Why has the skill level in Queensland dropped?
Hello there, my name is Aerodrome, some of you might know me by my title; Kurogane Hammer.
This blog post is going to outline three major problems which have contributed to the skill decline of Queensland. Our state was one of the best, but recently there has been a massive fall from grace. Our state has gone from top 2 (either 1st or 2nd, I'm not interested in arguing which) to easily the worst state in the country.
I know that Queensland is going through their "we gotta hate KH!" phase so I half expect this to fall on deaf ears, but hopefully some people are listening and at the very least this will be a good example of what not to do for other states.
And so it begins.
Number one reason is the player exodus we've had recently. Fairly self explanatory, and not something that can actually be fixed because sometimes life gets in the way of Smash events and there's not much you can do about it. But recently Queensland lost their best player, Jezmo, alongside other regulars like AzureWolf, Shitashi, and Seymour among others.
You might be wondering, "but why does this matter, KH?!"
Well the answer is simple, less good players = less competition = less advice given = less improvements seen in players.
It's a devastating domino effect.
But like I said, we can't do anything about players leaving, but this does bring me to my second point!
One of the problems with Queensland is that they are a very casual minded state. No one is really that interested in getting better, partially because of their own arrogance (quite a few Queenslanders believe they're very good at the game), or maybe they just don't really care. Our state is blessed with a stream setup and regular VODs, however I believe that no one actually watches the VODs of tournaments that they attended. No one studies up on their characters. No one has the motivation to get better, which means that they can't fill the shoes of those good players who left.
It's another domino effect. This one can be fixed though, but it requires the PLAYERS THEMSELVES to stop being lazy and lab, watch streams, practise, and analyze their gameplay!
I strongly believe something that would be beneficial to Queensland would be something akin to the #Duon40, which is a ranking system which encourages new player talent and growth and competition between players who otherwise wouldn't have a chance to get on the PR; as exceedingly weak as it currently is.
Our third problem is something that we've encouraged for a while for whatever reason and it probably needs to stop. We currently have two big tournament series, our weekly, GUF, and our monthly, UQ.
Both of these tournaments have different rulesets, and (I believe) tournament organizers who think that their tournament series is better, or more important than the other (This applies to GUF AND UQ). I feel like these two things are super unhealthy for the scene. Both tournaments are equally as important as each other, but they fulfill different roles.
GUF is the weekly that's for practice/grinding, while UQ is supposed to be the monthly where your results are generally valued more highly, but that doesn't seem to be the case at the moment.
I strongly believe that a ruleset merge would be beneficial for the scene, as I think that's one of the reasons why GUF TOs think GUF is more important than UQ and vice-versa.
This blog post is going to outline three major problems which have contributed to the skill decline of Queensland. Our state was one of the best, but recently there has been a massive fall from grace. Our state has gone from top 2 (either 1st or 2nd, I'm not interested in arguing which) to easily the worst state in the country.
I know that Queensland is going through their "we gotta hate KH!" phase so I half expect this to fall on deaf ears, but hopefully some people are listening and at the very least this will be a good example of what not to do for other states.
And so it begins.
Number one reason is the player exodus we've had recently. Fairly self explanatory, and not something that can actually be fixed because sometimes life gets in the way of Smash events and there's not much you can do about it. But recently Queensland lost their best player, Jezmo, alongside other regulars like AzureWolf, Shitashi, and Seymour among others.
You might be wondering, "but why does this matter, KH?!"
Well the answer is simple, less good players = less competition = less advice given = less improvements seen in players.
It's a devastating domino effect.
But like I said, we can't do anything about players leaving, but this does bring me to my second point!
One of the problems with Queensland is that they are a very casual minded state. No one is really that interested in getting better, partially because of their own arrogance (quite a few Queenslanders believe they're very good at the game), or maybe they just don't really care. Our state is blessed with a stream setup and regular VODs, however I believe that no one actually watches the VODs of tournaments that they attended. No one studies up on their characters. No one has the motivation to get better, which means that they can't fill the shoes of those good players who left.
It's another domino effect. This one can be fixed though, but it requires the PLAYERS THEMSELVES to stop being lazy and lab, watch streams, practise, and analyze their gameplay!
I strongly believe something that would be beneficial to Queensland would be something akin to the #Duon40, which is a ranking system which encourages new player talent and growth and competition between players who otherwise wouldn't have a chance to get on the PR; as exceedingly weak as it currently is.
Our third problem is something that we've encouraged for a while for whatever reason and it probably needs to stop. We currently have two big tournament series, our weekly, GUF, and our monthly, UQ.
Both of these tournaments have different rulesets, and (I believe) tournament organizers who think that their tournament series is better, or more important than the other (This applies to GUF AND UQ). I feel like these two things are super unhealthy for the scene. Both tournaments are equally as important as each other, but they fulfill different roles.
GUF is the weekly that's for practice/grinding, while UQ is supposed to be the monthly where your results are generally valued more highly, but that doesn't seem to be the case at the moment.
I strongly believe that a ruleset merge would be beneficial for the scene, as I think that's one of the reasons why GUF TOs think GUF is more important than UQ and vice-versa.
by Aerodrome 01/09/2017 00:00:00
I dont think going back and forth between two different rule sets is something that realistically affects skill level, if anything it would help by giving you more opportunities to have a wider skill base and have practice adapting to each rule set back and forth. Also the rule set differences are actually quite minimal to begin with.
01/09/2017 03:02:06
Atyeo said:Yeah that's fair enough although something I didn't really make as clear as I should have is that people are attending one tournament series and not the other alongside this and imo making the ruleset universal might help alleviate it.
I dont think going back and forth between two different rule sets is something that realistically affects skill level, if anything it would help by giving you more opportunities to have a wider skill base and have practice adapting to each rule set back and forth. Also the rule set differences are actually quite minimal to begin with.
Edit: I think this mostly comes under the umbrella of "people who think one series is more important than the other"
Just because you beat Cava and that somehow makes him garbage doesn't mean the PR is "exceedingly weak". Yes, losing Jezmo and AT was a blow but the majority of PR talent has made some big strides in the last few months. It definitely isn't all doom and gloom.
I agree that something like the Duon 40 would be beneficial for mid-level players who are looking to improve. We have enough players here to run something like that, and a good amount of players who have potential to move a lot closer to being considered for the PR.
"...I believe that no one actually watches the VODs of tournaments that they attended."
The above sweeping generalisation is absolutely 100% truth in every single way and not at all erroneous. I definitely don't watch my matches back at all, and neither does anyone else.
As for the ruleset, Atyeo has already pointed out that there are barely any differences. Everything between UQ and GUF/SbtB is identical except for stock count and timer. You aren't going to get those changed anytime soon. I've talked to Lachlan many times about switching to three stock and he has refused every time without much discussion on the topic other than "it makes sure we run on time". GUF is using the Smash by the Beach ruleset. Neither Stephen nor I want to switch off of 3 stock any time in the near future. The ruleset isn't an issue.
So what if Queensland has to rebuild a bit of talent? There's still 5 months until our first major, more than enough time. There are plenty of players in our scene who have the drive to get better and I'm pretty confident that come BAM time we will be in good shape.
01/09/2017 03:25:02
I agree that something like the Duon 40 would be beneficial for mid-level players who are looking to improve. We have enough players here to run something like that, and a good amount of players who have potential to move a lot closer to being considered for the PR.
"...I believe that no one actually watches the VODs of tournaments that they attended."
The above sweeping generalisation is absolutely 100% truth in every single way and not at all erroneous. I definitely don't watch my matches back at all, and neither does anyone else.
As for the ruleset, Atyeo has already pointed out that there are barely any differences. Everything between UQ and GUF/SbtB is identical except for stock count and timer. You aren't going to get those changed anytime soon. I've talked to Lachlan many times about switching to three stock and he has refused every time without much discussion on the topic other than "it makes sure we run on time". GUF is using the Smash by the Beach ruleset. Neither Stephen nor I want to switch off of 3 stock any time in the near future. The ruleset isn't an issue.
