
9th New Zealand Levron 15/02/2025 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly February 2025 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Finals Lucario
9th New Zealand Levron 16/11/2024 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly November 2024 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Bracket Lucario
7th New Zealand LunaFrost 20/10/2024 [NZ] Wellington Ranbats 20 October 2024 Smash Ultimate Bracket Lucario
2nd New South Wales Glace 8/10/2024 [NSW] Offstage 89 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Lucario
4th South Australia Q 17/09/2024 [SA] Weeklyvac #205 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket King DededeLittle MacLucarioShulkYoshi
9th New South Wales Glace 15/09/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, bye bye Dr F1erce Ultimate Singles Lucario
7th New Zealand Cipherus 11/09/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #99 - A Second Local Has Hit The Tower: We Just Be Chillin' Ulti Singles Bracket Lucario
9th New South Wales Glace 26/08/2024 [NSW] Offstage 86 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Lucario
13th New Zealand Levron 27/07/2024 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly July 2024 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Finals Lucario
12th New Zealand Levron 27/07/2024 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly July 2024 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Bracket Lucario
3rd South Australia Whisper 21/07/2024 [SA] Cheese League July 2024 - Ultimate & Melee Ultimate Redemption Bracket LucarioSephiroth
9th New Zealand Cipherus 12/06/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #86 - Capital Punishment Pre-Local Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
65th Victoria Rick 2/06/2024 [VIC] BAM 14 Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BAM 2024] Lucario
9th New Zealand Cipherus 2/06/2024 [NZ] WellingtonFGC Ranbats 02/06/2024 Smash Ultimate Bracket Lucario
4th New Zealand Levron 18/05/2024 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly May 2024 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Bracket Lucario
13th New Zealand Cipherus 12/05/2024 [NZ] Respawn Platform #66 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
9th Victoria Rick 1/05/2024 [VIC] Temple Smash #113 Ultimate Singles gaming Lucario
1st New South Wales Sumi 20/04/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #14 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudJokerLucarioROB
9th New Zealand Cipherus 3/04/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #76 - Pokémon Go to the Bracket Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
17th New Zealand Vro 13/03/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #73 - Out In The City Pre-Local Ulti Singles Bracket Lucario
13th New Zealand Vro 21/02/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #70 - Wellington Invades Pre-Local Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
7th New Zealand Levron 17/02/2024 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly February 2024 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Bracket Lucario
9th New Zealand Vro 14/02/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #69 - Nice Singles Bracket Lucario
5th New South Wales Inferno 27/01/2024 [NSW] WSU OMEGA Ultimate Singles Bracket Donkey KongIkeIncineroarLucarioSora
9th New South Wales Inferno 18/12/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Christmas 2023 Ultimate Singles Bracket IkeLucarioSora
9th New Zealand Levron 16/12/2023 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly December 2023 - Goodbye Tekken 7 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Bracket Lucario
4th Tasmania Sayhnim 16/12/2023 [TAS] North Tas Monthly #33 - Tas Smash Circuit #10 Ultimate Singles Lucario
25th New South Wales TTPB 9/12/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #22 Ultimate Singles Lucario
2nd Tasmania Sayhnim 2/12/2023 [TAS] TFC Locals - Event #53 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Lucario
1st Tasmania Sayhnim 2/12/2023 [TAS] TFC Locals - Event #53 Ultimate Singles Top 4 Lucario
7th New South Wales Sumi 27/11/2023 [NSW] OffStage #58 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Banjo & KazooieHeroLucarioMr. Game and WatchSora
5th New Zealand Levron 18/11/2023 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly November 2023 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Bracket Lucario
2nd Tasmania Sayhnim 18/11/2023 [TAS] TFC Locals - Event #52 Ultimate Singles Top 4 Lucario
1st Tasmania Sayhnim 18/11/2023 [TAS] TFC Locals - Event #52 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Lucario
4th New South Wales Inferno 4/11/2023 [NSW] Sets by the Sea Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket IkeLucario
25th New Zealand NZdeath 22/10/2023 [NZ] Down Underdog II Ultimate Amateur Singles Bracket Lucario
5th New Zealand Levron 21/10/2023 [NZ] Hambats Mighty Monthly October 2023 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Bracket Lucario
33rd New South Wales chizzL 27/08/2023 [NSW] Floating Point Ultimate Singles Lucario
13th New South Wales Inferno 23/08/2023 [NSW] C’town Floating Down Ultimate Singles Bracket IkeLucario
9th New South Wales Inferno 27/07/2023 [NSW] C Town Beatdown 33 Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles IkeLucario
