I'd like to point out that when people think Aero is mafia usually he has generally been mafia or a third party role, i don't know if its a coincidence or what, but just thought I should put that out there.
But anyways as it stand for Battledolphin and Cjeccjec, Invisi revealing what 1-shot he got doesn't really do anything until he uses it other than giving mafia extra knowledge, we have a 1 in 3 chance (more likely 1 in 2 because of what i said earlier) to know what kind of power he has if he really is the bookie.
02/06/2017 03:12:10
People thought I was mafia in the games i played as town too.
Dont metagame me ill destroy your soul
02/06/2017 03:22:35
Dont metagame me ill destroy your soul
02/06/2017 03:22:35
I would just like to point out that I didn't ask Invisi to reveal his 1-shot?? All i mentioned was that if this was all a hoax it is awfully convenient that he didn't reveal it? The intention was not to get Invisi to reveal it today at all.
here's the post for reference
02/06/2017 03:41:20
BattleDolphin said:
cjeccjec said:
Vote: Battledolphin
Hi please say things.
Anyway, I'm super suss of Invisi's claim now, as looking at MrL's posts through the thread he was the main person that was suss of Invisi from the get go. Also pretty convenient that he got a power and didn't use/tell us what it was last night :eyes: The proposed bet on Hydro doesn't surprise me tho Also VOTE: cjeccjec ur turn <3 c:
You're one of the only people who's potentially contributed less than me lol
here's the post for reference
02/06/2017 03:41:20
Rhyno said:
I'd like to point out that when people think Aero is mafia usually he has generally been mafia or a third party role,
I thought he has only been Mafia or 3rd party so far.
02/06/2017 05:58:46
Vote: Unvote
I'm cool with you now Aero so need to keep my vote on you plus there's way better options for pressure right now. So no need*
02/06/2017 07:01:24
I'm cool with you now Aero so need to keep my vote on you plus there's way better options for pressure right now. So no need*
02/06/2017 07:01:24
Lucas pls don't let people off so easy and throw your vote around like last time.
I don't see a point adressing my votes as of yet, considering I gave my reasoning for what I've done throughout my posts. Unless you ask me questions in which case I'll answer them.
I'll make a better post later with my thoughts so far. We'll see
02/06/2017 07:15:31
I don't see a point adressing my votes as of yet, considering I gave my reasoning for what I've done throughout my posts. Unless you ask me questions in which case I'll answer them.
I'll make a better post later with my thoughts so far. We'll see
02/06/2017 07:15:31
InsertName said:
Rhyno said:
I'd like to point out that when people think Aero is mafia usually he has generally been mafia or a third party role,
I thought he has only been Mafia or 3rd party so far.
IIRC, he was town in the game he died night 1.
cjeccjec said:
Unless you ask me questions in which case I'll answer them.
What made you want to know what Invisi got for his 1-shot?
Also while I accept Invisi's claim for now I still can't bring myself to trust it. Oops a triple post, my bad,
But anyways, speaking of trust why do you trust Invisi so openly Aero?
I know you said something about being able to quickly prove if he is lying or something, but why is that. I don't think its very easy to determine his role even if he does get a 1-shot power unless he Vig kills someone.
02/06/2017 07:40:09
I'm quite willing to trust people if they show a pro-active attempt to help town, and regardless of how you look at it, lynching laggy was clearly a pro-town thing to do.
02/06/2017 08:11:31
02/06/2017 08:11:31
Aerodrome said:
I'm quite willing to trust people if they show a pro-active attempt to help town, and regardless of how you look at it, lynching laggy was clearly a pro-town thing to do.

cjeccjec said:
If we get invisi to reveal his power now then we can confirm him easier than if we wait for him to use his action. That way we know he isn't just choosing the role that is easiest to fake when the time comes. It also gives us at least something for today.
As much as you may disagree this is why.
02/06/2017 08:35:19
Haven't been posting much, so activity post for now.
We're in this iffy situation where Invisi's claim cannot be fully trusted, but revealing his 1-shot role is detrimental to town. It sucks either way. The only reason the play worked out is because no one wanted Laggy around anyways. One day we'll resort to a non-policy lynch day 1. Someday...
Only other thing I can say at this point is I agree that cjeccjec and BD goading each other is suss.
02/06/2017 09:24:15
We're in this iffy situation where Invisi's claim cannot be fully trusted, but revealing his 1-shot role is detrimental to town. It sucks either way. The only reason the play worked out is because no one wanted Laggy around anyways. One day we'll resort to a non-policy lynch day 1. Someday...
Only other thing I can say at this point is I agree that cjeccjec and BD goading each other is suss.
