
Victoria BAM 13 11/06/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2023]

Victoria Wild West Fridays #2 10/02/2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Super Sunshine Smash August 2022 21/08/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria Temple Smash #31 5/08/2022

Victoria Super Sunshine July 2022 31/07/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria Temple Smash #29 22/07/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Sunshine Smash #92 16/06/2022

Victoria Sunshine Smash #91 9/06/2022

Victoria Sunshine Smash #86 14/04/2022

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Bracket

Victoria Super Sunshine Smash 6 21/11/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria BANC 11/07/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BANC] Bracket

Victoria Pixel Smash #92 21/06/2021

Victoria Pixel Smash #88 10/05/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pixel SMASH Bracket

Victoria Sunshine Smash #72 6/05/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Bracket

Victoria Super Sunshine Smash 4 1/05/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria Sunshine Smash #71 29/04/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Bracket

South Australia Cheese League April 2021 - Ultimate 11/04/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L1 Aetos / Con 2 - 1 Yuusha / TacoSpartan
W1 HTEM / Lyoko 2 - 1 Yuusha / TacoSpartan

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria Sunshine Smash #68 8/04/2021

Victoria Couchwarriors March Ranbat 2021 27/03/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria Super Sunshine Smash 2 7/03/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria EBS Ultimate #64 2/03/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Smash @ Sunshine #63 1/03/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate SunshineSmash Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #63 23/02/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria EBS Ultimate #62 9/02/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ultimate Singles Bracket

Victoria Smash @ Sunshine #61 8/02/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate SunshineSmash Bracket

Victoria Smash @ Sunshine #60 1/02/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate SunshineSmash Bracket

Victoria Super Sunshine Smash 10/01/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria Smash @ Sunshine #58 4/01/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate SunshineSmash Bracket

Victoria Pixel Smash #70 29/12/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pixel SMASH Bracket

Queensland Pissmas 2 20/12/2020

Victoria Pixel Smash #68 15/12/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pixel SMASH Bracket

Victoria Smash @ Sunshine #56 14/12/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate SunshineSmash Bracket

Victoria Pixel Smash #67 8/12/2020

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pixel SMASH Bracket

Victoria Couchwarriors Jan 2019 27/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Crossup 15/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L4 Shadrew / SebPro101 2 - 0 Villyness / Sindocus
L3 Villyness / Sindocus 2 - 1 Funk / Evil Olive
W3 Fortune / Saber 2 - 0 Villyness / Sindocus
W2 Villyness / Sindocus 2 - 1 Havok / Vayinn

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Brothers Ultimate

Victoria Couchwarriors Nov 2018 24/11/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Doubles Bracket

L3 ReRaze / Skitter 2 - 1 Sindocus / Villyness
L2 Sindocus / Villyness 2 - 0 Booper / Leisha
W2 Jdizzle / Extra 2 - 0 Sindocus / Villyness
W1 Sindocus / Villyness 2 - 1 Vayinn / Havok

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2017 28/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L6 Saber + PS! 3 - 1 Sindocus + Villyness
L5 Sindocus + Villyness 3 - 1 Rren + Seer
L4 Sindocus + Villyness 2 - 0 dean + ViVa
L3 Sindocus + Villyness 2 - 1 Arc + Alpal
L2 Sindocus + Villyness 2 - 0 KhoiFish + Mykicard
W2 Dr omega + Kaito 2 - 0 Sindocus + Villyness

Victoria CouchWarriors December 2016 10/12/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L6 dean + Rhyno 2 - 0 Villyness + Sindocus
L5 Villyness + Sindocus 2 - 1 SpongeBev + HydroPimp
L4 Villyness + Sindocus 2 - 0 Orphen + Jayd
W3 Revax + Mar 2 - 1 Villyness + Sindocus
W2 Villyness + Sindocus 2 - 0 Alpal + mtro

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2016 26/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L7 Astra + Ghostbone 3 - 0 Villyness + Sindocus
L6 Villyness + Sindocus 2 - 1 Xettman + MAT2
L5 Villyness + Sindocus 2 - 0 Jzzy + THE BUTCHER
L4 Villyness + Sindocus 2 - 0 Velocity + Jash
W3 Revax + Mar 2 - 0 Villyness + Sindocus
W2 Villyness + Sindocus 2 - 0 Orphen + Fishy

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2016 22/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 Iyavana1 + ConnorZam Captain FalconLucina 2 - 1 VillagerYoshi Baron + Villyness
W3 BIGBOSS + tibs7 2 - 0 Baron + Villyness
W2 Baron + Villyness 2 - 0 VeloCity + Zee

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro bracket

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pools

Victoria Over9k 3 8/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 KTAN + Nothing 2 - 0 Villyness + Sindocus
L3 Villyness + Sindocus 2 - 0 Pudge + VeloCity
L2 Villyness + Sindocus 2 - 0 Alpal + Arc
W2 Snugs + Nicks 2 - 1 Villyness + Sindocus

