
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 12/07/2020 9th / 26 BKB SMUSH: THE RETURN 02 BKB SMUSH: THE RETURN 02
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 5/07/2020 9th / 17 BKB SMUSH: THE RETURN BKB SMUSH: THE RETURN
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 28/06/2020 5th / 16 BKB SMUSH RETURNS?!? BKB SMUSH RETURNS?!?
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 14/03/2020 4th / 16 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #55 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #55
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 10/03/2020 17th / 62 Star Forge #111 Star Forge #111
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 7/03/2020 33rd / 236 Phantom 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 7/03/2020 17th / 71 Phantom 2020 Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 6/03/2020 33rd / 163 Star Forge #110 Star Forge #110 - Phantom Edition!
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 5/03/2020 17th / 37 BKB SMUSH BOOTCAMP SEASON 1 WEEK 10 Dup Bracket 10
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 1/03/2020 9th / 37 BKB SMUSH SUNDAY SEASON 1 WEEK 9 Dup bracket 9
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 29/02/2020 9th / 29 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #54 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #54
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 25/02/2020 7th / 27 Emergency BKB Tuesday Emergency BKB Tuesday
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 23/02/2020 25th / 110 Starforge: Underground 18 Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 23/02/2020 5th / 24 Starforge: Underground 18 Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 22/02/2020 2nd / 9 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #53 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #53
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 18/02/2020 17th / 63 Star Forge #109 Star Forge 109
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 15/02/2020 7th / 20 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #52 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #52
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 11/02/2020 25th / 62 Star Forge #108 Star Forge #108
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 9/02/2020 9th / 21 BKB SMUSH SUNDAY SEASON 1 WEEK 6 Dup bracket 6
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 8/02/2020 7th / 26 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #51 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #51
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 4/02/2020 17th / 56 Star Forge #107 Star Forge #107
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 1/02/2020 7th / 18 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #50 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #50
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 28/01/2020 13th / 59 Star Forge #106 Star Forge #106
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 25/01/2020 7th / 32 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #49 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #49
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 23/01/2020 5th / 18 BKB BOOTCAMP SMUSH SEASON 1 WEEK 4 Dup Bracket 4
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 21/01/2020 17th / 50 Star Forge #105 Star Forge #105 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 19/01/2020 17th / 105 Starforge: Underground 17 Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 18/01/2020 5th / 164 Queensland Arcadian: Mid-Level Madness Smash Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 18/01/2020 5th / 56 Queensland Arcadian: Mid-Level Madness Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 17/01/2020 7th / 68 Friday Night Smash 236 Friday Night Smash 236 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 14/01/2020 33rd / 70 Star Forge #104 Star Forge #104 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 12/01/2020 5th / 29 BKB SUNDAY SMUSH SEASON 1 WEEK 2 BKB SmUsh Sunday (AusSmash Remake) Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 11/01/2020 7th / 26 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #47 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #47 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 5/01/2020 7th / 30 BKB SUNDAY SMUSH SEASON 1 WEEK 1 Dup Bracket 1 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 4/01/2020 9th / 33 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #46 Hornsby Smash Ultimate Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 2/01/2020 17th / 47 Super Smashin Thursdays 61 Super Smashin Thursdays #61 - SSBUltimate Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 28/12/2019 9th / 26 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #45 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #45 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 21/12/2019 7th / 27 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #44 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #44 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 17/12/2019 9th / 65 Star Forge #103 Star Forge #103 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 16/12/2019 5th / 14 BKB BIRTHDAY 🍰 BATTLE KAT BOOTCAMP BIRTHDAY 🍰 BATTLE KAT BOOTCAMP Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 14/12/2019 4th / 19 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #43 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #43 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 7/12/2019 9th / 46 Big Cheese 2 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Redemption
