@shiatashi are computer monitors ok?
01/06/2016 01:05:07
also stitchface shield breaks. TIL
01/06/2016 00:23:28
well rip mii players
01/06/2016 00:11:21
Smashbox rules updated to use default Mii sizes only. Also everyone please bring TVs so many friendlies can be had.
01/06/2016 00:09:47
thats like a 1 in 1028 chance lol
01/06/2016 00:05:44
New peach strat, rng manipulation.
01/06/2016 00:04:38
01/05/2016 23:41:10
fox should be op godam- oh wait
01/05/2016 12:48:10
01/05/2016 11:51:40
@Crabs, our Fox players are Fool, Hopedealer, Emyks and Blurry. They don't attend every tournament but are still active. Not Melee players.
01/05/2016 11:50:22
@crabs Emyks, umm Fool? Not active but he's good...?
01/05/2016 11:50:05
Best character :P
01/05/2016 11:45:08
01/05/2016 11:43:16
Who's a good secondary for Cloud? Like a character that is good for his bad match-ups?
01/05/2016 11:33:47
Insane Greninja & Peach go SSJ3 throughout the match. This is my fav part: https://youtu.be/_QFGz95-a2g?t=716
01/05/2016 10:56:51
These arguments from Deez: Master of Panic Airdodges are gold.
01/05/2016 10:23:52
Default guest Miis only. Creating a small/large Mii requires outside setup, which not only takes time, but changes matchups. Bad idea.
01/05/2016 10:18:20
How many Fox players are actually active in QLD smash 4? Are they all just melee players?
01/05/2016 09:40:20
Mii's should only be default size. Small hurtboxes are anti-fun. Die.
01/05/2016 09:19:17
Gungnir is scary :s
01/05/2016 08:50:30
PM defiantly, not Melee..... don't force me to show off Gungnir or Vermanubis on you all!
01/05/2016 08:49:17
PM or Melee probably.
01/05/2016 08:45:51
@Aero: What makes a good Ganondorf? Plus, Metal music is perfect for Ganondorf. :P <3 Metal <3
01/05/2016 08:43:59
(I was the cloud) wow really narrows it down on fg.
01/05/2016 08:24:51
That was you? Lmfao
01/05/2016 08:20:41
DEEZ WHY U LEAVE ME ON FG? I know you rekt me, but pls :( I was the cloud)
01/05/2016 08:17:56
This is low quality ganon play against low quality players with low quality music
01/05/2016 06:48:15
petition for deez to stop talking
01/05/2016 06:24:31
GG Lumi/Clint! :DDD Those games were great fun! I had a suspicion were from here, your wft was above FG standards! XDD
01/05/2016 05:04:00
it looks like wifi
01/05/2016 03:40:17
On a Side Note: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U-wMDg-HeM - Opana Aggressive Ganondorf! <3
01/05/2016 03:29:47
Sm4sh has plenty of "stupid" things. If you stand on the ledge you deserve to get ganoncided/dthrow heli'd. The solution is to learn from it
01/05/2016 03:24:17
Did anyone see DK Will kill Ally's Mario at 52% or something like that from the ding dong? Ding dong has the same problem, DI means nothing.
01/05/2016 03:23:25
What MGK said basically. You can look up the videos yourself, I can't be bothered re watching everything just to see me die again :P
01/05/2016 03:19:17
Eh, point taken. I still dont think it's broken. :P
01/05/2016 03:17:09
With Meta knight and ZSS, they can kill you from anywhere on the stage. But Brawlers kills off the side. So stay in the middle of the stage.
01/05/2016 03:16:41
Can you link the timestamp where you got true combo killed at 40%? - this is a serious question
01/05/2016 03:16:02
There is a difference, you need to read DI and do the right executions at right time, down throw to up b is like, hardly any DI involved
01/05/2016 03:14:54
People say that about ZSS and meta knight. Nothing new.
01/05/2016 03:14:02
Oh, my bad. Continue on. :P
01/05/2016 03:13:46
No no MGK. Spacing takes skill, I'm saying mii brawler down throw to up b literally takes no skill. Or hardly does
01/05/2016 03:13:14
petition to name brawler down throw to up b the "something like that"
01/05/2016 03:12:32
Wait, spacing takes no skill? ..... You lost my vote Deez.
01/05/2016 03:12:23
I beat it because I had support and had to out space duh. That doesn't even take skill to pull off. Down throw to up b, something like that
01/05/2016 03:11:24
"We shouldn't ban something just because its dumb" Thats exactly why Googers is still on this site.
01/05/2016 03:10:49
But Deez, you beat it. It's not broken if it can be beaten. If the match lasted 1 minute, and you got 2 stocks, then we'd call it broken
01/05/2016 03:09:54
clearly we should be discussing ganondorfs legality, or the disqualification of players who reverse it instead
01/05/2016 03:09:47
We shouldnt ban something just because its dumb.
