Live now at Friday Night Smash #12. Has Jezmo let Jaice get too good?
08/14/2015 09:15:46
08/14/2015 09:35:15

08/14/2015 09:35:15
Shoutouts to 100 viewers for the last three sets! Amazing. Overall really good matches this time. Some Gfycat moments too. Live at UQ Smash 11:
08/22/2015 00:05:56
08/22/2015 00:05:56

08/22/2015 21:06:11

08/22/2015 21:06:11
This UQ Smash was a blast, and I had just as much fun playing friendlies.
Apparently many of the younger players came upon the tournament or QLDSmash through reddit. I don't know what exactly it was on there, but seems like the scene can be much bigger than it already has gotten, but the word isn't out there. I'm guessing these are players who love playing Smash competitively, but never thought to look to see if there's a local scene.
BTW, why is everyone's main messed up? I'm seeing Samus for Shitashi and MK for Aero?
08/23/2015 13:36:46
Apparently many of the younger players came upon the tournament or QLDSmash through reddit. I don't know what exactly it was on there, but seems like the scene can be much bigger than it already has gotten, but the word isn't out there. I'm guessing these are players who love playing Smash competitively, but never thought to look to see if there's a local scene.
BTW, why is everyone's main messed up? I'm seeing Samus for Shitashi and MK for Aero?
08/23/2015 13:36:46
AzureWolf said:
BTW, why is everyone's main messed up? I'm seeing Samus for Shitashi and MK for Aero?
Maybe you haven't seen their true mains yet.
08/23/2015 14:04:20
AzureWolf said:need a secondary for Falcon lol
This UQ Smash was a blast, and I had just as much fun playing friendlies.
Apparently many of the younger players came upon the tournament or QLDSmash through reddit. I don't know what exactly it was on there, but seems like the scene can be much bigger than it already has gotten, but the word isn't out there. I'm guessing these are players who love playing Smash competitively, but never thought to look to see if there's a local scene.
BTW, why is everyone's main messed up? I'm seeing Samus for Shitashi and MK for Aero?
08/23/2015 20:37:31
AzureWolf said:
Apparently many of the younger players came upon the tournament or QLDSmash through reddit. I don't know what exactly it was on there, but seems like the scene can be much bigger than it already has gotten, but the word isn't out there. I'm guessing these are players who love playing Smash competitively, but never thought to look to see if there's a local scene.
Access to local competitive scenes seem to be the major hurdle for a lot of new players from what I've been reading on reddit. It's less prevalent here than in the States because our scenes are more centralised around the major and capital cities of their respective regions, thus being less fragmented.
/r/smashbros exploded in popularity once Smash 4 came out, and a lot of new players joined the scene along with it. The competitive experience of most people there are limited to what they see online, so they're unaware that there's a local scene beyond For Glory that exists near them. There are also a few reasons why some players choose not to attend tourneys (too young, too busy, nervous with expectations of their first tourney) which can be addressed by spreading information better.
08/24/2015 04:28:34
AzureWolf said:
This UQ Smash was a blast, and I had just as much fun playing friendlies.
Apparently many of the younger players came upon the tournament or QLDSmash through reddit. I don't know what exactly it was on there, but seems like the scene can be much bigger than it already has gotten, but the word isn't out there. I'm guessing these are players who love playing Smash competitively, but never thought to look to see if there's a local scene.
BTW, why is everyone's main messed up? I'm seeing Samus for Shitashi and MK for Aero?
I can confirm that there's a lot of traffic that comes here (and hopefully to offline tourneys) from Reddit, as well as Facebook and a little bit from Twitter. It's exciting that so many people are still finding out about Smash tourneys and makes me feel like the scene is going to keep expanding for at least another few years as long as we can all keep a strong and positive display of force on social media sites.
I've been a Samus player since Brawl and considering how terribly I did with Megaman in tourney and how awesome I did with Samus in friendlies / teams I'm considering picking her up as a secondary.
08/24/2015 22:58:22
Cheating on megaman
Samus does not have a hype utilt
08/25/2015 00:21:11
Samus does not have a hype utilt
08/25/2015 00:21:11
Had a really fun night tonight.
First tournament 17th not bad and all the help tonight will only improve my skills with zero :)
Thank you all for a great night!
08/28/2015 15:59:05
First tournament 17th not bad and all the help tonight will only improve my skills with zero :)
Thank you all for a great night!
08/28/2015 15:59:05
Live now at UQ Smash #12: Smashbox #3 is this Saturday, featuring Queensland's finest, including Jezmo, Jaice, Shitashi, Luminescent, HopeDealer, Bailey, Flex and more!
If you can only watch one stream every so often, this should be the one. I'm going to try to get the best sets and commentators on stream, and if I'm getting slack, you can you yell at me in the chat. Hope to see many of you there :D
There may also be a Friday Night Smash on the night before.
09/16/2015 02:23:35 Smashbox #3 is this Saturday, featuring Queensland's finest, including Jezmo, Jaice, Shitashi, Luminescent, HopeDealer, Bailey, Flex and more!
If you can only watch one stream every so often, this should be the one. I'm going to try to get the best sets and commentators on stream, and if I'm getting slack, you can you yell at me in the chat. Hope to see many of you there :D
There may also be a Friday Night Smash on the night before.
09/16/2015 02:23:35
I'll be there
Please remember me, I'm important too
09/16/2015 02:25:13