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 7/12/2019 65th / 153 Big Cheese 2 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 3/12/2019 17th / 48 Star Forge #102 Star Forge #102 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 30/11/2019 4th / 13 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #41 Hornsby Gametraders 41 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 26/11/2019 17th / 55 Star Forge #101 Star Forge #101 Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 24/11/2019 49th / 81 Star Forge Underground #16 Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 24/11/2019 9th / 20 Star Forge Underground #16 Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 12/11/2019 17th / 48 Star Forge #99 Star Forge #99 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 9/11/2019 25th / 94 Never Stand Still Arcadian Smash Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 5/11/2019 13th / 60 Star Forge #98 Star Forge #98 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 2/11/2019 3rd / 11 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #38 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #38 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 29/10/2019 13th / 40 Star Forge #97 Star Forge #97 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 27/10/2019 25th / 76 Star Forge Underground #15 Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 27/10/2019 9th / 20 Star Forge Underground #15 Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 26/10/2019 5th / 14 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #37 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #37 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 15/10/2019 25th / 54 Star Forge #95 Star Forge #95 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 12/10/2019 9th / 19 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #35 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #35 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 8/10/2019 17th / 52 Star Forge #94 Star Forge #94 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 5/10/2019 5th / 14 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #34 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #34 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 29/09/2019 33rd / 120 Star Forge Underground #14 Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 28/09/2019 5th / 17 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #33 Hornby Smash Ultimate #33 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 24/09/2019 25th / 69 Star Forge #92 Star Forge #92 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 21/09/2019 49th / 110 OzHadou Nationals 16 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 21/09/2019 17th / 32 OzHadou Nationals 16 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 17/09/2019 13th / 60 Star Forge #91 Star Forge #91 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 14/09/2019 2nd / 9 Hornsby Gametraders #32 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #32 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 10/09/2019 17th / 50 Star Forge #90 Star Forge #90 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 7/09/2019 17th / 39 GEEVO 12 Super Smash Bros. Switch - Singles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 3/09/2019 9th / 60 Star Forge #89 Star Forge #89 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 31/08/2019 4th / 14 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #30 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #30 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 27/08/2019 17th / 65 Star Forge #88 Star Forge #88
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 25/08/2019 49th / 113 Star Forge Underground #13 Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 25/08/2019 9th / 22 Star Forge Underground #13 Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 20/08/2019 17th / 55 Star Forge #87 Star Forge #87 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Australian Capital Territory 18/08/2019 1st / 14 Dancing Blade 2 DANCING BLADE 2 REDEMPTION BRACKET Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Australian Capital Territory 18/08/2019 17th / 39 Dancing Blade 2 Ultimate Singles Bracket Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 13/08/2019 17th / 58 Star Forge #86 Star Forge #86 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 10/08/2019 49th / 191 Sunny Side Up Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 10/08/2019 33rd / 61 Sunny Side Up Super Smash Bros Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Queensland 9/08/2019 49th / 120 Friday Night Smash 213 Friday Night Smash 213 (SSU) Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 6/08/2019 13th / 56 Star Forge #85 Star Forge #85 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 3/08/2019 3rd / 12 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #26 HSU 26.2 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 30/07/2019 17th / 49 Star Forge #84 Star Forge #84 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 28/07/2019 33rd / 94 Star Forge Underground #12 Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 23/07/2019 17th / 50 Star Forge #83 Star Forge #83 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 20/07/2019 25th / 39 Knockout Gong 5 Wollongong FGC Knockout Gong 5 Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U New South Wales 20/07/2019 13th / 15 Knockout Gong 5 Smash 4 Kockout gong 5
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 16/07/2019 25th / 73 Star Forge #82 Star Forge #82 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 14/07/2019 13th / 141 Star Forge Arcadian 2 Arcadian Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 13/07/2019 13th / 33 GEEVO 10 Super Smash Bros. Switch - Singles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 9/07/2019 49th / 98 Star Forge #81 Star Forge 81 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 6/07/2019 5th / 20 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #23 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #23 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 2/07/2019 17th / 55 Star Forge #80 Star Forge #80 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 30/06/2019 25th / 123 Star Forge Underground #11 Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 30/06/2019 5th / 25 Star Forge Underground #11 Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 30/06/2019 37th / 44 Star Forge Underground #11 Melee Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 29/06/2019 7th / 13 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #22 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #22 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 25/06/2019 25th / 73 Star Forge #79 Star Forge #79
