Kong
7th New South Wales Revman 23/09/2016 [NSW] Ganon's Boss Battle 14 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
17th New South Wales Naughtybird42 17/09/2016 [NSW] Final Fight 4 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
17th South Australia Jacko 16/09/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 September 16/09/16 Evac September Smash 4 Diddy Kong
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 16/09/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 September 16/09/16 Evac September Smash 4 CloudDiddy KongKirbySonicToon Link
7th New South Wales Naughtybird42 15/09/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles - 15/09/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 15/09/2016 PRO Diddy Kong
17th Western Australia Futurecow 9/09/2016 [WA] DI Another Day 2: 9 -11 September DI Another Day 2: Wii U Top 32 Diddy Kong
1st Western Australia Futurecow 9/09/2016 [WA] DI Another Day 2: 9 -11 September Wii U Pools Diddy Kong
7th Western Australia Futurecow 4/09/2016 [WA] Smash 4 Singles September @ Myriade 2016 [LAST] Smash 4 Singles September @ Myriade 2016 [LAST] Diddy Kong
7th Victoria Conan 4/09/2016 [VIC] EBS DIAD2 Donation Drive EBS DIAD2 Donation Drive CorrinDark PitDiddy Kong
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 4/09/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 3 SAFGC R3 Smash 4 Diddy KongLucasToon Link
25th Victoria Piski 2/09/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #35 Smash @ Swanston #35 Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
2nd Victoria Piski 27/08/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Aug 2016 Wii U amateur bracket Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
65th New South Wales Revman 26/08/2016 [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 14: 26th - 28th August WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
3rd New South Wales jasmine 21/08/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 17 Wii U Amateurs Captain FalconDiddy KongDonkey KongDr. MarioKirbyLinkMega ManPac-ManRandom
2nd Queensland Danzah 20/08/2016 [QLD] Casualty Fortnightly #10 Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongSheik
1st Queensland Flutter 20/08/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 22 Amateurs Diddy KongFoxLucarioNessPeachRandomSheik
9th South Australia Jacko 19/08/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 August 2016 Wii U singles Diddy KongPalutena
13th New South Wales Naughtybird42 18/08/2016 [NSW] GvP Smash 4 Singles - 18/08/2016 GvP Smash 4 Singles - 18/08/2016 AMATEUR Diddy Kong
9th Western Australia Futurecow 18/08/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 9 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 9 Diddy Kong
9th Victoria JLo 17/08/2016 [VIC] Guf Geelong 52 Singles Diddy Kong
25th New South Wales Revman 14/08/2016 [NSW] Great Cave Offensive - Smash 4 & N64 WiiU Top 32 Diddy Kong
33rd Victoria Piski 12/08/2016 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #34 Singles Diddy KongPikmin & Olimar
25th Western Australia Maribro 10/08/2016 [WA] BigWinBeer's Smash Extravaganza: FUNdraiser Smash 4 Singles BayonettaBowser Jr.Diddy KongKing DededeMewtwoPalutenaRandomRoyWii Fit TrainerYoshi
4th Western Australia Futurecow 7/08/2016 [WA] Smash 4 Singles August @ Myriade 2016 Smash 4 Singles August @ Myriade 2016 Diddy Kong
1st Western Australia Poppt1 7/08/2016 [WA] Smash 4 Singles August @ Myriade 2016 Smash 4 Singles August @ Myriade 2016 Diddy Kong
5th Western Australia Futurecow 4/08/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 8 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 8 Diddy Kong
13th South Australia Jacko 31/07/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 2 SAFGC R2 Smash 4 Diddy KongPalutena
13th Victoria Piski 31/07/2016 [VIC] Pudge's Play House #1 Pudge's Play House #1 Diddy KongSheik
5th Victoria Piski 30/07/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U July 2016 wii u amateurs Diddy Kong
3rd Queensland Scrail 30/07/2016 [QLD] Smash by the beach #2 (Gold Coast) Not quite Pro CorrinDiddy KongMarth
