I mostly just want to know why you had such a nonchalant attitude to gaining information on day 1. Urisk has previously noticed that pushing days quickly is very notable anti-town and maf behaviour so I'm just not sure why you'd be so adamant to get Laggy done in unless you're maf knowing that killing laggy day 1 will be the easiest and least suspect thing. Trying to force the lynch wouldn't really raise any alarm bells because it's Laggy, who cares, right? I'm not gonna sit here and say we shouldn't have lynched Laggy, in fact it was probably a decent result for town losing a weak player with no powers but obviously killing someone so quickly and easily hugely benefits Mafia.
I've also noticed a level of buddying between you, Ghost and Invisi but I'm not quite prepared to say it's a partnership. Just a gut feeling I have about the way in which you guys have posted. You all supported the Laggy lynch being done quickly and some of your posts have come out quite close to each other.
Just in general the way you're playing reminds me of when you were Mafia aligned in game 2.
I don't have any concrete and I'm not gonna push hard for a lynch on you this early in the game I just want to state that I think your behaviour thus far is very suspicious.
11/14/2016 15:03:46
Hmm interesting, I concede that pushing the laggy lynch might look anti-town but I've done far worse things such as when I quickhammered that guy in LEF's game.
I'd like to assume everyone is town but obviously that isn't possible. If I had to make predictions I'd say the most likely mafia candidates are still Corvid due to past games, cAKE due to him trying relatively hard to point out that I'm suspicious or even Invisi who has said literally nothing despite always being an incredibly strong player when town aligned.
I have no more input because I have no more information, sorry. I'm going to bed. Good night.
11/14/2016 15:10:38
I'd like to assume everyone is town but obviously that isn't possible. If I had to make predictions I'd say the most likely mafia candidates are still Corvid due to past games, cAKE due to him trying relatively hard to point out that I'm suspicious or even Invisi who has said literally nothing despite always being an incredibly strong player when town aligned.
I have no more input because I have no more information, sorry. I'm going to bed. Good night.
11/14/2016 15:10:38
All im hearing is get invisi to talk
11/14/2016 15:33:17
11/14/2016 15:33:17
Idk how I've been budying with invisi, but I don't see how pushing the vote through on laggy on day 1 is a bad thing.
We're not going to get people claiming roles day 1 without any info to share, I suppose we could randomly target people and see who defends them, but the mafia would just not defend themselves in order to not raise suspicion (optimal mafia play is often to vote early to avoid raising suspicion by not voting). Laggy had as good a chance as anyone of being antitown (and he did have a couple of people try to stop the lynch, which would have been helpful info if he turned up maf).
And the night info was useful, I've already given my insight on the first night now that we have the info of only 1 death (and a weird target at that), but nobody seems to be keen on the 2 killing factions and bulletproof or doctor thing. I'm fairly keen to drag out day 2 at this stage and discuss it more.
11/14/2016 15:50:48
We're not going to get people claiming roles day 1 without any info to share, I suppose we could randomly target people and see who defends them, but the mafia would just not defend themselves in order to not raise suspicion (optimal mafia play is often to vote early to avoid raising suspicion by not voting). Laggy had as good a chance as anyone of being antitown (and he did have a couple of people try to stop the lynch, which would have been helpful info if he turned up maf).
And the night info was useful, I've already given my insight on the first night now that we have the info of only 1 death (and a weird target at that), but nobody seems to be keen on the 2 killing factions and bulletproof or doctor thing. I'm fairly keen to drag out day 2 at this stage and discuss it more.
11/14/2016 15:50:48
2 cents, by Duon
A possibility is that last nights death can be caused by inexperience of mafia members (or simply bad experience)
People like Insert and Corvid come to mind when I think of this. I know Insie is quite reserved but instantly voting Corvid is a cheeki little strat to try and mind game town and I dont see any other reason he would vote for him
I get Maf vibes from Ghost but this is mostly more of a hard read rather than anything logical.
I think Lowkey Spacejam has some kind of role. Might be Maf, might be Town but hes got some kind of power. Look at him just meme-ing along while he secretly controls the game.
11/14/2016 18:17:55
A possibility is that last nights death can be caused by inexperience of mafia members (or simply bad experience)
People like Insert and Corvid come to mind when I think of this. I know Insie is quite reserved but instantly voting Corvid is a cheeki little strat to try and mind game town and I dont see any other reason he would vote for him
I get Maf vibes from Ghost but this is mostly more of a hard read rather than anything logical.
