I would like enter
01/27/2017 22:28:21
Role PMs will be sent out in the morning The fighters of the Glitz Pit awoke on day 1 of the new season of their fighting series. Viewers and fighters alike were pumped up and ready to go. Previous champions, The Great Gonzalez and Prince Mush had returned from long hiatuses and reigning champion Rawk Hawk had been in hot form. Since he departing of Macho Grubba, the Glitz Pit had seen little in the way of drama and a lot in the way of success. That was, until this one fateful morning.
Jolene swung the wide doors of the arena open to inspect it before the first fight and what her poor Toadish eyes saw was enough to make her pass out there and then. It was Spiky Joe, the spiny fighter. He had been impaled by his own spike. How could this happen? Who could be responsible for such an atrocity? Jolene awoke all the fighters immediately and a found a few suspicious individuals nearby. Gathering them all together she started work on finding out who was responsible…
Spiky Joe (Deez) has been killed!
Day 1 begins! With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for 6/02 12:00 AEDT!
01/30/2017 01:04:08
Jolene swung the wide doors of the arena open to inspect it before the first fight and what her poor Toadish eyes saw was enough to make her pass out there and then. It was Spiky Joe, the spiny fighter. He had been impaled by his own spike. How could this happen? Who could be responsible for such an atrocity? Jolene awoke all the fighters immediately and a found a few suspicious individuals nearby. Gathering them all together she started work on finding out who was responsible…

Spiky Joe (Deez) has been killed!
Day 1 begins! With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for 6/02 12:00 AEDT!
01/30/2017 01:04:08
Hey guys, I'm actually gonna claim immediately because I feel like it will increase my usefulness and my role is weak enough that I don't think I'll be a huge target for the mafia.
I am a Town-aligned Bookie. Each night, I can bet on the player who will be lynched the next day. If I guess correctly, I am awarded a one shot power (either kill, protect, or investigate, chosen at random). I can store these powers indefinitely and use one per night.
Just before he sent out role PMs, Maribro contacted me and asked for my night 0 action, which was to bet on ThatLaggyPerson. So! Who's up for a day 1 Laggy lynch?
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
01/30/2017 01:05:23
I am a Town-aligned Bookie. Each night, I can bet on the player who will be lynched the next day. If I guess correctly, I am awarded a one shot power (either kill, protect, or investigate, chosen at random). I can store these powers indefinitely and use one per night.
Just before he sent out role PMs, Maribro contacted me and asked for my night 0 action, which was to bet on ThatLaggyPerson. So! Who's up for a day 1 Laggy lynch?
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
01/30/2017 01:05:23
rip deez once again
01/30/2017 01:05:48
01/30/2017 01:05:48
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
01/30/2017 01:11:22
01/30/2017 01:11:22
Not even a miller bookie I don't know whether I can believe that claim. Laggy is definitely a good option knowing this however we should wait for everyone to add something before we lynch Laggy. Someone might have something important to say like Invisi.
01/30/2017 01:23:30
01/30/2017 01:23:30
I believe
It also wouldn't surprise me that Maribro and Dale were inspired by me.
01/30/2017 01:45:28
It also wouldn't surprise me that Maribro and Dale were inspired by me.
01/30/2017 01:45:28
Long shot button Invisi could be a executioner, doesnt hurt to consider all possibilities. Still think that the risk/reward of him being a bookie is worth, so
VOTE: ThatLaggyPerson
01/30/2017 01:56:11
VOTE: ThatLaggyPerson
01/30/2017 01:56:11
FramesJanco said:I actually thought as I was writing my post "wow, this would be a really good strategy if I was a lyncher." But let's be honest, I don't think Maribro/Spacejam would've made Laggy the lyncher target - that'd be way too easy. =P @mods pls update thread title/description?
Long shot button Invisi could be a executioner, doesnt hurt to consider all possibilities. Still think that the risk/reward of him being a bookie is worth, so
VOTE: ThatLaggyPerson
01/30/2017 01:59:21
One week days should make the game more interesting.
While we have absolutely no reason to believe what Invisi is saying about being a bookie I'm not really against lynching Laggy day 1.
Interesting that you get a night 0 action too. Did that happen last game? 10/10 artwork for the flavour text btw
01/30/2017 02:17:13
While we have absolutely no reason to believe what Invisi is saying about being a bookie I'm not really against lynching Laggy day 1.
Interesting that you get a night 0 action too. Did that happen last game? 10/10 artwork for the flavour text btw
01/30/2017 02:17:13
I can finally see why laggy gets day 1 memed. He's a pain
also bookie abilities yay
Vote: Laggy
01/30/2017 02:20:19
also bookie abilities yay
Vote: Laggy
01/30/2017 02:20:19
I dunno invisi, maybe maribro made it look easy and obvious so we'd think it wasn't obvious :thinking:
01/30/2017 02:43:08
01/30/2017 02:43:08
Inb4 laggy has an overpowered town role to punish us for lynching him day 1
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
01/30/2017 03:07:13
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
01/30/2017 03:07:13
Hi everyone just letting you know im here, also i take it that there is no role reveal.
