Hey Aero, I'm ready to play whenever you are
01/15/2015 09:04:05
Mat, would you like to play Monday? I'm swamped this weekend with a tournament and something else on Sunday so I can't play then.
JLo, let's go.
Bring your best, I know the Diddy MU decently since I play with Jezmo all the time. jlo tell your family to gtfo the internet
01/15/2015 09:12:26
JLo, let's go.
Bring your best, I know the Diddy MU decently since I play with Jezmo all the time. jlo tell your family to gtfo the internet
01/15/2015 09:12:26
Sure. Plus I guess by then I'll be more comfortable as well. Don't lose at the tourney or otherwise - ehh, I mean, good luck...
01/15/2015 09:12:31
01/15/2015 09:12:31
I'm the only at home atm Aero D:
01/15/2015 09:13:27
01/15/2015 09:13:27
I'm going to restart my router, maybe this will fix it Ok, I just restarted router (I'm the only person who uses this internet) and ran a speed test.
So it SHOULDN'T be me. OK, @JLo
Slow on some punishes: You should definitely be punishing some things faster than you are currently. I've noticed that it's because you don't have a banana in hand most of the time. If you're on the ground and you don't have a banana, you're not playing Diddy correctly. I was sitting on the other side of the stage and you were jumping around doing heaven knows what. Not sure if this is reaction based, I noticed I could grab you out of banana toss on shield into your dash grab, something I can't do to Jezmo very often.
Auto combo more: Vs. Heavies you need to be like, insta-death comboing them. Jezmo (I'm sorry if I'm comparing you to Jezmo a lot, it's just what I do) gets me to 60%+ if he lands a single grab.
Side B usage: Your side B usage is really, really, really bad. Like, the move is meant to be a mixup but you're using it as an approach option and that's... not good. You're also using it to recover which I will cover next.
Recovering high: You do this thing where you recovery high 90% of the time with Side B and this got you killed numerous times. I recommend reevaluating your usage of Side B on and offstage for the time being to improve.
I was very impressed with your air dodge reading at the start but I started jumping in the end and you looked a bit lost.
But yeah, more down b, less side b imo.
01/15/2015 10:19:18
So it SHOULDN'T be me. OK, @JLo
Slow on some punishes: You should definitely be punishing some things faster than you are currently. I've noticed that it's because you don't have a banana in hand most of the time. If you're on the ground and you don't have a banana, you're not playing Diddy correctly. I was sitting on the other side of the stage and you were jumping around doing heaven knows what. Not sure if this is reaction based, I noticed I could grab you out of banana toss on shield into your dash grab, something I can't do to Jezmo very often.
Auto combo more: Vs. Heavies you need to be like, insta-death comboing them. Jezmo (I'm sorry if I'm comparing you to Jezmo a lot, it's just what I do) gets me to 60%+ if he lands a single grab.
Side B usage: Your side B usage is really, really, really bad. Like, the move is meant to be a mixup but you're using it as an approach option and that's... not good. You're also using it to recover which I will cover next.
Recovering high: You do this thing where you recovery high 90% of the time with Side B and this got you killed numerous times. I recommend reevaluating your usage of Side B on and offstage for the time being to improve.
I was very impressed with your air dodge reading at the start but I started jumping in the end and you looked a bit lost.
But yeah, more down b, less side b imo.
01/15/2015 10:19:18
Thanks for the detailed advice Aero! I'll try my hardest to take these into account in order to improve my gameplay.
Yeah, my lack of banana plays is also something that Jezmo noticed when I played friendlies against him, so I'm integrating it into my play more. it's just that when I actively try to pluck more bananas, my opponent somehow capitalises on the situation and punish me for it. I guess it's just a case of better situation awareness. And yeah, my punishes were definitely not on point, as I find that I've dropped more than a few of them. Btw when you were standing at the edge, I was empty hopping a lot because I wanted to bait a reaction because honestly, I have no clue what to do in regards to that situation.
I'll also work on my dthrow combos more as I've been dropping a lot of them as well (also something that Jezmo noticed).
With the Side B usage, yeah I could really use work on proper usage of it. In regards to high recovery, I guess it just became a force of habit since from past experiences, recovering low resulted with a stock loss, either from being gimped out of my jetpack, or just not hitting the edge at the proper angle and SDing.
Overall, thanks for exposing flaws with my gameplay that I couldn't have seen otherwise. The Smash tutoring was really helpful in that regard.