I think Lowkey Spacejam has some kind of role. Might be Maf, might be Town but hes got some kind of power. Look at him just meme-ing along while he secretly controls the game.
11/14/2016 18:17:55
Aerodrome said:
Hmm interesting, I concede that pushing the laggy lynch might look anti-town but I've done far worse things such as when I quickhammered that guy in LEF's game.
I'd like t\o assume everyone is town but obviously that isn't possible. If I had to make predictions I'd say the most likely mafia candidates are still Corvid due to past games, cAKE due to him trying relatively hard to point out that I'm suspicious or even Invisi who has said literally nothing despite always being an incredibly strong player when town aligned.
I have no more input because I have no more information, sorry. I'm going to bed. Good night.
I'm suspicious because I'm pointing out that a moderately suspicious player but holding back from calling you mafia? okey then
11/14/2016 21:19:58
Dale, voting for me at 2am when I'd already been in bed for 4 hours isn't going to do anything. Although, here I am now, so I guess it worked?
I stand by what I said day 1 - the only people who have any information at that point are the mafia, so we're not going to learn anything unless one of them royally fucks up (like Laggy did game 2, fun times...). Sure, we don't gain anything by rushing day 1, but do we really want to waste two weeks on the most boring part of the game when no one has any information? I'd rather get day 1 over with and get to the fun part. =P
I'm somewhat suspicious of Aero, he's doing the same thing he did when we were mafia together - posting a bunch but not actually saying much of substance. He'll start meming soon, just watch.
I'm getting vague town vibes from Maribro, purely because he's acting similarly to previous games. He's reading a bit more into things than the information he has at hand, and generally pushing the conversation a lot, just like he did last time I played.
Duon's comments are interesting - he would know Corvid and InsertName better than most of us, so probably worth taking note of what he said about them. I'm not sure about being mafia, but I'm fairly sure Ghost knows more than he's letting on. Not sure about your read on Spacejam, I feel like he's the kind of guy that would be meming regardless of his role. Come to think of it, Aero kinda is too. I guess we should pay extra attention to read between the lines with those two.
11/14/2016 22:55:14
I stand by what I said day 1 - the only people who have any information at that point are the mafia, so we're not going to learn anything unless one of them royally fucks up (like Laggy did game 2, fun times...). Sure, we don't gain anything by rushing day 1, but do we really want to waste two weeks on the most boring part of the game when no one has any information? I'd rather get day 1 over with and get to the fun part. =P
I'm somewhat suspicious of Aero, he's doing the same thing he did when we were mafia together - posting a bunch but not actually saying much of substance. He'll start meming soon, just watch.
I'm getting vague town vibes from Maribro, purely because he's acting similarly to previous games. He's reading a bit more into things than the information he has at hand, and generally pushing the conversation a lot, just like he did last time I played.
Duon's comments are interesting - he would know Corvid and InsertName better than most of us, so probably worth taking note of what he said about them. I'm not sure about being mafia, but I'm fairly sure Ghost knows more than he's letting on. Not sure about your read on Spacejam, I feel like he's the kind of guy that would be meming regardless of his role. Come to think of it, Aero kinda is too. I guess we should pay extra attention to read between the lines with those two.
11/14/2016 22:55:14
My dude I've memed in every game I've played so far. Granted I'd only ever been town in one game LOL. I'm going to clarify that I mean in PREVIOUS games before cAKE or someone takes that post the wrong way. Gotta spell it out for some people heyyyyy
Also LEFs goo game doesn't count.
Anyway I'm unvoting from Corvid since no one is putting pressure on him.
Who should we look at now?
I was also going to respond to Invisi with "trust me, I'm a doctor" but then people might think that I was claiming doctor LOL
wheres my trash emote
🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮 It just occurred to me of Dyna Holes random bandwagon onto Maribros vote on me so imma vote for him out of spite
Vote: Dyna hole Where is everyone
11/15/2016 00:40:35
Also LEFs goo game doesn't count.

Who should we look at now?