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2016 24/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L7 Nothing + KTAN 2 - 0 Sindocus + Villyness
L6 Sindocus + Villyness 2 - 0 Haiku + InsertName71
L5 Sindocus + Villyness 2 - 0 VineGreen + Vinegreen
L4 Sindocus + Villyness 2 - 0 DefectiveDagger + BlazinShaymin
W3 MAT2 + Xettman CloudZero Suit Samus 2 - 1 NessShulkVillager Sindocus + Villyness
W2 Sindocus + Villyness 2 - 1 Saber + Aquaclaw

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro bracket

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U July 2016 30/07/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro bracket

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pool 7

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L5 InsertName71 + Haiku 2 - 1 Sindocus + Villyness
L4 Sindocus + Villyness 2 - 1 Echo + Yehya
W3 Nicks + Earl 2 - 0 Sindocus + Villyness
W2 Sindocus + Villyness 2 - 0 Eclipse + Squall

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Jun 2016 25/06/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 Jei + Deez 2 - 1 Sindocus + V
L3 Sindocus + V 2 - 1 ConnorZam + Iyavana1
L2 Sindocus + V 2 - 0 Eclipse + Squall
W2 Nicks + Earl 2 - 1 Sindocus + V
W1 Sindocus + V 2 - 1 Beauner + Dylba

Victoria Over9k 2 4/06/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L6 MAT2 + Xettman 3 - 0 V + Sindocus
L5 V + Sindocus 2 - 0 Snuggles + KmS
L4 V + Sindocus 2 - 0 Beauner + Vayinn
W3 Earl + Nicks 2 - 0 V + Sindocus
W2 V + Sindocus 2 - 0 InsertName + Haiku

Victoria BAM 8 - 13-15th May 13/05/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 Revax + Mar 2 - 0 Luco + Villyness
W3 Poppt1 + Read 2 - 0 Luco + Villyness
W2 Luco + Villyness 2 - 0 Trunkle + Trojans

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET)

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Apr 2016 23/04/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U doubles

L5 Duon + Extra 2 - 1 Splice + V
L4 Splice + V 2 - 1 Hyes + MGK
W3 Nicks + Earl Diddy KongRyu 2 - 0 Mr. Game and WatchVillager Splice + V
W2 Splice + V 2 - 0 Majora + Tibs
W1 Splice + V 2 - 0 Evo + Julz

Victoria Over9k 1 9/04/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L5 Mat2 + Xettman 2 - 1 Splice + V
L4 Splice + V 2 - 1 Dean + Googers
W3 Earl + Nicks 2 - 1 Splice + V
W2 Splice + V 2 - 0 Ktan+ Bijou

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Mar 2016 26/03/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u pro bracket

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U singles pool 5

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 Ignis + Mar 2 - 1 dean + V
L3 dean + V 2 - 0 Yellow + Theean
L2 dean + V 2 - 1 OP + MGK
W2 Nikes + Deez 2 - 1 dean + V
W1 dean + V 2 - 1 Sindocus + HydroPimp

Victoria CouchWarriors Feb 2016 20/02/2016

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2016 23/01/2016

Queensland Smashbox V 9/01/2016

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #30 8/01/2016

Victoria CouchWarriors Dec 2015 12/12/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U doubles

L5 Leisha + ViVa - V + Bijou
L4 V + Bijou - Eternal + Drak
W3 Ignis + Astra - V + Bijou
W2 V + Bijou - PS! + SKG
W1 V + Bijou - Baron + Googers

Victoria CouchWarriors Wii U Sep 2015 26/09/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U dubs

L10 Mozart + Rhyno - Kira + V
W6 Astra + Ignis - Kira + V
W5 Kira + V - Mozart + Rhyno
W4 Kira + V - Boozer + Bijou
W3 Kira + V - Tempest + Bryce
W2 Kira + V - Yehya + Echo

Victoria CouchWarriors August 2015 22/08/2015

Victoria CouchWarriors July 2015 25/07/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

GF Leisha + ViVa - V + Bijou
GF V + Bijou - Leisha + ViVa
L10 V + Bijou - Ignis + Astra
L9 V + Bijou Bowser Jr.Villager - Captain FalconKing Dedede Dean + Rhyno
L8 V + Bijou - Earl + Nicks
L7 V + Bijou - Jei + Khoa
L6 V + Bijou - OP + Psi
W4 Ignis + Astra - V + Bijou
W3 V + Bijou - Samphy + Steph
W2 V + Bijou - Mfrek + Haydino

Victoria CouchWarriors June 2015 20/06/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

GF BIGBOSS + Tibs - Bijou + Villyness
GF BIGBOSS + Tibs - Bijou + Villyness
W5 Bijou + Villyness - BIGBOSS + Tibs
W4 Bijou + Villyness - Earl + Nicks
W3 Bijou + Villyness - Jei + Khoa
W2 Bijou + Villyness - SKG + Duon