17th New South Wales Revman 23/07/2016 [NSW] York Street Battles July 2016 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
17th South Australia Jacko 22/07/2016 [SA] EVAC 2016 July SM4SH SM4SH singles Diddy KongPalutena
17th Queensland Scrail 22/07/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #57 Singles CorrinDiddy KongLuigi
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 22/07/2016 [SA] EVAC 2016 July SM4SH SM4SH singles Diddy KongLucasToon Link
9th New South Wales Revman 15/07/2016 [NSW] Ganon's Boss Battle 12 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
9th Western Australia Futurecow 10/07/2016 [WA] Smash 4 Singles July @ Myriade 2016 Smash 4 Singles July @ Myriade 2016 Diddy Kong
17th New South Wales Revman 8/07/2016 [NSW] Ganon's Boss Battle 11 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
49th Victoria Piski 3/07/2016 [VIC] Outback Jamboree 3 Singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria JLo 3/07/2016 [VIC] Outback Jamboree 3 Singles Diddy Kong
2nd Western Australia Futurecow 3/07/2016 [WA] Stratagem Smash Bros. 12 Stratagem Smash Bros. 12 Diddy Kong
4th New South Wales Revman 25/06/2016 [NSW] York Street Battles June 2016 Wii U Amateur singles Diddy Kong
13th South Australia Jacko 24/06/2016 [SA] EVAC June 2016 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
1st South Australia Jon Bombo 24/06/2016 [SA] EVAC June 2016 Wii U singles Diddy KongROBToon Link
13th Queensland Raibok 19/06/2016 [QLD] Stacked 3 Ams Diddy KongLuigi
3rd New South Wales Revman 19/06/2016 [NSW] SGT Sundays S2E12 WiiU Amateurs Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Revman 14/06/2016 [NSW] UTS Tuesday Smash 7 WiiU bracket Diddy Kong
3rd Western Australia Futurecow 13/06/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 6 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 6 Diddy Kong
7th Western Australia Futurecow 12/06/2016 [WA] Smash 4 Singles June @ Myriade 2016 Smash 4 Singles June @ Myriade 2016 Diddy Kong
4th South Australia Jon Bombo 12/06/2016 [SA] Zesty Tourney @ Cons Zesty Tourney @ Cons Diddy KongLucasToon Link
9th New South Wales Revman 7/06/2016 [NSW] UTS Tuesday Smash 6 WiiU Singles Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Raibok 5/06/2016 [QLD] Smash by the beach #1 Singles Captain FalconDiddy KongLuigi
5th Western Australia Futurecow 5/06/2016 [WA] Stratagem Smash Bros. 10 Stratagem Smash Bros. 10 Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Flutter 4/06/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 21 - Storm Smash Pro U Diddy KongFoxNessZero Suit Samus
17th South Australia Jacko 4/06/2016 [SA] StreetGeek 16.6 Wii U singles Diddy KongZelda
17th Victoria JLo 4/06/2016 [VIC] Over9k 2 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Yellow 4/06/2016 [VIC] Over9k 2 Wii U singles Diddy KongMarioMega Man
7th South Australia Jon Bombo 4/06/2016 [SA] StreetGeek 16.6 Wii U singles Diddy KongToon Link
5th Victoria Conan 4/06/2016 [VIC] Over9k 2 Wii U singles CorrinDiddy Kong
3rd New South Wales Doctor A.Ness 4/06/2016 [NSW] Final Fight 3 WiiU Top 18 Diddy KongFoxMetaknight
5th Western Australia Futurecow 2/06/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 5 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 5 BowserDiddy Kong
13th South Australia Jacko 29/05/2016 [SA] SAFGC Season 2016 Round 1 SAFGC 2016 R1 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
17th New South Wales Revman 28/05/2016 [NSW] York Street Battles May 2016 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Revman 24/05/2016 [NSW] UTS Tuesday Smash 4 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
2nd Victoria Pazx 14/05/2016 [ACT] Andrometa Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
123rd Victoria JLo 13/05/2016 [VIC] BAM 8 - 13-15th May Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET) Diddy Kong
94th South Australia Taco 13/05/2016 [VIC] BAM 8 - 13-15th May Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET) Diddy Kong
65th Victoria Gary 13/05/2016 [VIC] BAM 8 - 13-15th May Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET) BowserBowser Jr.CloudDiddy KongDuck Hunt DuoPac-ManRandom
9th New South Wales Revman 3/05/2016 [NSW] UTS Tuesday Smash 1 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