I was also going to respond to Invisi with "trust me, I'm a doctor" but then people might think that I was claiming doctor LOL
wheres my trash emote
🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮 It just occurred to me of Dyna Holes random bandwagon onto Maribros vote on me so imma vote for him out of spite
Vote: Dyna hole Where is everyone
11/15/2016 00:40:35
Whelp I got invisi to talk guys.
Aero claiming doctor is huge. I dont know if I believe him :dog:
11/15/2016 00:55:55
Aero claiming doctor is huge. I dont know if I believe him :dog:
11/15/2016 00:55:55
SpaceJam said:congratulations
Whelp I got invisi to talk guys.
Aero claiming doctor is huge. I dont know if I believe him :dog:
You've earned my contempt
11/15/2016 01:20:48
11/15/2016 02:09:20
11/15/2016 02:09:20
Sorry for the silence yesterdayStudy is a bia-tch.
Aero is smart and 90% knows what he is doing so I'll vote like him until I have a Suss list.
Vote: DynaHole
11/15/2016 02:18:13
Aero is smart and 90% knows what he is doing so I'll vote like him until I have a Suss list.
Vote: DynaHole
11/15/2016 02:18:13
Aerodrome said:
You've earned my contempt
You shouldn't congratulate people for things that are easy to earn.
Invisi said:
I'm somewhat suspicious of Aero, he's doing the same thing he did when we were mafia together - posting a bunch but not actually saying much of substance. He'll start meming soon, just watch.
I'm getting vague town vibes from Maribro, purely because he's acting similarly to previous games. He's reading a bit more into things than the information he has at hand, and generally pushing the conversation a lot, just like he did last time I played.
This sounds EXACTLY like things you've said when you've been Maf in the past and have had nothing but a meek defence (Urisk announcing he's mafia and knows you are too) when suspicion was aroused at you, also trying to diverge suspicion onto others by mostly ignoring what's been directed at you (you trying to get Aero lynched at the end of smash bros themed mafia).
I don't have a whole lot to go on but you're probably my #2 suspect atm after Aerodrome.
Ghostbone said:
Idk how I've been budying with invisi, but I don't see how pushing the vote through on laggy on day 1 is a bad thing.
I didn't mean to put you as buddying with Invisi but you both said almost exactly the same thing on day 1 RE laggy. I guess it's not that suspicious but idk. You, Invisi and Aero also seem to post quite close to each other and I'm not really sure how to feel about it.
I don't think voting Laggy off was a bad thing either but voting around a few people on day 1 is generally preferable imo just because more info is useful. I was pretty happy when I was maf to just let town do most of the voting work and chime in when I needed to, the quicker these lynches happen the better.
Rest of what you said is fair and I agree.
EIS-DUON said:
2 cents, by Duon
A possibility is that last nights death can be caused by inexperience of mafia members (or simply bad experience)
People like Insert and Corvid come to mind when I think of this. I know Insie is quite reserved but instantly voting Corvid is a cheeki little strat to try and mind game town and I dont see any other reason he would vote for him
I get Maf vibes from Ghost but this is mostly more of a hard read rather than anything logical.
I think Lowkey Spacejam has some kind of role. Might be Maf, might be Town but hes got some kind of power. Look at him just meme-ing along while he secretly controls the game.
I agree with pretty much everything you've said and you've shed some interesting light on Insert and Corvid. I'm also not sure what to think of Spacejam. Impossible to read when you're memeing as hard as he is. I'm getting lowkey maf vibes from Ghost but he's probably at the lower end of that compared to Aero, Invisi, Corvid and cAKE.
Suss list atm for me.
1) Aero
2) Invisi
3) cAKE
4) Corvid
5) Ghost/Insert/Dyna/Hydro
11/15/2016 02:28:24
real talk if one of Aero/Invisi/Maribro aren't mafia I would be super surprised.
heck all 3 are probs maf and ultimate mindgaming everyone
11/15/2016 02:38:40
heck all 3 are probs maf and ultimate mindgaming everyone
11/15/2016 02:38:40
LachlanF said:
Sorry for the silence yesterdayStudy is a bia-tch.
Aero is smart and 90% knows what he is doing so I'll vote like him until I have a Suss list.
Vote: DynaHole
Blindly following trends is not really a good look. I suggest you make the list before you vote
SpaceJam said:
real talk if one of Aero/Invisi/Maribro aren't mafia I would be super surprised.
heck all 3 are probs maf and ultimate mindgaming everyone
Invisi and Maribro seem pretty pro - town, so I would be a bit surprised. But they're both good players so they indeed could be mindgaming people, just a speculation though. Maribro tends to write big posts but just kinda state the obvious, and holds back from fully attacking people like he has last games.
