
Project M Victoria 19/05/2018 5th / 7 BAM 10 Project M pools
Super Smash Bros. Melee Victoria 19/05/2018 65th / 156 BAM 10 Melee singles
Super Smash Bros. Victoria 19/05/2018 1st / 4 BAM 10 Smash 64 Division 3
Super Smash Bros. Victoria 19/05/2018 3rd / 5 BAM 10 Smash 64 Division 2
Super Smash Bros. Victoria 19/05/2018 4th / 4 BAM 10 Smash 64 Division 1
Project M New South Wales 29/07/2017 4th / 4 Metal Cavern 1 - PM/N64 PM Pools
Super Smash Bros. New South Wales 29/07/2017 2nd / 4 Metal Cavern 1 - PM/N64 Placement Pools
Super Smash Bros. New South Wales 29/07/2017 1st / 5 Metal Cavern 1 - PM/N64 2nd Chance Pools
Super Smash Bros. New South Wales 29/07/2017 5th / 8 Metal Cavern 1 - PM/N64 Top 8
Super Smash Bros. Melee South Australia 2/12/2016 25th / 53 SXC2K16 - Southern Cross Championships 2K16 Melee Singles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 24/09/2016 13th / 28 York Street Battles #45 Melee Singles
Project M Western Australia 9/09/2016 2nd / 6 DI Another Day 2: 9 -11 September Project M PMB3
Project M Western Australia 9/09/2016 13th / 16 DI Another Day 2: 9 -11 September DI Another Day Project M Singles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Melee Western Australia 9/09/2016 6th / 10 DI Another Day 2: 9 -11 September Melee Pools
Super Smash Bros. Western Australia 9/09/2016 9th / 23 DI Another Day 2: 9 -11 September DI Another Day 2: Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros. New South Wales 14/08/2016 4th / 11 Great Cave Offensive - Smash 4 & N64 N64 Singles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 23/07/2016 5th / 5 York Street Battles July 2016 Melee Pools
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 23/07/2016 2nd / 5 York Street Battles July 2016 Melee Doubles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 2/07/2016 2nd / 4 ELEAGUE Winter LAN Melee Pools
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 2/07/2016 2nd / 4 ELEAGUE Winter LAN Melee Doubles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 2/07/2016 7th / 12 ELEAGUE Winter LAN Melee Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 22/05/2016 9th / 16 Smashing Good Time S2 E11 Melee singles
Super Smash Bros. Melee Victoria 13/05/2016 13th / 31 BAM 8 - 13-15th May melee doubles
Super Smash Bros. Melee Victoria 13/05/2016 97th / 176 BAM 8 - 13-15th May Singles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 8/05/2016 7th / 12 Smashing Good Time Monthly S2 E10 Melee singles
Project M New South Wales 17/04/2016 9th / 16 Smashing Good Time Monthly S2 E9 PM Top 16
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 17/04/2016 9th / 12 Smashing Good Time Monthly S2 E9 Melee Pro
Super Smash Bros. New South Wales 17/04/2016 1st / 6 Smashing Good Time Monthly S2 E9 N64
Project M New South Wales 12/04/2016 9th / 16 Late Night PM 15 PM Singles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 2/04/2016 9th / 16 EXPAND GONG (2nd - 3rd April) Melee singles pro bracket
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 2/04/2016 4th / 13 EXPAND GONG (2nd - 3rd April) melee doubles
Project M New South Wales 29/03/2016 17th / 20 Late Night PM 13 Project M singles
Project M New South Wales 13/03/2016 7th / 8 Smashing Good Time S2 E7 Project M singles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 13/03/2016 7th / 12 Smashing Good Time S2 E7 Melee Singles
Super Smash Bros. New South Wales 13/03/2016 3rd / 7 Smashing Good Time S2 E7 Singles
Project M New South Wales 1/03/2016 9th / 16 Late Night PM 11 PM Singles
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U New South Wales 28/02/2016 17th / 24 Smashing Good Time S2 E6 SM4SH Amateur
Project M New South Wales 2/02/2016 5th / 12 SGT Late Night 9 PM
Project M New South Wales 19/01/2016 9th / 16 SGT Late Night 8 PM
Project M New South Wales 17/01/2016 9th / 12 Smashing Good Time S2E2 PM
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 17/01/2016 7th / 18 Smashing Good Time S2E2 Melee Singles
Project M New South Wales 12/01/2016 9th / 14 SGT Late Night 7 PM
Project M New South Wales 5/01/2016 9th / 12 SGT Late Night 6 PM Marth
Project M New South Wales 22/12/2015 5th / 12 SGT Late Night 5 PM
Project M New South Wales 15/12/2015 7th / 16 SGT Late Night 4 PM
