CubT that also raises the point, if he was trying to put blame on you and also trying to go for a random lynch then that makes him even more suss.
I'm thinking of changing my vote to Janco.
04/25/2016 04:07:08
I honestly think Frames, MrL or CubT are our best bets for scum at this point. I don't think we should risk lynching Adam at this stage as we need to question him further for evidence/information and it doesn't seem like we're gonna have enough time to do that given our current situation. MrL could work but I honestly think Frames has been the most blatantly scummy with his pushing for a random lynch on day 3. Not a good idea given the chance of hitting maf is quite low.
Vote: FramesJanco
Let's see where this takes us.
04/25/2016 07:38:19
Vote: FramesJanco
Let's see where this takes us.
04/25/2016 07:38:19
Wasn't he against a day one lynch as well?
Like I am unable to check so if someone can confirm it? I'll double check when I get home.
04/25/2016 07:50:00
Like I am unable to check so if someone can confirm it? I'll double check when I get home.
04/25/2016 07:50:00
SpaceJam said:
Wasn't he against a day one lynch as well?
Like I am unable to check so if someone can confirm it? I'll double check when I get home.
He was initially, yes
04/25/2016 07:50:19
Yes, but mostly for inactivity purposes
04/25/2016 07:50:33
04/25/2016 07:50:33
Gee this game has been pretty stagnant during day 3. I don't really know how to contribute to this as there's just not enough information to go on. I'm going to guess that anyone with night powers failed to find anything about the mafia last night as there isn't really a strong push against any player happening and everyone is going quiet.
The key piece of information that is holding me back is whether the executor was town or mafia. If we knew for sure one way or the other I would be able to read into who voted Day 2 more. If we were to assume that the executor is mafia it makes JamesFranco and Insertname the two most suspicious in my opinion.
Both of these players have been mostly inactive and if we are to assume that the executor is mafia then it makes these two who gave the last two votes the most suspicious as they may have been told by the executor to vote simply to bring the vote count on cAKE up and end the day.
JamesFranco has done nothing much except for suggest we vote for another random lynch. We cannot afford any more random lynches that may result in a mis-lynch as the number of players is dropping off rapidly and the only mafia we have hit was cAKE so far.
Insertname also technically hammered, however whether it was knowingly or unknowingly is debatable. If we are to assume the mafia do have the executor and then he hammered he could quite easily play it off that he didn't know about any executors. The fact he has also gone completely inactive makes me feel even more iffy about him.
Regarding everyone else:
MrL - He's done more than a few questionable plays so far this game but I really don't know yet. Completely on the fence about him.
BattleDolphin - Been kind of inactive so I can't get much of a read on him.
FramesJanco - See above.
SpaceJam - Has been pretty quiet but I'm not getting any mafia vibes from him. Probably town.
InsertName71 - See above.
HydroPimp - Again with many other players has been largely quiet this game. Weirdly though I note in his post Day 3 he said that he voted for cAKE when he actually didn't. The 5 who voted for cAKE were Wooy, Maribro, JonCheeeeeeee, Franco and Insertname. I'm getting kinda suss vibes from him when he's only posted a handful of times and can't even remember what he's done lol.
Maribro - I'm very on the fence about him. Given so many players have been inactive he is one of the few who is actually posting a lot. As such a lot of attention gets brought to him and he looks suspicious. He has made a lot of pro-town plays (more than anyone else) and that almost makes me more suspicious on him. Will watch, but my radar is more on the people who are more inactive and making unusual plays whenever they do post right now.
Wooy - I think he was the first to vote both for cAKE and Corvid. Not getting any anti-town vibes from him besides this. Been a little quiet but posts useful information when he does post.
LachlanF - Has he been like busy for the whole game or what? I've barely noticed him at all. Another player not doing much.
Bijou - Giving an opinion on myself would be insanely biased.
JonCheee - Haven't noticed him much either but when he does post he seems to contribute. Hard to really get a read on him.
Haiku - Yet another mostly inactive player. Of the inactive players so far he along with JonChee and Spacejam are probably the ones who I'm least suss about at the moment.
CubT - Probably been the most active day 3. Given he was largely supporting what cAKE was doing that makes me a bit suss on him however mostly all of his logic has been sound and it's hard to fault him. I'm thinking probably town at this stage. Note: When I say "see above" I am referring to what I wrote about insertname and Franco in the paragraphs above my every player analysis.
04/25/2016 07:57:05
The key piece of information that is holding me back is whether the executor was town or mafia. If we knew for sure one way or the other I would be able to read into who voted Day 2 more. If we were to assume that the executor is mafia it makes JamesFranco and Insertname the two most suspicious in my opinion.
