
23/02/2025 Western Australia [WA] Journey to the West - P+ Singles Project M
L4Victoria Amph IvysaurNew South Wales Jimmy SheikZelda
L3New South Wales Jimmy ROBZeldaWestern Australia Seb FoxIce ClimbersSheik
W1Western Australia Turn Up RoyWestern Australia Elka LinkZelda
7/04/2024 Australian Capital Territory [ACT] The Action 2: Action Replay - Project+ Doubles Bracket Project M
W4Victoria Tyler
Victoria Ryzuul NessZero Suit Samus
New South Wales Star
New South Wales Luxingo LinkZelda
7/04/2024 Australian Capital Territory [ACT] The Action 2: Action Replay - Project+ Singles Project M
W5Victoria Tyler Zero Suit SamusNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
12/08/2023 Western Australia [WA] 5 Mile - 5 Mile Project M
L4Western Australia BDawg LuigiWestern Australia Seb SheikZelda
30/07/2023 New South Wales [NSW] Mega Metal Cavern #4 - Project + Singles Project M
L10Victoria Tyler Zero Suit SamusNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
L9New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaVictoria Amph Ivysaur
W7United States of America Motobug SonicNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
W6New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaVictoria Nido ROB
17/07/2023 Western Australia [WA] Enigma #100 - Project+ Singles Bracket Project M
L4Western Australia Seb SheikZeldaWestern Australia TKano Mario
W2Western Australia Seb SheikZeldaWestern Australia Turn Up Squirtle
17/06/2023 Western Australia [WA] The Dark Meta knight - The Dark Meta Knight Project M
W3Western Australia Maribro FoxMr. Game and WatchWestern Australia Seb FoxSheikZelda
22/01/2023 Australian Capital Territory [ACT] The Action - Project + Doubles Bracket Project M
W1New South Wales Jimmy
Victoria Nido ROBSamusZelda
New South Wales jasmine
New South Wales maspenguin NessWario
27/08/2022 New South Wales [NSW] Metal Cavern 29 - Project + Singles Bracket Project M
GFNew South Wales Joshman MarthNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
L7New South Wales Luxingo SheikZeldaNew South Wales Michael Fox
31/07/2022 New South Wales [NSW] Mega Metal Cavern 3 - Project + Doubles Bracket Project M
GFVictoria Tyler
New South Wales Joshman FoxMarthZero Suit Samus
New South Wales Star
New South Wales Luxingo KnucklesZelda
L5New South Wales Star
New South Wales Luxingo KnucklesZelda
Victoria Naga
Victoria Amph IvysaurLucario
L4Victoria Naga
Victoria Amph IvysaurLucario
New South Wales Jimmy
New South Wales RoyinoZ CharizardMarthSheikZelda
W4Victoria Tyler
New South Wales Joshman PikachuZero Suit Samus
New South Wales Star
New South Wales Luxingo IkeKnucklesZelda
W3New South Wales Star
New South Wales Luxingo IkeKnucklesZelda
New South Wales Jimmy
New South Wales RoyinoZ MarthSheik
31/07/2022 New South Wales [NSW] Mega Metal Cavern 3 - Project + Singles Project M
GFNew South Wales Star LinkNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
L11New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaVictoria Tyler Zero Suit Samus
W7New South Wales Star LinkNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
W6New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaVictoria Tyler PitSquirtle
W5New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaVictoria mask1n BowserFoxMarth
W3New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaVictoria Amph Ivysaur
14/03/2022 Western Australia [WA] Enigma #44 - Project+ Singles Bracket Project M
GFWestern Australia Cruzybecks ZeldaWestern Australia the heron Marth
1/02/2020 Western Australia [WA] Oasis Smash: Project M - Oasis Project M - Top 8 Project M
L4Western Australia Cruzybecks ZeldaVictoria Luma Samus
W2Western Australia Cruzybecks ZeldaWestern Australia Lemonpot Fox
1/02/2020 Western Australia [WA] Oasis Smash: Project M - Oasis Project M - Pool 4 Project M
GFWestern Australia Cruzybecks Pikmin & OlimarZeldaWestern Australia jyetheguy Captain Falcon
7/09/2019 Queensland [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD September 2019 Ranbat - Project M Singles Bracket Project M
