Urisk said:
Pazx said:
Urisk's claim of "hey I tried to kill invisi and it didn't work" would actually be a very clever play for a bulletproof or otherwise protected mafioso. We're unlikely to suspect a bulletproof mafioso on both sides so by getting his word out there first he makes us all assume that the other mafia is the more dangerous one at this point. Does any evidence (from Cubt/Dolphin) actually prove the Urisk is the framer, or are we just taking his word for it?
HydroPimp said:
lynch urisk today better not to risk a bulletproof
We could lynch Invisi for the same reason.
Man, I wish Jlo was the innocent townie and you were the dead cop.
Pazx said on day 1:
NSW and VIC as rival factions would be sick
it's happening.gif wait nvm did urisk just confirm his team has a protector/bulletproof as well
ignore me
Deans a fair man, I suspect that he has evened the mafia teams up.
They may be "even" but they are not the same according to your own suspicions, correct?
03/13/2016 04:31:27