Ness mains step-up your pop-off game. Match FOW or quit the character.
I'm pretty sure M2K could pick any character and start playing out of his mind if he really wanted to.
Watched the set vs MVD, he had some nice touches and good nairs but wasn't so impressive you'd say "out of his mind" imo
Mew2King is playing out of his mind as Cloud:
Was so close to beating Matty with DHD!!!!!! :D:D
good shit mr top of geelong PR, you played well man
yay boozer got bodied
Was so close to beating Boozer!!!!!! D: D:
Can confirm, Boozer got bodied
I think boozer just got bodied.
nah i hope he gets bodied Boozer v Earl finals. GIVE BOOZER YOUR POWER
Matty for Vic PR
Rush Hour Smash is going to start uploading more videos. Hype.
GUF #33 Ft. Shitashi, Fool, Flex, Luminescent, AzureWolf
Its the Justin Wong one
Is that about Justin Wong, or FGC in general?
The King of Chinatown Documentary is a nice insight into the FGC $$$ scene, IMO. It's not about Smash directly, but still relevant today.
Joe, this is why we use combination locks.
You billy
You wally
left my key to my key-lock in my locker. rip
I feel like ARSE is different enough to A~S~S, I take issue with this
Well it could be confused with the Aura Abuse tag of A~S~S now couldn't it.
Admins don't want my crews tag to be ARSE :( S A D B O Y S
Well, i'm at least going to go to Smash Sundays this weekend.
What did you do jam space
Broke the site again. Oopz.
nooooo deyaiiii
DI Another Day 2, Perth's Second Major Event page is now here!
so you are wasting what is left of what i assume is your phones power to tell us here?
Im gonna have to kill someone! D:
I swear my town is gonna turn into mad max. There is no power and all phones are gonna die soon and thee is only one supermarket
You hardly attend SC tournaments as it is @ Blazikengod
Just wait till the weekend Joe
5 great mii gunners you never heard of! number 2 will shock you! click this link now and get a free virus! Shoutouts to Villy.
shoutouts to storms for not being in QLD this summer
If someone knows who the ? is in pool 6, that would be great.
Shoutouts to storms for taking out my power every time
I am currently adeding player names from SGT Monthly S2E3
nah man sunshine coast is best coast
I really should attend more tourneys outside of Sunshine Coast ones
i got 37 elo for placing 3rd
i am upset
How to play peach 101:
Its true
Boozer confirmed best in VIC
ELO 100% accurate measure of skill rankings.
We're loyal to the entire cast.
GUF Geelong has no character loyalty. Very interesting.
Featuring Sosej aka Krasic aka framesjanco winning his first set of all time
Hello lads. Watch Geelongians fight to the death.
So even if you didnt go to an event you may go up or down in elo
LEF Got bored, so all sm4sh data from all qld events has been added to the elo calculations for this week (Except 1)
ah you're so young and naive .-.
99% sure that the trains will be running scott. why would they put it on if trains arent working
i miss the based hammer
trackwork on the gong line on the 6th
cant come take your money FINAL FIGHT 2 BOIS WE HYPE LOCAL
Melee and Sm4sh and Pokken in EVO this year, hype or what?
also pokken. waaaa
EVO confirmed for sm4sh... donation drive anyone?
Shoutouts are slow and dull without Aero :(
Good games on For Glory Raithen
Add me on WiiU and it could be you! :-D
GG to my FG friend! Glad to have bumped into you! :-)
happy australia day
Sorry Adam, said id play with McJobo
but wii u pro y u gotta be expen$ive (ಥ‸ಥ)
finally got a new controller and it feels AMAZING! i feel like i have control over my movements again
I like it
Which one of you cunnies were behind this?
im jokinggg
obs me
Which one of you cunnies were behind this? officially sticking to qldsmash
Have your say on an the Senate Rule set at this link here:
For Googers,
What is this, why does this exist, PLZ Explain Jett
SGT results courtesy of Scarpian -
but maybe with some hugs he wont be
no don't do it he doesn't like hugs he's an angry dino
hug the charizard
Stop hugging the charizard and kick him in the shins
charizard still broken
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong about Yoshi colours. I hear these colour names so much I develop misconceptions.
Prime II in Perth is getting to the later stage of singles:
pretty pink isnt trademarked unless you have proof