01/15/2015 10:37:08
Yeah, my lack of banana plays is also something that Jezmo noticed when I played friendlies against him, so I'm integrating it into my play more. it's just that when I actively try to pluck more bananas, my opponent somehow capitalises on the situation and punish me for it. I guess it's just a case of better situation awareness. And yeah, my punishes were definitely not on point, as I find that I've dropped more than a few of them. Btw when you were standing at the edge, I was empty hopping a lot because I wanted to bait a reaction because honestly, I have no clue what to do in regards to that situation.
I'll also work on my dthrow combos more as I've been dropping a lot of them as well (also something that Jezmo noticed).
With the Side B usage, yeah I could really use work on proper usage of it. In regards to high recovery, I guess it just became a force of habit since from past experiences, recovering low resulted with a stock loss, either from being gimped out of my jetpack, or just not hitting the edge at the proper angle and SDing.
Overall, thanks for exposing flaws with my gameplay that I couldn't have seen otherwise. The Smash tutoring was really helpful in that regard.
01/15/2015 10:37:08
01/16/2015 13:06:34
01/16/2015 13:06:34
How was my playing today, Aero?
01/16/2015 13:12:57
01/16/2015 13:12:57
Maribro said:Iunno it was too laggy for me to tell.
How was my playing today, Aero?
Dthrow > grab is not a very good tech chase offline, I wouldn't suggest using that at all or people will just wake up roll and bowser fsmash
I was getting grabbed by you on purpose because I knew you'd do that but I could hardly punish it because it was so laggy lol
01/16/2015 21:06:53
Ah fair enough, I havent played Smash 4 offline yet so I am sure I will learn a lot when I do.
01/16/2015 22:47:40
01/16/2015 22:47:40
Aero can we please change it to Tuesday? Going to see the tennis on Monday.
01/17/2015 01:22:56
01/17/2015 01:22:56
That's fine.
01/17/2015 02:02:53
01/17/2015 02:02:53
Hey Aero what times are good for you?
01/17/2015 05:41:43
01/17/2015 05:41:43
Any time honestly suits me but this weekend is a bit hard.
01/17/2015 08:32:25
01/17/2015 08:32:25
Hey man can I get another training session please?
01/19/2015 13:07:45
01/19/2015 13:07:45
mat7772 we play tomorrow yes?
Maribro, sounds good. Time and date that suits you?
01/19/2015 13:08:49
Maribro, sounds good. Time and date that suits you?
01/19/2015 13:08:49
Aerodrome said:
mat7772 we play tomorrow yes?
Maribro, sounds good. Time and date that suits you?
Wednesday 11am (my time)?
01/19/2015 13:11:01
Hey Aero, could use a few sets with my Ness, need some help with it. Let me know m8
01/19/2015 13:17:23
01/19/2015 13:17:23
Maribro said:Sounds good.
Aerodrome said:
mat7772 we play tomorrow yes?
Maribro, sounds good. Time and date that suits you?
Wednesday 11am (my time)?
Red said:Date and tiem?
Hey Aero, could use a few sets with my Ness, need some help with it. Let me know m8
01/19/2015 13:20:37
any day post 5 pm GMT 8+
01/19/2015 13:24:29
01/19/2015 13:24:29
Hey Aero, I'm trying to pick up a new character but I'm not exactly sure if I'm playing him right. Could I get a few matches with you sometime?
And I promise it's not my Toon Link.
01/19/2015 14:18:49
And I promise it's not my Toon Link.
01/19/2015 14:18:49
Villyness said:
Hey Aero, I'm trying to pick up a new character but I'm not exactly sure if I'm playing him right. Could I get a few matches with you sometime?
And I promise it's not my Toon Link.
Alright V, when would you like to play? If I beat Elton would you like to play after the tournament?
01/19/2015 22:01:12
Sure! Also do you mind if you could send any critique in a PM?
You don't have to. Just don't want anyone knowing who I'm planning on picking up lol. xD
01/20/2015 00:40:12
You don't have to. Just don't want anyone knowing who I'm planning on picking up lol. xD
01/20/2015 00:40:12
Yeah of course, I understand. Also V, I would prefer to play after the tournament, I'm planning on beating Elton and I'm also planning on giving you a run for your money in this bracket.
Prepare yourself~
01/20/2015 00:48:15
Prepare yourself~
01/20/2015 00:48:15
Yeah that's allg. Playing after the tournament's fine! :D
So a challenger comes to town...
01/20/2015 01:00:27
Aerodrome said:
I'm planning on beating Elton and I'm also planning on giving you a run for your money in this bracket.
Prepare yourself~
So a challenger comes to town...
01/20/2015 01:00:27