mint. well maribro said he would lynch so i wont take that away from him
11/20/2016 09:51:45
Since Dale's back again!
Vote: LachlanF
11/20/2016 10:04:28
Vote: LachlanF
11/20/2016 10:04:28
Vote: Unvote
Good luck town, you will need it.
11/20/2016 10:05:14
Good luck town, you will need it.
11/20/2016 10:05:14
This isn't accounting for who gets killed at night, third party, weird roles etc.
11/20/2016 10:07:34
11/20/2016 10:07:34
MrL said it would be better to let Maribro hammer him and they're both strong players, so I suggest we wait for him.
11/20/2016 10:16:20
11/20/2016 10:16:20
SpaceJam said:
Also Maribro is not a cuck. It was a spur of the moment rude choice. I actually think he is a lovely person.
Now here's something we could all vote to agree on.
Anyways, stop.
Hammer time.
Vote: LachlanF
11/20/2016 10:18:44
11/20/2016 10:20:54
11/20/2016 10:20:54
11/20/2016 10:21:08
A majority has been reached. Thread will remain open for about another 30 minutes while we get things ready; you may keep posting during this time.
11/20/2016 10:21:43
11/20/2016 10:21:43
omg that day 2 felt like it went forever
11/20/2016 10:22:43
11/20/2016 10:22:43
11/20/2016 10:22:46
11/20/2016 10:22:46
Vote: Maribro is a lovely person
11/20/2016 10:24:27
MrL said:
11/20/2016 10:24:27
VOTE: Maribro is a lovely person
11/20/2016 10:25:56
11/20/2016 10:25:56
inb4 maribro is maf and kills me during the night lmao
11/20/2016 10:31:53
11/20/2016 10:31:53
has no one paid attention to my expertly drawn flowchart in paint
11/20/2016 10:34:36
11/20/2016 10:34:36
The death of young Lucas sent the town into a state of confusion. Why would the mafia target him and not one of the stronger players? What was this strange decision? “We need answers!” the town cried out. “It was the scum trying to mind game us!” some exclaimed. “No, there must be a third party!” suggested some of the others.
Unable to live in such a dangerous place any more, several of the townspeople went missing in Day 2 never to be seen again in the hopes that they could escape from the scum. As they tried to leave the gates of the village the souls of the departed quickly possessed their bodies and now inhabited these vessels permanently. The first was a tainted soul that had been mysteriously purged from another town in a past life and to the surprise of everyone else, young Lucas’s spirit had completely taken over another and had his sights set on discovering whoever may have killed him during the first night.
Once the town was convinced there was no place to run and the only way for survival was to lynch the scum they quickly set their sights on uncovering new evidence. “We won’t discover any new information today, let’s just kill somebody so that we can learn new things at night” they agreed as their gaze fixated on Australia’s worst human / worst TO ever.
“Wait guys, you don’t want to kill me. I have a very important role in this town honest!” he assured them as a last ditch effort of survival. “Claiming you are important is clearly evidence you are scum” the town rebutted as they ushered him towards the gallows.
"You're all making a huge mistake" Australia's worst human / worst TO proclaimed, but the sounds of MC Hammer's can't touch this were already playing on repeat through the town broadcast system. With one final vote the noose was fastened and the floor dropped from beneath him.
LachlanF, Town Informed Bodyguard, has been lynched!
Night 2 begins, those with night actions please send them to myself or Dean ASAP.
Final vote count for day 2:
Aerodrome (2) - Dyna_Hole, AutumnWind
Invisi (3) - SpaceJam, Ghostbone, BastyTho
LachlanF (10) - Aerodrome, Invisi, cAKE, cjeccjec, EIS-DUON, InsertName, Windkeeper0, MrL, Rhyno, Maribro
Not voted (3) - HydroPimp, LuminousLucas, LachlanF
11/20/2016 10:35:54
Unable to live in such a dangerous place any more, several of the townspeople went missing in Day 2 never to be seen again in the hopes that they could escape from the scum. As they tried to leave the gates of the village the souls of the departed quickly possessed their bodies and now inhabited these vessels permanently. The first was a tainted soul that had been mysteriously purged from another town in a past life and to the surprise of everyone else, young Lucas’s spirit had completely taken over another and had his sights set on discovering whoever may have killed him during the first night.
Once the town was convinced there was no place to run and the only way for survival was to lynch the scum they quickly set their sights on uncovering new evidence. “We won’t discover any new information today, let’s just kill somebody so that we can learn new things at night” they agreed as their gaze fixated on Australia’s worst human / worst TO ever.
“Wait guys, you don’t want to kill me. I have a very important role in this town honest!” he assured them as a last ditch effort of survival. “Claiming you are important is clearly evidence you are scum” the town rebutted as they ushered him towards the gallows.