Both of these players have been mostly inactive and if we are to assume that the executor is mafia then it makes these two who gave the last two votes the most suspicious as they may have been told by the executor to vote simply to bring the vote count on cAKE up and end the day.
JamesFranco has done nothing much except for suggest we vote for another random lynch. We cannot afford any more random lynches that may result in a mis-lynch as the number of players is dropping off rapidly and the only mafia we have hit was cAKE so far.
Insertname also technically hammered, however whether it was knowingly or unknowingly is debatable. If we are to assume the mafia do have the executor and then he hammered he could quite easily play it off that he didn't know about any executors. The fact he has also gone completely inactive makes me feel even more iffy about him.
Regarding everyone else:
MrL - He's done more than a few questionable plays so far this game but I really don't know yet. Completely on the fence about him.
BattleDolphin - Been kind of inactive so I can't get much of a read on him.
FramesJanco - See above.
SpaceJam - Has been pretty quiet but I'm not getting any mafia vibes from him. Probably town.
InsertName71 - See above.
HydroPimp - Again with many other players has been largely quiet this game. Weirdly though I note in his post Day 3 he said that he voted for cAKE when he actually didn't. The 5 who voted for cAKE were Wooy, Maribro, JonCheeeeeeee, Franco and Insertname. I'm getting kinda suss vibes from him when he's only posted a handful of times and can't even remember what he's done lol.
Maribro - I'm very on the fence about him. Given so many players have been inactive he is one of the few who is actually posting a lot. As such a lot of attention gets brought to him and he looks suspicious. He has made a lot of pro-town plays (more than anyone else) and that almost makes me more suspicious on him. Will watch, but my radar is more on the people who are more inactive and making unusual plays whenever they do post right now.
Wooy - I think he was the first to vote both for cAKE and Corvid. Not getting any anti-town vibes from him besides this. Been a little quiet but posts useful information when he does post.
LachlanF - Has he been like busy for the whole game or what? I've barely noticed him at all. Another player not doing much.
Bijou - Giving an opinion on myself would be insanely biased.
JonCheee - Haven't noticed him much either but when he does post he seems to contribute. Hard to really get a read on him.
Haiku - Yet another mostly inactive player. Of the inactive players so far he along with JonChee and Spacejam are probably the ones who I'm least suss about at the moment.
CubT - Probably been the most active day 3. Given he was largely supporting what cAKE was doing that makes me a bit suss on him however mostly all of his logic has been sound and it's hard to fault him. I'm thinking probably town at this stage. Note: When I say "see above" I am referring to what I wrote about insertname and Franco in the paragraphs above my every player analysis.
04/25/2016 07:57:05
VOTE: FramesJanco
Went for a random lynch. Also if executioner is mafia Bijou thinks he's suss.
04/25/2016 08:07:09
Went for a random lynch. Also if executioner is mafia Bijou thinks he's suss.
04/25/2016 08:07:09
I'll see what Franco and Insertname come back with before I vote. It's critical that we don't hit another mis-lynch.
Time is running out though, deadline is approaching and Dean isn't likely to extend our time.
04/25/2016 08:11:07
Time is running out though, deadline is approaching and Dean isn't likely to extend our time.
04/25/2016 08:11:07
What's the vote count at? Might vote franco if we're still a few off.
04/25/2016 08:15:06
04/25/2016 08:15:06
MrL said:
What's the vote count at? Might vote franco if we're still a few off.
2, I started the vote
04/25/2016 08:16:03
Would you like me to put him L-1 or rather not risk it in case of a quickhammer? oh nvm lol thought you meant he's two away from lynch. I'll hold off for now I gotta meet with uni peeps for a bit, might vote anywhere from 20 mins to 2 hours from now.
Will try and give some player analysis when I can
04/25/2016 08:20:05
Will try and give some player analysis when I can
04/25/2016 08:20:05
🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 ⚙⚙⚙⚙⚙⚙ 🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪
04/25/2016 10:58:28
04/25/2016 10:58:28

04/25/2016 10:58:48
I was technically the hammer to Cake but I had no idea an executioner role even existed (even though I can't prove it) and I went inactive due to S@S, Ranbat and PPH I'll try to post more that I'm back because I'm back
04/25/2016 11:10:01
04/25/2016 11:10:01
Hey everyone, sorry for the wait. Got a speech on Wednesday :/
Okay so:
@Insertname May I ask why you brought up effectively being the hammerer and then say you didn't know there was an executioner? Adds no real value + Is a bit odd to say.. More odd than CubT randomly saying mafia set him up (albeit that actually had relevance + literally nothing else was being said so at least it started up discussion)
BattleDolphin - Hasn't said too much, so can't really read him..
