two days*
02/01/2017 09:02:51
MrL said:
two days*
02/01/2017 09:13:30
Invisi said:
Honestly, the best evidence I have to support my case is how quickly I revealed, basically immediately as the thread opened. I wouldn'tve had time to make up a fake role, and definitely didn't have time to discuss such a plan with any potential mafia colleagues.
as you said before, you were asked for a night 0 action, so you were given at least some time to mull it over before the game started. as such we can't assume anything about whether or not you had the time or when the mafia members received their PMs.
also if we end the day quickly like you want then you won't have a solid choice for your bookie ability tonight and will have to lean more towards guessing than if you let the day play out more naturally before revealing your ability. what's your plan for tomorrow? i personally don't intend on following another bandwagon started by you and i don't recommend anyone else does either.
people don't really seem to care if laggy is town or not, but i think his defense is consistent with how he defended himself last game when he was town. my 2 cents. not sus of aero either cause he would want to kill laggy anyway.
02/01/2017 09:29:17
kI L L K I L L
02/01/2017 09:53:02
02/01/2017 09:53:02
These kill kill posts are very productive.
But I guess I will support the cause for the moment because Laggy isn't really defending himself or responding and it's irritating me, he's not too bad of an option for a day 1 lynch and should only put him on L-2 if the votes are correctly updated.
02/01/2017 10:58:15
But I guess I will support the cause for the moment because Laggy isn't really defending himself or responding and it's irritating me, he's not too bad of an option for a day 1 lynch and should only put him on L-2 if the votes are correctly updated.
02/01/2017 10:58:15
I don't really have anything to add to what I said yesterday, but I'm going to post this morning anyway just to break the silence.
02/01/2017 23:23:01
02/01/2017 23:23:01
Has everyone added to the discussion about what they think about Invisi's role reveal?
02/02/2017 03:05:31
02/02/2017 03:05:31
I believe him, typically bookie is a pro town role, it also says that he picked the easiest target but could you imagine what people would say if he tried to pick anyone else?
I don't think its worth risking to lynch laggy tbh
02/02/2017 04:03:15
I don't think its worth risking to lynch laggy tbh
02/02/2017 04:03:15
I'm ready to put laggy at L-1 after the vote count gets updated. Please respond because it is seriously annoying and everyone has been saying this for while.
02/02/2017 05:13:09
02/02/2017 05:13:09
I'll do it myself.
Vote: Laggy
02/02/2017 06:25:45
Vote: Laggy
02/02/2017 06:25:45
If Laggy wants to save himself at all, he's going to need to speak up quickly. The longer he takes to add to the chat the less likely we are to believe anything he says. I feel like he's just stalling at this point.
02/02/2017 07:37:12
02/02/2017 07:37:12
lets end this
vote: thatlaggyperson
thanks (I was independent btw)
02/02/2017 08:14:54
vote: thatlaggyperson
thanks (I was independent btw)
02/02/2017 08:14:54
Laggy living up to his signature lol >.>
02/02/2017 08:21:21
02/02/2017 08:21:21
hey im writing a post atm am i allowed to finish and post it before the thread is locked
02/02/2017 08:23:37
02/02/2017 08:23:37
Wow Laggy hammered himself I never saw that coming.
02/02/2017 08:27:32
02/02/2017 08:27:32
LMAO Game is going well so far
02/02/2017 08:28:39

02/02/2017 08:28:39
People enjoy killing themselves, wtf.
02/02/2017 08:29:42
02/02/2017 08:29:42
Here are the votes for the first person to be lynched in the prior games that I could find (bar the discord one).
The names in bold are the mafia of that game.
Sun & Moon game: Town Win
Not Voted (5) - Extra, LuminousLucas, Autumnwind, Cjeccjec, MrL
LachlanF (11) - Insertname, Ghostbone, Murkiri, Bijou, Corvid, LachlanF, JLo, ThatLaggyPerson, Spacejam, Duon, Hydropimp
Murkiri (2) - Luminescent, Windkeeper
Duon (1) - Maribro
Insertname (1) - Dean
No Lynch (1) - Invisi
1/5 voted for the first lynchee.
'Mafia is Back' game: Mafia Win
ThatLaggyPerson (11) - cAKE, Aerodrome, BastyTho, SpaceJam, BattleDolphin, Windkeeper0, EIS-DUON, Ghostbone, Dyna_Hole, ThatLaggyPerson, LuminousLucas
AutumnWind (1) - LachlanF
LachlanF (1) - MrL
Corvid (1) - InsertName
Not voted (6) - HydroPimp, Invisi, cjeccjec, Corvid, Maribro, AutumnWind
3/4 mafia voted for the first lynchee.