02/06/2017 09:24:15
I'm trying to make a habit of posting in the morning to try to get discussion started for the day. I don't really know where we're going with this day though, what do you guys think? Do we have any info to make an educated lynch or are we purely guessing? We only have a couple more days to the deadline.
02/06/2017 23:12:58
02/06/2017 23:12:58
I have no opinion. I have no information on anyone so my cjeccjec vote is a hard read.
My reads are good tho, trust
02/07/2017 01:09:37
My reads are good tho, trust
02/07/2017 01:09:37
Aerodrome said:
I have no opinion. I have no information on anyone so my cjeccjec vote is a hard read.
My reads are good tho, trust
Can confirm bullshit
02/07/2017 01:34:49
I think cjeccjec's aggression is interesting to note here.
02/07/2017 02:45:59
02/07/2017 02:45:59
I'm not against a cjeccjec lynch today, if we have no other leads or can't get anything else out of today? I do reckon he's playing way differently than usual (less memey imo)
Also about me and him he usually just picks on the people he knows IRL and I would've responded how I did with a vote and a heart to every single player here, so idk what to think about that
Also also can the people who haven't been talking at all talk pls
02/07/2017 02:53:55
Also about me and him he usually just picks on the people he knows IRL and I would've responded how I did with a vote and a heart to every single player here, so idk what to think about that
Also also can the people who haven't been talking at all talk pls
02/07/2017 02:53:55
I think we all nee to be reminded we only have 1 week days and we're halfway through this one.
Right now I think either a cjeccjec or aero lynch is fine, not sure we have any other leads to go on.
02/07/2017 03:18:34
Right now I think either a cjeccjec or aero lynch is fine, not sure we have any other leads to go on.
02/07/2017 03:18:34
My aggression is from my shitty irl mood tbh. I'll defend myself when I finish my homework for this arvo. I think the best course of action right now is a role reveal. Being reminded that we are on a shorter time limit I think it's best not to wait for everyone to vote for me, which is what we're heading for.
So I am a flavour cop, that is, I investigate people at night and receive flavour text that hints me towards the person's role or character.
At first I thought this role was extremely weak, for me at least, considering I'm no good at underlying meaning and riddles etc. However, upon revisiting my investigate from last time I realise I can do at least a little.
Last night I investigated BattleDolphin (it’s a mafia meme), when I first got the results I had no idea what they meant whatsoever. That’s why I tried to get him to talk to see if I could find anything out that would correspond with my flavour text.
So because I think quoting from pms is against the rules i’ll just poorly paraphrase it :D When I investigated battle dolphin, the person, that is me, came across a shell (I assume Koopa shell) that is of a yellow colour.
Being an idiot I didn’t google the meaning, but I just did now and I found something
“In the Glitz Pit (Chapter 3) of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, the KP Koopas are the 18th ranked fighters. They have the same stats as a regular Koopa Troopa but they are yellow instead of red. KP Pete is the leader of the team, and the first character of the chapter to introduce himself to Mario.”
This leads me to believe that Battledolphin is the KP Koopa character. Now this to me actually seems like a mafia character. Any thoughts? Or he is KP Pete character. Not sure how this will play since character claiming is banned but it's all I have.
02/07/2017 04:36:22
So I am a flavour cop, that is, I investigate people at night and receive flavour text that hints me towards the person's role or character.
At first I thought this role was extremely weak, for me at least, considering I'm no good at underlying meaning and riddles etc. However, upon revisiting my investigate from last time I realise I can do at least a little.
Last night I investigated BattleDolphin (it’s a mafia meme), when I first got the results I had no idea what they meant whatsoever. That’s why I tried to get him to talk to see if I could find anything out that would correspond with my flavour text.
So because I think quoting from pms is against the rules i’ll just poorly paraphrase it :D When I investigated battle dolphin, the person, that is me, came across a shell (I assume Koopa shell) that is of a yellow colour.
Being an idiot I didn’t google the meaning, but I just did now and I found something
“In the Glitz Pit (Chapter 3) of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, the KP Koopas are the 18th ranked fighters. They have the same stats as a regular Koopa Troopa but they are yellow instead of red. KP Pete is the leader of the team, and the first character of the chapter to introduce himself to Mario.”
This leads me to believe that Battledolphin is the KP Koopa character. Now this to me actually seems like a mafia character. Any thoughts? Or he is KP Pete character. Not sure how this will play since character claiming is banned but it's all I have.