4th Victoria Pazx 1/05/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 13 Wii U Pro Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria JLo 27/04/2016 [VIC] Guf Geelong 38 Singles Diddy Kong
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 24/04/2016 [SA] StreetGeek 16.4 StreetGeek 16.4 Diddy KongToon Link
33rd Victoria JLo 23/04/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Apr 2016 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
3rd Western Australia Futurecow 17/04/2016 [WA] Smash 4 Singles April @ Myriade 2016 Smash 4 Singles April @ Myriade 2016 Diddy Kong
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 15/04/2016 [SA] Evac Smash 4 april Evac Smash 4 april Diddy KongToon Link
25th Victoria Piski 9/04/2016 [VIC] Over9k 1 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
5th Western Australia Futurecow 9/04/2016 [WA] Pixel Expo Smash For Wii U Season 1.02 Pixel Expo Smash For Wii U Season 1.02 Diddy Kong
17th Victoria JLo 26/03/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Mar 2016 wii u pro bracket Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Mastodon 26/03/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 18 - Easter Smash Pro U Diddy KongMarioMega ManROB
9th Western Australia Futurecow 24/03/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 4 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 4 Diddy Kong
5th Western Australia Futurecow 20/03/2016 [WA] Smash 4 Singles March @ Myriade 2016 Smash 4 Singles March @ Myriade 2016 Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria Pazx 20/03/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 11 Smash 4 Diddy Kong
9th Queensland Cap 18/03/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #40 Singles Diddy Kong
5th South Australia Jon Bombo 18/03/2016 [SA] EVAC March 2016 Smash 4 Tournament EVAC March 2016 Smash 4 Tournament Diddy KongToon Link
2nd Victoria Pazx 16/03/2016 [ACT] Rise of the ACT #1 The Battle for Second Place CloudDiddy Kong
9th Western Australia Futurecow 13/03/2016 [WA] Stratagem's Smash Bros. 4 Singles Diddy Kong
9th Western Australia Futurecow 10/03/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 3 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 3 BowserDiddy Kong
9th Queensland Cap 4/03/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #38 guf 38 Captain FalconDiddy KongDr. MarioMario
5th South Australia Jon Bombo 28/02/2016 [SA] SAFGC (Arena Test Tourney) SM4SH singles Diddy KongToon Link
2nd Queensland Cap 27/02/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 17 Non Pro Captain FalconDiddy KongDr. Mario
1st Queensland Jezmo 27/02/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash 17 Wii U Pro Diddy Kong
3rd Western Australia Futurecow 25/02/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 2 Smash West Presents: Master Sword 2 BowserDiddy Kong
17th Western Australia Futurecow 21/02/2016 [WA] Smash 4 Singles February @ Myriade Smash 4 Singles February @ Myriade 2016 Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Pazx 21/02/2016 [ACT] Capital Smash 10 Wii U Pro Singles Diddy Kong
65th Victoria Piski 20/02/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Feb 2016 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
33rd Victoria JLo 20/02/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Feb 2016 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
2nd Western Australia Futurecow 14/02/2016 [WA] Stratagem's Smash Bros. 2 Singles BowserDiddy Kong
5th Western Australia Futurecow 13/02/2016 [WA] Pixel Expo Smash For Wii U Season 1.01 Pixel Expo Smash For Wii U Season 1.01 Diddy Kong
9th Queensland Cap 12/02/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #35 Singles Captain FalconDiddy Kong
17th Western Australia Futurecow 11/02/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 1 Master Sword 1 Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Pogo 6/02/2016 [NSW] Final Fight 2 Wii U Singles Top 18 Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Cap 5/02/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #34 Singles Captain FalconDiddy Kong
