This cheeky lad Jaice seems amused by gimping me at 10%
I spilled my coco pops on the floor.
Yeah that was me, just bumming around in For Glory. :P GGs indeed. I saw "from Victoria" in the profile, didn't recognise the tag.
Props to Big GUF's Grand Winner Jaice! Get him to Genesis!
I think you just played PK Spongbev. Were you that Ganon/Rosalina player?
He says GGs btw. ^^
For those not watching Jezmo had to leave prior to the start of the Pro Bracket.
Coming Up Next on the GUF Stream will be the winners Finals, Jaice vs Lumi or Wolf.
Shit pro bracket at this time. You're all going in hard and good. Shame I missed it :(
Pro bracket is finally on, might be worth watching now.
haha, highest donator to get me to genesis gets next meet the players? :)
Pools on now
I like it. Who's next?
you wanted it, you got it -
Ganon's Boss Battle 3 feat. Kira, Randy, Scarpian and Invisi the Outback Hero live @
I'm finding your stream super laggy Jett, is that your stream?
Crowdfund Shitashi so we can hear him scream obnoxiously on the stream background .
Doubles starting soon.
Anyone want to play doubles?
Starting with an all random bracket. Bo5 1 stock:
Sorry to ask this of you guys, and thank you so much...I love you all and I love our Smash community so much, I promise to return the favor
If anyone could possibly help even a little bit it would be HUGE...
oops i meant 3232
Play mii gunner with 2332 pls :)
Play Ike and Mario, so I can learn to be less shit
I'll try and do character requests in bracket today, if you guys wants. Tweet me a character here
tkbreezy just mentioned waveguider on twitter
Shoutouts to Godtashi for all the improvements he makes to the site
Competitive users can now tag Twitch, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook accounts on their profile could you like check my custom review
Who wants to see fox get smacked overseas?
GGs Lumi, finally added you on my WiiU!
What the hell I thought I posted that in the thread, i'm dumb ;-;
Ghostbone you absolute god, you earnt everything that you've won and can't wait to see you whip up a storm at G3
Genesis 3 Grand Finals: Ghost vs Jezmo? ;)
Which of u guys lives near surfers paradise and is willing to let me come over and play smash while I ignore family
This is only mildly related to smash but I was in tears after seeing this
Also, I'm planning on making a video to thank all of you. Sound good? You've all just given me an experience I've been dreaming of for years
You're all incredible. Donate or not, thanks for ALL the support over the past week or more! I'm going to try my best to do you all proud.
fuck yeah lets go jezmo!
Congrats to Jezmo for funding his American Adventure.
oh hey the website is no longer kill
holy shit someone donated 100 bucks
Reminder that GUF FNS is not on tonight because of the event tomorrow. Don't rock up unless you want to reenact week 1 of uni.
Shameless self promotion.
Stop talking. Give me views
All G, it's salad after all! (thankfully?)
I'd LOVE some Salad! Specifically... your head.
I simultaneously do everything to everyone's salad in existence, NO EXCEPTIONS
10 minutes into smash and chill and salad wants to toss your salad.
Salad tosser
10 minutes into Googers and chill and he gives you this look
Shitashi knew Googers identity was literally ALL he had.
Salad this is Googers. I'm not even kidding.
shoutouts to shitashi for doin work on the site
Buster come see me and i'll give ya some crunchy nut
I never expected Salad to be a salad irl. The smash community is so diverse and accepting of so many cuisines!
Donkey Kong is the strongest character, MGK. His whole body is an eyebrow
Are ww, thanks MGK
The bigger the eyebrows, the more powerful the Character!
I use every female character in smash huehue
3 days into Holidays and chill, and you want to go back to school already :(
That's because Salad is already your friend ;o;
Shout out to the king of evil.
Looking for anyone to play against. Hmu
In the bracket pools system used, all second placing players in pools had lost a game - which carried onto the top 32 bracket.
I only ask from a TO POV, because its interesting to me. :)
QQ what was up with Winners round 1 at SXC, why did everygame "not Happen" was it for seeding?
yee admin
It might be best to make a Genesis fundraising thread for all players.
Wolf, yes any needed DLC will be purchased for any complete set-up that doesn't have it.
Can we sticky Jezmo's and Jaice's fundraisers? They're important to the AUSmash because their performance will entice other players here.
Please don't say that.
I've spent all my money on Jezmo, sorry :^)
Send me to Mega Drive pls
@LEF Does UQ Smash still pay for students' DLC? Or did I misread that one day?
everyone making a send me to genesis thing, should I make a send me to genesis thing?
send googers to genesis
The bug preventing some users from commenting on articles should now be fixed. Also Jezmum the best mum.
Hmm to donate the final $500 for Jezzy or to not......
I'm probs gonna be at that event myself, so (I think we met once irl), motivation!
zomg Jezmo is already more than 50% funded - you guys are just incredible. THANKYOU.
something about jez's family having an account here is hilarious
Crowdfunding to get Jezmo to Genesis -
What did I miss? When did Googers become BUSTER_JUNIOR? Also, Why?
We've had to redo the SXC bracket so it processes correctly for Elo tomorrrow. There may have been some character data lost. We apologise.
i propose to remake the only way for BUSTER_JR to become Googers again should be winning Genesis. c):^]
When the only way you can become Googers again is beating SpaceJam and you don't see him in bracket :+]
Villager just had a "peek" into mii gunners "gunners"
you just made me regurgitate my dinner Villy! how could you?!
Don't click that link unless your ready for graphic content! ;o;
i never knew ThatLaggyPerson was a tree..... huh
-dies- rip mii gunner 420-20xx