L2Queensland Dr_Jim ZeldaQueensland Xondrell Yoshi
10/08/2019 Queensland [QLD] Sunny Side Up - Project M Singles Bracket Project M
W3Victoria Luma Donkey KongQueensland Jewbs LinkZelda
W2Queensland Jewbs ZeldaQueensland Mustella Captain Falcon
27/07/2019 Queensland [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD July 2019 Ranbat - Project M Singles Bracket Project M
GFQueensland Jetfantastic GanondorfQueensland Jewbs JigglypuffLinkZelda
L3Queensland Jewbs ZeldaQueensland Conza Captain Falcon
L2Queensland Jewbs LinkZeldaQueensland Rainth LucarioMarthToon Link
W2Queensland Conza Captain FalconQueensland Dr_Jim Zelda
W2Queensland Jetfantastic GanondorfQueensland Jewbs Zelda
W1Queensland Jewbs ZeldaQueensland Rainth Donkey KongRoy
18/05/2019 Victoria [VIC] BAM 11 - Project M Singles Top 16 Project M
L5Victoria Nido ROBNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
W2New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Star Ike
28/04/2019 Queensland [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD April Ranbat - Project M Singles Bracket Project M
L5Queensland Kami FoxQueensland Jewbs GanondorfLinkZelda
L3Queensland Jewbs GanondorfLinkQueensland Dr_Jim Zelda
22/12/2018 Queensland [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD December Ranbat - Project M Bracket Project M
W2Queensland Jetfantastic GanondorfQueensland Dr_Jim Zelda
W1Queensland Dr_Jim ZeldaQueensland NQuad1Zero Snake
24/10/2018 Western Australia [WA] Oil Panic 23 - Oil Panic 23 Project M
L5Western Australia Lemonpot Captain FalconWestern Australia RosalinaSama BowserZelda
14/10/2018 Western Australia [WA] Beach Based Bonanza 28 - Beach Based Bonanza 28 Project M
W6Western Australia the heron MarthWestern Australia RosalinaSama BowserFalcoFoxMetaknightZelda
29/09/2018 Western Australia [WA] Beach Based Bonanza 27 - Beach Based Bonanza 27 Project M
W4Western Australia Lemonpot Captain FalconWestern Australia RosalinaSama Zelda
17/09/2018 Queensland [QLD] QUT Smash #8 - Project M Singles Project M
L5Queensland Jetfantastic GanondorfQueensland Dr_Jim SheikZelda
26/08/2018 Victoria [VIC] CouchWarriors Aug 2018 - Project M Singles Bracket Project M
L3Victoria mask1n Mr. Game and WatchVictoria Milun PeachZelda
L2Victoria Milun MarioZeldaVictoria Mr Snak3_ FalcoSnake
19/08/2018 Western Australia [WA] Beach Based Bonanza PM 25 - Beach Based Bonanza PM 25 Project M
W4Western Australia Poppt1 NessWestern Australia RosalinaSama BowserZelda
W3Western Australia RosalinaSama ZeldaWestern Australia Juniper Samus
4/08/2018 Western Australia [WA] BigWin Championship - Project M - Singles Top 16 Project M
L3Victoria Microsoft J FalcoNew South Wales Luxingo Diddy KongZelda
7/07/2018 Western Australia [WA] Beach Based Bonanza 23 ft. Doubles - Project M Singles Project M
GFWestern Australia Cruzybecks PeachPikmin & OlimarZeldaZero Suit SamusWestern Australia Maribro FoxMr. Game and Watch
L6Western Australia Cruzybecks Pikmin & OlimarWestern Australia RosalinaSama BowserFoxZelda
L4Western Australia RosalinaSama BowserZeldaWestern Australia the heron Marth
2/06/2018 Queensland [QLD] QUT Smash #3 - Project M Singles Project M
L4Queensland Dr_Jim ZeldaQueensland BattleDolphin Sheik
19/05/2018 Victoria [VIC] BAM 10 - Project M pro bracket Project M
L6Victoria Tyler WolfNew South Wales Luxingo Diddy KongZelda
L5Victoria Bubby MetaknightUnited States of America Mentor Zelda
21/01/2018 New South Wales [NSW] Metal Cavern 6 - PM/N64 - Project M Singles Top 10 Project M
L4New South Wales Star IkeSonicNew South Wales Luxingo Diddy KongZelda
W2New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Star Sonic
16/12/2017 Queensland [QLD] UQ Smash 39 - December - Project M Singles Project M
L2Queensland Rainth Captain FalconIkeRoyQueensland Dr_Jim Zelda
W2Queensland Jetfantastic GanondorfQueensland Dr_Jim Zelda
W1Queensland Dr_Jim ZeldaQueensland Antec Mr. Game and Watch
20/08/2017 New South Wales [NSW] Metal Cavern 2 - PM/N64 - Project M Singles Top 10 Project M