FramesJanco - Been a bit suss, especially with wanting to have a no-lynch..
SpaceJam - Hasn't said much, no read.
HydroPimp - Needs to talk more
Maribro - Been a real strong player thusfar, effectively leading town and saying pro-town stuff. Been suss of me recently, but while i'm not mafia his suspicion has been thought out rather than just flinging out random accusations.
Wooy - Hasn't posted much recently but has acted pro-town with what he's said so far. Always is a strong player.
LachlanF - talk pls
Bijou - Wasn't doing much at the first, but has been contributing a lot more with reasoned analysis of players.
JonCheee - Can't remember specifically what he's done but recalls what he's done as being quite useful and pro-town like taking the thingie from a previous game.
Haiku - Talk pls.
CubT - Been pro-town and talking quite a bit. That one thing he said about a possible set-up with mafia could be seen as suss behaviour but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt as he's also been quite pro-town this game.
04/25/2016 12:32:43
Okay so:
@Insertname May I ask why you brought up effectively being the hammerer and then say you didn't know there was an executioner? Adds no real value + Is a bit odd to say.. More odd than CubT randomly saying mafia set him up (albeit that actually had relevance + literally nothing else was being said so at least it started up discussion)
BattleDolphin - Hasn't said too much, so can't really read him..
FramesJanco - Been a bit suss, especially with wanting to have a no-lynch..
SpaceJam - Hasn't said much, no read.
HydroPimp - Needs to talk more
Maribro - Been a real strong player thusfar, effectively leading town and saying pro-town stuff. Been suss of me recently, but while i'm not mafia his suspicion has been thought out rather than just flinging out random accusations.
Wooy - Hasn't posted much recently but has acted pro-town with what he's said so far. Always is a strong player.
LachlanF - talk pls
Bijou - Wasn't doing much at the first, but has been contributing a lot more with reasoned analysis of players.
JonCheee - Can't remember specifically what he's done but recalls what he's done as being quite useful and pro-town like taking the thingie from a previous game.
Haiku - Talk pls.
CubT - Been pro-town and talking quite a bit. That one thing he said about a possible set-up with mafia could be seen as suss behaviour but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt as he's also been quite pro-town this game.
04/25/2016 12:32:43
04/25/2016 21:39:40
04/25/2016 21:39:40
Is LachlanF a fool?
04/25/2016 21:59:30
04/25/2016 21:59:30
LachlanF is a lemon
04/25/2016 22:48:11
04/25/2016 22:48:11
I had no idea an executioner existed. Once again im new to this format
04/26/2016 00:39:59
04/26/2016 00:39:59
the people who have been pressured (haiku hydro and frames) havent really responded to these yet. i dont know if theyre purposely stalling for no lynch or not, but at this rate we're going to get a no lynch which i'd reaaaallly rather not have to do. we may have to bandwagon.
04/26/2016 03:12:59
04/26/2016 03:12:59
The sheer amount of inactivity by some players is crazy. Like we can't really discuss much if they don't respond.
04/26/2016 03:58:46
04/26/2016 03:58:46
We are just lacking in night info.
04/26/2016 04:32:20
04/26/2016 04:32:20
Vote: FramesJanco
Has been a bit suss today and has not really said much throughout the game.
I think we should start pressuring more inactive people and if they still don't say anything except 1 "oh hey im miraculously alive now don't kill me' post (and then proceed to not talk at all) then we just lynch them. Then town can communicate easier and get our votes and thoughts across more easily.
04/26/2016 04:36:41
Has been a bit suss today and has not really said much throughout the game.
I think we should start pressuring more inactive people and if they still don't say anything except 1 "oh hey im miraculously alive now don't kill me' post (and then proceed to not talk at all) then we just lynch them. Then town can communicate easier and get our votes and thoughts across more easily.
04/26/2016 04:36:41
can we get a vote count please
04/26/2016 07:06:30
04/26/2016 07:06:30
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
FramesJanco (3) - Maribro, Wooy, MrL
HydroPimp (2) - SpaceJam, JonCheee
Haiku (2) - FramesJanco, LachlanF
Not voted (6) - BattleDolphin, InsertName, HydroPimp, Bijou, Haiku, CubT
04/26/2016 07:09:25
FramesJanco (3) - Maribro, Wooy, MrL
HydroPimp (2) - SpaceJam, JonCheee
Haiku (2) - FramesJanco, LachlanF
Not voted (6) - BattleDolphin, InsertName, HydroPimp, Bijou, Haiku, CubT
04/26/2016 07:09:25