So what if Queensland has to rebuild a bit of talent? There's still 5 months until our first major, more than enough time. There are plenty of players in our scene who have the drive to get better and I'm pretty confident that come BAM time we will be in good shape.
I feel like you've taken this a bit personally, McJobo. It's probably hard not to, but I think we need to be realistic when talking about the shape of the QLD scene. Frankly, outside of being carried by Jaice, we're just about the weakest region right now. Victoria in particular, is improving leaps-and-bounds faster than we are, and have been for quite some time.
It's very frustrating for me to say that and see that when I know we've got so many super talented players. Lumi, Flex, Kneesus (honestly, among many others) are genuinely very talented at the game. Not seeing them take the next step is quite annoying, however.
You're right about saying the next major is 5 months away, though. It's just been such a fall from grace considering we won BAM crew battle last year, and have only lost one player from that team.
Aero saying "no-one watches their videos back" is a very hyperbolic thing to say, for sure. However, after speaking with Duon a lot recently (and a few other Victorians) I know that a huge portion of them practice harder than the vast majority, or all of, our scene. Much harder than I ever did, definitely. It's also evident that it's paying dividends.
But ultimately you're right. There's no overnight fix and in a few months I'm sure we'll be doing great again if everyone keeps practicing and having the desire to take their game to the next level. We have too many talented players for that not to happen. Victoria put in the work, and after a few weak majors they're now doing great. We're no different.
01/09/2017 03:37:16
It's very frustrating for me to say that and see that when I know we've got so many super talented players. Lumi, Flex, Kneesus (honestly, among many others) are genuinely very talented at the game. Not seeing them take the next step is quite annoying, however.
You're right about saying the next major is 5 months away, though. It's just been such a fall from grace considering we won BAM crew battle last year, and have only lost one player from that team.
Aero saying "no-one watches their videos back" is a very hyperbolic thing to say, for sure. However, after speaking with Duon a lot recently (and a few other Victorians) I know that a huge portion of them practice harder than the vast majority, or all of, our scene. Much harder than I ever did, definitely. It's also evident that it's paying dividends.
But ultimately you're right. There's no overnight fix and in a few months I'm sure we'll be doing great again if everyone keeps practicing and having the desire to take their game to the next level. We have too many talented players for that not to happen. Victoria put in the work, and after a few weak majors they're now doing great. We're no different.
Spacejams tips to improve
1 - If ur scene hates u dont try to help em out!
2 - expect good criticism when u do help out!
3 - slip jett a cheeky $5 every so often so you can a) keep the best streamer in aus around and b) get on stream often
Real talk though, QLD is in bad shape at the moment. You can't deny that. Being sarcastic and passive aggressive towards each other is 100% the right way to help each other out though!
01/09/2017 03:48:52
1 - If ur scene hates u dont try to help em out!
2 - expect good criticism when u do help out!
3 - slip jett a cheeky $5 every so often so you can a) keep the best streamer in aus around and b) get on stream often
Real talk though, QLD is in bad shape at the moment. You can't deny that. Being sarcastic and passive aggressive towards each other is 100% the right way to help each other out though!
Apologies if it seems like I took the PR comment personally. Not including myself I feel bad for people like Cava, Kneesus, and SadHour who have worked really hard to improve this season only to be branded "exceedingly weak". Queensland has a lot of potential and I think there are a few players who will rise up and surprise everyone in this PR period, so I'm very interested to see how we stack up come BAM.
01/09/2017 03:49:36
I dont know heaps about the level of skill in QLD, but letting a freebie like quen win 2 of your tourneys back to back is not a good sign
01/09/2017 03:49:45
But guys, it's just a game and you don't even play Aero or Jezmo.
01/09/2017 03:50:24
Atyeo said:
I dont know heaps about the level of skill in QLD, but letting a freebie like quen win 2 of your tourneys back to back is not a good sign
Make it 3 tourneys if he attends smash by the beach.
SpaceJam said:
Atyeo said:
I dont know heaps about the level of skill in QLD, but letting a freebie like quen win 2 of your tourneys back to back is not a good sign
Make it 3 tourneys if he attends smash by the beach.
nah he'll be gone by them ;-;
Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I'm definitely not trying to take away from their achievements here. I've been seeing Cava and Sadhour results in particular, and that stuff is very impressive. Hopefully they continue on the up-and-up over the next few months. These Victorians need to be sat down tbh.
01/09/2017 03:52:15
Jezmo said:
These Victorians need to be sat down tbh.
nice meme

EIS-DUON said:
Jezmo said:
These Victorians need to be sat down tbh.
nice meme
Your state doesn't deserve to be the best and it won't be for long. Enjoy it while you can because you're all going to go back to being a joke soon enough. Bloody clowns.
Jezmo said:
EIS-DUON said:
Jezmo said:
These Victorians need to be sat down tbh.
nice meme
Your state doesn't deserve to be the best and it won't be for long. Enjoy it while you can because you're all going to go back to being a joke soon enough. Bloody clowns.
Thats when I will make my grand return.
Yeah fk u aero u only typed all that out out of malicious intent and hatred for your state not a desire to see them fix their issues and improve themselves as players fk u
Kurogane hammer is autistic
01/09/2017 04:19:20
Kurogane hammer is autistic
Alright let's have a proper look here.
#1 Yeah people have lives, that kinda sucks. Our better players can't attend often at all and this is a valid reason for QLD diminishing in skill.
#2 It's no secret we aren't alllll that competitive, most people are here to have fun. However, the active players we do have work very hard and I have no idea where you conjured up all these beliefs, that people don't even go back and rewatch their games. Even to go as far as to blame their "lack of drive" on arrogance.
#3 I see no issue with the rules alone here.
The way you've gone about this aero is too negative of a way, at least you tried to come up with solutions you won't help out with. Also I feel like everyone is judging our scene based on Jaice being practically undefeated and Quen failing to lose to anyone other than Jaice. There's more to it than just that.
01/09/2017 04:21:09
#1 Yeah people have lives, that kinda sucks. Our better players can't attend often at all and this is a valid reason for QLD diminishing in skill.
#2 It's no secret we aren't alllll that competitive, most people are here to have fun. However, the active players we do have work very hard and I have no idea where you conjured up all these beliefs, that people don't even go back and rewatch their games. Even to go as far as to blame their "lack of drive" on arrogance.
#3 I see no issue with the rules alone here.
The way you've gone about this aero is too negative of a way, at least you tried to come up with solutions you won't help out with. Also I feel like everyone is judging our scene based on Jaice being practically undefeated and Quen failing to lose to anyone other than Jaice. There's more to it than just that.
Am I the only one who plays for fun? 😅
01/09/2017 04:32:45
cjeccjec said:
Alright let's have a proper look here.
#1 Yeah people have lives, that kinda sucks. Our better players can't attend often at all and this is a valid reason for QLD diminishing in skill.
#2 It's no secret we aren't alllll that competitive, most people are here to have fun. However, the active players we do have work very hard and I have no idea where you conjured up all these beliefs, that people don't even go back and rewatch their games. Even to go as far as to blame their "lack of drive" on arrogance.
#3 I see no issue with the rules alone here.
The way you've gone about this aero is too negative of a way, at least you tried to come up with solutions you won't help out with. Also I feel like everyone is judging our scene based on Jaice being practically undefeated and Quen failing to lose to anyone other than Jaice. There's more to it than just that.
C'mon, dude. Jaice is a great player, but wouldn't go undefeated for this long in literally any other state. Maybe our state no longer believes they can beat him? I'm not sure.
A jokester like Quen sweeping our events goes against nature.
I didn't even win every SA tourney while i was indisputably #1 in the country.
Yet Jaice wins literally every tourney in QLD he's at? (going secondaries often as well right?)
What's stopping you guys from pushing past him?
01/09/2017 05:11:26
Yet Jaice wins literally every tourney in QLD he's at? (going secondaries often as well right?)
What's stopping you guys from pushing past him?
Jezmo said:
cjeccjec said:
Alright let's have a proper look here.