2nd Western Australia Futurecow 31/01/2016 [WA] Strategem's Smash Bros. Tournament Strategem's Smash Bros. Tournament Diddy Kong
1st Victoria Pazx 31/01/2016 [ACT] Junkie Smashfest Mark I Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
25th Victoria JLo 23/01/2016 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2016 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
9th Western Australia Futurecow 23/01/2016 [WA] PRIME II - 23rd-24th Jan Prime 2: Smash 4 Top 32 Diddy Kong
2nd Western Australia Futurecow 23/01/2016 [WA] PRIME II - 23rd-24th Jan Prime II Wii U Pools Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Cap 22/01/2016 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #32 Singles Diddy Kong
7th Western Australia Futurecow 21/01/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Project M & Smash 4 Thursday! 21st Jan Smash 4 (109) Diddy Kong
9th Western Australia Futurecow 14/01/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Project M & Smash 4 Thursday! 14th Jan Curtin Smashfest No. 105: Smash 4 Diddy Kong
13th Western Australia JonCheee 10/01/2016 [WA] Smash 4 Singles January @ Myriade Smash 4 Singles January @ Myriade CloudDark PitDiddy KongLittle MacLucinaMarioNessPikachuShulkToon LinkZero Suit Samus
7th Western Australia Futurecow 10/01/2016 [WA] Smash 4 Singles January @ Myriade Smash 4 Singles January @ Myriade Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Jezmo 9/01/2016 [QLD] Smashbox V SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
13th Western Australia Futurecow 7/01/2016 [WA] Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Project M & Smash 4 Thursday! Curtin Smashfest No. 102: Smash 4 Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Khoa 2/01/2016 [VIC] MilTim III S4Singles Diddy KongFox
3rd Victoria Pazx 1/01/2016 [ACT] ACT Smash 'n' Chill 2 Wii U Pro Bracket Diddy KongNessPalutena
5th Victoria Pazx 27/12/2015 [ACT] ACT Smash 'n' Chill 1 ACT Smash 'n' Chill 1 Diddy KongNess
5th Victoria Pazx 20/12/2015 [ACT] Capital Smash 9 Wii U Top 8 Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Mastodon 19/12/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 15 Singles Pro Diddy KongMarioROB
17th Queensland Kami 19/12/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 15 Singles Pro Diddy KongKing Dedede
9th Queensland UMKO 19/12/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 15 Amature Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Mastodon 18/12/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #29 Singles Diddy KongMarioROB
9th Western Australia Futurecow 18/12/2015 [WA] Pixel Expo Smash 4 Preseason event Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
7th Queensland Cap 18/12/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #29 Singles Diddy Kong
9th Western Australia Futurecow 17/12/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 17th Dec Curtin Smashfest No. 99: Smash 4 Diddy Kong
9th South Australia Jon Bombo 15/12/2015 [SA] StreetGeek 15.12 StreetGeek 15.12 Diddy KongLucasToon Link
1st South Australia Ghost 15/12/2015 [SA] StreetGeek 15.12 StreetGeek 15.12 Diddy KongMetaknightSheik
5th Queensland Cap 11/12/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #28 Singles Diddy Kong
7th Western Australia Futurecow 10/12/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays Dec 10th Curtin Smashfest No 96: Smash 4 Diddy Kong
7th New South Wales Pogo 5/12/2015 [NSW] Ganon Boss Battle 3 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
9th Western Australia Futurecow 3/12/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 3rd Dec Curtin Smashfest No 92: Smash 4 Diddy Kong
13th Western Australia Futurecow 29/11/2015 [WA] Smash 4 Singles November @ Myriade 2 Smash 4 Singles November @ Myriade 2 Diddy Kong
7th New South Wales Pogo 29/11/2015 [NSW] SGT Ghetto Sunday Smash Wii U Singles Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
3rd New South Wales Patv 29/11/2015 [NSW] SGT Ghetto Sunday Smash Wii U Singles Pro Bracket Diddy KongDonkey Kong
25th Victoria Khoa 28/11/2015 [SA] SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 SM4SH Top 32 Diddy Kong
2nd Queensland Jezmo 28/11/2015 [SA] SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 SM4SH Top 32 Diddy Kong
