I Deezed qld. I am proud of myself
Pls love bowser
Shoutouts to people bitching about Bowser's kill confirm when ZSS and MK have had something similar from release :)))))))))))))))))))
Shoutout to @Shitashi for running this event, that was awesome even if I didn't make into pools, not even through :D
Thank you to EVERYONE for making Smashbox an incredible event! I hope everyone had fun. <3
Laggy that was literally all that was said today. Uthrow uair killed kira at 74% I believe
I'm stuck, HALP ME QQ
I beep booped nsw :0
maccas pancakes*
Aero get off your phone and eat Pancakes
Buster bracket
I made top 8 in amateur bracket you chucklefucks
jk nice 4th doe but you beat mm and im mad, thank god kira beat you :)
Go home
by easy combos
I did it for saucydancer happy birthday bruh
Go to bed
your drunk
Go home
shoutouts to boozers totally 4th place because uthrow to uair is the most eaisest combo. ty sakauri
Shoutouts to Boozer's 4th place in an incredibly stacked tournament <3
bowser requries no skill
I guess I can take off this duck hunt flair now
Had a really great time meeting all the VIC players today. Also it was good role playing Naruto with googers. Hopefully I can come to BAM!
congrats to jezmo
have fun
good luck pal
Off to my first tournament tomorrow. Wish me luck!
We're keeping Boozer. Take back Deez
Well I haven't had that much fun at a tournament for a long time. Thanks for the games everyone ^ ^ I'll come to qld again for sure! Robit~
"this game sucks" -googers 2016
Adopt me! Leisha!
Top 8 has begun! http://twitch.tv/jettsmash
I want to adopt some of the qld players ^ω^ eeee
Making a Kickstarter to pay for Googers crutches.
Back after a month trip , hope all had good xmas/new years! Time to catch up on smash :)
Let's go Empire! U can do it :D
Pro Bracket starting now! http://twitch.tv/jettsmash
invisi beat jezmo
I don't know whether everyone here is really good or I'm just playing really bad
rip capture card
fucking savage
Try rubbing ebola into it
Have to play a Ryu, Fox, WFT, Meta Knight, and Lucario smh
My pool is the most cancerous pool in the world
and on the winners side,
Jezmo + Shitashi vs Jaice + Luminescent
Doubles is Underway, currently its Trunkle+ Trojans vs Aero + Dean, Omta + Cons Vs Viva + Liesha
a doop
Starting Smashbox pools soon. If you aren't at the venue by 1pm you may lose your spot in pools.
Smashbox V Ft. MM, Empire, Ignis, Kira, Boozer, ViVa, Leisha, Invisi, V, Googers, SpaceJam & more! Live Now @ http://www.twitch.tv/jettsmash
winning wont bring googers back
Goog morning spacefam
Goog morning spacefam
Smashbox doubles to start at 9. Please arrive by 12 for pools as this will start immediately after. Smashbox must finish today.
Sorry to hear man, you sounded keen for the event :(
Sick as shit...I won't be able to make it down to smash box today...good luck to everyone participating, I'm rooting for you Jezmo!
Invisi circle camped me
dear god deez's elo after tonight's tournament will be disgusting
im up to ganon now
he was only up to yoshi, and he instantley left as well
what character was it
well done adam
LOL someone had the ironman tag on fg and i just ruined it for him
Hey who doesn't have a doubles partner for tomorrow?
Jaice clutched out the Crew Battle vs Ignis with 1 stock remaining! Bracket starting in 10 mins. http://twitch.tv/jettsmash
7 stocks i think
qld wins it, googers takes 5 stocks in some rigged action
who should i go for
GUF Geelong vs GUF Brisbane Crew Battle starting in 10 mins! http://twitch.tv/JettSmash
Will do. When i get there. Me and shitashi have some long over due friendlies to do
Deez we're going to guf now so you should go
@Deez: Ignis + invisi and I are at GUF now.
Did you change my name Atyeo?
just be glad you arent deez_vic_jr
Any of my boys in the city or guf yet? I want to hug you all
Invisi and I are at GUF with a set up:)
Aero can 2 stock anyone or get 2 stocked by anyone. I've been on both sides of this
And then I 3 stocked him (dog)
Aero has been two stocked by googer sleep tight yung jesher
Invisi and myself are heading into the city any chance anyone is there and up to chill?
Rip qld, Deez is on the hunt.
just because your competitive name was set to deez vic?
well this started eariy
Yo because of what happened. ITS GAME ON NOW!
Can I have it back to Deez, please
Lol wtf i didn't do this.... Crew limit extended to 50 btw. I wanna help trash VIC tonight at GUF. No underestimating.
he did it boyz
Shitashi why is my competitive name Deez vic? Like wtf?
seems legit