L2New South Wales Luxingo Diddy KongZeldaNew South Wales Bass Sonic
29/07/2017 New South Wales [NSW] Metal Cavern 1 - PM/N64 - Top 11 Project M
L5New South Wales Luxingo Diddy KongZeldaNew South Wales Star Sonic
L4New South Wales Luxingo Diddy KongZeldaNew South Wales Fruit Charizard
15/07/2017 Victoria [VIC] CouchWarriors Melee Jul 2017 - project m Project M
L3Victoria Amph IvysaurVictoria Milun PeachZelda
17/06/2017 Victoria [VIC] CouchWarriors Melee June 2017 - project m Project M
L5Victoria Microsoft J FalcoVictoria Timic83 SheikZelda
W3Victoria Nido ROBVictoria Timic83 SheikZelda
12/05/2017 Victoria [VIC] BAM #9 - Singles PM Project M
L4New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaWestern Australia Chappos FoxMetaknight
W1New South Wales Luxingo Diddy KongZeldaVictoria Microsoft J Ganondorf
15/04/2017 Victoria [VIC] CouchWarriors Melee Apr 2017 - project m singles Project M
L5Victoria Microsoft J FalcoVictoria Timic83 SheikZelda
1/04/2017 New South Wales [NSW] Expand Gong #2 31st March - 2nd April. - PM Singles Top 16 Project M
L4New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaVictoria Nido NessWolf
L3New South Wales Luxingo Diddy KongZeldaNew South Wales Azza Lucario
18/03/2017 Victoria [VIC] CouchWarriors Melee Mar 2017 - PM Singles Bracket Project M
L1Victoria Milun ZeldaVictoria skeneo Luigi
17/12/2016 Western Australia [WA] Smash West Presents: Master Sword 16 & Oil Panic 15 - Oil Panic 15 Singles Project M
L4Western Australia Krystal GanondorfWestern Australia RosalinaSama Zelda
W3Western Australia Cruzybecks SonicWestern Australia RosalinaSama SheikZelda
W2Western Australia RosalinaSama ZeldaWestern Australia Uguubee Lucas
9/12/2016 Western Australia [WA] Bowser's Castle: A Perth Project M Invitational - Project M Singles Project M
L4Western Australia Cruzybecks Pikmin & OlimarWestern Australia RosalinaSama BowserZelda
W3Western Australia Chappos Diddy KongFoxSheikWestern Australia Cruzybecks Pikmin & OlimarZelda
18/11/2016 Western Australia [WA] Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 14 - Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 14 Singles Project M
L6Western Australia Benjo SheikWestern Australia Cruzybecks Pikmin & OlimarZeldaZero Suit Samus
L5Western Australia Cruzybecks JigglypuffZeldaWestern Australia Krystal Captain FalconFox
L3Western Australia RosalinaSama BowserZeldaWestern Australia Sep Lucas
3/11/2016 Western Australia [WA] Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 13 - Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 13 Project M
W3Western Australia Cruzybecks Zero Suit SamusWestern Australia RosalinaSama MetaknightSheikZelda
20/10/2016 Western Australia [WA] Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 12 - Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 12 Project M
L8Western Australia Lemonpot FoxWestern Australia Cruzybecks Zelda
6/10/2016 Western Australia [WA] Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 11 - Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 11 Project M
W4Western Australia Cruzybecks ZeldaWestern Australia Lemonpot Marth
9/09/2016 Western Australia [WA] DI Another Day 2: 9 -11 September - DI Another Day Project M Singles Bracket Project M
GFNew South Wales Joshman Donkey KongFoxNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
L6New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Star Toon Link
L5New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaWestern Australia Chappos MetaknightSquirtle
L4New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaWestern Australia Karu Captain FalconFox
W3New South Wales Joshman Donkey KongNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
W2New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaWestern Australia Mikel Captain FalconRoy
W1New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaWestern Australia Sundowns Marth
9/09/2016 Western Australia [WA] DI Another Day 2: 9 -11 September - Project M PMA4 Project M
P1Western Australia Sep NessWestern Australia Bieltanman Zelda
