MrL said:
LtLongshot said:For starters if you decide to lynch someone else (although i do suggest you start with urisk), you can try and figure out urisk's allies. Then tonight I block him and you can take him out.
MrL said:How can you "help"
Urisk said:So the town needs to trust a mafia's guess.
MrL said:
LtLongshot said:im sure whoever is blocker can help you out there
MrL, Urisk, Which one of you has a roleblocker. I could help you help me and eliminate an entire faction in 1 Day+nightUrisk said:care to prove
LtLongshot said:
MrL, Urisk, Which one of you has a roleblocker. I could help you help me and eliminate an entire faction in 1 Day+night
We don't have anyone that could target someone and prevent them from performing a role. we have someone that can make anyone untargetable.
Its called a role stopper, ive posted it multiple times. Of course I don't want to oust my team members lol.
Nah not happening.
I have proof. Lynch Urisk and I will give you proof, and help them take out Urisk's allies.
Town knows 2 of one team, and 1 of the other. Would the town like to know more of the other team's members? I can help.
I can prove my role, he can't prove his. You'll need to take his word. Lynch him now and I can be of use to town by blocking who suspect is mafia from performing there action, or even killing.
Yes that's right, let him a role preventer and more powerful mafia live. I can prove my role as the framer because cAKE was framed and aero was killed. Like I said, I'm was annoyed with him claiming to have gotten away with not getting lynched so I killed him night 1 and went on to frame Pazx. Clearly a target for much controversy as apparently everyone wanted him dead that night.
MrL said:They'd need to trust your word. They can witness my action.
They already have witnessed my action
03/13/2016 05:20:00