1st South Australia Ghost 28/11/2015 [SA] SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 SM4SH Top 32 Diddy KongMetaknightSheik
5th Western Australia Futurecow 26/11/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 26th Nov Curtin Smashfest No 88: Smash 4 Diddy Kong
25th Victoria Jdizzle 22/11/2015 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston's End of Year EXTRAvaganza Wii U singles Diddy KongRoyToon Link
4th Victoria Duon 22/11/2015 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston's End of Year EXTRAvaganza Wii U singles Diddy KongFoxLittle Mac
13th Western Australia Smesty 21/11/2015 [WA] Smash Club #1 Smash Club #1 Diddy KongPeach
7th Western Australia Futurecow 21/11/2015 [WA] Smash Club #1 Smash Club #1 Diddy Kong
2nd Queensland Jezmo 21/11/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 14 Pro Bracket Captain FalconDiddy KongDonkey Kong
13th Western Australia Smesty 19/11/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 19th Nov Curtin Smashfest No 85: Smash 4 Diddy KongPeach
1st Western Australia Futurecow 19/11/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 19th Nov Curtin Smashfest No 85: Smash 4 BowserDiddy Kong
1st South Australia Ghost 13/11/2015 [SA] EVAC November Smash 4 EVAC November Smash 4 Diddy KongMetaknight
9th Western Australia Smesty 12/11/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 12th Nov Curtin Smashfest No 81: Smash 4 Diddy Kong
1st Victoria Duon 11/11/2015 [VIC] Guf Geelong 14 Guf Geelong 14 Diddy KongFoxLittle Mac
25th Victoria JLo 8/11/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2015 Wii U pro bracket Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Jdizzle 8/11/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2015 Wii U pro bracket Diddy KongRoyToon Link
7th Victoria Khoa 8/11/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2015 Wii U pro bracket Diddy KongFox
3rd Victoria Duon 8/11/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2015 Wii U pro bracket Diddy KongDonkey KongFoxGreninjaLittle Mac
13th Queensland Cap 6/11/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #24 Singles Diddy Kong
17th Western Australia shane3x 5/11/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 5th Nov Curtin Smashfest No 78: Smash 4 Diddy KongRobinRosalina & Luma
7th Western Australia Smesty 5/11/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 5th Nov Curtin Smashfest No 78: Smash 4 Diddy Kong
17th Western Australia Smesty 1/11/2015 [WA] Smash 4 Singles November @ Myriade 1 Sm4sh Singles Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Pogo 1/11/2015 [NSW] SGT. Sunday Smash | Melee | Wii U | PM | 64 | RoA SGT. Wii U Top 16 Diddy Kong
7th New South Wales Patv 1/11/2015 [NSW] SGT. Sunday Smash | Melee | Wii U | PM | 64 | RoA SGT. Wii U Top 16 Diddy KongDonkey Kong
2nd Victoria Pazx 1/11/2015 [ACT] Capital Smash 8 Wii U Amateurs - now with 50% more forfeiting (event DNF) Diddy KongNess
17th Western Australia Smesty 24/10/2015 [WA] PRIME: A Perth Smash BiMonthly #1 PRIME 1: Smash 4 Diddy Kong
13th Western Australia Futurecow 24/10/2015 [WA] PRIME: A Perth Smash BiMonthly #1 PRIME 1: Smash 4 BowserDiddy Kong
17th Western Australia Smesty 22/10/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 22nd Oct Curtin Smashfest No 75: Smash 4 Diddy Kong
17th Victoria Jdizzle 18/10/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2015 Wii U singles Diddy KongRoyToon Link
9th New South Wales Pogo 17/10/2015 [NSW] Final Fight 1 Wii U top 16 Diddy Kong
17th Western Australia Smesty 15/10/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 15th Oct Curtin Smashfest No 71: Smash 4 Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Pazx 11/10/2015 [ACT] Capital Smash 7 Wii U Pro Singles Diddy KongNess
9th Victoria Trojans 10/10/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 13 Pro Bracket Diddy KongSheik
1st Queensland Jezmo 10/10/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 13 Pro Bracket Diddy KongDonkey KongLuigiMarioPit
17th Western Australia shane3x 8/10/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays! Curtin Smashfest No 67: Smash 4 Diddy KongPikmin & OlimarRobinRosalina & Luma