9/09/2016 Western Australia [WA] DI Another Day 2: 9 -11 September - Project M PMA1 Project M
P1Western Australia Maribro Mr. Game and WatchNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
P1New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaWestern Australia BDawg Luigi
P1New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaWestern Australia Krystal Captain Falcon
26/08/2016 New South Wales [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 14: 26th - 28th August - Project M Singles Top 16 Project M
L4New South Wales Cunchy Captain FalconNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
L3New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaVictoria Noxus Samus
W1New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaVictoria Bubby Ganondorf
23/06/2016 Western Australia [WA] Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 6 - Smash West Presents: Oil Panic! 6 Project M
W1Western Australia Cruzybecks ZeldaWestern Australia Lynkle MarthToon Link
7/05/2016 Victoria [VIC] Project Melbourne 2 - Project M Top 16 Project M
GFNew South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Star Sonic
W4New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Star King DededeSonic
W3New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Gabe Mr. Game and Watch
7/05/2016 Victoria [VIC] Project Melbourne 2 - project m doubles Project M
L5Victoria Splice
Victoria Jamwa LucasSheik
New South Wales Joshman
New South Wales Luxingo Donkey KongMarioZelda
L4New South Wales Joshman
New South Wales Luxingo Donkey KongZelda
Victoria Naga
Victoria Fudge Captain FalconRoyYoshi
W3Victoria mask1n
Victoria Ryzuul Mr. Game and WatchNess
New South Wales Joshman
New South Wales Luxingo Donkey KongFoxZelda
1/05/2016 Australian Capital Territory [ACT] Capital Smash 13 - PM Singles Project M
L6New South Wales Joshman Donkey KongNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
L5New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaAustralian Capital Territory Seb IvysaurMarth
W2New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaAustralian Capital Territory Bogo Wario
8/04/2016 South Australia [SA] EVAC April 2016 Project M Tournament - EVAC April 2016 Project M Tournament Project M
L6South Australia Muscat GanondorfPeachROBSheikZeldaSouth Australia Flow Rats Captain FalconDonkey KongFoxIce ClimbersIvysaurJigglypuffKirbyNessPikachuSamusSheikWarioWolfYoshi
L5South Australia Flow Rats CharizardLucasPeachSheikToon LinkWarioZeldaSouth Australia Edsta Fox
W4South Australia Kaiza RoySouth Australia Muscat King DededeLinkZelda
2/04/2016 New South Wales [NSW] EXPAND GONG (2nd - 3rd April) - PM Singles Top 12 Project M
GFNew South Wales Luxingo SheikZeldaNew South Wales Star Sonic
W4New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Star King DededeSonic
W3New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaVictoria Tyler Snake
W2New South Wales Luxingo SheikZeldaNew South Wales Azza Lucario
29/03/2016 New South Wales [NSW] Late Night PM 13 - Project M singles Project M
GFNew South Wales Luxingo SheikZeldaVictoria Tyler Snake
24/01/2016 New South Wales [NSW] Smashing Good Time Monthly S2E3 - PM Project M
L5New South Wales Joshman FoxMarioNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
L4New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Cole Lucas
17/01/2016 New South Wales [NSW] Smashing Good Time S2E2 - PM Project M
GFNew South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Joshman Fox
GFNew South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Joshman Fox
L6New South Wales Luxingo SheikZeldaNew South Wales Star PikachuSonic
W4New South Wales Joshman FoxNew South Wales Luxingo SheikZelda
W3New South Wales Luxingo SheikZeldaNew South Wales Cole Lucas
12/01/2016 New South Wales [NSW] SGT Late Night 7 - PM Project M
W4New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Star Sonic
W3New South Wales Luxingo SheikZeldaVictoria Mealmix Marth
10/01/2016 New South Wales [NSW] Smashing Good Time S2E1 - PM Project M
