yea i didn't see your post before... my bad
04/16/2015 13:00:34
MinkZ said:
yea i didn't see your post before... my bad
Anyway, 2 things I notice you do that you should fix pronto:
1) General predictability; at any given time I can predict where you are and what you'll do. By predicting you, it allowed me to simply wall you out with hitboxes (think Lucina vs Falcon, where you lost your first stock and didn't manage to hit me even once). If you're approaching, you need to come up with more varied approaches or people will just trade favorably with you. Predicting your moves also allowed me to use counters to kill you numerous times.
2) Predictability at the ledge; basically you're incredibly easy to read on the ledge. 99% of the time you just do a normal get up. Mix it up or you will never recover vs good players/offline.
Honestly you play decently, although that might be attributed to Falcon's ease of use. Next time play characters you want to improve at rather than random Shulk and Bowser picks (I could tell by your monado usage/constant down b's as shulk/bowser that you've never played them before). Playing your character repeatedly is the best way to familiarize yourself with what moves will work where.
04/16/2015 13:13:26
thanks for the advice and games!! I started getting tired after like the 30th minute though xD
04/16/2015 13:19:34
04/16/2015 13:19:34
You available tonight? I'll be ready like whenever past 8:00
04/18/2015 02:46:44
04/18/2015 02:46:44
Sounds good.
04/18/2015 02:47:55
04/18/2015 02:47:55
Ready in like an hour? you there?
04/18/2015 11:23:18
04/18/2015 11:23:18
Host a room.
04/18/2015 11:29:58
Host a room.
04/18/2015 11:29:58
SORRY I'LL GET ON NOW made a room oh gosh lol
04/18/2015 12:01:30
04/18/2015 12:01:30
Wii U: Blatikin
Matt u need to stop rolling
04/18/2015 12:02:56
04/18/2015 12:02:56
OMG LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS COUNTER D': i saw the tag and couldn't take that match seriously lol OK I WON THE DITTO *wipes sweat*
04/18/2015 12:47:34
04/18/2015 12:47:34
Only just.
04/18/2015 12:48:05
04/18/2015 12:48:05
my wii fit has bipolar tho, lol. Nearly lose to your wft, nearly won against your sheik....
04/18/2015 12:53:59
04/18/2015 12:53:59
mat7772 said:
OMG LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS COUNTER D': i saw the tag and couldn't take that match seriously lol OK I WON THE DITTO *wipes sweat*
Let me guess
He was playing Yoshi with the tag "Cancer"?
04/18/2015 12:56:51
yes maribro
and his moveset was essential upsmash/sidesmash/dair
04/18/2015 12:57:54
and his moveset was essential upsmash/sidesmash/dair
04/18/2015 12:57:54
mat7772 said:
yes maribro
and his moveset was essential upsmash/sidesmash/dair
Aero I can read you like a book, get gud son
04/18/2015 12:59:15
Wii U: NoticeMeKohai
I hear you can fix noobs. I'm not sure if this thread is still alive, but here's hoping.
06/02/2015 00:34:36
06/02/2015 00:34:36
Yeah it's still open for business.
06/02/2015 00:35:06
06/02/2015 00:35:06
Wii U: NoticeMeKohai
sweet. i've added you. i'm expecting to become pro overnite [gfycat]ForcefulWillingGrayfox[/gfycat]
06/02/2015 00:44:14
06/02/2015 00:44:14
Alright. When can you/do you want to play? I'm free all day tomorrow.
06/02/2015 00:47:06
06/02/2015 00:47:06
Wii U: NoticeMeKohai
any time tomorrow sounds good, what time is most convenient for you?
06/02/2015 00:52:05
06/02/2015 00:52:05
deepblue said:About 4 pm ish?
any time tomorrow sounds good, what time is most convenient for you?
06/02/2015 01:20:53
Wii U: NoticeMeKohai
yeh, lets do this
06/02/2015 01:27:09
06/02/2015 01:27:09
Can we please play later tonight at like 8:30 ish because yulu?
06/02/2015 06:22:26
06/02/2015 06:22:26
I can't play tonight sorry.
06/02/2015 06:26:09
06/02/2015 06:26:09
I can jump online right now if anyone wants some tips or whatever, dunno how good my critique will be, maybe you guys can critique my critique
06/02/2015 07:18:11
06/02/2015 07:18:11