13th Western Australia Smesty 8/10/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays! Curtin Smashfest No 67: Smash 4 Diddy Kong
7th New South Wales Pogo 4/10/2015 [NSW] SGT. Sunday Smash | Melee | Wii U | PM | 64 | 3DS | RoA SGT. Wii U Top 16 Diddy Kong
3rd New South Wales Killy 4/10/2015 [NSW] SGT. Sunday Smash | Melee | Wii U | PM | 64 | 3DS | RoA SGT. Wii U Top 16 Bowser Jr.Captain FalconDiddy KongDonkey KongFalcoGreninjaIkeKing DededeLuigiMarthMr. Game and WatchPikachuPikmin & OlimarSonicVillager
17th South Australia Taco 3/10/2015 [SA] StreetGeek 15.10 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
7th South Australia Taco 2/10/2015 [SA] EVAC 2015 October SM4SH SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
1st South Australia Ghost 2/10/2015 [SA] EVAC 2015 October SM4SH SM4SH Singles Diddy KongFoxSheik
13th Western Australia Smesty 1/10/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 1st Oct Sm4sh Diddy Kong
25th Victoria JLo 26/09/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2015 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
17th Western Australia Smesty 24/09/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Sm4sh and Project M Thursday Sept 24 Sm4sh Diddy Kong
13th New South Wales Pogo 20/09/2015 [NSW] SGT. Smash Sunday Weekly | Wii U | Melee | N64 | 3DS | PM Wii U Top 16 Diddy Kong
7th South Australia Taco 20/09/2015 [SA] SAFGC R6 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Jezmo 19/09/2015 [QLD] Smashbox III Singles Pro Captain FalconDiddy KongLuigi
17th Western Australia shane3x 17/09/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 17th Sept Curtin Smashfest No. 57: Smash 4 Diddy KongRobinRosalina & Luma
13th Western Australia shane3x 13/09/2015 [WA] Smash 4 Singles September @ Myriade Smash 4 Singles September @ Myriade Diddy KongRobinRosalina & Luma
5th Victoria Pazx 13/09/2015 [ACT] Capital Smash 6 Wii U Pro Singles Diddy KongLuigi
13th New South Wales Pogo 12/09/2015 [NSW] Never Stand Still #3 - UNSW Smash Brothers Society Tournament Smash 4 bracket Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Jezmo 12/09/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 12 Singles Pro Diddy KongDonkey KongLuigi
17th South Australia Taco 11/09/2015 [SA] EVAC September Smash 4 Fundraiser Tournament EVAC September Smash 4 Fundraiser Tournament Diddy Kong
1st South Australia Ghost 11/09/2015 [SA] EVAC September Smash 4 Fundraiser Tournament EVAC September Smash 4 Fundraiser Tournament Diddy KongSheik
13th Western Australia shane3x 10/09/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 10th Sept Smashfest 54: Smash 4 Diddy KongRobinRosalina & Luma
9th New South Wales Pogo 5/09/2015 [NSW] SGT. Saturday Underground Smash | Wii U | Melee | N64 SGT. Wii U Top 16 Diddy Kong
25th Victoria JLo 22/08/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors August 2015 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Jezmo 22/08/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 11 Singles Pro Captain FalconDiddy KongPikachu
2nd Queensland Jezmo 14/08/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #12 Singles Captain FalconDiddy KongPikachu
9th Queensland Mastodon 7/08/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #11 Singles - Pro Diddy KongMarioNess
13th New South Wales Pogo 2/08/2015 [NSW] SGT. @ The Undergound | PM | Wii U | Melee | N64 SGT. Wii U Top 16 Diddy Kong
2nd New South Wales Patv 2/08/2015 [NSW] SGT. @ The Undergound | PM | Wii U | Melee | N64 SGT. Wii U Top 16 Diddy KongDonkey Kong
9th New South Wales Pogo 1/08/2015 [NSW] GAMEFEST 2015 Gamefest Top 16 Diddy Kong
33rd Western Australia BigWin | Beer 30/07/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays Curtin Smashfest No. 42: Smash 4 Bowser Jr.Diddy KongYoshi
17th Victoria JLo 25/07/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors July 2015 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Patv 19/07/2015 [NSW] SGT. Sunday Smash SGT. Wii U Top 16 Diddy KongDonkey Kong
2nd New South Wales Killy 19/07/2015 [NSW] SGT. Sunday Smash SGT. Wii U Top 16 Diddy KongGreninjaSonic