01/05/2016 03:09:45
Plenty of characters have stupidly low kill confirms. Zss has dthrow, Metaknight has dash attack and DHD has the sick can gimp at like 20%
01/05/2016 03:09:17
...does it really? amazing.
01/05/2016 03:08:53
@Scott: Ganondorf's reverse warlock punch kills fox at 0% ... what chance does Puff have. :P
01/05/2016 03:07:48
How when if you actually watch the games it shows HK killing at like 40% from a true combo. It's broken. I'm saying its dumb
01/05/2016 03:07:37
thanks man
01/05/2016 03:07:15
btw happy birthday SaucyDancer
01/05/2016 03:07:03
yeah deez you just self owned yourself
01/05/2016 03:05:56
No need to get aggressive Deez.
01/05/2016 03:05:50
That just shows HK isn't a threat, so idk what all this stink is about :)
01/05/2016 03:05:17
01/05/2016 03:05:12
doubles proves everything guys, pack it up
01/05/2016 03:04:42
How is it funny when me and Jaice beat your top two players in dubs while they used Heli Kick at SXC. That means you can't talk you s***
01/05/2016 03:02:03
they're also technically not customs since you can pick them with 'customs off' on the css screen :P
01/05/2016 02:59:09
who are both people who have actually placed in stuff with a mii
01/05/2016 02:58:27
pretty funny to hear deez telling NSW players about heli kick when we're probably the state with the most experience with it (zxv and MM)
01/05/2016 02:57:57
But that comes with the character. You dont use jiggs expecting to live to 150%. Jiggs mains know the risk that comes with their character
01/05/2016 02:53:55
Invisi missed rest on my Ganondorf and I killed him at 19%.
01/05/2016 02:50:24
You don't even need to punish a shieldbreak on jiggs. The character does that for you.
01/05/2016 02:48:37
he dies at 40 anyway god damn puff mains
01/05/2016 02:37:48
Ok Invisi, if you wanna die at 40% due to set kb and stuff, go for it. Lucario is dumb but he doesn't have bloody set kb like some miis.
01/05/2016 02:33:34
@Shitashi The current senate ruling on Miis is pretty much standard across the country and unlikely to change. Please use it =)
01/05/2016 02:26:26
@Deez there is nothing wrong with allowing Miis access to their full movesets, it doesn't run into the same problems as customs did.
01/05/2016 02:25:32
Since you wanna allow custom mii fighter moves, then you have to make custom moves legal. It's only fair
01/05/2016 02:09:57
Ok cake. Why not let everyone pick the broken moves then of mii fighters, while we are at it, let's let custom moves for other characters
01/05/2016 02:09:17
afaik MM is fine with default size, sydney had a patch of tournaments where zxv won with tinyfat brawler so people are like "nah dats dum"
01/05/2016 01:55:46
I'm for custom movesets but iffy on size. I've heard some horror stories of tiny mii brawler.
01/05/2016 01:36:06
Gonna have to disagree with you Deez. The whole premise of the mii fighters is customisation and they work best with different customs
01/05/2016 01:24:08
miis should be kept to all sizes11!1!1 non 1111 should be aloud11!1!
01/05/2016 00:04:50
The big difference between tiny brawler and normal other than mobility and hurtbox size is that down throw up b works longer but it's weaker
01/04/2016 23:49:03
OI Shitashi. I think MM only used default mii. Also, mIis should only be kept to 1111 not to whatever they want.
01/04/2016 23:47:41
I wish shoutouts would stop eating words like wifi does to my inputs
01/04/2016 23:41:44
Oh wait, every tournament with custom mii brawler, all of them flopped #oops
01/04/2016 23:40:37
Man maybe all the custom mii mains that have won all those tournaments like to give input pls
01/04/2016 23:39:48
Rosalinda is two times the character custom mii brawler will ever be.
01/04/2016 23:39:02
That 'coon has watched too many episodes of Narcos.
01/04/2016 23:36:09
Considering changing Smashbox Mii sizes rules to be default only due to backlash I'm receiving but want to hear from players including MM.
01/04/2016 22:17:21
Not even ironic
01/04/2016 13:55:16
well i just used up all my memes so you win
01/04/2016 12:45:56
01/04/2016 12:44:27
are you asking for a meme off?
01/04/2016 12:43:43
"you have been disconnected for excessive self destructs" well thats a new one
01/04/2016 12:24:26
It was peace in dreamland, then, the Project M nation attacked, and Lucario is in it, and is dumb because he needs one hit to kill everyone
01/04/2016 11:31:16
i main kirby in super smash bros melee for the nintendo gamecube. i play with items on.
01/04/2016 11:31:06
That world has no lucario .... :P The good old times!
01/04/2016 11:29:51
Lmfao! Really? That's is completely dumb. We should just all migrate over to melee and pretend Smash 4 doesn't exist and fox is God
01/04/2016 11:28:37
Pal version is a lot better then this shit. At least it has range! (Bair goes further then Fair in smash 4) :(
01/04/2016 11:23:28
Hey man, it's your fault for playing the Pal version of Smash ;)
01/04/2016 11:22:24