
7/07/2024 Victoria [VIC] Phantom 2024 - Project+ Singles Project M
L6Australian Capital Territory clementine FoxNew South Wales lewdelli Lucas
W3New South Wales lewdelli LucasVictoria Amph Ivysaur
22/01/2023 Australian Capital Territory [ACT] The Action - Project+ Singles Project M
L7New South Wales Baker GanondorfNew South Wales lewdelli Lucas
W5Victoria Nido ROBNew South Wales lewdelli Lucas
L4New South Wales lewdelli LucasAustralian Capital Territory clementine FoxZero Suit Samus
L3New South Wales lewdelli LucasAustralian Capital Territory Chat FalcoSheik
W3Victoria Microsoft J Diddy KongNew South Wales lewdelli Lucas
31/07/2022 New South Wales [NSW] Mega Metal Cavern 3 - Project + Singles Project M
W3Victoria Tyler Zero Suit SamusNew South Wales lewdelli LucasZero Suit Samus
W2New South Wales lewdelli LucasNew South Wales Jimmy Charizard
W1New South Wales Baker Donkey KongNew South Wales Skye May Lucas
15/05/2022 Victoria [VIC] BAM 12 - Project+ [BAM 2022] Project M
W6Victoria Ryzuul NessNew South Wales lewdelli Lucas
1/02/2020 Western Australia [WA] Oasis Smash: Project M - Oasis Project M - Top 8 Project M
L3Victoria Luma SamusWestern Australia Uguubee Lucas
W1Western Australia Lemonpot FalcoWestern Australia Uguubee Lucas
1/02/2020 Western Australia [WA] Oasis Smash: Project M - Oasis Project M - Pool 2 Project M
W3Western Australia Uguubee LucasWestern Australia Poppt1 Ness
W2Western Australia Uguubee LucasWestern Australia Ever Roy
10/08/2019 Queensland [QLD] Sunny Side Up - Project M Singles Bracket Project M
L3New South Wales BJSchoey Donkey KongIvysaurLucasQueensland Jakalanche Captain FalconGanondorfZero Suit Samus
17/09/2018 Queensland [QLD] QUT Smash #8 - Project M Singles Project M
W2Queensland Toki Ice ClimbersLucasQueensland Negima Captain FalconJigglypuff
14/07/2018 Queensland [QLD] QUT Smash #5 - Singles Project M
W2Queensland Toki LucasWolfQueensland Douchedag GanondorfJigglypuff
23/06/2018 Queensland [QLD] QUT Smash #4 - Project M Singles Project M
L4Queensland Seal Mr. Game and WatchQueensland Conza Lucas
L3Queensland Conza LucasQueensland Crimson Squirtle
L2Queensland Conza LucasQueensland Joz. Marth
W2Queensland Ben Gold SamusQueensland Conza Lucas
W1Queensland Conza LucasQueensland Douchedag JigglypuffSheik
12/05/2018 Queensland [QLD] QUT Smash #2 - Project M Singles Project M
L2Queensland Rainth Donkey KongIkeQueensland Conza Captain FalconLucas
4/03/2018 New Zealand [NZ] ACKO Smash #19 - ACKO Smash #19 Project M
GFNew Zealand Lagoon NessToon LinkNew Zealand VinterGatan Captain FalconFoxLucas
24/09/2017 Victoria [VIC] CouchWarriors Melee Sep 2017 - project m singles Project M
GFVictoria Tyler WolfVictoria Jamwa Lucas
L6Victoria Jamwa LucasSquirtleVictoria Dekar Captain FalconMarth
12/05/2017 Victoria [VIC] BAM #9 - Singles PM Project M
W1New South Wales Cunchy Captain FalconVictoria Jamwa LucasSquirtle
17/12/2016 Western Australia [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 16 & Oil Panic 15 - Oil Panic 15 Singles Project M
W2Western Australia RosalinaSama ZeldaWestern Australia Uguubee Lucas
9/12/2016 Western Australia [WA] Bowser's Castle: A Perth Project M Invitational - Project M Singles Project M
L4Western Australia Sep LucasWestern Australia AvocadoBride Mr. Game and Watch
18/11/2016 Western Australia [WA] Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 14 - Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 14 Singles Project M
L3Western Australia RosalinaSama BowserZeldaWestern Australia Sep Lucas
W2Western Australia Krystal Captain FalconWestern Australia Sep Lucas
3/11/2016 Western Australia [WA] Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 13 - Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 13 Project M
GFWestern Australia Sep LucasWestern Australia Cruzybecks Pikmin & OlimarZero Suit Samus
L6Western Australia Sep LucasWestern Australia RosalinaSama Metaknight
W4Western Australia Cruzybecks Pikmin & OlimarZero Suit SamusWestern Australia Sep Lucas
W2Western Australia Sep LucasWestern Australia Krystal Captain Falcon
