Viva can you please stop picking on Robfan? I mean hes probably new and you've already started ripping on our main? =/
09/03/2015 11:26:07
he is a bad character though. sorry mario is so much better.
09/03/2015 11:22:59
Welp this got weird fast x=
09/03/2015 11:20:55
Sounds like a new Googers has appeared.
09/03/2015 11:20:48
here we go again..
09/03/2015 11:14:52
09/03/2015 10:05:52
When I of on toast first thing that comes to mind is stew on toast homepages.jpeg
09/03/2015 10:05:23
Guys, guys, porridge is the way to go.
09/03/2015 09:50:50
Mushrooms on toast is a good breakfast. Breakfast of Champignons.
09/03/2015 09:23:34
09/03/2015 09:15:33
Personally, I prefer the brunch.
09/03/2015 08:48:15
Some days I don't even have time for breakfast ;_;
09/03/2015 08:47:34
Eggs on toast master race*
09/03/2015 08:46:06
Eggs on toast race
09/03/2015 08:45:37
Coco pops > Special K> every other cereal
09/03/2015 08:17:58
Real men eat coco pops
09/03/2015 08:17:44
Frosties>crunchy nut>corn flakes
09/03/2015 08:13:06
crunchy nut> frosties
09/03/2015 07:56:53
Just wonder how many hours have you guys spent on Smash 4? (A thread would be nice)
09/03/2015 07:46:47
Im sorry that your sorry
09/03/2015 07:14:31
i'm sorry but i disagree
09/03/2015 07:07:10
Frosties>corn flakes
09/03/2015 07:05:24
Not even corn flakes
09/03/2015 04:20:49
Alright Googers, I love eating wheaties with my homies.
09/03/2015 01:48:24
Can someone remind me why Deez is still allowed in the shoutouts? This trash talk is literally trash.
09/03/2015 01:18:07
Hey Aerodrome can I come stay with you? Not for training, just for weetbix n chill.
09/03/2015 01:07:32
09/03/2015 01:00:28
09/03/2015 00:56:40
Deez come stay with me and I will train you to be the greatest deez and your glory will be everlasting.
09/03/2015 00:49:04
No. I don't not want to be part of the fan fic. I'm explicitly saying this now. Also, there is no point in continuing this argument.
09/03/2015 00:27:07
just you guys wait for my CamAero ft.Deez fan fic. Will our beloved duo develop into a love triangle?Will Deez win the hearts of our heroes?
09/03/2015 00:25:50
Everyone loses to Deez once. Then they stop losing.
09/03/2015 00:25:27
You lost to Deez in a MM. You fell for the thing no one wants. Losing to me
09/03/2015 00:23:32
What are you on about. I brush my teeth the recommended amount. Twice a day. An apple a day, keeps Dr. Mario away
09/03/2015 00:20:37
It does, cause you lent him $20, and Boozer explicitly said he would MM me because it was your money
09/03/2015 00:19:06
And brush your teeth. It looks like a checkerboard in there.
09/03/2015 00:18:39
That's not how it works. Go back to school.
09/03/2015 00:18:08
Yeah, $20 dollars off Boozer, but it was your money anyways. So still technically $40 from you.
09/03/2015 00:17:25
You only won $20 off me.
09/03/2015 00:16:37
And you literally said you were going to Rape me, when I beat you 3-0. Hey, it's not my fault you didn't play to win.
09/03/2015 00:16:29
You asked for it. I won $40 off Aerdrome at Bam, after he said he wouldn't play me because 'he doesn't take money of Children' twice.
09/03/2015 00:15:30
Aero's advice: git gud
09/03/2015 00:13:35
I'm still learning the MU. And you literally do the same thing with Ness over and over that is difficult to punish. You rely on Backthrow
09/03/2015 00:13:34
Shut up deez, BAM was like, literally 5 months ago. Why don't you mention your losing streak to my terrible Ness despite your mu exp advant.
09/03/2015 00:12:11
Certain things*
09/03/2015 00:06:07
I'd be more like, it was my fault for playing someone I can't play, especially when certain this are on the line when we played.
09/03/2015 00:03:27
It's not a John really. I played characters that weren't my mains. You'd be able to say the same thing if you played your fraudulent ZSS.
09/02/2015 23:58:16
No Johns. You still Lost to me, after you said 'I'm going to rape you now' Then after I won, you gave me a certain something.
09/02/2015 23:56:49
I played, like, Robin and stuff. 😂 😂
09/02/2015 23:52:28
Sure Aerdrome. Just like the stuff you said at Bam, but then that thing happened.
09/02/2015 23:50:22
Deez won't get past me regardless.