11/15/2016 02:41:14
OK so people are calling for a post of substance from me and this is what I think:
InsertName: Seems town. Was against the laggy lynch, hasn't really posted too much or too little. PRETTY confident that he's town.
cjeccjec: Not really suspicious of him.
Maribro: Seems to be going out of his way to attack me (IM TOWN BAKA) which leads me to say maybe Mafia. Or he could just be really wrong. Probably just a poor misguided townie, but we'll see what happens. Main argument from him seems to be "YOU WANTED LAGGY DEAD AND INVISI AND GHOST ARE KINDA SUSPICIOUS TOO FOR WANTING LAGGY DEAD" but really like Invisi said we just don't want the most boring part of the game lasting for 2 weeks.
His early reads are usually very correct, but not so this game apparently if he's continuing to accuse me.
Dyna_Hole: Jumped REALLY fast onto Maribro's wagon on me before he'd even given a reason. Probably mafia or a rly stupid townie. I'd like to suggest he be a day 2 lynch option to be honest.
Invisi: No opinion. If he's mafia that will become clear within a few in game days because of his incredibly strong town play usually.
MrL: Generally has exhibited pro-town behaviour imo.
HydroPimp: Playing similar to the game where he was Mafia, said very little because he didn't need to. I don't remember how he played in games where he was town.
Windkeeper0: Town. 100%. HE'S PLAYING EXACTLY LIKE HE DOES WHEN HE'S A TOWN POWER ROLE LOL. Probably the cop or doctor or something.
Corvid: See HydroPimp except bad at the game. Says nothing ever, when pressured generally just ignores it and hopes it goes away. At least when he was town that one game he actually tried to say things. So... maybe mafia? In general is a really easy lynch for the Mafia if he's not.
I don't really know:
No Idea (Lack of posting/no substance etc):
11/15/2016 04:00:40
InsertName: Seems town. Was against the laggy lynch, hasn't really posted too much or too little. PRETTY confident that he's town.
cjeccjec: Not really suspicious of him.
Maribro: Seems to be going out of his way to attack me (IM TOWN BAKA) which leads me to say maybe Mafia. Or he could just be really wrong. Probably just a poor misguided townie, but we'll see what happens. Main argument from him seems to be "YOU WANTED LAGGY DEAD AND INVISI AND GHOST ARE KINDA SUSPICIOUS TOO FOR WANTING LAGGY DEAD" but really like Invisi said we just don't want the most boring part of the game lasting for 2 weeks.
His early reads are usually very correct, but not so this game apparently if he's continuing to accuse me.
Dyna_Hole: Jumped REALLY fast onto Maribro's wagon on me before he'd even given a reason. Probably mafia or a rly stupid townie. I'd like to suggest he be a day 2 lynch option to be honest.
Invisi: No opinion. If he's mafia that will become clear within a few in game days because of his incredibly strong town play usually.
MrL: Generally has exhibited pro-town behaviour imo.
HydroPimp: Playing similar to the game where he was Mafia, said very little because he didn't need to. I don't remember how he played in games where he was town.
Windkeeper0: Town. 100%. HE'S PLAYING EXACTLY LIKE HE DOES WHEN HE'S A TOWN POWER ROLE LOL. Probably the cop or doctor or something.
Corvid: See HydroPimp except bad at the game. Says nothing ever, when pressured generally just ignores it and hopes it goes away. At least when he was town that one game he actually tried to say things. So... maybe mafia? In general is a really easy lynch for the Mafia if he's not.
I don't really know:
No Idea (Lack of posting/no substance etc):
11/15/2016 04:00:40
Aerodrome said:
OK so people are calling for a post of substance from me and this is what I think:
InsertName: Seems town. Was against the laggy lynch, hasn't really posted too much or too little. PRETTY confident that he's town.
cjeccjec: Not really suspicious of him.
Maribro: Seems to be going out of his way to attack me (IM TOWN BAKA) which leads me to say maybe Mafia. Or he could just be really wrong. Probably just a poor misguided townie, but we'll see what happens. Main argument from him seems to be "YOU WANTED LAGGY DEAD AND INVISI AND GHOST ARE KINDA SUSPICIOUS TOO FOR WANTING LAGGY DEAD" but really like Invisi said we just don't want the most boring part of the game lasting for 2 weeks.