6/10/2016 Western Australia [WA] Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 11 - Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 11 Project M
L3Western Australia Cream PeachYoshiWestern Australia Uguubee Lucas
7/05/2016 Victoria [VIC] Project Melbourne 2 - Project M Top 16 Project M
L6New South Wales Star SonicVictoria Jamwa Lucas
L5Victoria Jamwa LucasVictoria Ryzuul Ness
L4Victoria Jamwa LucasNew South Wales Gabe Mr. Game and Watch
L4Victoria Jamwa LucasNew South Wales Gabe Mr. Game and Watch
7/05/2016 Victoria [VIC] Project Melbourne 2 - project m doubles Project M
GFNew South Wales Star
Victoria Tyler King DededeSnakeSonic
Victoria Splice
Victoria Jamwa LucasSheik
L6Victoria Splice
Victoria Jamwa LucasSheik
Victoria mask1n
Victoria Ryzuul Mr. Game and WatchNess
L5Victoria Splice
Victoria Jamwa LucasSheik
New South Wales Joshman
New South Wales Luxingo Donkey KongMarioZelda
W3New South Wales Star
Victoria Tyler King DededeSnake
Victoria Splice
Victoria Jamwa LucasSheik
26/04/2016 New South Wales [NSW] SGT Late Night Masters - PM Top 8 Project M
L2Victoria Ryzuul NessNew South Wales Cole Lucas
L1New South Wales Cole LucasSonicNew South Wales Azza Lucario
W1New South Wales Ando Captain FalconNew South Wales Cole Lucas
8/04/2016 South Australia [SA] EVAC April 2016 Project M Tournament - EVAC April 2016 Project M Tournament Project M
L5South Australia Flow Rats CharizardLucasPeachSheikToon LinkWarioZeldaSouth Australia Edsta Fox
W2South Australia Flow Rats Donkey KongLucarioLucasLuigiSnakeWarioWolfSouth Australia Xand0r (fka. Allens) Fox
13/02/2016 Victoria [VIC] Jamwa's Jamboree - PM Project M
L6Victoria Jamwa LucasNessPikmin & OlimarVictoria Tyler Snake
W3Victoria Jamwa LucasNessVictoria mask1n Mr. Game and Watch
7/02/2016 New South Wales [NSW] Smashing Good Time S2 E4 - Project M singles Project M
L4Victoria Ryzuul NessNew South Wales Cole Lucas
L3New South Wales Cole LucasNew South Wales Fruit Charizard
L2New South Wales Cole LucasNew South Wales Dr. D Marth
W2New South Wales Ando Captain FalconLinkNew South Wales Cole LucasSonic
24/01/2016 New South Wales [NSW] Smashing Good Time Monthly S2E3 - PM Project M
L4New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Cole Lucas
L3New South Wales Cole LucasNew South Wales Ando LinkMarth
L2New South Wales Cole LucasNew South Wales Dr. D Captain FalconMarth
W2New South Wales Star SonicNew South Wales Cole Lucas
W1New South Wales Cole LucasNew South Wales MadDogJono Ivysaur
23/01/2016 Western Australia [WA] PRIME II - 23rd-24th Jan - Project M Pool 3 Project M
P1Western Australia BigUchiha47 FalcoWestern Australia Uguubee Lucas
23/01/2016 Western Australia [WA] PRIME II - 23rd-24th Jan - Project M Pool 1 Project M
P1Western Australia Cruzybecks Pikmin & OlimarWestern Australia Noied Lucas
19/01/2016 New South Wales [NSW] SGT Late Night 8 - PM Project M
L6New South Wales Cunchy SheikNew South Wales Cole Lucas
L4New South Wales Cole LucasNew South Wales Kira Kirby
W3New South Wales Cunchy MarthNew South Wales Cole LucasSonic
17/01/2016 New South Wales [NSW] Smashing Good Time S2E2 - PM Project M
L5New South Wales Star SonicNew South Wales Cole Lucas
L4New South Wales Cole LucasNew South Wales Hawki Captain FalconMetaknight
W3New South Wales Luxingo SheikZeldaNew South Wales Cole Lucas
W2New South Wales Cole LucasQueensland William Fox
12/01/2016 New South Wales [NSW] SGT Late Night 7 - PM Project M
L2New South Wales Cole LucasNew South Wales Phibzy Marth
W2Victoria Mealmix FalcoMarthNew South Wales Cole Lucas
W1New South Wales Cole LucasNew South Wales Jabroni Donkey KongWolf
10/01/2016 New South Wales [NSW] Smashing Good Time S2E1 - PM Project M
W1New South Wales Fruit CharizardNew South Wales Cole Lucas
13/12/2015 New South Wales [NSW] SGT. Smash Sunday - PM top 12 Project M
L4Victoria Ryzuul NessNew South Wales Cole LucasSonic
L3New South Wales Cole LucasNew South Wales Gabe Mr. Game and Watch
W2New South Wales Star SonicNew South Wales Cole Lucas
W1New South Wales Cole LucasSonicNew South Wales Phibzy Marth
29/11/2015 New South Wales [NSW] SGT Ghetto Sunday Smash - PM Singles Project M
