As I'll keep saying. Get ready to lynch a townie. It ain't a bluff, but hey. You wanna kill me off and give more hope to the mafia, go ahead.
02/22/2016 04:07:34
like I said, if you are a townie you dont want townies to die, that includes yourself, you should be defending yourself to the best of your ability, but every one of you cunts keeps just giving up under pressure and asking to die.
02/22/2016 04:09:54
02/22/2016 04:09:54
Invisi said:
As I said earlier, if the doctor isn't going to reveal himself, our best course of action is to go back to the day one plan of lynching unhelpful/suspicious town members.
Vote: Deez
Hes either mafia or not beneficial to the mafia to kill and thus not beneficial to us. Therefor
Im voting Vote: Deez
02/22/2016 04:13:22
Deez if you indeed are town, we can definitley afford lynching you considering we're outnumbering the mafia by at least 2:1 (10:5 if there is the proposed number of 6 mafia)
02/22/2016 04:14:06
02/22/2016 04:14:06
whatever, I'm sick of going around in circles
Vote: Deez
02/22/2016 04:15:08
Vote: Deez
02/22/2016 04:15:08
cAKE said:
Deez if you indeed are town, we can definitley afford lynching you considering we're outnumbering the mafia by at least 2:1 (10:5 if there is the proposed number of 6 mafia)
I really doubt there's 6 mafia. That'd mean there'd be much more than 1 third of the town being mafia from day 1. I'd say 3 or 4 mafia left is our safest guess but that number could be as low as 2 mafia if dean decided 3 mafia was a reasonable amount.
02/22/2016 04:16:54
If the pattern stays consistent from the first game, roughly 20% of us are mafia, which is 3 or 4, since one's already died that means there are probably 2 or 3 left.
There's no harm in considering the possibility that there are more mafia then that though.
02/22/2016 04:26:28
There's no harm in considering the possibility that there are more mafia then that though.
02/22/2016 04:26:28
There is no point defending myself if non of you won't believe me. Since non of you will, enjoy losing to Mafia, I hope they win
02/22/2016 04:32:48
02/22/2016 04:32:48
Well, I was just doing a count, and come back to Deez voting for himself when my count had him at l-1. Guess that means it's a bit late to unvote him to give us more time. Unless I've counted wrong, the thread should now be in twilight.
02/22/2016 04:34:44
02/22/2016 04:34:44
Deez said:
There is no point defending myself if non of you won't believe me.
the only reason we wouldn't believe you is if you did a half assed job of it and then gave up and voted yourself.
now what are the chances of that happening do you think?
02/22/2016 04:36:59
Note, someone should confirm my count. Dean seems to not be around, so we won't have the official verdict until he gets back.
Unvote in case I have counted wrong. (Although if the count was correct then this does nothing).
02/22/2016 04:37:20
Unvote in case I have counted wrong. (Although if the count was correct then this does nothing).
02/22/2016 04:37:20
Deez said:
There is no point defending myself if non of you won't believe me.
Uh Deez, you haven't even tried to defend yourself.
"I'm not mafia, I swear" is not a defence. Voting for yourself isn't a defence. If you want us to believe and you are actually a townie, you'll fight for your life like I did last game.
02/22/2016 04:37:54
Actually, screw it, even if I counted wrong, let's advance the game.
Vote Deez
02/22/2016 04:39:22
Vote Deez
02/22/2016 04:39:22
Deez if you want to live you'll write a good defence before dean gets back from work.
02/22/2016 04:40:05
02/22/2016 04:40:05
Even if Deez writes a good defense, he still has 9 votes on him. It's unlikely that he will survive the day which is unfortunate, because I think we could have thought about other possible candidates to lynch.
02/22/2016 04:44:57
02/22/2016 04:44:57
If I'm interpreting the rules correctly, Dean being at work doesn't stop people from being lynched. ie, assuming I've counted correctly, even if someone unvotes before Dean gets back then he will still be lynched. At least I think that's how it works.
02/22/2016 04:45:38
02/22/2016 04:45:38
ok yes that is at least 8 votes for deez (i stopped when i got to 8) so he is our day 2 lynch
deez if you have ANYTHING to say that will help the town before you die, say it now, quickly, please stopped counting* also: if he flips scum, we need to very closely examine those who didn't vote for him, and this game is as good as done ALSO also: stop killing yourself holy fuck yourselves
02/22/2016 04:51:20
deez if you have ANYTHING to say that will help the town before you die, say it now, quickly, please stopped counting* also: if he flips scum, we need to very closely examine those who didn't vote for him, and this game is as good as done ALSO also: stop killing yourself holy fuck yourselves
02/22/2016 04:51:20
Pazx said:
ALSO also: stop killing yourself holy fuck
As much as I agree it's a terrible play, it's fucking hillarious that it keeps happening. Actually now that I think about it, it's a fairly decent play for a mafia member as it gives the town less time to discuss night actions.
02/22/2016 04:56:35
Fucking LEF
What have you begun!? Speaking of night actions I hope the doc keeps me alive…
Anyone you guys feel like I should target with my kill/heal?
02/22/2016 04:59:44
What have you begun!? Speaking of night actions I hope the doc keeps me alive…
Anyone you guys feel like I should target with my kill/heal?
02/22/2016 04:59:44
it would be fun to put lef on l-1 tomorrow but i think we all know what would happen
l-2 is the new l-1 because everybody on this website is incredibly unstable, apparently
02/22/2016 05:00:01
l-2 is the new l-1 because everybody on this website is incredibly unstable, apparently
02/22/2016 05:00:01
Maribro, can you use both of them in the same night or just one?
02/22/2016 05:04:13
02/22/2016 05:04:13
Maribro said:
Fucking LEF
What have you begun!? Speaking of night actions I hope the doc keeps me alive…
Anyone you guys feel like I should target with my kill/heal?
I wouldnt mind a heal target.
02/22/2016 05:05:38
I can only use one power per night.
02/22/2016 05:06:29
02/22/2016 05:06:29
I don't think we have enough info to use a kill yet, especially when we still hugely outnumber the mafia and you're super likely to hit a townie. I'm not sure about a save though, anyone have thoughts on that?
02/22/2016 05:09:04
02/22/2016 05:09:04
I've heard that a majority has been reached; I'll be home in 40 minutes to double-check. You may all continue posting in the meantime.
02/22/2016 05:10:31
02/22/2016 05:10:31