GFNew South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Joshman Fox
W4New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Star Sonic
W3New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales MC Falco
W2New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Joshman FoxMario
23/10/2015 South Australia [SA] EVAC PM October - PM Singles Project M
GFSouth Australia Muscat ROBZeldaVictoria SA Nick FalcoMarth
W3South Australia Muscat SheikZeldaSouth Australia Flow Rats FoxMetaknight
4/10/2015 South Australia [SA] StreetGeek X 2015 - PM Singles Project M
GFSouth Australia Muscat PeachROBZeldaSouth Australia Flow Rats FoxSheikWolf
L6South Australia Muscat ZeldaSouth Australia Kaiza Falco
W4South Australia Flow Rats LuigiWolfSouth Australia Muscat LucarioROBZelda
W3South Australia Muscat ROBZeldaSouth Australia Kaiza Falco
10/09/2015 Western Australia [WA] Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 10th Sept - Curtin Smashfest 55: Project M Project M
W5Victoria Corpsecreate Toon LinkWestern Australia Quetz Zelda
W3Western Australia Nasch GanondorfWestern Australia Bieltanman SheikZelda
W2Western Australia Quetz ZeldaWestern Australia Lemonpot Captain Falcon
4/09/2015 South Australia [SA] EVAC September Project M - PM Singles Project M
L4South Australia Muscat LucarioZeldaSouth Australia Nikes Yoshi
W2South Australia Kaiza RoySouth Australia Kyle Captain FalconZelda
24/07/2015 South Australia [SA] EVAC 2015 July PM - Project M Singles Project M
L6South Australia Muscat LucarioPeachZeldaSouth Australia Flow Rats Captain FalconFox
W2South Australia Flow Rats WolfSouth Australia Kyle Captain FalconZelda
W2South Australia Muscat LucarioZeldaSouth Australia Edsta Fox
18/07/2015 South Australia [SA] AVCon 2015 - project m singles Project M
GFSouth Australia Muscat ZeldaSouth Australia Ghost JigglypuffZelda
10/07/2015 New South Wales [NSW] Town & Sydney - T&S Project M Top 32 Project M
GFAustralian Capital Territory Zxv FoxGanondorfNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
L8New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaWestern Australia Spud Marth
L7New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaAustralian Capital Territory Scabe LinkPeach
L6New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaVictoria Jamwa LucasPikmin & Olimar
W4Western Australia Spud MarthNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
9/07/2015 Western Australia [WA] Curtin Smashfest 33: Project M - Project M Singles Project M
GFVictoria Corpsecreate Toon LinkWestern Australia Quetz ROBZelda
L7Western Australia Nasch GanondorfWestern Australia Elka WolfZelda
L6Western Australia Elka WolfZeldaWestern Australia SaltyParis King Dedede
L2Western Australia ChuJelly?~ ZeldaWestern Australia Uguubee Lucas
W5Victoria Corpsecreate Toon LinkWestern Australia Quetz Zelda
W4Western Australia Quetz ZeldaWestern Australia Nasch Ganondorf
W3Western Australia Nasch GanondorfWestern Australia Elka WolfZelda
4/07/2015 New South Wales [NSW] Never Stand Still 2 - PM Project M
GFNew South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Cunchy Captain FalconMarth
L8New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales Star Sonic
W5New South Wales Cunchy Captain FalconNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
W4New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaNew South Wales CAOTIC Peach
25/06/2015 Western Australia [WA] Curtin Smashfest No. 28: Project M - Curtin Smashfest No. 28: Project M Project M
GFWestern Australia Elka WolfZeldaWestern Australia Exor Captain FalconPikachu
L5Western Australia Exor Captain FalconPikachuZeldaWestern Australia Bieltanman Zelda
W2Western Australia Bieltanman ZeldaWestern Australia AvocadoBride Mr. Game and Watch
W1Western Australia Bieltanman ZeldaWestern Australia Cream Diddy Kong
11/06/2015 Western Australia [WA] Curtin Smashfest No. 24: Project M - Curtin Smashfest No. 24: Project M Project M
GFWestern Australia Quetz ZeldaWestern Australia Nasch Ganondorf