Project M New South Wales 13/12/2015 9th / 12 SGT. Smash Sunday PM top 12
Project M South Australia 28/11/2015 9th / 32 SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 PM Singles
Project M South Australia 28/11/2015 4th / 9 SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 PM Doubles
Super Smash Bros. Melee South Australia 28/11/2015 13th / 35 SXC2K15 - Southern Cross Championships 2K15 melee singles Marth
Project M New South Wales 24/11/2015 5th / 9 SGT Late Night PM
Project M New South Wales 15/11/2015 9th / 12 SGT.Zero (SXC2K15 Sponsorships) SGT. PM Top 12
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 15/11/2015 13th / 16 SGT.Zero (SXC2K15 Sponsorships) SGT. Melee Top 16
Project M New South Wales 1/11/2015 7th / 18 SGT. Sunday Smash | Melee | Wii U | PM | 64 | RoA PM Marth
Project M New South Wales 20/09/2015 17th / 22 SGT. Smash Sunday Weekly | Wii U | Melee | N64 | 3DS | PM PM singles Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 20/09/2015 9th / 16 SGT. Smash Sunday Weekly | Wii U | Melee | N64 | 3DS | PM Melee singles
Project M New South Wales 12/09/2015 13th / 30 Never Stand Still #3 - UNSW Smash Brothers Society Tournament Project M Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 12/09/2015 9th / 16 Never Stand Still #3 - UNSW Smash Brothers Society Tournament Melee singles Marth
Super Smash Bros. New South Wales 12/09/2015 1st / 11 Never Stand Still #3 - UNSW Smash Brothers Society Tournament N64
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U New South Wales 5/09/2015 5th / 5 SGT. Saturday Underground Smash | Wii U | Melee | N64 Wii U Pools
Project M New South Wales 2/08/2015 5th / 13 SGT. @ The Undergound | PM | Wii U | Melee | N64 SGT PM RR
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 2/08/2015 17th / 21 SGT. @ The Undergound | PM | Wii U | Melee | N64 SGT. Melee Bracket
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U New South Wales 19/07/2015 9th / 16 SGT. Sunday Smash SGT. Wii U Doubles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 19/07/2015 4th / 8 SGT. Sunday Smash SGT. Melee Doubles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 19/07/2015 9th / 23 SGT. Sunday Smash SGT. Melee
Project M New South Wales 10/07/2015 7th / 16 Town & Sydney Project M Amateurs
Project M New South Wales 10/07/2015 3rd / 4 Town & Sydney PM pools
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 10/07/2015 3rd / 5 Town & Sydney Melee Pools
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U New South Wales 4/07/2015 33rd / 57 Never Stand Still 2 Smash 4
Project M New South Wales 4/07/2015 9th / 19 Never Stand Still 2 PM
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 4/07/2015 13th / 16 Never Stand Still 2 Melee
Super Smash Bros. New South Wales 4/07/2015 1st / 9 Never Stand Still 2 N64
Super Smash Bros. Melee Victoria 23/05/2015 77th / 190 BAM 7 melee singles
Super Smash Bros. Melee Victoria 23/05/2015 49th / 88 BAM 7 melee doubles
Super Smash Bros. Victoria 23/05/2015 13th / 44 BAM 7 64 Singles
Project M Victoria 22/05/2015 53rd / 77 Project Melbourne pm singles
Project M Victoria 22/05/2015 17th / 33 Project Melbourne pm doubles
Project M New South Wales 17/05/2015 7th / 8 BAM Training Weekend Project M Singles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 10/05/2015 5th / 8 Never Stand Still 1 Melee Singles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 3/05/2015 7th / 8 Smashing Good Time Sydney Masters Melee Singles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 3/05/2015 2nd / 6 Smashing Good Time Sydney Masters Melee Pools
Project M New South Wales 25/04/2015 9th / 12 Smash City Anzac 2015 Smash City Anzac - Project M
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 12/04/2015 1st / 6 Smashing Good Time April 2015 Melee Pools
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 12/04/2015 9th / 16 Smashing Good Time April 2015 Smashing Good Time - Melee
Super Smash Bros. New South Wales 12/04/2015 9th / 22 Smashing Good Time April 2015 Smashing Good Time - N64
Project M New South Wales 4/04/2015 5th / 8 Smash City Easter pm doubles
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 23/02/2014 33rd / 37 Revival of Sydney 2 Melee Singles