#1 Yeah people have lives, that kinda sucks. Our better players can't attend often at all and this is a valid reason for QLD diminishing in skill.
#2 It's no secret we aren't alllll that competitive, most people are here to have fun. However, the active players we do have work very hard and I have no idea where you conjured up all these beliefs, that people don't even go back and rewatch their games. Even to go as far as to blame their "lack of drive" on arrogance.
#3 I see no issue with the rules alone here.
The way you've gone about this aero is too negative of a way, at least you tried to come up with solutions you won't help out with. Also I feel like everyone is judging our scene based on Jaice being practically undefeated and Quen failing to lose to anyone other than Jaice. There's more to it than just that.
C'mon, dude. Jaice is a great player, but wouldn't go undefeated for this long in literally any other state. Maybe our state no longer believes they can beat him? I'm not sure.
A jokester like Quen sweeping our events goes against nature.
I dare say Quen thrived alot on Ryu inexperience around QLD. Quen's a good player don't get me wrong, but I don't think this factor helped.
I personally have no idea how Jaice would do interstate, he's a good player that's all I know. I only put Jaice in the picture because people can see Jaice is dominating. Because they don't think he would stay on top (as much?) interstate they automatically think of the rest of QLD as even weaker.
aight ima do a bit of attention whoring here and post a vid i made a while ago cause i think its somewhat applicable.
i dont think at the moment the goal of 'consistently beat jaice' is achievable for anyone on the qld PR (in my opinion once you get to like top 5 you should be aiming to beat the #1 player on occasion, and beating him consistently should be the goal of top 3). so collectively you're all probably doing something wrong. in my opinion aeros advice isnt the most helpful for people who are already on the PR so ima say what i think would work.
- #2-6 or so on the PR should make it their goal to beat jaice. right now i feel like hes seen as an unstoppable force where everyone has just accepted that he will get 1st if he enters and that needs to change. if you get 3-0'd that aint good enough. if you get 3 stocked that aint good enough. anything less than going to game 5 is basically a failure. if this means yall have to get together in a fuckin study group and write notes on every single one of his characters then do it. learn his habits and what you can exploit and learn what aspects of your gameplay he exploits. consider money matching him if you dont face him in bracket, he already takes your money every week so might as well chuck him a bit more so you can win it back faster.
- stop counterpicking characters all the time, settle on like 1 or 2 and just go with them. if you're losing then that means you have problems. thinking it's all your character's fault (outside of real shit 70:30s but even then you should play them in friendlies) is arrogance. grinding out the matchup instead of bringing out your shitty marth or cloud so you can avoid playing a 45:55 MU will do more for your gameplay and your confidence.
- always add new things and experiment, if you're losing then you're doing something wrong no exceptions. when i was on the come up i never assumed that my playstyle was not worth changing; i constantly switched up the ways i played cause doing the same thing over and over, week after week will just get you killed (quen vs sadhour at UQ stands out here where sadhour won 2 games but couldn't switch up from his flowchart and got reverse 3-0'd with the last game not even being close). there is so much information available on the internet that you should be looking at vids of top players and being able to point out 10 new things that you could do, whether it be basic movement or combos or whatever. get other people to analyze your sets, talk to other aussies who play your character (seriously i hear of almost no discussion between interstaters who play the same character), etc etc
course if you can't be bothered and are content to let jaice / whatever interstater that decides to rock up take your money every tournament then that's cool too but the game's more fun when you aren't being shit on
I get what you're saying dude, but this isn't even a debate. Jaice mightn't even win oos let alone dominate for months and months while playing literally what ever he feels like. Let's be fair here...
01/09/2017 05:15:18
Ghostbone said:
I didn't even win every SA tourney while i was indisputably #1 in the country.
Yet Jaice wins literally every tourney in QLD he's at? (going secondaries often as well right?)
What's stopping you guys from pushing past him?
now this I have no idea tbh. I'm still but a casual. It still intrigues me.
Also Jaice would say it himself I reckon, but while he cleans up, it's not like people aren't slowly creeping on his back.
I believe it is because the other QLD players who were on the tip top have kinda dissipated (is that the right word?) So the players who are still good, but not quite Jaice level have a much higher mountain to climb, without having slightly less powerful players to help grow.
Extra has hit the nail on the head. Listen to this man.
Controversial statement? Beat Jaice or you don't want it enough. If you don't want it that much; no biggie. Admit to one of those options though.
01/09/2017 05:18:02
Controversial statement? Beat Jaice or you don't want it enough. If you don't want it that much; no biggie. Admit to one of those options though.
cjeccjec said:
Also Jaice would say it himself I reckon, but while he cleans up, it's not like people aren't slowly creeping on his back.
theyre not, i tune into streams occasionally and see shit like cava getting 3 stocked by his zelda or kneesus cloud getting 3 stocked by his samus then just giving up and playing samus dittos cause he knows he has no chance. people are lucky to take a single game off him most of the time
Extra said:
cjeccjec said:
Also Jaice would say it himself I reckon, but while he cleans up, it's not like people aren't slowly creeping on his back.
theyre not, i tune into streams occasionally and see shit like cava getting 3 stocked by his zelda or kneesus cloud getting 3 stocked by his samus then just giving up and playing samus dittos cause he knows he has no chance. people are lucky to take a single game off him most of the time
i'm sorry but I enjoyed this too much and it was relavent to Jaice
Yes this may be true, on second thought it's possible the skill gap may not be closing as of recent.
Jaice is a player who wouldn't win a tourney in Vic/SA/ACT (maybe NSW? they've fallen off too), yet he's completely dominating your scene.
At some point you guys gotta realise it's not "wow jaice is so good" it's "wow we're so far behind"
Doesn't mean you can't improve but you gotta recognize where you're at atm.
Being blunt in the hopes that it motivates you all a bit. Don't just be satisfied with "well some players are getting close to taking games off of Jaice." Until Jaice is at least having sets taken off his mains, you shouldn't be satisfied.
01/09/2017 05:28:25
At some point you guys gotta realise it's not "wow jaice is so good" it's "wow we're so far behind"
Doesn't mean you can't improve but you gotta recognize where you're at atm.
Being blunt in the hopes that it motivates you all a bit. Don't just be satisfied with "well some players are getting close to taking games off of Jaice." Until Jaice is at least having sets taken off his mains, you shouldn't be satisfied.
Hey, didn't want to make a huge controverdy but just wanted to get my 2 cents out there. Just gonna address a couple things.
First, I'm not sure how much people actually know about the player exodus. If you're under the belief that a couple really good players left the scene and that's pretty dreary, you're just looking at a snapshot of the problem. This is a longterm effect from many different circumstances that's basically gutted our top 30-40. Groups of people that represented entire regions of our state just don't play anymore. When you lose a good player it sucks, but when you lose a good player and all of his/her training buddies, you can lose an entire aspect of the game that they might have been particularly good at. Now numbers aren't at a huge risk or anything, which is good because it shows an influx of new players, but i don't think it should be understated that this, in my opinion, is the number 1 reason for why there's a talent recession, if any, in QLD.
Secondly, the topic of, what i make of it, hard work in QLD looks like a pretty sensitive one. On one hand I know there are players grinding, whether on wifi or in training mode, and their improvements are visible and respectable. On the other, I know for my level of practice and effort, i should not be doing as well as I do in bracket, and nor should I be taking out the names that I do. Other than that, i don't have much to say about this topic.
Thirdly, about the 'merging' of tournament rules, i think this is really just suggesting that guf should be moving to 2 stock. I believe Lachlan has stated many different times that UQ can't run on a 3 stock format because of time restraints, which leaves the only room for compromise in a merge situation to be from FNS's end of the stick. Whether a unanimous ruleset for qld is a positive thing for game play, I don't know.
What i will say, however is that i think the second biggest problem for QLD is its fractured state of togetherness. When I look at VIC, I see leadership and a strong community (besides deez but whatever). Sometimes they obviously are too harsh or aren't exactly shining examples of a good role modelling, but they've got more than we do. I'm not going to point fingers at why QLD is like this, but I'd suggest those who are looking to improve it to acknowledge it.