2nd New South Wales Sumi 27/07/2023 [NSW] C Town Beatdown 33 Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles LucarioRobin
13th New Zealand Vro 12/07/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #39 - feat. Dull_Bulb & more! Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
1st New South Wales Glace 24/06/2023 [NSW] Storm The Castle #5 Ultimate Singles Top 8 KazuyaLucarioTerry
13th New Zealand Phinn 18/06/2023 [NZ] Wellington FGC Ranbats 18/06/2023 Smash Ultimate Bracket LucarioShulk
9th New Zealand LunaFrost 18/06/2023 [NZ] Wellington FGC Ranbats 18/06/2023 Smash Ultimate Bracket KazuyaLucario
13th New South Wales Inferno 5/06/2023 [NSW] City Diggers #60 Ultimate Singles Bracket IkeLucario
2nd New South Wales Sumi 4/06/2023 [NSW] MegaLAN T2 - Atlantis Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket Captain FalconLucarioROBRobinSamus
7th New South Wales Inferno 1/06/2023 [NSW] C'town Beat down 29 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Lucario
13th New South Wales Inferno 31/05/2023 [NSW] Best In The West Ultimate Singles Bracket Captain FalconLucario
17th New South Wales Inferno 29/05/2023 [NSW] Offstage #43 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Lucario
3rd New South Wales chizzL 21/05/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros: One Outs Contract Ultimate Singles Lucario
3rd South Australia Q 15/03/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #136 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinGanondorfLucarioPac-ManYoshi
2nd Western Australia billie. 13/03/2023 [WA] Enigma #85 Ultimate Singles Bracket BylethKenLucarioRyuTerry
13th New South Wales chizzL 20/01/2023 [ACT] The Action: Frame 1 Ultimate Singles Lucario
13th New South Wales chizzL 18/01/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #126 Ultimate Singles Lucario
17th New South Wales chizzL 4/12/2022 [QLD] Pissmas 3 Ultimate Singles Lucario
9th New South Wales chizzL 2/12/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 329 Smash Ultimate Singles Lucario
3rd Western Australia Turn Up 23/10/2022 [WA] Sundays @ Subi #8 Ultimate Singles Bracket Diddy KongGanondorfLucario
2nd Western Australia LoneZen 9/10/2022 [WA] Sundays @ Subi #7 Ultimate Singles Bracket LucarioROBSamus
1st New South Wales chizzL 14/08/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping Arcadian Ultimate Singles Lucario
1st New South Wales chizzL 7/08/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, wHy CaNt I PlAy iN tHe ArcAdiAN Ultimate Singles Lucario
3rd New South Wales chizzL 14/07/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Ghostly Grind Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
3rd New South Wales chizzL 6/05/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Double Dash Super Barista Bros, Double Dash LucarioPyra / Mythra
7th New South Wales TWIRLY 21/04/2022 [NSW] C’town Beat Down #1 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
2nd New South Wales chizzL 13/04/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 12 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
2nd New South Wales chizzL 31/03/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, The Moldy Half Eaten Sandwich Super Barista Bros, The Moldy Half Eaten Sandwich Lucario
2nd New South Wales chizzL 22/03/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 9 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
5th New South Wales chizzL 19/03/2022 [ACT] Dancing Blade 19 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
9th New South Wales chizzL 17/03/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Triple Shot Long Black with some Honey Super Barista Bros, Triple Shot Long Black With Some Honey Lucario
1st New South Wales chizzL 15/03/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 8 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
2nd New South Wales chizzL 20/12/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 21 Central Sydney Skirmish 21 Lucario
3rd New South Wales chizzL 12/12/2021 [NSW] The Kanga Invitational Ultimate Singles Finals Lucario
5th New South Wales chizzL 6/12/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 19 Central Sydney Skirmish 19 LucarioPyra / Mythra
4th Tasmania Sayhnim 17/09/2021 [TAS] TFC Locals - Weekly#17 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
2nd Tasmania Sayhnim 26/06/2021 [TAS] TFC Locals - Event#12 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
9th New South Wales chizzL 21/06/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 17 Central Sydney Skirmish 17 Lucario
7th New South Wales chizzL 13/06/2021 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #3 Okay This Is Epping #3 Lucario
1st Tasmania Sayhnim 12/06/2021 [TAS] TFC Locals - Event#11 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
7th New South Wales chizzL 7/06/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 16 Central Sydney Skirmish 16 Lucario
3rd Tasmania Sayhnim 4/06/2021 [TAS] TFC Locals - Weekly #7 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
7th New South Wales chizzL 31/05/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 15 Central Sydney Skirmish 15 Lucario
5th New South Wales chizzL 29/05/2021 [NSW] Don't Get Bit #7 Ultimate Singles Lucario
5th New South Wales chizzL 24/05/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 14 Central Sydney Skirmish 14 Lucario
1st Tasmania Sayhnim 21/05/2021 [TAS] TFC Locals - Weekly #5 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
