
Project M New South Wales 21/12/2024 7th / 21 Gecko Cavern 8 - The Holiday Special Project+ Singles Bracket Roy
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 29/11/2024 13th / 15 Toon Town! Melee Singles Bracket Marth
Project M New South Wales 9/11/2024 7th / 20 Gecko Cavern 7 Project+ Singles Bracket Roy
Project M New South Wales 14/09/2024 5th / 15 Gecko Cavern 6 Project+ Singles Bracket Roy
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 1/09/2024 33rd / 81 Floating Point 2024 Melee Singles Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 29/08/2024 17th / 35 Super Barista Bros, Melee! #FP2024 Pre-Local Melee Singles Marth
Project M New South Wales 17/08/2024 7th / 19 Gecko Cavern 5 Project+ Singles Bracket Roy
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 11/08/2024 17th / 38 Epping Arcadian 3 Melee Singles Arcadian (Best Of 5) Bracket Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 26/07/2024 9th / 20 Super Barista Bros, Melee! #52 Melee Singles Marth
Project M New South Wales 15/06/2024 7th / 12 Gecko Cavern 4 Project+ Singles Bracket Roy
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 15/06/2024 4th / 4 Gecko Cavern 4 Melee Doubles Bracket
Project M New South Wales 18/05/2024 4th / 11 Gecko Cavern 3 Project+ Singles Bracket Roy
Project M New South Wales 20/04/2024 4th / 6 Gecko Cavern 2.5 Project+ Singles Bracket Roy
Project M Australian Capital Territory 7/04/2024 21st / 32 The Action 2: Action Replay Project+ Singles Roy
Project M Australian Capital Territory 7/04/2024 5th / 10 The Action 2: Action Replay Project+ Doubles Bracket Mr. Game and WatchRoy
Project M New South Wales 16/03/2024 7th / 18 Gecko Cavern 2 Project+ Singles Bracket Roy
Project M New South Wales 24/02/2024 5th / 17 Gecko Cavern 1 Project+ Singles Bracket Roy
Project M New South Wales 24/02/2024 4th / 6 Gecko Cavern 1 Project+ Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 10/02/2024 13th / 20 Okay this is Epping #24 Melee Singles Bracket Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 10/02/2024 3rd / 5 Okay this is Epping #24 SSBM Doubles Bracket Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 26/01/2024 9th / 16 Super Barista Bros, Melee! #39 - Australian Edition Melee Singles Marth
Project M New South Wales 16/12/2023 7th / 15 Metal Cavern 40 Christmas Finale Project + Singles Bracket Roy
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 9/12/2023 17th / 26 Okay this is Epping #22 Melee Singles Bracket Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 9/12/2023 4th / 7 Okay this is Epping #22 Melee Doubles Bracket Marth
Project M New South Wales 19/11/2023 5th / 14 Metal Cavern 39 Project + Singles Bracket Roy
Project M New South Wales 28/10/2023 5th / 18 Metal Cavern 38 Project + Singles Bracket Roy
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 13/10/2023 5th / 10 Super Barista Bros, Melee! #30 Melee Singles Marth
Project M New South Wales 30/09/2023 5th / 15 Metal Cavern 37 Project + Singles Bracket Roy
Project M New South Wales 27/08/2023 9th / 27 Floating Point Project+ Singles Bracket Roy
Project M New South Wales 13/08/2023 4th / 11 Metal Cavern 36 Project + Singles Bracket Roy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl New South Wales 30/07/2023 13th / 16 Mega Metal Cavern #4 Super Smash Bros. Brawl Singles Bracket Mario
Project M New South Wales 30/07/2023 21st / 38 Mega Metal Cavern #4 Project + Singles Roy
Project M New South Wales 30/07/2023 13th / 13 Mega Metal Cavern #4 Project + Doubles Bracket
Project M New South Wales 10/06/2023 7th / 13 Metal Cavern 35 Project + Singles Bracket MarthRoy
Project M New South Wales 15/04/2023 9th / 18 Metal Cavern 34 Project + Singles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 24/02/2023 9th / 13 Super Barista Bros, Melee #12 Melee Singles Marth
Project M New South Wales 10/02/2023 9th / 19 Metal Cavern 32 Project + Singles Bracket
Project M New South Wales 10/02/2023 4th / 6 Metal Cavern 32 P+ Doubles Bracket
Project M Australian Capital Territory 22/01/2023 21st / 36 The Action Project+ Singles MarthRoy
Project M Australian Capital Territory 22/01/2023 5th / 7 The Action Project + Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 18/12/2022 5th / 19 Super Barista Bros. A Very Meowy Christmas Melee Singles Bracket Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 25/11/2022 9th / 10 Super Barista Bros, Melee #9 Melee Singles Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 18/11/2022 9th / 10 Super Barista Bros, No Netplay November 😤 Melee Singles Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 12/11/2022 9th / 24 Okay this is Epping #10 Melee Singles Bracket Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 28/10/2022 9th / 13 Super Barista Bros, Melee #6 Melee Singles Marth
Project M New South Wales 22/10/2022 4th / 13 Metal Cavern 31 Project + Singles Bracket MarthRoy
Project M New South Wales 22/10/2022 2nd / 5 Metal Cavern 31 P+ Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 14/10/2022 9th / 17 Super Barista Bros, Melee #5 Melee Singles Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 7/10/2022 4th / 8 Super Barista Bros, Ye I Guess Melee Is Back Again Part 2 #4 Melee Singles Bracket Marth