L2New South Wales Cole LucasSonicNew South Wales Ando Captain Falcon
24/11/2015 New South Wales [NSW] SGT Late Night - PM Project M
L4New South Wales Ando Captain FalconMarthNew South Wales Cole LucasSonic
27/09/2015 Victoria [VIC] CouchWarriors Melee Sep 2015 - Project M singles Project M
W3Victoria Tomo009 LucarioVictoria Hyes Captain FalconLucas
20/09/2015 New South Wales [NSW] SGT. Smash Sunday Weekly | Wii U | Melee | N64 | 3DS | PM - PM singles Project M
W3New South Wales Star SonicNew South Wales Cole LucasSonic
10/09/2015 Western Australia [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 10th Sept - Curtin Smashfest 55: Project M Project M
W3Victoria Corpsecreate FoxToon LinkWestern Australia Noied FoxLucas
4/09/2015 South Australia [SA] EVAC September Project M - PM Singles Project M
W3South Australia Flow Rats Zero Suit SamusSouth Australia Muscat Ice ClimbersLucas
10/07/2015 New South Wales [NSW] Town & Sydney - T&S Project M Top 32 Project M
L6New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaVictoria Jamwa LucasPikmin & Olimar
9/07/2015 Western Australia [WA] Curtin Smashfest 33: Project M - Project M Singles Project M
L2Western Australia ChuJelly?~ ZeldaWestern Australia Uguubee Lucas
W2Victoria Corpsecreate Toon LinkWestern Australia Uguubee Lucas
20/06/2015 Victoria [VIC] CouchWarriors June 2015 - Project M singles Project M
GFVictoria Redact Captain FalconFalcoVictoria Jamwa Lucas
L10Victoria Jamwa LucasVictoria Timic83 SheikSnake
W6Victoria Redact Captain FalconVictoria Jamwa LucasSquirtle
22/05/2015 Victoria [VIC] Project Melbourne - pm singles Project M
L3Victoria Jamwa LucasVictoria Naga Yoshi
24/04/2015 South Australia [SA] EVAC 2015 April Project M - Project M Singles Project M
W3South Australia Muscat LucarioSouth Australia Flow Rats LucasRoy
13/03/2015 South Australia [SA] EVAC 2015 March Project M - Project M Singles Project M
L8South Australia Muscat King DededeZeldaSouth Australia Flow Rats LucasMetaknightWolf
6/02/2015 Victoria [VIC] Shadowloo Showdown VI - project m doubles Project M
L5Western Australia Hobobloke
Western Australia Vlade BowserFox
Victoria Jamwa
New South Wales Star LucasSonic
L4Victoria Jamwa
New South Wales Star LucasSonicSquirtle
Victoria Naga
Victoria Fudge RoyYoshi
W3Victoria Atticus
Victoria Forte Captain FalconFoxMarth
Victoria Jamwa
New South Wales Star LucasSonicSquirtle
6/02/2015 Victoria [VIC] Shadowloo Showdown VI - Project M singles amateur Project M
GFVictoria Jamwa LucasSquirtleVictoria Naga Yoshi
3/01/2015 Victoria [VIC] Miles' Warehouse 2 - Project M singles Project M
W5Victoria Dekar JigglypuffLinkMarioROBSheikSnakeWarioWolfYoshiZeldaVictoria S.D BowserFalcoIce ClimbersKing DededeKirbyLinkLucasMewtwoNessROBYoshi
6/12/2014 South Australia [SA] SXC2K14 - Southern Cross Championships 2K14 - PM Singles Project M
L7South Australia Flow Rats WolfVictoria Jamwa LucasSquirtle
L6Victoria Jamwa LucasSquirtleSouth Australia Ghost
W4South Australia Oli FoxVictoria Jamwa LucasSquirtle
W3Victoria Jamwa LucasSquirtleVictoria Redact
W2Victoria Jamwa LucasSquirtleSouth Australia Ghost
1/11/2014 New South Wales [NSW] Smash Gym 2 - P:M singles Project M
L3New South Wales MC FalcoNew South Wales Cole Lucas
19/10/2014 New South Wales [NSW] Smash Gym - Afternoon P:M Project M
W3New South Wales Baker Donkey KongNew South Wales Cole Lucas
W2New South Wales Cole LucasNew South Wales Mr Leak IvysaurSquirtle
31/08/2014 Victoria [VIC] Shadowloo Showdown 2014 - Project: M doubles Project M
L7New South Wales Kira
New South Wales Shaya King DededeZelda
Victoria Jei
Victoria Jamwa LucasSquirtleYoshi
L6Victoria Hughie
Victoria Nido MarthNess
Western Australia Noied
Western Australia Jono LucasPit
W2Western Australia Noied
Western Australia Jono LucasPit
Victoria Cap
Victoria Moxie SonicWolf
24/08/2014 Victoria [VIC] Check Yourself Before You Dreadtech Yourself - PM singles Project M
L8Victoria Dekar MarthPeachVictoria Jamwa LucasSquirtle
4/07/2014 New Zealand [NZ] Smash @ the Mountain - PM Singles Project M
L3New Zealand Kelots NessNew Zealand The13thDoctor Lucas
W1New Zealand The13thDoctor LucasBill Peach