Pixel Smash #203 4/12/2023
Pixel Smash #200 12/11/2023
Pixel SMASH Ultimate (Main Bracket)
Pixel Smash #191 11/09/2023
Pixel Arcadian 20/08/2023
Pixel Smash #152 19/12/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #150 11/12/2022
Pixel SMASH Ultimate (Main Bracket)
Pixel Smash #147 14/11/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #146 7/11/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Big Cheese 3 29/10/2022
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles
The Medium Cheese 2022 27/10/2022
Ultimate Singles
WeeklyVac - Small Cheese Edition 2022 26/10/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #143 17/10/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Temple Smash #39 7/10/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #110 4/10/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #141 3/10/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Temple Smash #37 30/09/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #140 26/09/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #139 19/09/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash September 2022 18/09/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate #107 13/09/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #138 12/09/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Vic Arcadian 2 10/09/2022
VIC Arcadian Singles
Temple Smash #35 9/09/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #137 5/09/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #135 22/08/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash August 2022 21/08/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #133 8/08/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
CouchWarriors August Ranbat 2022 6/08/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #31 5/08/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L7 | DD | 3 - 1 | Radio |
W4 | Pelipper Piccolo | 3 - 1 | Radio |
W3 | Radio | 3 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
W2 | Radio | 2 - 0 | Personate |
W1 | Radio | 2 - 1 | Jayd |
Pixel Smash #132 1/08/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Phantom 2022 17/07/2022
Ultimate singles
Battle Kat Bunker: The Phantom Hour 15/07/2022
Super Barista Bros, Ghostly Grind 14/07/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pre-Phantom StarForge #122 13/07/2022
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #129 4/07/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
CouchWarriors July Ranbat 2022 2/07/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #27 1/07/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #128 27/06/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #127 20/06/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #126 13/06/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Temple Smash #25 10/06/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L7 | Scobo | 3 - 1 | Radio |
L6 | Radio | 3 - 0 | Slimboy17 |
L5 | Radio | 3 - 0 | Mackarp |
L4 | Radio | 3 - 1 | Badger |
L3 | Radio | 2 - 0 | SkippyDinglChalk |
W3 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Radio |
W2 | Radio | 2 - 0 | Trash@Life |
BAM 12 15/05/2022
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2022]
Temple Smash #22 6/05/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #112 14/03/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash 8 13/03/2022
Temple Smash #15 11/03/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L5 | Dura | 3 - 1 | Radio |
L4 | Radio | 3 - 0 | Mado |
L3 | Radio | 2 - 0 | Samsungintheshower |
W3 | Xav | 2 - 1 | Radio |
W2 | Radio | 2 - 0 | Skinny_Pat |
Pixel Smash #111 7/03/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
CouchWarriors March Ranbat 2022 6/03/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #109 21/02/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #108 14/02/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #107 7/02/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Temple Smash #12 4/02/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #106 3/01/2022
Pixel Smash #101 13/12/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #99 8/11/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #98 1/11/2021
Temple Smash #5 30/10/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #97 25/10/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
BANC 11/07/2021
Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BANC] Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash 5 10/07/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #4 9/07/2021
Temple Smash #3 3/07/2021
Pixel Smash #93 28/06/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #92 21/06/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #91 14/06/2021
Temple Smash #2 12/06/2021
Ultimate Singles Main Bracket
CouchWarriors May Ranbat 2021 22/05/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #89 17/05/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #88 10/05/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #87 3/05/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash 4 1/05/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #86 26/04/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2021 24/04/2021
Pixel Smash #85 19/04/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #84 12/04/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash #3 11/04/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #82 29/03/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Couchwarriors March Ranbat 2021 27/03/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #81 22/03/2021
Pixel Smash #80 15/03/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L3 | Static | 2 - 0 | Radio |
L2 | Radio | 2 - 0 | ABoringBadger |
L1 | Radio | 2 - 0 | PrankN |
W2 | Unreal Sora | 2 - 0 | Radio |
Super Sunshine Smash 2 7/03/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #76 8/02/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #75 1/02/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #74 26/01/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Smash Saturday 23/01/2021
Smash Saturday Returns @ Dungeon.exe 1v1's Pro
Smash Saturday Returns @ Dungeon.exe 1v1's Pool 1
Smash Saturday @ Dungeon.exe 23/01/21 23/01/2021
Smash Saturday Returns @ Dungeon.exe 1v1's Pro
Smash Saturday Returns @ Dungeon.exe 1v1's Pool 1
Pixel Smash #73 19/01/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #72 12/01/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash 10/01/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #71 5/01/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #70 29/12/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #69 22/12/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #68 15/12/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Perfect 1 13/12/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles Top 32
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #67 8/12/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #66 Outside Edition 3/12/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #65 Outdoor Edition 24/11/2020
Pixel Smash #64 Outdoor Edition 17/11/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #63 Outside Test Event 10/11/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L1 | Catburger | 2 - 0 | Radio |
W1 | drinkwater | 2 - 1 | Radio |
Pixel Smash #61 29/06/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #58 8/06/2020
Pixel Smash #55 2/03/2020
Pixel Smash #54 24/02/2020
Couchwarriors Feburary Ranbat 2020 22/02/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #52 10/02/2020
Pixel Smash #51 3/02/2020
Pixel Smash #49 20/01/2020
L4 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Radio |
L3 | Radio | 2 - 1 | Pastra |
W3 | SebPro101 | 2 - 0 | Radio |
W2 | Radio | 2 - 0 | SkippyDinglChalk |
Pixel Smash #48 13/01/2020
Couchwarriors January Ranbat 2020 11/01/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #47 6/01/2020
Pixel Smash #46 30/12/2019
Pixel Smash #44 16/12/2019
Pixel Smash #43 9/12/2019
L3 | Cygnus (2017) | 2 - 1 | Radio |
L2 | Radio | 2 - 0 | Unreal Sora |
W2 | SebPro101 | 2 - 0 | Radio |
W1 | Radio | 2 - 0 | Alpal |
Pixel Smash #41 25/11/2019
Couchwarriors November Ranbat 2019 23/11/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #40 18/11/2019
Pixel Smash #39 11/11/2019
L5 | Piski | 3 - 0 | Radio |
L4 | Radio | 2 - 0 | Tekk |
L3 | Radio | 2 - 0 | Unreal Sora |
W3 | El | 2 - 1 | Radio |
W2 | Radio | 2 - 0 | dollarydoos |