Jezmo, I know smash might not be fun for you anymore, but when you were playing competitively, players looked up to you, myself included. Come to a tournament and teach us how to defeat Jaice, I'll pay you 15 dollars for an in person lesson.
Aero, I'm still on for our MM, but you have to give me pointers if I lose, so be prepared for that.
I'd like to gove a shoutout to GoldCoast for being able to create a stable community while also having a smaller community, that's how it should be done.
01/09/2017 05:31:35
First, I'm not sure how much people actually know about the player exodus. If you're under the belief that a couple really good players left the scene and that's pretty dreary, you're just looking at a snapshot of the problem. This is a longterm effect from many different circumstances that's basically gutted our top 30-40. Groups of people that represented entire regions of our state just don't play anymore. When you lose a good player it sucks, but when you lose a good player and all of his/her training buddies, you can lose an entire aspect of the game that they might have been particularly good at. Now numbers aren't at a huge risk or anything, which is good because it shows an influx of new players, but i don't think it should be understated that this, in my opinion, is the number 1 reason for why there's a talent recession, if any, in QLD.
Secondly, the topic of, what i make of it, hard work in QLD looks like a pretty sensitive one. On one hand I know there are players grinding, whether on wifi or in training mode, and their improvements are visible and respectable. On the other, I know for my level of practice and effort, i should not be doing as well as I do in bracket, and nor should I be taking out the names that I do. Other than that, i don't have much to say about this topic.
Thirdly, about the 'merging' of tournament rules, i think this is really just suggesting that guf should be moving to 2 stock. I believe Lachlan has stated many different times that UQ can't run on a 3 stock format because of time restraints, which leaves the only room for compromise in a merge situation to be from FNS's end of the stick. Whether a unanimous ruleset for qld is a positive thing for game play, I don't know.
What i will say, however is that i think the second biggest problem for QLD is its fractured state of togetherness. When I look at VIC, I see leadership and a strong community (besides deez but whatever). Sometimes they obviously are too harsh or aren't exactly shining examples of a good role modelling, but they've got more than we do. I'm not going to point fingers at why QLD is like this, but I'd suggest those who are looking to improve it to acknowledge it.
Jezmo, I know smash might not be fun for you anymore, but when you were playing competitively, players looked up to you, myself included. Come to a tournament and teach us how to defeat Jaice, I'll pay you 15 dollars for an in person lesson.
Aero, I'm still on for our MM, but you have to give me pointers if I lose, so be prepared for that.
I'd like to gove a shoutout to GoldCoast for being able to create a stable community while also having a smaller community, that's how it should be done.
Turns out something good has come of this blog, I do like what Ghost and Extra have said. Certainly got me thinking. I know it goes against the "lack of drive" thing, but i'm not even close to the top of QLD so there's not much I can do any time soon. Leaving it to PR I guess. Hah, yay GC @Cap
01/09/2017 05:34:55
Shit man if Snuggles can take sets off Extra and he lives in a shithole of a town called Geelong I don't see why QLD can't get good enough to beat Jaice
01/09/2017 05:53:34
Cap said:Jezmo, I know smash might not be fun for you anymore, but when you were playing competitively, players looked up to you, myself included. Come to a tournament and teach us how to defeat Jaice, I'll pay you 15 dollars for an in person lesson.
send me a replay of you playing against Jaice and I'll tell you what you are doing wrong for free
SpaceJam said:
Shit man if Snuggles can take sets off Extra and he lives in a shithole of a town called Geelong I don't see why QLD can't get good enough to beat Jaice
geelong aint a shithole
you just salty!!1!1!!1!!1
zzzzzzzzzzzzz I'm only here to comment on rulesets (although I'm glad to see people responding positively, particularly to Extra)
Having multiple rulesets definitely isn't going to make you worse at the game, really it should make you better (and a mix of 2 + 3 stock events is ideal imo - for EVERY region) but one thing that I really think would help the qld players who really want to get better is playing with a ruleset that isn't utter nonsense.
2 bans is too many, and unique to queensland (every other region has 1 ban which is much better imo). DSR whether modified or not on top of that is kind of ridiculous. This actually does make a difference when it comes to QLD players improving their out of region results, 2 bans means QLD players get training wheels for stage selection and when they're thrown into a more unforgiving environment (like a major) they'll have to actually think about what stages they ban. For a lot of QLD players that probably will result in them being forced to play on stages they otherwise wouldn't, and because of that they'll be unfamiliar with them and perform worse as a result. Think about poor Vasi, going out-of-region he gets absolutely cucked (or he would if people played the MU) when it comes to stage selection but the problem is not other tournaments, it's QLD being odd. Using the same ruleset as other regions also keeps you in the same striking/picking/banning mindset you would use out of region, which will obviously help you get better at it just by experience.
I also think that if your events continue to run seven stages you should make them all starters. This is agreed upon to be better than 5-2 by basically every relevant TO in the country, Ghost and I have practically written essays on FLSS by this point (and I will elaborate here if asked) but more importantly switching both your events to 7 stage FLSS would put you in line with all the NSW-region scenes (Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong and Canberra). These are your closest neighbours for Smash (SA also uses this stagelist but they're pretty far away), and travelling plays a big part in players getting better, so don't make it less appealing or harder for them. FLSS itself won't play a huge part in players getting better individually, but I can definitely see it helping them prepare for out of state events and more experience with the stages is helpful whether it's playing on them or thinking about them in the context of strikes/bans.
I've spoken to LachlanF a lot lately, and although I don't know the FNS TOs particularly well (or the gold coast TOs at all) I see good things in them. Lachlan in particular is smart enough to listen to what the community wants (except for maybe 3 stock), if you guys really want to commit to getting better you should get him to do what's best for you guys as players which is changing to FLSS and more importantly switching to 1 ban MDSR in all sets (bo3 and bo5). I encourage the FNS TOs to do the same.
People avoiding certain events? Unfortunate. If you had the drive to be the best you'd be attending everything that you can.
As a final note, I've heard that people in Queensland actually care about Elo. Stop that. You can try to use it to measure your improvement, but the system is hugely flawed and you truthfully will get a lot more out of not worrying "how much Elo am I going to gain/lose from this set" every time you sit down to play.
01/09/2017 08:11:18
Having multiple rulesets definitely isn't going to make you worse at the game, really it should make you better (and a mix of 2 + 3 stock events is ideal imo - for EVERY region) but one thing that I really think would help the qld players who really want to get better is playing with a ruleset that isn't utter nonsense.
2 bans is too many, and unique to queensland (every other region has 1 ban which is much better imo). DSR whether modified or not on top of that is kind of ridiculous. This actually does make a difference when it comes to QLD players improving their out of region results, 2 bans means QLD players get training wheels for stage selection and when they're thrown into a more unforgiving environment (like a major) they'll have to actually think about what stages they ban. For a lot of QLD players that probably will result in them being forced to play on stages they otherwise wouldn't, and because of that they'll be unfamiliar with them and perform worse as a result. Think about poor Vasi, going out-of-region he gets absolutely cucked (or he would if people played the MU) when it comes to stage selection but the problem is not other tournaments, it's QLD being odd. Using the same ruleset as other regions also keeps you in the same striking/picking/banning mindset you would use out of region, which will obviously help you get better at it just by experience.
I also think that if your events continue to run seven stages you should make them all starters. This is agreed upon to be better than 5-2 by basically every relevant TO in the country, Ghost and I have practically written essays on FLSS by this point (and I will elaborate here if asked) but more importantly switching both your events to 7 stage FLSS would put you in line with all the NSW-region scenes (Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong and Canberra). These are your closest neighbours for Smash (SA also uses this stagelist but they're pretty far away), and travelling plays a big part in players getting better, so don't make it less appealing or harder for them. FLSS itself won't play a huge part in players getting better individually, but I can definitely see it helping them prepare for out of state events and more experience with the stages is helpful whether it's playing on them or thinking about them in the context of strikes/bans.