W4Western Australia Quetz ZeldaWestern Australia Nasch Ganondorf
W3Western Australia Quetz ZeldaWestern Australia Bieltanman Zelda
4/06/2015 Western Australia [WA] Curtin Smashfest No. 22: Project M - Curtin Smashfest No. 22: Project M Project M
GFWestern Australia Quetz ZeldaWestern Australia Vlade FoxRoyToon Link
L4Western Australia Beans Captain FalconWestern Australia Bieltanman Zelda
L3Western Australia Bieltanman ZeldaWestern Australia Link Marth
W4Western Australia Quetz ROBZeldaWestern Australia Vlade FoxPikachu
W1Frisko LinkWestern Australia Bieltanman Zelda
14/05/2015 Western Australia [WA] Curtin Smashfest No. 19: Project M - Curtin Smashfest No. 19: Project M Project M
W1Western Australia AvocadoBride Mr. Game and WatchWestern Australia Bieltanman Zelda
7/05/2015 Western Australia [WA] Curtin Smashfest No. 17: Project M - Curtin Smashfest No. 17: Project M Project M
L4Western Australia Lion (Mec) LinkWestern Australia Bieltanman SheikZelda
W4Western Australia Quetz ROBZeldaWestern Australia Elka Wolf
W3Western Australia Elka WolfZeldaWestern Australia Bieltanman FoxZelda
W2Western Australia Elka WolfZeldaWestern Australia Bearfist Lucario
24/04/2015 South Australia [SA] EVAC 2015 April Project M - Project M Singles Project M
W4Victoria SA Nick MarthSouth Australia Muscat LucarioZelda
13/03/2015 South Australia [SA] EVAC 2015 March Project M - Project M Singles Project M
L8South Australia Muscat King DededeZeldaSouth Australia Flow Rats LucasMetaknightWolf
L7South Australia Muscat ROBZeldaSouth Australia Kaiza FoxWolf
L6South Australia Muscat ZeldaSouth Australia Scraddles Fox
W3South Australia Muscat ZeldaSouth Australia Donut Fox
13/02/2015 South Australia [SA] EVAC 2015 February Project M - Project M Singles Project M
L6South Australia Blackshadow Captain FalconSouth Australia Muscat CharizardLucarioZelda
17/01/2015 New Zealand [NZ] Petone Smash: ATF - PM Singles Project M
L6New Zealand Katoran RoySheikZeldaNew Zealand Gerard GanondorfPeach
L5New Zealand Katoran RoySheikZeldaNew Zealand narpas Samus
L4New Zealand Katoran FalcoRoyZeldaNew Zealand Laul Diddy KongMr. Game and WatchPikachu
W3New Zealand Frenchie Captain FalconFoxNew Zealand Katoran Zelda
3/01/2015 New South Wales [NSW] Smash City 3 - Project M Project M
GFNew South Wales Cunchy Captain FalconNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
L4New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaAustralian Capital Territory Seb Ivysaur
W3New South Wales Cunchy Captain FalconNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
3/01/2015 Victoria [VIC] Miles' Warehouse 2 - Project M singles Project M
W5Victoria Dekar JigglypuffLinkMarioROBSheikSnakeWarioWolfYoshiZeldaVictoria S.D BowserFalcoIce ClimbersKing DededeKirbyLinkLucasMewtwoNessROBYoshi
1/11/2014 New South Wales [NSW] Smash Gym 2 - P:M singles Project M
L7New South Wales Star SonicNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
L6New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaQueensland Gords Ness
19/10/2014 New South Wales [NSW] Smash Gym - Afternoon P:M Project M
W3Australian Capital Territory Zxv GanondorfNew South Wales Luxingo Zelda
W2New South Wales Luxingo ZeldaQueensland Gords Toon Link
31/08/2014 Victoria [VIC] Shadowloo Showdown 2014 - Project: M doubles Project M
L9Victoria Dreadtech
Sweden Armada FoxToon Link
Victoria S.D
New South Wales CAOTIC PeachPitZelda
L8Victoria S.D
New South Wales CAOTIC PitZelda
Victoria BIGBOSS
Victoria Tibs Diddy KongFoxMarth
L8Victoria Dreadtech
Sweden Armada FoxPitToon Link
New South Wales Kira
New South Wales Shaya King DededeZelda
L7New South Wales Kira
New South Wales Shaya King DededeZelda
Victoria Jei
Victoria Jamwa LucasSquirtleYoshi
W3Victoria Dreadtech
Sweden Armada FoxToon Link
New South Wales Kira
New South Wales Shaya Mr. Game and WatchZelda
24/08/2014 Victoria [VIC] Check Yourself Before You Dreadtech Yourself - PM singles Project M
L8Victoria Redact Captain FalconMarthVictoria mask1n Zelda
W3Victoria mask1n MarioZeldaVictoria DD_ King Dedede