09/02/2015 23:49:21
But isn't JSRF chats more important than Smash?
09/02/2015 23:45:14
Nah, get in line Googers. Shitashi is going to have to meet me first. Then I can turn his Megaman into Scrap metal ;)
09/02/2015 23:43:28
RoboCop plz come to Melbourne to meet Googers and SpaceJam
09/02/2015 23:38:19
DAE Splatoon is inspired by Jet Set Radio Future? Man I've tanked so many hours in both of those games... I even have the JSRF soundtrack
09/02/2015 23:35:55
I really don't want to have to quit my scene but... Jet Set Radio speed running is look pretty good for Googers right now.
09/02/2015 23:15:53
Smashbox III is this month signup to win at life.
09/02/2015 21:50:18
R.i.p self esteem Nah I was really just asking for advice on how to improve. I was just surprised when I took games off of people.
09/02/2015 14:32:07
Its because most people sandbag in friendlies probs. Also tournament pressure ;(
09/02/2015 14:28:03
Shoutout to doing better in friendlies than in the actual tournament. #NoRagrets
09/02/2015 13:46:39
mayro nevr perish utilt is 5eva git fukd rubit
09/02/2015 11:56:55
Excuse me, I believe that i have the leg MARIO MUST PERSHIAHS INTOM JANKYK DLADMD pls helpsdc
09/02/2015 11:53:06
We shall burn your capes
09/02/2015 11:52:43
uptilt master race will rekt you with our legz
09/02/2015 11:51:37
utilt master race. robits must die
09/02/2015 11:51:27
shatup utilt feg. leg wrekage
09/02/2015 11:50:55
robit sucks
09/02/2015 11:50:21
09/02/2015 11:48:54
Haha. Thanks for the games. Same here. Just 1v1 that guy In smash and teach him a thing or 2 ;) smash ya later
09/02/2015 11:28:46
Thanks for the games Deez. I'm sorry I wasn't quite focusing, I had a baka distracting me the whole time. Let's play again soon!
09/02/2015 11:22:07
that weekend is also the weekend of my burfdei ermergerd
09/02/2015 10:55:32
its the weekend right after exams will.. im.. curious if i can go now.
09/02/2015 10:54:31
Kira. Are you coming back again next month?
09/02/2015 10:20:11
Which tournament is this? I'm always keen to go interstate :)
09/02/2015 09:56:55
I'll probably go if I don't have exams on that week
09/02/2015 09:09:14
I want to go. Just need to get some Cash and find out if it interferes with year 12 orientation
09/02/2015 08:54:05
I'm also keen to go to Adelaide for SXC, it'll depend on uni commitments tho
09/02/2015 08:47:07
i might go. there's your convincing :^}
09/02/2015 08:37:44
Who is confirmed for this Adelaide event at the end of November? Considering going but want to book early. Should I?
09/02/2015 08:37:15
I'm at locals should I whip up a quick fanfic
09/02/2015 07:44:16
Shoutouts to Baron
09/02/2015 07:02:16
SGT - we have doubles
09/02/2015 06:58:00
go to ACT tournament, the waves are guiding you there
09/02/2015 05:23:22
sydney peeps we have SGT this weekend and UNSW the week after. I can only go to one, which one should it be?
09/02/2015 04:56:20
It'd be mad if the aus scene mastered the tech, cus then it could be called "the australian getup" or something similar.
09/02/2015 02:28:25
09/02/2015 01:18:46
Pazx do you have the input for it?
09/02/2015 01:15:09
marth can do it too jezmo so i'd say it's not character specific, just very rare
09/02/2015 01:14:19
Tournament at sunny coast this sat. hosted by Level up lounge
09/02/2015 00:36:44
Dair s rarely cancel like that and they also rarely have such small startup to extend the hitbox so I would be inclined to agree.
09/02/2015 00:30:48
Could be a really strong tech if mastered. I feel like whatever it is, it's Rosalini only.
09/02/2015 00:29:00
That's the best answer I've had yet, but I don't recall using D-Air there. I might have, though. I'll test it out later tonight.
09/02/2015 00:28:40
oh ma god the ledge options.
09/02/2015 00:28:11
@Jezmo does Rosa's Dair extend her hurtbox downwards? Could you be auto cancelling Dair off the ledge by pushing your feet to the ground fr
09/02/2015 00:26:53
Jezmo you did a wavedash forward :^)
09/01/2015 15:31:09
JonCheee and Aero if you get this Googers loves u
09/01/2015 12:46:11
Can anyone tell me what I did here?
09/01/2015 12:45:40
Shoutouts to Jam for being a top bloke
09/01/2015 10:32:05