01/30/2017 03:40:17
01/30/2017 03:40:17
Hi friends.
So Laggy is at L-4?
Love the crisp artwork by the way.
While I feel like Invisi's role could definitely be bookie, in the previous game the bookie didn't get a night 0 action.
01/30/2017 03:50:22
So Laggy is at L-4?
Love the crisp artwork by the way.
While I feel like Invisi's role could definitely be bookie, in the previous game the bookie didn't get a night 0 action.
01/30/2017 03:50:22
Are we allowed to know if roles get a n0 action or not?
01/30/2017 03:58:45
01/30/2017 03:58:45
I mean, my bet isn't technically an action... is it? At least not in the sense that it will show up on any tracker/voyeur/etc roles. It just happens at night so I can't use any night info to influence my decision.
I can't speak for the moderator decision to allow me to bet on a day 1 lynch before the game starts, whether such a thing is commonplace or whether it's different to last game. All I know is that's what my role allowed me to do. Personally I think it's a good thing; it certainly got the ball rolling this game rather than having yet another stagnant day 1.
01/30/2017 04:07:02
I can't speak for the moderator decision to allow me to bet on a day 1 lynch before the game starts, whether such a thing is commonplace or whether it's different to last game. All I know is that's what my role allowed me to do. Personally I think it's a good thing; it certainly got the ball rolling this game rather than having yet another stagnant day 1.
01/30/2017 04:07:02
I'm fangirling at the flavour texts. fyi, if whacka isn't a character in this I'm going to be mad
Doesn't Invisi's claim seem a bit too inconvenient. Couldn't he easily be a mafia bookie?
I have to admit I'm a bit suspicious of ghost and aero just jumping on the claim without much persuading or anything.. unless it's very uncommon for bookie to be mafia? Just saying I would've expected more skeptical responses like windkeeper and bijou made, from top players.
01/30/2017 04:16:51
Doesn't Invisi's claim seem a bit too inconvenient. Couldn't he easily be a mafia bookie?
I have to admit I'm a bit suspicious of ghost and aero just jumping on the claim without much persuading or anything.. unless it's very uncommon for bookie to be mafia? Just saying I would've expected more skeptical responses like windkeeper and bijou made, from top players.
01/30/2017 04:16:51
MrL said:I don't know what the general alignment of a bookie is, to be honest. I guess I've made myself a prime target for investigation though, so here's hoping the mafia don't have a framer in their ranks.
I'm fangirling at the flavour texts. fyi, if whacka isn't a character in this I'm going to be mad
Doesn't Invisi's claim seem a bit too inconvenient. Couldn't he easily be a mafia bookie?
I have to admit I'm a bit suspicious of ghost and aero just jumping on the claim without much persuading or anything.. unless it's very uncommon for bookie to be mafia? Just saying I would've expected more skeptical responses like windkeeper and bijou made, from top players.
We've had the "who to lynch day 1" argument several times before; Ghost and Aero have been in enough games to know how that pans out, and to know that leaving Laggy alive leads to him not contributing at best, and screwing over the town at worst.
01/30/2017 04:39:08
Since days are 1 week now people should be more pressured to make a decision faster now anyways.
I'm pretty content letting the day continue until the end for the time being.
01/30/2017 04:57:38
I'm pretty content letting the day continue until the end for the time being.
01/30/2017 04:57:38
01/30/2017 05:12:18
01/30/2017 05:12:18
Out of curiosity why did you pick Laggy as your first bookie target?
01/30/2017 05:17:23
01/30/2017 05:17:23
MrL said:if invisi is lying we will find out very quickly
I have to admit I'm a bit suspicious of ghost and aero just jumping on the claim without much persuading or anything.. unless it's very uncommon for bookie to be mafia? Just saying I would've expected more skeptical responses like windkeeper and bijou made, from top players.
01/30/2017 05:18:45
How useful was laggy after I died last game?
01/30/2017 05:46:51
01/30/2017 05:46:51
He didn't really post, I think he was busy.
How do we find out quickly, we would only find out if he get's a killing 1-shot or he protects someone one night or he manages to find scum. My quote didn't work, but w/e.
01/30/2017 05:53:23
Aerodrome said:if invisi is lying we will find out very quickly[/quote]
How do we find out quickly, we would only find out if he get's a killing 1-shot or he protects someone one night or he manages to find scum. My quote didn't work, but w/e.
01/30/2017 05:53:23