I've spoken to LachlanF a lot lately, and although I don't know the FNS TOs particularly well (or the gold coast TOs at all) I see good things in them. Lachlan in particular is smart enough to listen to what the community wants (except for maybe 3 stock), if you guys really want to commit to getting better you should get him to do what's best for you guys as players which is changing to FLSS and more importantly switching to 1 ban MDSR in all sets (bo3 and bo5). I encourage the FNS TOs to do the same.
People avoiding certain events? Unfortunate. If you had the drive to be the best you'd be attending everything that you can.
As a final note, I've heard that people in Queensland actually care about Elo. Stop that. You can try to use it to measure your improvement, but the system is hugely flawed and you truthfully will get a lot more out of not worrying "how much Elo am I going to gain/lose from this set" every time you sit down to play.
Boozer said:
Yeah fk u aero u only typed all that out out of malicious intent and hatred for your state not a desire to see them fix their issues and improve themselves as players fk u
Kurogane hammer is autistic
Good ol pass-agg snarky boozer.
You're right tho I think the important thing to take away from this post isn't that Aerodrome is trying to shit on QLD, more that he thinks there's a problem and it needs fixing. I have been thinking about this for a while, and the game and our abilities are so easy to change, you just need the right motivation and passion to do so.
I think the best thing QLD can do is get together and really fucking care. I am not try to auto-fellatio VIC here, but I truly believe that the top 40 or so players in VIC truly truly wish to get better at this game and thats why there so much competition. Leaders of the QLD community, I urge you to all spend as much time as you can inspiring the people around you to play their best, and to do the same for your self.
I want every scene going in to BAM9 thinking "we all trained our FUCKING asses off the last 5 months"

There isn't much to be said on our top players leaving, it's all pretty self explanatory and he said it pretty well.
The ruleset isn't an issue, it's good to have both. 3 stock works with weeklies to train and then 2 stock at monthlies to show off any improvement you've made etc in a similar format to other regions and majors.
I do feel though there is a bit of a power divide in Queensland, where there's the top players, and then everyone else. It can be intimidating for new players to ask the top players for friendlies as they're usually in their own group, so it's hard to get exposure to top level player, especially if you go 0-2 every tournament. There's a bit of a 'I don't have time for you' feel that you get. Atleast it was like that when I first joined the scene.
In the upper-middle level players though, there has been alot of competitivity that's resulted in Mcjobo, Sadhour and Jumpo getting into PR/HM which I hope continues and allows other players like Classicjono and Trunkle to improve even more over time. For example what the Squirtle Squad crew is trying to do is creative a positive and competitive environment for the players to improve and learn MUs etc, and right now our goal is training up for BAM, if all of QLD had this mindset I think that'd be incredibly beneficial.
Something that I found very telling was there was more interest in an 8-player match at UQ Smash then there was for Grand Finals, against a top-level interstate player. People just don't seem to care so much.
I've talked to various people and the general response is that they only care about the socialising aspect to the tournaments (which of course is very important) but don't care nearly as much about their performance and improvement etc, I don't know how common that is in QLD but it was certainly more than just a couple.
I really do think that a top 30-40 QLD pr kind of thing would be great to increase competitivity in the scene and encourage improvement between players, making goals more realisable. ELO is cool and all and it's interesting looking through elo histories etc but it's not the best ranking system at all, it changes completely each week. From a months worth of tournaments your rank can easily go all over the place (especially if you play exceptionally well one tournament, and/or bomb out the next tournament [or one of your opponents do]).
Up until very recently I think the QLD PR has always been seen as this unbreakable wall where it's going to be the same 10 every time except for a couple of small changes. With the introduction of Mcjobo, sadhour and Jumpo into the PR/HM list I think this feeling has/will disappear and more players will be willing to try and improve to that level of play.
At the moment, for everyone who's considering even going to BAM, train as if you are even if it ends up you can't because we need to step up our game (and hopefully show off our skills in 5 months time!)
It's not like the scene is dying, it's just rebuilding right now.
01/10/2017 02:10:02
whilst I didn't agree with some stuff said in this thread... it's awesome to see people from different scenes and skill levels weighing in with thoughts and recommendations.
There are a few gems throughout the thread i'll be thinking/discussing a lot moving forwards, ty boys & bugs.
01/09/2017 10:59:34
There are a few gems throughout the thread i'll be thinking/discussing a lot moving forwards, ty boys & bugs.

Well i havn't really cared too much about how each region matches up against others. I play to get better and to have fun. I don't do too well in tournaments and my improvement of the game is snail pace at best. It could be because i'm focusing on 2 characters rather then one, a lot of good players i see tend to stick to just the one character (There are some exceptions.), it could also be due to life and money i have to settle for attending weeklies once a fortnight. I also seem to luck out and are unable to get onto Scrail's setup for my matches. I always review my matches when ever its recorded.
Ruleset i don't think it should be melded together, i much like having 3 stock over 2 stocks. 2 stock matches end so quick, the longer you can fight your opponent i think is better for improvment overall. Stage bans i think are fine, for me i know my good stages and i know the stages that are hazerdous too me, even if i'm taken to a stage my character has issues on i never really am gimped by the stages. This is probably because of friendlies i do with my friends.
Anyways players in queensland will improve in time, as long as we encourage new players, pass on tips and be less salty when we lose, I see salt almost everytime i go to a GUF. Even against some players who i know i can beat, i am intimidated by those who have been salty, i am much less focussed and i find i preform worse. It could be because i'm a nice guy and i want my opponent and myself to have a good time. I want us to go at each other with as much as we can, but if there is no handshake, if there is constant complaining during a match or just unsportsman like behaviour it makes me not want to compete. I know that there will always be salt and i have been slowly killing these thoughts and feelings the more i attend tournys, but with new players it might be a turning off point.
But i'm usually placing low in tournys so what would i know~
01/09/2017 11:31:09
Ruleset i don't think it should be melded together, i much like having 3 stock over 2 stocks. 2 stock matches end so quick, the longer you can fight your opponent i think is better for improvment overall. Stage bans i think are fine, for me i know my good stages and i know the stages that are hazerdous too me, even if i'm taken to a stage my character has issues on i never really am gimped by the stages. This is probably because of friendlies i do with my friends.
Anyways players in queensland will improve in time, as long as we encourage new players, pass on tips and be less salty when we lose, I see salt almost everytime i go to a GUF. Even against some players who i know i can beat, i am intimidated by those who have been salty, i am much less focussed and i find i preform worse. It could be because i'm a nice guy and i want my opponent and myself to have a good time. I want us to go at each other with as much as we can, but if there is no handshake, if there is constant complaining during a match or just unsportsman like behaviour it makes me not want to compete. I know that there will always be salt and i have been slowly killing these thoughts and feelings the more i attend tournys, but with new players it might be a turning off point.
But i'm usually placing low in tournys so what would i know~
Cava said:
players being reprimanded for cheering, .
I think another big thing to take away from this is people getting angry at aero writing this.
You can all see he has the right idea and is trying to fix a problem, but everyone who disliked it did so not because of the message but because it wasn't delivered a way they wanted it to be, you better get used to that because its going to happen to you your entire life, why ignore the contents of something because you didn't like the packaging or the delivery method used.
A lot less getting upset or offended over stupid little things that dont matter would see this community move forward a great deal, like why let it upset you or ruin your day? Whats the point? What do you truly gain from letting yourself get upset of offended?
01/09/2017 12:20:48
You can all see he has the right idea and is trying to fix a problem, but everyone who disliked it did so not because of the message but because it wasn't delivered a way they wanted it to be, you better get used to that because its going to happen to you your entire life, why ignore the contents of something because you didn't like the packaging or the delivery method used.
A lot less getting upset or offended over stupid little things that dont matter would see this community move forward a great deal, like why let it upset you or ruin your day? Whats the point? What do you truly gain from letting yourself get upset of offended?
I agree with a lot of the points in this article - we do need to step it up - a lot of different people have already commented to why so I won't elaborate on how.