Project M New South Wales 18/09/2022 4th / 15 Metal Cavern 30 Project + Singles Bracket MarthRoy
Project M New South Wales 27/08/2022 7th / 23 Metal Cavern 29 Project + Singles Bracket Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 19/08/2022 13th / 19 Super Barista Bros, Da Meleeeeeeee?!? #3 Melee Singles Bracket Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 12/08/2022 5th / 13 Super Barista Bros, Meleeeeee! #2 Melee Singles Bracket Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 5/08/2022 9th / 18 Super Barista Bros Meleeeee! Melee Singles Bracket Marth
Project M New South Wales 31/07/2022 9th / 29 Mega Metal Cavern 3 Project + Singles MarthRoy
Project M New South Wales 31/07/2022 4th / 9 Mega Metal Cavern 3 Project + Doubles Bracket
Project M New South Wales 17/07/2022 17th / 30 Phantom 2022 P+ Singles Bracket MarthRoy
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 15/07/2022 33rd / 59 Battle Kat Bunker: The Phantom Hour Melee Singles Bracket Marth
Project M New South Wales 5/07/2022 9th / 22 Metal Cavern 28 Project + Singles Bracket MarthRoy
Project M New South Wales 9/04/2022 9th / 19 Metal Cavern 27 Project + Singles Bracket Roy
Project M New South Wales 20/11/2021 9th / 24 Metal Cavern 26 Project + Singles Bracket
Project M New South Wales 12/06/2021 7th / 14 Metal Cavern 25 Project + Singles Bracket
Project M New South Wales 18/04/2021 3rd / 12 Battle Kat Comeback Project + Singles Bracket Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 6/12/2020 13th / 20 Elbow Bump Melee Singles Bracket Marth
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 7/03/2020 65th / 108 Phantom 2020 Phantom amateurs Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 7/03/2020 193rd / 236 Phantom 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Roy
Project M New South Wales 7/03/2020 6th / 6 Phantom 2020 Project M Singles Pools Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 23/02/2020 4th / 4 Starforge: Underground 18 Melee Singles Bracket Marth
Project M New South Wales 22/02/2020 9th / 13 Metal Cavern 24 Project M (P+) Singles Bracket Marth
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 17/12/2019 49th / 65 Star Forge #103 Star Forge #103
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 3/12/2019 33rd / 48 Star Forge #102 Star Forge #102 Roy
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 24/11/2019 49th / 81 Star Forge Underground #16 Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 27/10/2019 65th / 76 Star Forge Underground #15 Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 22/10/2019 33rd / 43 Star Forge #96 Star Forge #96
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 15/10/2019 33rd / 54 Star Forge #95 Star Forge #95
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 1/10/2019 65th / 73 Star Forge #93 Star Forge #93
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 29/09/2019 97th / 120 Star Forge Underground #14 Ultimate Singles Roy
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 10/09/2019 33rd / 50 Star Forge #90 Star Forge #90
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 25/08/2019 49th / 113 Star Forge Underground #13 Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 20/08/2019 33rd / 55 Star Forge #87 Star Forge #87
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 28/07/2019 65th / 94 Star Forge Underground #12 Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 30/06/2019 65th / 123 Star Forge Underground #11 Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 16/06/2019 7th / 16 First Round Esports - Smash Bros. Ultimate First Round Esports - Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 26/05/2019 65th / 112 Star Forge Underground #10 Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 28/04/2019 65th / 96 Star Forge Underground #9 Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 23/04/2019 65th / 90 Star Forge #72 Star Forge #72
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 16/04/2019 65th / 97 Star Forge #71 Star Forge #71
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 9/04/2019 65th / 80 Star Forge #70 Star Forge #70
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 2/04/2019 65th / 76 Star Forge #68 Star Forge #68
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 19/03/2019 65th / 97 Star Forge #66 Star Forge #66
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 5/03/2019 65th / 99 Star Forge #64 Star Forge #64
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 19/02/2019 65th / 102 Star Forge #62 Star Forge 62
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New South Wales 12/02/2019 65th / 93 Star Forge #61 Star Forge 61
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 2/12/2018 25th / 35 First Round Fisticuffs Melee Singles Marth
Super Smash Bros. Melee New South Wales 27/10/2018 6th / 6 Battle Smash Bunker Melee Singles Pools Marth