17th Victoria Pazx 10/07/2015 [NSW] Town & Sydney Singles Top 32 Diddy KongROB
9th New South Wales Patv 10/07/2015 [NSW] Town & Sydney Singles Top 32 Diddy KongDonkey Kong
17th Western Australia Red 9/07/2015 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 34: Smash 4 Curtin Smashfest Smash 4 Diddy KongKing Dedede
7th Australian Capital Territory Scabe 5/07/2015 [ACT] Capital Smash 3 Smash 4 Top 16 Diddy KongMario
9th New South Wales Pogo 4/07/2015 [NSW] Never Stand Still 2 Smash 4 Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Patv 4/07/2015 [NSW] Never Stand Still 2 Smash 4 Diddy KongDonkey Kong
17th Queensland Mastodon 3/07/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #6 Singles Diddy KongLittle MacMarioMega Man
25th New South Wales Pogo 28/06/2015 [NSW] SGT. Wii U Doubles and Singles SGT Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Patv 28/06/2015 [NSW] SGT. Wii U Doubles and Singles SGT Wii U Singles Diddy KongDonkey Kong
9th Queensland Mastodon 26/06/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #5 Singles Diddy KongMarioMega Man
13th Queensland Mastodon 20/06/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 10 SM4SH Pro Singles Diddy KongMarioMega Man
2nd Victoria Tibs 20/06/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors June 2015 Wii U singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
1st Queensland Jezmo 20/06/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 10 SM4SH Pro Singles Captain FalconDiddy KongPikachu
9th Queensland Mastodon 19/06/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #4 Singles Diddy KongLittle MacMario
1st Queensland Jezmo 19/06/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #4 Singles Captain FalconDiddy KongPikachu
5th Australian Capital Territory Zxv 14/06/2015 [NSW] SGT - Leaderboards SGT. Wii U Diddy KongMii Brawler
9th Queensland Mastodon 12/06/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #3 Singles Diddy KongLittle MacMario
4th New Zealand Lima 7/06/2015 [NZ] Auckland Ranbats 2015 1.1 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
2nd Western Australia Maribro 7/06/2015 [WA] Myriade Smash 4 Amateur Tournament Smash 4 Amateur Diddy KongGanondorfPac-ManVillager
7th Queensland Mastodon 29/05/2015 [QLD] GUF Friday Night Smash #1 Pro Bracket Diddy KongMario
9th South Australia Ghost 23/05/2015 [VIC] BAM 7 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
7th Victoria Tibs 23/05/2015 [VIC] BAM 7 SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
7th Victoria Pazx 17/05/2015 [ACT] Capital Smash 2 Smash 4 Top 8 Diddy Kong
1st Australian Capital Territory Scabe 17/05/2015 [ACT] Capital Smash 2 Smash 4 Top 8 Diddy KongMario
9th Queensland Mastodon 16/05/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 8 SM4SH Pro Singles Diddy KongMario
17th Queensland Mastodon 9/05/2015 [QLD] Smashbox I SM4SH Pro Singles Diddy KongLittle MacMario
1st Queensland Jezmo 9/05/2015 [QLD] Smashbox I SM4SH Pro Singles Captain FalconDiddy KongPikachu
13th Western Australia Maribro 3/05/2015 [WA] Myriade May Smash 4 Singles Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongPac-Man
2nd Western Australia Polaroid 3/05/2015 [WA] Myriade May Smash 4 Singles Smash 4 Singles Diddy KongLink
4th New Zealand Lima 2/05/2015 [NZ] NZ BAM 7 Qualifier Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Patv 25/04/2015 [NSW] Smash City Anzac 2015 Smash City Anzac - Wii U Diddy Kong
13th Western Australia Maribro 19/04/2015 [WA] OzHadou Perth BAM Qualifiers - Smash 4 Melee Smash 4 Diddy KongPac-ManYoshi
1st Queensland Jezmo 19/04/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 7 SM4SH Pro Bracket Captain FalconDiddy KongDr. MarioJigglypuffNessPikachuZero Suit Samus
33rd Victoria JLo 18/04/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors April 2015 wii u singles Diddy Kong
5th Australian Capital Territory Scabe 12/04/2015 [ACT] ACT Arena 3 Smash 4 top 8 Diddy Kong
5th New South Wales Connector 12/04/2015 [NSW] Smashing Good Time April 2015 Smashing Good Time - Wii U Diddy Kong
1st New South Wales Connector 12/04/2015 [NSW] Smashing Good Time April 2015 WiiU Pools Diddy Kong
13th Queensland Arby 11/04/2015 [QLD] AutumnSmash 2015 Singles Pro Diddy Kong