I will say that the Qld scene is fantastic. Anyone who has been to a Qld tourney will know. There are endless smiles and laughs at every Qld tourney, perhaps because how relaxed our tournaments are. Everyone who goes to a tourney here has a great time. We have a great stream, loads of friendlies before and after tourneys and a fantastic community.
I will say this article is a little hypocritical. Why is that of all people, KH decided to write this. Someone who doesn't go to tournaments, thinks he's better than everyone in Qld and constantly berates them, but doesn't perform well pro bracket, and has basically left the scene. Where's your motivation? If its such a "serious problem", do something about it. You have broken both point 1 and 2 of your own article.
Practice what you preach.
EDIT: Thanks for your attitude Aero. It wasn't too hard to see that you went to 13 qld tourneys for the entire year of 2016. The point is that in the eyes of the community, you are not there supporting us - Qld. Take some time to sit down next to a player and play some games with qld players at the next UQ, give players some advice and pointers and lead them in the right direction. Don't call every single player who has improved "bad". Instead give them more pointers and give them credit for improving. A change in attitude will go a long way.
08/07/2017 01:01:12
I will say that the Qld scene is fantastic. Anyone who has been to a Qld tourney will know. There are endless smiles and laughs at every Qld tourney, perhaps because how relaxed our tournaments are. Everyone who goes to a tourney here has a great time. We have a great stream, loads of friendlies before and after tourneys and a fantastic community.
I will say this article is a little hypocritical. Why is that of all people, KH decided to write this. Someone who doesn't go to tournaments, thinks he's better than everyone in Qld and constantly berates them, but doesn't perform well pro bracket, and has basically left the scene. Where's your motivation? If its such a "serious problem", do something about it. You have broken both point 1 and 2 of your own article.
Practice what you preach.
EDIT: Thanks for your attitude Aero. It wasn't too hard to see that you went to 13 qld tourneys for the entire year of 2016. The point is that in the eyes of the community, you are not there supporting us - Qld. Take some time to sit down next to a player and play some games with qld players at the next UQ, give players some advice and pointers and lead them in the right direction. Don't call every single player who has improved "bad". Instead give them more pointers and give them credit for improving. A change in attitude will go a long way.
ClassicJono said:
I will say this article is a little hypocritical. Why is that of all people, KH decided to write this. Someone who doesn't go to tournaments, thinks he's better than everyone in Qld and constantly berates them, but doesn't perform well pro bracket, and has basically left the scene. Where's your motivation? If its such a "serious problem", do something about it. You have broken both point 1 and 2 of your own article.
Practice what you preach.
Allow me to respond to this...
#1, Perhaps look at my tournament list? I know it's very difficult to click on my tournament list to see that I go to tournaments when I can, but even you can manage that surely.
To be quite honest, I'm sick of your preconceived notion that I don't go to tournaments at all.
#2, I've lost interest in playing the game competitively. There's nothing wrong with that.
Aside from working full time, I respond to literally hundreds of tweets and direct messages from people around the world asking me questions which also requires a lot of lab time, so I'm pretty much never motivated to play Smash.
Queenslanders like yourself seem to not realize that I support the international scene in many ways behind-the-scenes, it's always been that way. I'm doing my best, and just because you don't see what I do, doesn't mean I'm sitting on my hands doing nothing. Jono are you really going to call me a hypocrite and tell me to "practice what you preach" and then cry because I set you on fire afterwards? Maybe consider not poking the bear??
I give advice to anyone who asks for it. Problem is, only very rarely do people ever bother, and the ones who do ask me after a tournament set. Like, no I'm not paying attention to how you can improve when I'm playing you in tournament.
You also really gonna tell me I do nothing for Queensland when I spent literally 2 hours thinking about and writing this article for discussion?

"Queenslanders like yourself seem to not realize that I support the international scene in many ways behind-the-scenes, it's always been that way. I'm doing my best, and just because you don't see what I do, doesn't mean I'm sitting on my hands doing nothing."
Telling Esam and MVD Ike doesn't have a special SDI multiplier is a full time job you know!
01/10/2017 01:56:08
Telling Esam and MVD Ike doesn't have a special SDI multiplier is a full time job you know!
crabs said:I still get questions about it.
"Queenslanders like yourself seem to not realize that I support the international scene in many ways behind-the-scenes, it's always been that way. I'm doing my best, and just because you don't see what I do, doesn't mean I'm sitting on my hands doing nothing."
Telling Esam and MVD Ike doesn't have a special SDI multiplier is a full time job you know!
lmao holy shit qld hates aero with a passion.
You guys are really making qld look like a toxic community. Keep it up!
01/10/2017 02:52:47
You guys are really making qld look like a toxic community. Keep it up!
Substitute Africa for Queensland. (And this song might make you want to play PAC-MAN)
Firstly I would like to say, I see the word 'NEED' being thrown around or implied and I don't really know why. It is like people are trying to portray it as a life or death situation. People should chill out. Enjoy the game how YOU want to enjoy it. Don't feel pressured by other players otherwise this game will become a task for you rather than a hobby. I know there are a lot of you that love just coming to tournaments to meet your friends and chat with some of the more known players like myself, which if you treat me well, I am always willing to have a chat when I have the time. I am at most tournaments.
I feel honoured that people look up to me and see me as someone who is such a strong player. However don't consider me as some sort of 'objective' that specifically 'needs' to be taken down, otherwise it compells people to start resorting to dirty tactics, which only reflects badly on the community. If you do have the absolute desire to get better, you will improve much more rapidly if you focus on your own gameplay against everyone else as a whole, not just focusing on me. You shouldn't think "How can I beat Jaice?" but rather "What can I do to improve to be able to reach Jaice's skill level?". Lumi and Kneesus didn't get to the skill that they have now just because they were focused on just beating me.
Furthermore for the people desiring to get better, if I have advice to give, listen. I have been around for a long time, I know a thing or two. Too often people expect free hand-outs or fight against what I have to say and just end up suffering from the same issues that they always do. The people who do take on board what I have to say are always the ones that perform better and progress. Lumi, Kneesus and Sadhour are the first ones that come to mind. Heck even Extra approached me at OHN for help right before grand finals (you're welcome Ghost). I am usually around to give advice. But, I don't want to hear this "Let's specifically take down Jaice" mentality. It's not nice. If you support me then I will support you. Neglect me and I will neglect you.
I welcome MM's. I have been deprived of them for a while now since Sonder has not been around (who actually was showing good progress). Don't specifically ask for me to use a certain character. Don't put on the facade that you need specific character MU knowledge when I am the only person in the scene that uses that character. I am not an idiot. Again, treat me like a person, not like an object to be used and abused and then conquered. Too many times in the past people have just used me for friendlies in an attempt to try to learn how to beat me. Support me and I will support you.
Aero if you want to help out the QLD scene, next time post something like this in a forum for the QLD'ers to see, not for all of the states to see. This is why it was deemed as an attack rather than advice. Furthermore watch your wording with the title. Instead of "Why has the skill level in Queensland dropped?" use something like "What can QLD do to become a stronger state?".
01/10/2017 08:01:51
I feel honoured that people look up to me and see me as someone who is such a strong player. However don't consider me as some sort of 'objective' that specifically 'needs' to be taken down, otherwise it compells people to start resorting to dirty tactics, which only reflects badly on the community. If you do have the absolute desire to get better, you will improve much more rapidly if you focus on your own gameplay against everyone else as a whole, not just focusing on me. You shouldn't think "How can I beat Jaice?" but rather "What can I do to improve to be able to reach Jaice's skill level?". Lumi and Kneesus didn't get to the skill that they have now just because they were focused on just beating me.
Furthermore for the people desiring to get better, if I have advice to give, listen. I have been around for a long time, I know a thing or two. Too often people expect free hand-outs or fight against what I have to say and just end up suffering from the same issues that they always do. The people who do take on board what I have to say are always the ones that perform better and progress. Lumi, Kneesus and Sadhour are the first ones that come to mind. Heck even Extra approached me at OHN for help right before grand finals (you're welcome Ghost). I am usually around to give advice. But, I don't want to hear this "Let's specifically take down Jaice" mentality. It's not nice. If you support me then I will support you. Neglect me and I will neglect you.
