Don't make me change your username to 'Deez_VIC' because you know i will....
I am the original Deez for F***s sake. I have more tournament and elo than he does, and he only appeared after SXC
Ignis vs invisi peachs castle runback
Instead of Crew Battles, how about "GRUDGE MATCH" where two peeps with a history go at it?! Yeah, like DeezQLD and... DeezCopy?
deez v deezqld pls
If nobody want a QLD v OoS crew battle at end of Smashbox id consider 10am start is why. People seem to want this.
Its the only one we organized
I think any screen with a HDMI input is fine but I'd like someone to confirm. Is the GUF crew battle the only planned crew battle?
@shiatashi are computer monitors ok?
also stitchface shield breaks. TIL
well rip mii players
Smashbox rules updated to use default Mii sizes only. Also everyone please bring TVs so many friendlies can be had.
thats like a 1 in 1028 chance lol
New peach strat, rng manipulation.
fox should be op godam- oh wait
@Crabs, our Fox players are Fool, Hopedealer, Emyks and Blurry. They don't attend every tournament but are still active. Not Melee players.
@crabs Emyks, umm Fool? Not active but he's good...?
Best character :P
Who's a good secondary for Cloud? Like a character that is good for his bad match-ups?
Insane Greninja & Peach go SSJ3 throughout the match. This is my fav part: https://youtu.be/_QFGz95-a2g?t=716
These arguments from Deez: Master of Panic Airdodges are gold.
Default guest Miis only. Creating a small/large Mii requires outside setup, which not only takes time, but changes matchups. Bad idea.
How many Fox players are actually active in QLD smash 4? Are they all just melee players?
Mii's should only be default size. Small hurtboxes are anti-fun. Die.
Gungnir is scary :s
PM defiantly, not Melee..... don't force me to show off Gungnir or Vermanubis on you all!
PM or Melee probably.
@Aero: What makes a good Ganondorf? Plus, Metal music is perfect for Ganondorf. :P <3 Metal <3
(I was the cloud) wow really narrows it down on fg.
That was you? Lmfao
DEEZ WHY U LEAVE ME ON FG? I know you rekt me, but pls :( I was the cloud)
This is low quality ganon play against low quality players with low quality music
petition for deez to stop talking
GG Lumi/Clint! :DDD Those games were great fun! I had a suspicion were from here, your wft was above FG standards! XDD
it looks like wifi
On a Side Note: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U-wMDg-HeM - Opana Aggressive Ganondorf! <3
Sm4sh has plenty of "stupid" things. If you stand on the ledge you deserve to get ganoncided/dthrow heli'd. The solution is to learn from it
Did anyone see DK Will kill Ally's Mario at 52% or something like that from the ding dong? Ding dong has the same problem, DI means nothing.
What MGK said basically. You can look up the videos yourself, I can't be bothered re watching everything just to see me die again :P
Eh, point taken. I still dont think it's broken. :P
With Meta knight and ZSS, they can kill you from anywhere on the stage. But Brawlers kills off the side. So stay in the middle of the stage.
Can you link the timestamp where you got true combo killed at 40%? - this is a serious question
There is a difference, you need to read DI and do the right executions at right time, down throw to up b is like, hardly any DI involved
People say that about ZSS and meta knight. Nothing new.
Oh, my bad. Continue on. :P
No no MGK. Spacing takes skill, I'm saying mii brawler down throw to up b literally takes no skill. Or hardly does
petition to name brawler down throw to up b the "something like that"
Wait, spacing takes no skill? ..... You lost my vote Deez.
I beat it because I had support and had to out space duh. That doesn't even take skill to pull off. Down throw to up b, something like that
"We shouldn't ban something just because its dumb" Thats exactly why Googers is still on this site.
But Deez, you beat it. It's not broken if it can be beaten. If the match lasted 1 minute, and you got 2 stocks, then we'd call it broken
clearly we should be discussing ganondorfs legality, or the disqualification of players who reverse it instead
We shouldnt ban something just because its dumb.
Plenty of characters have stupidly low kill confirms. Zss has dthrow, Metaknight has dash attack and DHD has the sick can gimp at like 20%
...does it really? amazing.
@Scott: Ganondorf's reverse warlock punch kills fox at 0% ... what chance does Puff have. :P
How when if you actually watch the games it shows HK killing at like 40% from a true combo. It's broken. I'm saying its dumb
thanks man
btw happy birthday SaucyDancer
yeah deez you just self owned yourself
No need to get aggressive Deez.
That just shows HK isn't a threat, so idk what all this stink is about :)
doubles proves everything guys, pack it up
How is it funny when me and Jaice beat your top two players in dubs while they used Heli Kick at SXC. That means you can't talk you s***
they're also technically not customs since you can pick them with 'customs off' on the css screen :P
who are both people who have actually placed in stuff with a mii
pretty funny to hear deez telling NSW players about heli kick when we're probably the state with the most experience with it (zxv and MM)
But that comes with the character. You dont use jiggs expecting to live to 150%. Jiggs mains know the risk that comes with their character
Invisi missed rest on my Ganondorf and I killed him at 19%.
You don't even need to punish a shieldbreak on jiggs. The character does that for you.
he dies at 40 anyway
god damn puff mains
Ok Invisi, if you wanna die at 40% due to set kb and stuff, go for it. Lucario is dumb but he doesn't have bloody set kb like some miis.
@Shitashi The current senate ruling on Miis is pretty much standard across the country and unlikely to change. Please use it =)
@Deez there is nothing wrong with allowing Miis access to their full movesets, it doesn't run into the same problems as customs did.
Since you wanna allow custom mii fighter moves, then you have to make custom moves legal. It's only fair
Ok cake. Why not let everyone pick the broken moves then of mii fighters, while we are at it, let's let custom moves for other characters
afaik MM is fine with default size, sydney had a patch of tournaments where zxv won with tinyfat brawler so people are like "nah dats dum"
I'm for custom movesets but iffy on size. I've heard some horror stories of tiny mii brawler.
Gonna have to disagree with you Deez. The whole premise of the mii fighters is customisation and they work best with different customs
miis should be kept to all sizes11!1!1 non 1111 should be aloud11!1!
The big difference between tiny brawler and normal other than mobility and hurtbox size is that down throw up b works longer but it's weaker
OI Shitashi. I think MM only used default mii. Also, mIis should only be kept to 1111 not to whatever they want.
I wish shoutouts would stop eating words like wifi does to my inputs
Oh wait, every tournament with custom mii brawler, all of them flopped #oops
Man maybe all the custom mii mains that have won all those tournaments like to give input pls
Rosalinda is two times the character custom mii brawler will ever be.
That 'coon has watched too many episodes of Narcos.
Considering changing Smashbox Mii sizes rules to be default only due to backlash I'm receiving but want to hear from players including MM.
Not even ironic
well i just used up all my memes so you win
are you asking for a meme off?