3rd New Zealand Lima 11/04/2015 [NZ] UNIBASH Unibash Smash4 Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Jezmo 11/04/2015 [QLD] AutumnSmash 2015 Singles Pro Captain FalconDiddy KongDr. MarioPikachuPit
2nd South Australia Xand0r (fka. Allens) 10/04/2015 [SA] EVAC 2015 April SM4SH SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
1st South Australia Ghost 10/04/2015 [SA] EVAC 2015 April SM4SH SM4SH Singles Diddy Kong
9th New South Wales Patv 4/04/2015 [NSW] Smash City Easter wii u pro bracket Diddy KongDonkey Kong
17th Victoria JLo 21/03/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors March 2015 wii u singles Diddy Kong
13th Victoria Khoa 21/03/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors March 2015 wii u singles Diddy KongFox
9th Victoria S.D 21/03/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors March 2015 wii u singles Diddy Kong
1st Victoria Tibs 21/03/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors March 2015 wii u singles Diddy KongDr. Mario
13th Queensland Joel 15/03/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 6 Wii U Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
9th Queensland Sifo1 15/03/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 6 Wii U Pro Bracket Diddy KongSonic
9th Queensland Arby 15/03/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 6 Wii U Pro Bracket Diddy KongYoshi
5th Victoria Pazx 15/03/2015 [ACT] ACT Arena 2 Wii U Pro Singles Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Jezmo 15/03/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 6 Wii U Pro Bracket Diddy Kong
3rd Western Australia Exor 8/03/2015 [WA] Myridae Wii U March 2015 wii u Diddy KongMario
9th Queensland Mastodon 28/02/2015 [QLD] ButtonSmash Issue Three Smash WIi U Singles Diddy KongLittle Mac
9th Queensland Ken 21/02/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 5 Wii U Singles Diddy KongLittle Mac
7th Victoria Nicks 21/02/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors February 2015 wii u singles Diddy Kong
2nd Queensland Sifo1 21/02/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 5 Wii U Novice Diddy KongGanondorfSonic
1st Queensland Jezmo 21/02/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 5 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
3rd Victoria Tibs 6/02/2015 [VIC] Shadowloo Showdown VI Wii U singles pro Diddy Kong
5th Victoria Pazx 31/01/2015 [ACT] Canberra Colosseum 12 Smash 4 Singles Diddy Kong
25th Western Australia Cooia 25/01/2015 [WA] Myriade Wii U Singles Jan 2015 wiiu singles Diddy Kong
25th Victoria JLo 24/01/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors January 2015 wiiu singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Nicks 24/01/2015 [VIC] CouchWarriors January 2015 wiiu singles Diddy Kong
9th Queensland Arby 17/01/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 4 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Jezmo 17/01/2015 [QLD] UQ Smash 4 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
17th Victoria JLo 3/01/2015 [VIC] Miles' Warehouse 2 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria S.D 3/01/2015 [VIC] Miles' Warehouse 2 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
1st Victoria Tibs 3/01/2015 [VIC] Miles' Warehouse 2 Wii U singles Diddy Kong
1st Queensland Jezmo 3/01/2015 [QLD] PLAY Warehouse IX Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
1st Victoria Tibs 14/12/2014 [VIC] CouchWarriors December 2014 WiiU singles Diddy Kong
9th Victoria Pazx 13/12/2014 [ACT] ZEAL Wii U singles Diddy KongNess
7th Queensland BemKing 13/12/2014 [QLD] UQ Smash 3 Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
1st Australian Capital Territory Scabe 13/12/2014 [ACT] ZEAL Wii U singles Diddy Kong
25th Queensland Mana (Smash 4) 6/12/2014 [QLD] PLAY Warehouse VIII Smash Wii U Singles Diddy Kong
17th Queensland Bizz 6/12/2014 [QLD] PLAY Warehouse VIII Smash Wii U Singles Bowser Jr.Diddy KongLucinaZero Suit Samus
1st South Australia Ghost 6/12/2014 [SA] SXC2K14 - Southern Cross Championships 2K14 Wii U Singles Diddy KongZero Suit Samus
1st Victoria Tibs 30/11/2014 [VIC] CouchWarriors WiiU Invitational Wii U singles Diddy Kong