I welcome MM's. I have been deprived of them for a while now since Sonder has not been around (who actually was showing good progress). Don't specifically ask for me to use a certain character. Don't put on the facade that you need specific character MU knowledge when I am the only person in the scene that uses that character. I am not an idiot. Again, treat me like a person, not like an object to be used and abused and then conquered. Too many times in the past people have just used me for friendlies in an attempt to try to learn how to beat me. Support me and I will support you.
Aero if you want to help out the QLD scene, next time post something like this in a forum for the QLD'ers to see, not for all of the states to see. This is why it was deemed as an attack rather than advice. Furthermore watch your wording with the title. Instead of "Why has the skill level in Queensland dropped?" use something like "What can QLD do to become a stronger state?".
Jaice said:
I feel honoured that people look up to me and see me as someone who is such a strong player. However don't consider me as some sort of 'objective' that specifically 'needs' to be taken down, otherwise it compells people to start resorting to dirty tactics, which only reflects badly on the community.
I dont think that assuming that if people aim to take you down it will compel them to resort to dirty tactics is fair, thats a stupid assumption based on no evidence or proof its just something you came up with in your head and its also pretty arrogant that you think people will resort to dirty tactics to beat you.
Of course people are gonna aim to take you down, thats part of being a top player, dont be such a bitch and take it as a personal attack and say things like " I don't want to hear this "Let's specifically take down Jaice" mentality. It's not nice. If you support me then I will support you. Neglect me and I will neglect you. "
thats sad man, trying to take you down and stop you from winning has nothing to do with supporting or not supporting you, or neglecting or not neglecting you. Its also certainly not 'not nice', how could that possibly be not nice, what kinda world do you live in where that is not nice?
Jaice said:What?
Aero if you want to help out the QLD scene, next time post something like this in a forum for the QLD'ers to see, not for all of the states to see. This is why it was deemed as an attack rather than advice. Furthermore watch your wording with the title. Instead of "Why has the skill level in Queensland dropped?" use something like "What can QLD do to become a stronger state?".
1) We don't have an avenue for only Queenslanders
2) This would be thoroughly ignored in an avenue only for Queenslanders
3) The interstaters have given good advice
I try... like when I do play I get better and better (I have sets vs particular people that back it up)! My problem is I go on and off because of the horse showing but I catch up
01/11/2017 03:44:06
mfw jaice bullies me every week and i can't beat him

working towards specifically beating someone teaches a good work ethic. it teaches you how to properly analyze replays, and to analyze your own gameplay. it teaches you to think more in depth about the game, and to go 110% in every one of your matches. it also teaches you to learn how you learn, and not rely too much on others - obviously your advice is valuable, but what happens if you quit? then your scene is left in the dust with no-one knowing how to learn properly.
similarly, being an 'objective' in the competitive sense and being a 'friend' in the social sense are not mutually exclusive things. a lot of people in the victorian scene probably think of me as an objective to overcome. does this mean we can't be friends? of course not. i also don't know what "dirty tactics" you'd be referring to, but i've never seen anything like that in the victorian scene and we're probably the most competitive people in aus lmao. either way if anything actually becomes a problem then you should trust in the people in your scene to be reasonable enough that they'd dial it back - if you're already friends with em then it shouldn't be a problem.
01/11/2017 11:57:51
working towards specifically beating someone teaches a good work ethic. it teaches you how to properly analyze replays, and to analyze your own gameplay. it teaches you to think more in depth about the game, and to go 110% in every one of your matches. it also teaches you to learn how you learn, and not rely too much on others - obviously your advice is valuable, but what happens if you quit? then your scene is left in the dust with no-one knowing how to learn properly.
similarly, being an 'objective' in the competitive sense and being a 'friend' in the social sense are not mutually exclusive things. a lot of people in the victorian scene probably think of me as an objective to overcome. does this mean we can't be friends? of course not. i also don't know what "dirty tactics" you'd be referring to, but i've never seen anything like that in the victorian scene and we're probably the most competitive people in aus lmao. either way if anything actually becomes a problem then you should trust in the people in your scene to be reasonable enough that they'd dial it back - if you're already friends with em then it shouldn't be a problem.
I find it weird how much pride people have attached to their state :P
01/15/2017 09:25:57
I mean like, I'm not that good so I don't really have a place in all this but why are people attacking Aero and getting pissed off? I get that the wording of the title was a little bit off but I saw this as more as a 'Oh shit we gotta get our act together' as opposed to a 'nah were good fuk u aero'.
First and foremost, this game is supposed to be played for fun. The second you stop having fun with this game it starts feeling a job or a burden. Being in the QLD community for almost two years now, I've noticed that we usually put fun first, which is extremely important. I think Queenslanders do fun the best; we have 4v4 matches for gods sake.
But, competitiveness is also key to a fighting game community. Without it, numbers at events will start to dwindle and eventually there will be nothing left. I do agree that the drive has decreased from late 2015/ early 2016, mainly due to the reasons Aero listed. I don't believe the QLD sm4sh community will die as long someone is hungry for PR.
We probably just have to give it time, every single UQ, I usually don't recognise the bottom seeds, as we have new players flowing in all the time. If we give them a push or start helping them out, they'll realise that they can get good at this game with hard work plus maybe some raw talent. After a couple of months, we're probably gonna see newcomers giving PR players a good fight.
I mean, look at Kneesus. He came around June 2016 and now he's #3 on PR.
01/16/2017 11:43:43
I mean like, I'm not that good so I don't really have a place in all this but why are people attacking Aero and getting pissed off? I get that the wording of the title was a little bit off but I saw this as more as a 'Oh shit we gotta get our act together' as opposed to a 'nah were good fuk u aero'.
First and foremost, this game is supposed to be played for fun. The second you stop having fun with this game it starts feeling a job or a burden. Being in the QLD community for almost two years now, I've noticed that we usually put fun first, which is extremely important. I think Queenslanders do fun the best; we have 4v4 matches for gods sake.
But, competitiveness is also key to a fighting game community. Without it, numbers at events will start to dwindle and eventually there will be nothing left. I do agree that the drive has decreased from late 2015/ early 2016, mainly due to the reasons Aero listed. I don't believe the QLD sm4sh community will die as long someone is hungry for PR.
We probably just have to give it time, every single UQ, I usually don't recognise the bottom seeds, as we have new players flowing in all the time. If we give them a push or start helping them out, they'll realise that they can get good at this game with hard work plus maybe some raw talent. After a couple of months, we're probably gonna see newcomers giving PR players a good fight.
I mean, look at Kneesus. He came around June 2016 and now he's #3 on PR.
cAKE said:First and foremost, this game is supposed to be played for fun. The second you stop having fun with this game it starts feeling a job or a burden. Being in the QLD community for almost two years now, I've noticed that we usually put fun first, which is extremely important. I think Queenslanders do fun the best; we have 4v4 matches for gods sake.
couple of things, first and foremost, the game is what you want it to be, it isn't 'supposed' to be anything, thats up to each individual to decide what it is for them.
secondly, if you want to actually be good at something, you have to work hard for it.
Working hard is a good thing to learn to do, and it means doing something past the point of being fun, where it isn't fun, where it feels like its a chore, it sucks to work that hard at something but the payoff is worth it. Not working hard and then falling back on the 'if its not fun whats the point' is an attitude for children, which I know a lot of the scene are, but learning to put your everything into something and work hard to see results is part of growing up and learning to be in control of your life.
"It's supposed to be fun and if it isn't fun I wont do it" is not an attitude that winners have.
thirdly, have you even traveled to other states, do you know much about the other scenes or the people in them, have you ever met them of been there? How would you know which scene does fun the best? I mean its not really a big deal claiming that your scene does 'fun' the best, but its a dumb thing to say especially if you have no idea the inner workings of the other scenes, coming to silly conclusions like that based on nothing really is a bad habit and something you should try to avoid.
lmao people are still going in this post... shouldn't you be practicing... or idk living your lives?