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 22/06/2019 9th / 17 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #21 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #21 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 16/06/2019 2nd / 16 First Round Esports - Smash Bros. Ultimate First Round Esports - Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 15/06/2019 7th / 16 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #20 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #20 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 11/06/2019 33rd / 55 Star Forge #78 Star Forge #78 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 8/06/2019 7th / 11 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #19 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #19 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 4/06/2019 25th / 59 Star Forge #77 Star Forge #77 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 1/06/2019 9th / 22 GEEVO 9 Super Smash Bros. Switch - Singles Bracket Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 28/05/2019 33rd / 48 Star Forge #76 Star Forge #76
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 26/05/2019 33rd / 112 Star Forge Underground #10 Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 25/05/2019 7th / 23 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #17 HSU #17 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 21/05/2019 25th / 57 Star Forge #75 Star Forge #75 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Victoria 18/05/2019 193rd / 340 BAM 11 Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Victoria 16/05/2019 65th / 94 BAM11 Salty Suite Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 14/05/2019 17th / 51 Star Forge #74 Star Forge #74 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 11/05/2019 9th / 13 Larry’s Ultimate Blast Zone #2 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 7/05/2019 25th / 64 Star Forge #73 Star Forge #73 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 4/05/2019 13th / 23 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #15 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #15 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 28/04/2019 49th / 96 Star Forge Underground #9 Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 28/04/2019 7th / 23 Star Forge Underground #9 Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 27/04/2019 9th / 18 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #14 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #14 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 23/04/2019 25th / 90 Star Forge #72 Star Forge #72 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 20/04/2019 5th / 22 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #13 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #13 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 16/04/2019 33rd / 97 Star Forge #71 Star Forge #71 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 13/04/2019 9th / 16 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #12 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #12 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 9/04/2019 49th / 80 Star Forge #70 Star Forge #70 Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 5/04/2019 33rd / 69 Expand Gong 4 EG4 Smash Ultimate Amateurs
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 5/04/2019 65th / 214 Expand Gong 4 EG4 Smash Ultimate Singles Yoshi
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 5/04/2019 49th / 71 Expand Gong 4 EG4 Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 5/04/2019 7th / 7 Expand Gong 4 EG4 Melee Singles Pools
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 2/04/2019 33rd / 76 Star Forge #68 Star Forge #68
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 31/03/2019 49th / 90 Star Forge Underground 8 Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 31/03/2019 13th / 18 Star Forge Underground 8 Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 30/03/2019 5th / 17 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #10 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #10
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 26/03/2019 49th / 92 Star Forge #67 Star Forge 67
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 23/03/2019 9th / 20 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #9 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #9
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 19/03/2019 65th / 97 Star Forge #66 Star Forge #66
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 16/03/2019 13th / 19 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #8 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #8
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 12/03/2019 33rd / 86 Star Forge #65 Star Forge #65
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 9/03/2019 9th / 15 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #7 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #7
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 5/03/2019 65th / 99 Star Forge #64 Star Forge #64
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 1/03/2019 97th / 128 Star Forge #63: Phantom Edition Star Forge 63: Phantom Edition
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 23/02/2019 13th / 27 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #6 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #6
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 19/02/2019 65th / 102 Star Forge #62 Star Forge 62
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 16/02/2019 9th / 24 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #5 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #5
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 9/02/2019 17th / 19 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #4 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #4
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 5/02/2019 97th / 126 Star Forge #60 Star Forge 60
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 2/02/2019 17th / 30 Larry’s Ultimate Blast Zone #1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 26/01/2019 13th / 22 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #3 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #3
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 19/01/2019 13th / 15 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #2 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #2
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 12/01/2019 9th / 13 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #1 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #1