Vote: Corvid
Poor pressure management isnt good for town players and if he is mafia then thats a win for us.
02/20/2016 02:38:10
Invisi said:
Atyeo said:
yeah, I've played games similar to this and a change in behavior and attitude is usually indicative of being a bad guy, however, since we all gave him shit for being a shit poster just before the game started, he might have taken the hint that we'd kill him just for being himself and decided to try lay low, doesn't nessacarily mean he is a mafia. We could just vote him anyway though rofl.
Also urisk I dont think stating super obvious stuff puts you in a 'position of knowledge', if I were a mafia I dont think I'd feel like you have to die early.
If I were a mafia I'd probably try and kill the most important player from last game, invisi. I'm sure someone like PAZX will try and grief me for pointing this out because he'll think giving advice to the mafia is bad, but the mafia would have to be pretty fucking dumb to not have already had that idea so I dont think pointing it out helps the mafia at all, it does help the townies though because we now know who to PROTECT.
SO, if there is a doctor in this game, since you really have nothing else to go on anyway, you should try and save invisi tonight and all nights unless a better play comes up.
Invisi hasn't been leading the discussion like last game though, which means there is a possibility he might be a mafia.
Well, I wasn't going to paint a target on myself, but I suppose it's a bit late for that now.
By the way, the fact that I led the discussion last game was due to fortunate circumstances (Barry's death confirming me as 100% town). Before that, I decided to lead off a hunch (which turned out to be wrong anyway), but was relatively quiet before that. I'm pretty sure I've already said more of substance this game than I did in the entire first half of last game.
you weren't even in the first half of the last game you dingus also please don't ignore this post:
Pazx said:
does anybody else think it's strange that the single most annoying/active shitposter on this site (and reddit, please stop posting, your karma should be in the negative thousands) who was incredibly excited about this game of mafia has entirely shut up shop (although only in this thread, they're active elsewhere) since the game has begun?
i believe the vic ranbat is today, so maybe for now we should focus our attention on somebody who is very clearly lurking (ps. lurking is anti-town, stop that) instead of corvid/hydropimp ebwop: im suggesting corvid and hydropimp (as well as jlo+deez) are potentially going to be busy for most of the day, not to let them off the hook entirely
laggy is lurking, the victorians have a legitimately good excuse for inactivity today, pressure our friend from NSW.
02/20/2016 02:55:05
Pazx said:
you weren't even in the first half of the last game you dingus
If you go back there's a good few pages of me doing nothing but meming and bandwagoning =P Speaking of bandwagoning, Vote: Corvid
02/20/2016 02:58:53
Pazx said:you weren't even in the first half of the last game you dingus
when you start acting like your idol
02/20/2016 03:03:08
Atyeo said:
Pazx said:you weren't even in the first half of the last game you dingus
when you start acting like your idol
notice me senpai uwu
02/20/2016 04:22:14
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
I get where pazx is coming from with his suggestion. Laggy has been active on the site but not in this thread. Hopefully this should push through some discussion from his end
02/20/2016 04:44:18
I get where pazx is coming from with his suggestion. Laggy has been active on the site but not in this thread. Hopefully this should push through some discussion from his end
02/20/2016 04:44:18
hi guys
im still alive.
I believe Corvid is our best bet, because he hasn't really been talking much (and yes, ik about this melbourne thing, but he hasnt really been contributing much in the last game and this game.)
So saying that...
VOTE: Corvid
02/20/2016 05:34:23
im still alive.
I believe Corvid is our best bet, because he hasn't really been talking much (and yes, ik about this melbourne thing, but he hasnt really been contributing much in the last game and this game.)
So saying that...
VOTE: Corvid
02/20/2016 05:34:23
im satisfied now, he gets some heat so he jumps on the corvid (who is at l-4 i believe) wagon based on... his lack of contribution in the previous game?
vote: thatlaggyperson
02/20/2016 06:36:46
vote: thatlaggyperson
02/20/2016 06:36:46
Pazx said:
his lack of contribution in the previous game?
oh wait
well i mean he did do nothing much, because he really didnt provide any edvience
02/20/2016 06:42:49
ThatLaggyPerson said:
Pazx said:
his lack of contribution in the previous game?
i wasnt even in the last game you dummy
he learnt to snap back!
i was referring to corvid, you appeared to justify your vote against him by referring to his inactivity in the previous game editing posts is against the rules fyi
02/20/2016 06:43:57
Pazx said:
ThatLaggyPerson said:
Pazx said:
his lack of contribution in the previous game?
i wasnt even in the last game you dummy
he learnt to snap back!
i was referring to corvid, you appeared to justify your vote against him by referring to his inactivity in the previous game editing posts is against the rules fyi
oh i didnt know
sorry dean san :)
02/20/2016 06:44:25
VOTE: thatlaggyperson
02/20/2016 06:45:36
02/20/2016 06:45:36
Laggy, right now you aren't defending yourself or your position. You're just trying to shift the attention elsewhere with little reasoning. Corvid's contributions from last game don't matter outside of understanding the mental aspect of how he works.
If you want to avoid being lynched, defend yourself properly
02/20/2016 06:47:41
If you want to avoid being lynched, defend yourself properly
02/20/2016 06:47:41
I don't think it's a very smart idea to try and lynch someone off purely because of their silence when you've posted the exact same amount of times, with the same quality to the town. I know that wooy has already voted for you and someone is probably going to make a fuss over that but I don't really care about that right now. Unless you defend yourself soon my vote is staying on you.
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
02/20/2016 06:59:00
Vote: ThatLaggyPerson
02/20/2016 06:59:00
Well, I didn't expect something like this to happen on the first day, but I agree this looks quite suspicious. Plus, Laggy was on my "bad town" list anyway, so unless he turns out to be something important like Barry did, there's not much that can go wrong here.
Vote: Laggy
02/20/2016 07:03:51
Vote: Laggy
02/20/2016 07:03:51
may i point out that barry has been somewhat quiet too? also deez
i really dont trust quiet people, and quiet people means they are up to something..
if you've played mafia (or town of salem) you know that people that are usually quiet, and they end up bascially winning.
so im still putting my vote on corvid FOR THE MOMENT.
02/20/2016 07:03:44
i really dont trust quiet people, and quiet people means they are up to something..
if you've played mafia (or town of salem) you know that people that are usually quiet, and they end up bascially winning.
so im still putting my vote on corvid FOR THE MOMENT.
02/20/2016 07:03:44
ThatLaggyPerson said:
may i point out that barry has been somewhat quiet too? also deez
i really dont trust quiet people, and quiet people means they are up to something..
if you've played mafia (or town of salem) you know that people that are usually quiet, and they end up bascially winning.
so im still putting my vote on corvid FOR THE MOMENT.
The pressure isn't on them atm, it's on you. If you're a townie, defend yourself properly and explain why you've been quiet. If they continue to be quiet then our eyes will turn on them. For now, you have some explaining to do.
02/20/2016 07:06:00
ok laggy is at 7 votes, please don't kill them just yet. we still need to hear from some players, particularly hydropimp and corvid imo.
don't misinterpret what i'm saying though laggy, i think at the moment you're our best lynch, i just wanna hear from the others before you die. also this is unrelated but it's amazing that laggy was more active in the previous game despite not actually being a player
02/20/2016 07:11:54
don't misinterpret what i'm saying though laggy, i think at the moment you're our best lynch, i just wanna hear from the others before you die. also this is unrelated but it's amazing that laggy was more active in the previous game despite not actually being a player
02/20/2016 07:11:54
I dunno, I don't think we're gonna get a better opportunity to lynch someone today, but I suppose we can hear him out.
02/20/2016 07:17:08
02/20/2016 07:17:08
Nah, kill 'im
VOTE: ThatLaggyPerson
02/20/2016 07:18:41
VOTE: ThatLaggyPerson
02/20/2016 07:18:41

02/20/2016 07:25:29
02/20/2016 07:26:40
02/20/2016 07:26:40
Aerodrome said:

02/20/2016 07:28:09
So now that we know that someone is about to get lynched soon, we need to start thinking about night. Here are the most likely targets for the Mafia:
Pazx: wasn't playing well at the start, but has picked it up and is a natural investigator
Invisi: due to his spectacular performance in the last game and has been playing solidly throughout this one
cAKE: I've been generally active and probably pissed a few people off, but I think I've been playing alright.
Maribro: solid player who puts good reasoning into his votes and is good at pressuring people.
If the Mafia kills Pazx, judging by last game people are definitely gonna be suspicious about Atyeo. He's had some arguments with Pazx and idk it's Atyeo. This applies vice versa. There hasn't been much conflicts as its only day one, but if someone like Urisk gets killed inb4 people get voting for me.
Also, im not saying that I know these people are villagers, they may well be Mafia godfather. There's no one except for myself who I certain of is villager.
My point is this days about to end soon guys, we need to start thinking about the future.
02/20/2016 07:29:04
Pazx: wasn't playing well at the start, but has picked it up and is a natural investigator
Invisi: due to his spectacular performance in the last game and has been playing solidly throughout this one
cAKE: I've been generally active and probably pissed a few people off, but I think I've been playing alright.
Maribro: solid player who puts good reasoning into his votes and is good at pressuring people.
If the Mafia kills Pazx, judging by last game people are definitely gonna be suspicious about Atyeo. He's had some arguments with Pazx and idk it's Atyeo. This applies vice versa. There hasn't been much conflicts as its only day one, but if someone like Urisk gets killed inb4 people get voting for me.
Also, im not saying that I know these people are villagers, they may well be Mafia godfather. There's no one except for myself who I certain of is villager.
My point is this days about to end soon guys, we need to start thinking about the future.
02/20/2016 07:29:04
Atyeo, Invisi, Pazx are prime night kill candidates imo. They're the smartest players here by far.
02/20/2016 07:34:39
02/20/2016 07:34:39