Smash Box-themed game: Mafia Win
Urisk (1) - Pazx
ThatLaggyPerson (11) - cAKE, CubT, Maribro, LEF, Wooy, MrL, Aerodrome, Windkeeper0, Ghostbone, Urisk, LtLongshot
Jezmo (1) - SpaceJam
Pazx (2) - BlazikenGod, Jezmo
Not voted (5) - Deez, Barrydabusdriver, ThatLaggyPerson, BattleDolphin, Invisi
5/6 mafia voted for the first lynchee.
Smash Bros-themed game: Town Win
Wooy (1) - JLo
ThatLaggyPerson (9) - LEF, Wooy, Maribro, Pazx, cAKE, Windkeeper0, Aerodrome, Urisk, ThatLaggyPerson
Not voted (6) - Deez, Atyeo, Barrydabusdriver, HydroPimp, Corvid, Invisi
2/3 mafia voted for the first lynchee.
In the last 4 games combined (not counting the discord game) there have been 17 mafia (5 in S&M, 4 in 'mafia is back', 6 in Smashbox and 3 in smash-bros themed game), 11 of which voted for the first lynchee of each game.
That means 61% (roughly two-thirds) of all mafia vote for the first lynche of each game. This means, that in all likelihood two-thirds of this game's mafia have voted for laggy. Seeing as we have one more player than in the smash-bros themed game which had 3 mafia, we would have 3 also. So we can assume 2 of the 3 mafia in this game have voted for laggy.
Although if you take out the game where LEF was lynched first (as opposed to laggy), and the game where laggy was mafia-
8/11 mafia voted for the first lynchee of the games. Seeing as that makes it 72% of all mafia voting for the day 1 lynchee, it is still roughly two-thirds (but still an interesting stat i spose).
Now all that's left is to try and determine those two by looking for patterns.
This game's votes for Laggy:
ThatLaggyPerson (9) - Invisi, Aerodrome, cjeccjec, Ghostbone, HydroPimp, JLo, Rhyno, Bijou, Laggy
Ghostbone: Has voted for the first lynchee the last 3 times; two of those times he was mafia.
Invisi: This is the first time that invisi has voted for the first lynchee, as mafia or town.
Cjeccjecc: The last twogames, he did not vote for the first lynchee. He was town. This time, he has voted.
Aero: Aero has voted for the first lynchee the last 3 games he played, he was not mafia in any of those games.
Hydropimp: As mafia, he has not voted for the first lynchee previously (the one game). As town, he has voted once and not voted once.
JLo: Voted for the lynchee one game, and voted for a different person another. Town both games.
Rhyno: I had thought he's played previously but of the games i found he wasn't in any of the vote lists.
Bijou: Bijou voted for the lynchee the one game and was town.
Laggy: Last time he voted for himself he was mafia. I rushed the last part of my post because of the sudden lynch, so please feel free to look over the post (or go into the games yourselves if you're keen, it was a bitch) and see if I missed something when it came to the history of votes from the players who voted for laggy this round.
Interestingly, every time laggy has died round 1, mafia won. Except for the game where laggy voted for himself This is just something to go off of to try and find patterns in mafia voting to help with this game, but even then it's pretty rough around the edges.
But I guess what we can take from it that probably 2 mafia are in the list of voters, and ghostbone and aero have remained consistent with their past voting patterns in games.
Not really enough info on bijou, rhyno, JLo or Hydro.
I do find CJ's and Invisi's change in voting pattern for this game interesting
02/02/2017 08:43:08
The names in bold are the mafia of that game.
Sun & Moon game: Town Win
Not Voted (5) - Extra, LuminousLucas, Autumnwind, Cjeccjec, MrL
LachlanF (11) - Insertname, Ghostbone, Murkiri, Bijou, Corvid, LachlanF, JLo, ThatLaggyPerson, Spacejam, Duon, Hydropimp
Murkiri (2) - Luminescent, Windkeeper
Duon (1) - Maribro
Insertname (1) - Dean
No Lynch (1) - Invisi
1/5 voted for the first lynchee.
'Mafia is Back' game: Mafia Win
ThatLaggyPerson (11) - cAKE, Aerodrome, BastyTho, SpaceJam, BattleDolphin, Windkeeper0, EIS-DUON, Ghostbone, Dyna_Hole, ThatLaggyPerson, LuminousLucas
AutumnWind (1) - LachlanF
LachlanF (1) - MrL
Corvid (1) - InsertName
Not voted (6) - HydroPimp, Invisi, cjeccjec, Corvid, Maribro, AutumnWind
3/4 mafia voted for the first lynchee.
Smash Box-themed game: Mafia Win
Urisk (1) - Pazx
ThatLaggyPerson (11) - cAKE, CubT, Maribro, LEF, Wooy, MrL, Aerodrome, Windkeeper0, Ghostbone, Urisk, LtLongshot
Jezmo (1) - SpaceJam
Pazx (2) - BlazikenGod, Jezmo
Not voted (5) - Deez, Barrydabusdriver, ThatLaggyPerson, BattleDolphin, Invisi
5/6 mafia voted for the first lynchee.