His early reads are usually very correct, but not so this game apparently if he's continuing to accuse me.
Dyna_Hole: Jumped REALLY fast onto Maribro's wagon on me before he'd even given a reason. Probably mafia or a rly stupid townie. I'd like to suggest he be a day 2 lynch option to be honest.
Invisi: No opinion. If he's mafia that will become clear within a few in game days because of his incredibly strong town play usually.
MrL: Generally has exhibited pro-town behaviour imo.
HydroPimp: Playing similar to the game where he was Mafia, said very little because he didn't need to. I don't remember how he played in games where he was town.
Windkeeper0: Town. 100%. HE'S PLAYING EXACTLY LIKE HE DOES WHEN HE'S A TOWN POWER ROLE LOL. Probably the cop or doctor or something.
Corvid: See HydroPimp except bad at the game. Says nothing ever, when pressured generally just ignores it and hopes it goes away. At least when he was town that one game he actually tried to say things. So... maybe mafia? In general is a really easy lynch for the Mafia if he's not.
I don't really know:
No Idea (Lack of posting/no substance etc):
These are some good observations, Aero. I'll write more later Okay so I've come to the conclusion that we really don't have any solid evidence at all of ANYONE, at least if this day keeps going at this rate. The same five or six people keep posting the same stuff and coming to the same conclusions. We have to go somewhere or find out something beefy today. If town generally wants to wait another two weeks, I'm fine with that, but if that happens lurkers better start talking.
Pretty much what I said before, if you're town, act like it! Talk, get discussion rolling!
If we have to pressure someone then let it be
Vote: Corvid I'll write my opinions on everyone tonight, if that looks like 'info' in peoples eyes.
11/15/2016 04:41:18
Uncle Bijou is joining me as a co-moderator. You must treat him with the same respect that you treat me, however little that is.
11/15/2016 05:15:23
11/15/2016 05:15:23
Gonna give my 2 cents, though I don't want to make in depth judgments of people when it's only day 2.
If I had to pick some people that raised my suspicions it would be Hydropimp and Aero, while Insert and Maribro seem reasonably pro town
11/15/2016 05:18:22
If I had to pick some people that raised my suspicions it would be Hydropimp and Aero, while Insert and Maribro seem reasonably pro town
11/15/2016 05:18:22
I've been a bit quiet recently because a lot of people are throwing shots around with the argument "They're playing like they did when they were Mafia" which I can't really get behind. Right now in regards to the Luminous lynch I can see people like Corvid or perhaps Autumn getting behind it. Duon did point me out but as he stated I'd be a bit more reserved with my kill. For people who I think are a bit suss right now are Hydro because I'm 95% sure he was lurching and people have pointed out that Mafia can remain quite for now, and Aero because of anti town behaviour and he keeps trying to avoid all shots at him and even memeing around.
Vote: Aero oh lol didn't even realise I picked out the same 2 people as ghost
11/15/2016 05:29:47
Vote: Aero oh lol didn't even realise I picked out the same 2 people as ghost
11/15/2016 05:29:47
I've always thought that you would much rather take someone with a considerable amount of skill early, which doesn't really show in the mafia's choice last night, and I only see it as trick to call out on of the players with less experience as mafia.
11/15/2016 05:41:54
11/15/2016 05:41:54
Aerodrome said:
Dyna_Hole: Jumped REALLY fast onto Maribro's wagon on me before he'd even given a reason. Probably mafia or a rly stupid townie. I'd like to suggest he be a day 2 lynch option to be honest.
I mean... you could play it that way, yeah. I don't have proof to say i didn't bandwagon, but, i didn't banwaggon.
11/15/2016 05:42:50
It's unlikely but it's possible that the Mafia kill was blocked and a different killing faction did it
11/15/2016 05:42:52
11/15/2016 05:42:52
I am now wondering if it's actually possible for me to play a game such as mafia with my shitty personality.
11/15/2016 05:47:10
11/15/2016 05:47:10
Dyna_Hole said:
I am now wondering if it's actually possible for me to play a game such as mafia with my shitty personality.
What do you mean by that?
11/15/2016 05:53:06