02/07/2017 04:36:22
Noting the rules, all I have to say is this (xD):
KP Pete is a good character, and if your claim is correct, i wouldn't be mafia reminder to everyone to add character claiming if flavour cop is gonna be a thing now xD
02/07/2017 05:32:00
KP Pete is a good character, and if your claim is correct, i wouldn't be mafia reminder to everyone to add character claiming if flavour cop is gonna be a thing now xD
02/07/2017 05:32:00
The only problem is I have never played paper mario so I don't know much about characters. inb4 gets lynched purely because I never played paper mario. (if it's any constellation I rented a paper mario game once and loved it ;_;) consolation
02/07/2017 06:03:51
02/07/2017 06:03:51
cjeccjec said:
The only problem is I have never played paper mario so I don't know much about characters. inb4 gets lynched purely because I never played paper mario. (if it's any constellation I rented a paper mario game once and loved it ;_;) consolation
I think your claim is believable as you went into details and even looked into paper mario characters and made a reasonable conclusion too. Don't stress that you'll be lynched as long as you stand by your claim.
02/07/2017 06:37:59
You know character claiming is against the rules right?
02/07/2017 06:41:15
02/07/2017 06:41:15
cjeccjec said:
My aggression is from my shitty irl mood tbh. I'll defend myself when I finish my homework for this arvo. I think the best course of action right now is a role reveal. Being reminded that we are on a shorter time limit I think it's best not to wait for everyone to vote for me, which is what we're heading for.
So I am a flavour cop, that is, I investigate people at night and receive flavour text that hints me towards the person's role or character.
At first I thought this role was extremely weak, for me at least, considering I'm no good at underlying meaning and riddles etc. However, upon revisiting my investigate from last time I realise I can do at least a little.
Last night I investigated BattleDolphin (it’s a mafia meme), when I first got the results I had no idea what they meant whatsoever. That’s why I tried to get him to talk to see if I could find anything out that would correspond with my flavour text.
So because I think quoting from pms is against the rules i’ll just poorly paraphrase it :D When I investigated battle dolphin, the person, that is me, came across a shell (I assume Koopa shell) that is of a yellow colour.
Being an idiot I didn’t google the meaning, but I just did now and I found something
“In the Glitz Pit (Chapter 3) of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, the KP Koopas are the 18th ranked fighters. They have the same stats as a regular Koopa Troopa but they are yellow instead of red. KP Pete is the leader of the team, and the first character of the chapter to introduce himself to Mario.”
This leads me to believe that Battledolphin is the KP Koopa character. Now this to me actually seems like a mafia character. Any thoughts? Or he is KP Pete character. Not sure how this will play since character claiming is banned but it's all I have.
BattleDolphin can you confirm if this is BS or not? Because I have reason to believe he just made all this up unless you can say otherwise.
02/07/2017 06:42:18
Or does your power specifically find out what other people are?
That's kinda interesting. I need to read better before I post, >:(
Could Battledolphin confirm if the claim is true, it'd help out.
Also characters are only added for flavour, so even if they may possibly be a good character in the game it could be a troll too and they could still be mafia.
02/07/2017 06:44:43
That's kinda interesting. I need to read better before I post, >:(
Could Battledolphin confirm if the claim is true, it'd help out.
Also characters are only added for flavour, so even if they may possibly be a good character in the game it could be a troll too and they could still be mafia.
02/07/2017 06:44:43
Well this is an interesting revelation. I don't agree with cjec's strategy because I don't think he realises that (I'm assuming he's telling the truth here) he actually has the most powerful town role in this game, and he's just put himself at huge risk. Any protective townies we have are pretty much going to need to have his back for the rest of the game.
I believe him for now, and we definitely don't want to risk losing such a powerful town role regardless. By the way, KP Pete would be a town member (at least I'm pretty sure, I haven't played the game in a decade though), so if cjec is telling the truth this confirms BD's innocence as well.
At this point I feel it is necessary to clarify with the mods how this claim interacts with the "No character claiming" rule. Even if cjec is lying, the claim is out there so we need to have some unambiguous guidelines established about how everyone is allowed to play around this.
02/07/2017 06:47:42
I believe him for now, and we definitely don't want to risk losing such a powerful town role regardless. By the way, KP Pete would be a town member (at least I'm pretty sure, I haven't played the game in a decade though), so if cjec is telling the truth this confirms BD's innocence as well.
At this point I feel it is necessary to clarify with the mods how this claim interacts with the "No character claiming" rule. Even if cjec is lying, the claim is out there so we need to have some unambiguous guidelines established about how everyone is allowed to play around this.
02/07/2017 06:47:42
Invisi said:
I believe him for now, and we definitely don't want to risk losing such a powerful town role regardless. By the way, KP Pete would be a town member (at least I'm pretty sure, I haven't played the game in a decade though), so if cjec is telling the truth this confirms BD's innocence as well.
We had Prof Oak as a mafia member in the last game.
02/07/2017 06:49:27