"You're all making a huge mistake" Australia's worst human / worst TO proclaimed, but the sounds of MC Hammer's can't touch this were already playing on repeat through the town broadcast system. With one final vote the noose was fastened and the floor dropped from beneath him.
LachlanF, Town Informed Bodyguard, has been lynched!
Night 2 begins, those with night actions please send them to myself or Dean ASAP.
Final vote count for day 2:
Aerodrome (2) - Dyna_Hole, AutumnWind
Invisi (3) - SpaceJam, Ghostbone, BastyTho
LachlanF (10) - Aerodrome, Invisi, cAKE, cjeccjec, EIS-DUON, InsertName, Windkeeper0, MrL, Rhyno, Maribro
Not voted (3) - HydroPimp, LuminousLucas, LachlanF
11/20/2016 10:35:54
In the depths of the second night, young Lucus was once again being hunted little to his knowledge. "I'd better be on high alert tonight, I know how it feels to die now and it surely is not a fun feeling in the sl-" he began to tell himself, but soon felt an all too familiar feeling as his soul was leaving his body once again. The source of his new death as mysterious as the first.
This was not the only death this night however as in the morning a total of two bodies had been discovered with the mild mannered yet insult slinging Spacejam the second among the victims of the night. How would the town react to the news of two more bodies to add to the list? Find out in the next exciting day of Mafia Returns!
LuminousLucus, Town Watcher, and Spacejam, Town 1-shot Masoniser, have been killed
Day 3 begins! With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch!
11/21/2016 08:13:00
This was not the only death this night however as in the morning a total of two bodies had been discovered with the mild mannered yet insult slinging Spacejam the second among the victims of the night. How would the town react to the news of two more bodies to add to the list? Find out in the next exciting day of Mafia Returns!
LuminousLucus, Town Watcher, and Spacejam, Town 1-shot Masoniser, have been killed
Day 3 begins! With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch!
11/21/2016 08:13:00
im confused
11/21/2016 08:14:41
11/21/2016 08:14:41
someone has to have something against lumi does anyone here know him personally?
11/21/2016 08:15:42
11/21/2016 08:15:42
when did lucas replace corvid i missed that completely
11/21/2016 08:16:13
11/21/2016 08:16:13
Rip luminouslucas
Mafia has some sick sense of humour
11/21/2016 08:23:21
Mafia has some sick sense of humour
11/21/2016 08:23:21
i missed like most of page 19 oooops
11/21/2016 08:24:20
11/21/2016 08:24:20
this is just... I don't even know anymore O_o
11/21/2016 08:26:36
11/21/2016 08:26:36
Looks like you guys decided to lynch Lachlan before I got home from the tournament on Sunday. Given how he defended himself, I'm not surprised - that claim was super suss. Fortunately, looking up the bodyguard role, it doesn't look much more powerful than a vanilla townie. Though I'm interested to know what the informed part means - I can't find any info on it.
Dean, Bijou, could one of you please clarify exactly what Lachlan's "informed" role means? If Lachlan knew something that we don't, I'm legit annoyed that he didn't, at the very least, decide to tell the town what he knew before dying so that we could use it knowing where it came from. On that note, I can't find info on the Masoniser role either. Could you clarify that one too?
Anyway, all this leaves the question of what do we do now - we're down to 15 players from 20 and we haven't started thinning the mafia yet. Obviously the first person to point the finger at is Aero. He clearly had it out for Lachlan and we still don't know why. All of his accusations were laced with memery, and in hindsight we didn't question his motives enough.
So, Aero, why exactly were you so adamant that Lachlan was mafia when we now know that's not the case? Also I looked through Corvid and LuminousLucas' post histories, but I couldn't find any clues as to who they investigated night 1.
11/21/2016 08:43:09
Dean, Bijou, could one of you please clarify exactly what Lachlan's "informed" role means? If Lachlan knew something that we don't, I'm legit annoyed that he didn't, at the very least, decide to tell the town what he knew before dying so that we could use it knowing where it came from. On that note, I can't find info on the Masoniser role either. Could you clarify that one too?
Anyway, all this leaves the question of what do we do now - we're down to 15 players from 20 and we haven't started thinning the mafia yet. Obviously the first person to point the finger at is Aero. He clearly had it out for Lachlan and we still don't know why. All of his accusations were laced with memery, and in hindsight we didn't question his motives enough.
So, Aero, why exactly were you so adamant that Lachlan was mafia when we now know that's not the case? Also I looked through Corvid and LuminousLucas' post histories, but I couldn't find any clues as to who they investigated night 1.
11/21/2016 08:43:09
Masoniser is lik mason role but they decide who to be mason with
11/21/2016 08:44:32
11/21/2016 08:44:32