01/16/2017 22:21:16

@people who don't know how to practice or are unsure on how to make a practice routine
1. dont use as a john, i literally spend 90% of my time in training mode
2. establish drills. if you play bayonetta, practice all of your kill confirms until they become second nature, then practice them more. practice climax cancelling, practice buffering aerials properly, practice movement. make everything muscle memory.
3. dont play level 9 bots they only encourage dumb habits.
im lazy and cant be bothered typing anymore bye
01/18/2017 03:15:21
1. dont use as a john, i literally spend 90% of my time in training mode
2. establish drills. if you play bayonetta, practice all of your kill confirms until they become second nature, then practice them more. practice climax cancelling, practice buffering aerials properly, practice movement. make everything muscle memory.
3. dont play level 9 bots they only encourage dumb habits.
im lazy and cant be bothered typing anymore bye
Atyeo said:
cAKE said:First and foremost, this game is supposed to be played for fun. The second you stop having fun with this game it starts feeling a job or a burden. Being in the QLD community for almost two years now, I've noticed that we usually put fun first, which is extremely important. I think Queenslanders do fun the best; we have 4v4 matches for gods sake.
couple of things, first and foremost, the game is what you want it to be, it isn't 'supposed' to be anything, thats up to each individual to decide what it is for them.
secondly, if you want to actually be good at something, you have to work hard for it.
Working hard is a good thing to learn to do, and it means doing something past the point of being fun, where it isn't fun, where it feels like its a chore, it sucks to work that hard at something but the payoff is worth it. Not working hard and then falling back on the 'if its not fun whats the point' is an attitude for children, which I know a lot of the scene are, but learning to put your everything into something and work hard to see results is part of growing up and learning to be in control of your life.
"It's supposed to be fun and if it isn't fun I wont do it" is not an attitude that winners have.
thirdly, have you even traveled to other states, do you know much about the other scenes or the people in them, have you ever met them of been there? How would you know which scene does fun the best? I mean its not really a big deal claiming that your scene does 'fun' the best, but its a dumb thing to say especially if you have no idea the inner workings of the other scenes, coming to silly conclusions like that based on nothing really is a bad habit and something you should try to avoid.
Calm down brodie i wrote that to stop everyone fighting over a children's party game. Why do you have to attack what I say? I believe top players still have fun when going and even practicing for tournaments, because if they weren't having fun they wouldn't be doing it for the minimal pay. I was trying to motivate people to keep practicing but also to make sure you're still having fun as this game is designed to be just that. Also, the 'queenslanders do fun the best' thing was kind of a joke and was not one of my main arguments. Sorry if you got offended by that, I guess. I get what you're saying by top players shouldn't put fun first, which is true because competitiveness is key, but you don't want it to begin to feel like a job. Tons of top players have experienced this and subsequently quit.
The main point of that post was to reassure everyone that qld will get better and it's just a matter of time before our top players catch up to jaice/jezmo level.
cAKE said:
The main point of that post was to reassure everyone that qld will get better and it's just a matter of time before our top players catch up to jaice/jezmo level.
Not without action. You don't just "Catch up" to players by doing nothing. People need to actually put in work.
I'm not trying to say QLD doesn't do this, but I just want everyone to remember you don't just get better by going to tourneys, you actually have to do work at home as well
Pudge said:
Not without action. You don't just "Catch up" to players by doing nothing. People need to actually put in work.
I'm not trying to say QLD doesn't do this, but I just want everyone to remember you don't just get better by going to tourneys, you actually have to do work at home as well

I know I'm super late to this and obviously left the scene before all this came about, but I'd like to add a few things here.
I think the most important thing to take away from all of this is the mention of togetherness and a community that genuinely wants to help each other out or work well together with each other. I understand completely that in the past I was a contributor in the downfall of this. I realised it far too late and it hurt both the scene and other members in it. For that I'm genuinely sorry to Queensland as a whole. I tried to restore the scene back to the original state that I'd worked hard to build from the Brawl days, but I think the damage was already done, regardless of my attempts to amend this before I left Smash 4 competition. Am I the only one that contributed to this? No. Was I the primary contributor? No. But I can only speak for myself and my actions. I want to move away from watching vids back of gameplay and seeing negative comments and other petty attacks being thrown around in the chat. I remember a time where QLD was the place to be and a place that everyone wanted to travel to because we had an awesome crew and player base, with a tournament atmosphere that was both laid back and very competitive at the same time.
With Smash Ultimate around the corner I want to rebuild a state of play in which QLD has a strong sense of community and hopefully fix some of what was broken. I did try a lot to provide as much assistance as I could to new and upcoming players whilst I was still competing. I don't know if this has continued since I left but I hope it has? We definitely have the talent here in QLD. There was a time when a number of us could beat Jaice in Smash 4. Yes it was early in the piece, but it happened. Myself, Fool, Jezmo, Shitashi, Bailey etc have all beaten him in the past, so it's not like the talent pool is incapable of producing players capable of knocking the king off the throne. Our only fault was probably that we didn't attend as many events as we did with Brawl for example, so our game slipped slowly. I'm not sure if someone has risen to Jaice's level since I left, but there were definitely some up and coming players that had the potential to beat him if they worked at it.
I agree with Atyeo that the 2 rulesets don't have much play in terms of deteriorating the competitive environment. But as Aero said, this meant that only certain players would attend certain events. Which comes all the way back to my point above. It was another reason to create rifts between players, which is not a good thing.
I also agree with Jaice when he says there are certain parts/people in the QLD scene that do resort to less than inspiring tactics (myself included). I didn't shake a players hand at the end of a game where they timed me out for example. This is something I would never have done in the past and I've regretted it ever since.
As Cava said, QLD can rebuild (it may have already done so in my absence). I think with the release of Ultimate, we should all take initiative to put past problems behind us and work towards a united and strong Smash state!
08/21/2018 05:15:00
I think the most important thing to take away from all of this is the mention of togetherness and a community that genuinely wants to help each other out or work well together with each other. I understand completely that in the past I was a contributor in the downfall of this. I realised it far too late and it hurt both the scene and other members in it. For that I'm genuinely sorry to Queensland as a whole. I tried to restore the scene back to the original state that I'd worked hard to build from the Brawl days, but I think the damage was already done, regardless of my attempts to amend this before I left Smash 4 competition. Am I the only one that contributed to this? No. Was I the primary contributor? No. But I can only speak for myself and my actions. I want to move away from watching vids back of gameplay and seeing negative comments and other petty attacks being thrown around in the chat. I remember a time where QLD was the place to be and a place that everyone wanted to travel to because we had an awesome crew and player base, with a tournament atmosphere that was both laid back and very competitive at the same time.
With Smash Ultimate around the corner I want to rebuild a state of play in which QLD has a strong sense of community and hopefully fix some of what was broken. I did try a lot to provide as much assistance as I could to new and upcoming players whilst I was still competing. I don't know if this has continued since I left but I hope it has? We definitely have the talent here in QLD. There was a time when a number of us could beat Jaice in Smash 4. Yes it was early in the piece, but it happened. Myself, Fool, Jezmo, Shitashi, Bailey etc have all beaten him in the past, so it's not like the talent pool is incapable of producing players capable of knocking the king off the throne. Our only fault was probably that we didn't attend as many events as we did with Brawl for example, so our game slipped slowly. I'm not sure if someone has risen to Jaice's level since I left, but there were definitely some up and coming players that had the potential to beat him if they worked at it.
I agree with Atyeo that the 2 rulesets don't have much play in terms of deteriorating the competitive environment. But as Aero said, this meant that only certain players would attend certain events. Which comes all the way back to my point above. It was another reason to create rifts between players, which is not a good thing.
I also agree with Jaice when he says there are certain parts/people in the QLD scene that do resort to less than inspiring tactics (myself included). I didn't shake a players hand at the end of a game where they timed me out for example. This is something I would never have done in the past and I've regretted it ever since.
As Cava said, QLD can rebuild (it may have already done so in my absence). I think with the release of Ultimate, we should all take initiative to put past problems behind us and work towards a united and strong Smash state!