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U singles

Victoria BAM 7 23/05/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wiiu doubles

L5 M + Atyeo - Villyness + Bijou
L4 Villyness + Bijou - Fudge + Naga
W3 Ignis + Astra - Villyness + Bijou
W2 Villyness + Bijou - Cf Spud + CubT

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Pools F

Victoria CouchWarriors April 2015 18/04/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

GF Dean + Rhyno - Villyness + Bijou
L8 Villyness + Bijou - Leisha + ViVa
W5 Dean + Rhyno - Villyness + Bijou
W4 Villyness + Bijou - Ledge + Toshi
W3 Villyness + Bijou - Earl + Nicks
W2 Villyness + Bijou - Marcus + SKG
W1 Villyness + Bijou - Kye + Jacob - DQ

Victoria CouchWarriors March 2015 21/03/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L6 Jei + Khoa - V + Splice
W4 ViVa + Leisha - V + Splice
W3 V + Splice - Attila + Dekar
W2 V + Splice - Pudge + Andy

Victoria Monash Feb 2015 27/02/2015

Victoria CouchWarriors February 2015 21/02/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L8 Toshi + Ledge Little MacSheik - Bowser Jr.NessVillager V + Bijou
L7 V + Bijou Bowser Jr.Villager - SheikSonic Dreadtech + Splice
L6 V + Bijou Bowser Jr.Villager - Captain FalconCharizardSheik Boozer + Rhyno
W4 Toshi + Ledge Little MacSheik - Bowser Jr.Villager V + Bijou
W3 V + Bijou Bowser Jr.Villager - ROBYoshi Leisha + Baron
W2 V + Bijou - 1&% + Hyes

Victoria Shadowloo Showdown VI 6/02/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U wii u doubles

L4 Splice + Dreadtech - V + Leisha
W3 Attila + Tibs - V + Leisha
W2 V + Leisha - Ledge + Toshi

Victoria CouchWarriors January 2015 24/01/2015

Victoria Miles' Warehouse 2 3/01/2015

Victoria CouchWarriors December 2014 14/12/2014

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Doubles

L6 Ledge + Toshiba (Ledge +Toshi) - V + AsuraSarah (Team Projectile)
L5 V + AsuraSarah (Team Projectile) - Mozart + Joey (Joezart)
L4 V + AsuraSarah (Team Projectile) - MGK + Doozi
W3 Earl + Nicks (Team Awful) - V + AsuraSarah (Team Projectile)
W2 V + AsuraSarah (Team Projectile) - Huey + Harry (Ironic)

Victoria CouchWarriors WiiU Invitational 30/11/2014

Victoria RMIT November 2014 21/11/2014

Victoria CouchWarriors November 2014 16/11/2014

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Doubles

L3 Tyler and Slamdunk - Venks and V
L2 Venks and V - Noxus and Max
W1 1amp% and Deeks - Venks and V

Victoria CouchWarriors Oct 2014 18/10/2014

Victoria RMIT October 2014 17/10/2014

Victoria Shadowloo Showdown 2014 31/08/2014

Project M Project: M doubles

L2 Tim + Milun - V + Venks
W1 Puff + Beanz - V + Venks

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl doubles

L4 Jei + Khoa - V + Venks
L3 V + Venks - Ash + Cal
W2 Shaya + Tin Man - V + Venks
W1 V + Venks - Tim + Milun

Victoria BAM 6 10/05/2014

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl Doubles

L4 Jei and khoa (brokenarrow) - V and Vinks (VVV)
L3 V and Vinks (VVV) - Dean and Mozart (MasterMozart93)
L2 V and Vinks (VVV) - Hughie and Baron (Pirates of the South)
W1 Ed and bogo (Godly Apples) - V and Vinks (VVV)

Victoria Miles' Warehouse 5/01/2014

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl singles pro bracket

Victoria Shadowloo Showdown 2013 12/10/2013

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl Teams

L1 nido and SurPRiSE - Negai aand Totodiletrainer
W1 Tin Man Shaya - Negai aand Totodiletrainer

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl pools

P2 Sato 2 - 0 Yuusha
P2 Tibs 2 - 1 Yuusha
P2 Yuusha 2 - 0 Omen

Victoria SLHQ September 10/09/2013

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl doubles

L3 timic + yosh - negai + venks
L2 negai + venks - splice + jamwa
L1 negai + venks - Zeb + jake
W1 timic + yosh - negai + venks

Victoria SLHQ Aug24 2013 24/08/2013

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl doubles

L3 Penguin + Dean - Venks + Negai
L2 Venks + Negai - Nido + Adam
W1 Penguin + Dean - Venks + Negai

Victoria SLHQ June 2013 30/06/2013

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl doubles

L2 Joey + Sebby - Toshi + Negai
W2 Jei + Khoa - Toshi + Negai
W1 Toshi + Negai - Kevin + Roland

Victoria BAM 5 18/05/2013

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl singles amateur