Please remember me, I'm important too

09/16/2015 02:25:13
Aerodrome said:
Please remember me, I'm important too
You'll get to the Ft. list one day bud ;)
09/16/2015 02:28:39

09/16/2015 02:33:53
jett the stream always lags for me
why is this
09/16/2015 10:08:29
why is this
09/16/2015 10:08:29
Something about the resolution of the stream and/or bitrate, idk much about streaming but Kaiza was in the chat at DIAD and that's what he mentioned.
(It also lags for me at source quality, unfortunately when a stream is not partnered, you only get quality options when you're in the top 1200 channel streaming at that time)
09/16/2015 10:45:18
(It also lags for me at source quality, unfortunately when a stream is not partnered, you only get quality options when you're in the top 1200 channel streaming at that time)
09/16/2015 10:45:18
Pretty much what JLo said. Judging by your red circle on Wifi, your Internet probably isn't fast enough to watch a high bitrate stream. Occasionally I do get the quality button which is nice. It would be great to have partner but their standards are pretty high.
I'm hesitant to drop the bitrate much because I want the archive to be of decent quality. But if it will get more people to stick around maybe I should drop it some more.
09/16/2015 12:39:37
I'm hesitant to drop the bitrate much because I want the archive to be of decent quality. But if it will get more people to stick around maybe I should drop it some more.
09/16/2015 12:39:37
I cri everytime :'( :'(
Aus gov pls make nbn come nowww
09/16/2015 22:26:21
Aus gov pls make nbn come nowww
09/16/2015 22:26:21
Yeh! What mat7772 said.
I want internet in general at my house tho
09/16/2015 22:35:12
I want internet in general at my house tho
09/16/2015 22:35:12
It turns out the audio bitrate I had was excessively high: 320. I've changed it to 64 and you shouldn't be able to hear much difference.
I've also lowered the video bitrate from 1500 to 1200, not too much difference.
So overall the bitrate has dropped from 1820 to 1264 which is a 30% decrease. Hopefully it will make the stream lag less :)
If you want quality button, the solution is simple, keep watching so the view count will be high enough :D
09/17/2015 08:08:24
I've also lowered the video bitrate from 1500 to 1200, not too much difference.
So overall the bitrate has dropped from 1820 to 1264 which is a 30% decrease. Hopefully it will make the stream lag less :)
If you want quality button, the solution is simple, keep watching so the view count will be high enough :D
09/17/2015 08:08:24
yay jett!
how do we get partnered anyway
09/17/2015 08:09:06
how do we get partnered anyway
09/17/2015 08:09:06
Aerodrome said:
how do we get partnered anyway
I applied once at the start but got rejected. Most likely going to apply again after Smashbox. It helps if your average viewers is trending upwards. But since we got 100 at that Friday Night Smash it's been going down. Kind of why I want to make this Smashbox stream as good as possible. I doubt we'll get to 100 again any time soon, but hopefully we can get more than UQ / last few Friday nights. Live now at Friday Night Smash #17: LIVE NOW at Smashbox #3 Ft. Jezmo, Jaice, Luminescent, Shitashi & more! Another Friday Night Smash tomorrow. Jaice said he'd be open to do a git gud session on stream starting at 4:30pm. He's going to be playing against other players and give them advice so they can improve. You can ask him questions in the Twitch chat and hopefully learn a little something. Tournament starts at 7:30pm.
09/24/2015 03:30:50
I think it'd be cool if you can hook up the Wii U to wifi so that Jaice can play against Twitch viewers
09/24/2015 04:48:22
09/24/2015 04:48:22