Smash Bros-themed game: Town Win
Wooy (1) - JLo
ThatLaggyPerson (9) - LEF, Wooy, Maribro, Pazx, cAKE, Windkeeper0, Aerodrome, Urisk, ThatLaggyPerson
Not voted (6) - Deez, Atyeo, Barrydabusdriver, HydroPimp, Corvid, Invisi
2/3 mafia voted for the first lynchee.
In the last 4 games combined (not counting the discord game) there have been 17 mafia (5 in S&M, 4 in 'mafia is back', 6 in Smashbox and 3 in smash-bros themed game), 11 of which voted for the first lynchee of each game.
That means 61% (roughly two-thirds) of all mafia vote for the first lynche of each game. This means, that in all likelihood two-thirds of this game's mafia have voted for laggy. Seeing as we have one more player than in the smash-bros themed game which had 3 mafia, we would have 3 also. So we can assume 2 of the 3 mafia in this game have voted for laggy.
Although if you take out the game where LEF was lynched first (as opposed to laggy), and the game where laggy was mafia-
8/11 mafia voted for the first lynchee of the games. Seeing as that makes it 72% of all mafia voting for the day 1 lynchee, it is still roughly two-thirds (but still an interesting stat i spose).
Now all that's left is to try and determine those two by looking for patterns.
This game's votes for Laggy:
ThatLaggyPerson (9) - Invisi, Aerodrome, cjeccjec, Ghostbone, HydroPimp, JLo, Rhyno, Bijou, Laggy
Ghostbone: Has voted for the first lynchee the last 3 times; two of those times he was mafia.
Invisi: This is the first time that invisi has voted for the first lynchee, as mafia or town.
Cjeccjecc: The last twogames, he did not vote for the first lynchee. He was town. This time, he has voted.
Aero: Aero has voted for the first lynchee the last 3 games he played, he was not mafia in any of those games.
Hydropimp: As mafia, he has not voted for the first lynchee previously (the one game). As town, he has voted once and not voted once.
JLo: Voted for the lynchee one game, and voted for a different person another. Town both games.
Rhyno: I had thought he's played previously but of the games i found he wasn't in any of the vote lists.
Bijou: Bijou voted for the lynchee the one game and was town.
Laggy: Last time he voted for himself he was mafia. I rushed the last part of my post because of the sudden lynch, so please feel free to look over the post (or go into the games yourselves if you're keen, it was a bitch) and see if I missed something when it came to the history of votes from the players who voted for laggy this round.
Interestingly, every time laggy has died round 1, mafia won. Except for the game where laggy voted for himself This is just something to go off of to try and find patterns in mafia voting to help with this game, but even then it's pretty rough around the edges.
But I guess what we can take from it that probably 2 mafia are in the list of voters, and ghostbone and aero have remained consistent with their past voting patterns in games.
Not really enough info on bijou, rhyno, JLo or Hydro.
I do find CJ's and Invisi's change in voting pattern for this game interesting
02/02/2017 08:43:08
ThatLaggyPerson has been lynched.
ThatLaggyPerson (9) - Bijou, Rhyno, ThatLaggyPerson, Invisi, Aerodrome, Cjeccjec, Ghostbone, Hydropimp, Jlo
Not voted: FramesJanco, Extra, Windkeeper, MrL, LuminousLucas, InsertName, BattleDolphin
If you have night actions PM me or Maribro. Thread will be updated with text later. (Twilight phase btw) (Keep posting till Maribro posts)
02/02/2017 09:01:01
ThatLaggyPerson (9) - Bijou, Rhyno, ThatLaggyPerson, Invisi, Aerodrome, Cjeccjec, Ghostbone, Hydropimp, Jlo
Not voted: FramesJanco, Extra, Windkeeper, MrL, LuminousLucas, InsertName, BattleDolphin
If you have night actions PM me or Maribro. Thread will be updated with text later. (Twilight phase btw) (Keep posting till Maribro posts)
02/02/2017 09:01:01
"Interestingly, every time laggy has died round 1, mafia won. Except for the game where laggy voted for himself"
We got dis bois
02/02/2017 09:03:39
We got dis bois
02/02/2017 09:03:39
Please remember that Laggy experiences this on a daily basis, please forgive his horrible mafia skills.
02/02/2017 09:07:39
02/02/2017 09:07:39
the internet doesn't lie
02/02/2017 09:08:20
02/02/2017 09:08:20
Mr L's one post has more words in it than the entire thread up until now lol.
02/02/2017 09:11:22
02/02/2017 09:11:22
Do we not get to see what laggy was or is Maribro posting that later.
02/02/2017 09:14:52
02/02/2017 09:14:52
he is posting it later. he has a whole spiel
02/02/2017 09:16:01
02/02/2017 09:16:01