7th South Australia Nadgey 19/05/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #56 Ultimate WeeklyVac #56 (19/05/21) BylethLucario
9th New South Wales chizzL 17/05/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 13 Central Sydney Skirmish 13 Lucario
9th New South Wales chizzL 3/05/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 12 Central Sydney Skirmish 12 LucarioWolf
1st New South Wales chizzL 26/04/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 11 CSS 11 Ammies Lucario
1st South Australia Nadgey 24/04/2021 [SA] South Australia Arcadian Arcadian Redemption 24/04/21 BylethLucario
25th New South Wales chizzL 18/04/2021 [NSW] Battle Kat Comeback Smash Ultimate Singles Lucario
17th South Australia Nadgey 10/03/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #47 Ultimate WeeklyVac #47 (10/03/21) BylethDark PitLucario
7th New South Wales chizzL 8/03/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish #5 Central Sydney Skirmish 5 Lucario
9th New South Wales chizzL 1/03/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 4 Central Sydney Skirmish 4 Lucario
9th New South Wales chizzL 26/02/2021 [NSW] Star Forge #112 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
17th Victoria MAMP 10/02/2021 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 50 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
5th Victoria MAMP 10/02/2021 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 50 Ultimate Pop-off Village #50 Redemption Lucario
7th Tasmania Sayhnim 2/01/2021 [TAS] TFC Locals Event #4 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
17th South Australia Nadgey 12/12/2020 [SA] Cheese League December 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League December - Ultimate Singles (12/12/20) BylethLucario
13th South Australia Nadgey 9/12/2020 [SA] WeeklyVAC #38 Ultimate WeeklyVac #38 (09/12/20) BylethLucario
33rd Victoria Kimah 2/03/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #55 Pixel SMASH Lucario
65th Victoria Kimah 22/02/2020 [VIC] Couchwarriors Feburary Ranbat 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Lucario
25th Victoria Kimah 17/02/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #53 Pixel SMASH Lucario
49th Victoria Kimah 7/02/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 7 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
25th Victoria Kimah 3/02/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #51 Pixel SMASH Lucario
5th Victoria Deez 3/02/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #50 SunshineSmash Bracket Lucario
33rd Victoria Isucc 31/01/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate #6 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
25th Victoria Kimah 31/01/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate #6 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
49th Victoria Isucc 24/01/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 5 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
25th Victoria Kimah 20/01/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #49 Pixel SMASH Lucario
33rd Victoria Isucc 17/01/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston #4 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
17th Victoria Kimah 13/01/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #48 Pixel SMASH Lucario
65th Victoria Kimah 10/01/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 3 (Unfinished) Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
25th Victoria Kimah 23/12/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #45 Pixel SMASH Bracket Lucario
97th Victoria Isucc 14/12/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Crossup 2 Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Lucario
33rd Victoria Isucc 26/11/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #47 Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
65th Victoria Kimah 22/11/2019 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
49th Victoria Isucc 22/11/2019 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Lucario
97th Victoria Isucc 10/11/2019 [VIC] Victorian Arcadian 2019: Best Of The Average VIC Arcadian Singles Lucario
17th Victoria Kimah 14/10/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #35 Pixel SMASH Bracket Lucario
97th New South Wales Merdeka! 25/08/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #13 Ultimate Singles Lucario
2nd Queensland Aurion 17/08/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 20 Ultimate Singles Amateurs Lucario
5th Victoria Deez 14/08/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #35 Guf Geelong #34 Lucario
5th Queensland Aurion 13/08/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 34 Tuesday Night Fights 34 Lucario
1st Victoria Deez 7/08/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #34 Geelong Smash Ultimate #33 Lucario
2nd Victoria Deez 31/07/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #33 Geelong Smash Ultimate #32 Lucario
9th Victoria Deez 20/07/2019 [VIC] Ultimate Smash Bash July @GGEZ GGEZ July Ultimate Smash Bash Lucario
5th Victoria Deez 1/07/2019 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #21 Smash @ Sunshine #21 01-07-2019 Bracket Lucario
9th Victoria Deez 28/06/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #13 Ultimate Nekocards #12 Lucario
13th Queensland Aurion 25/06/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 27 Tuesday Night Fights 27 LucarioWolf
49th Victoria Toffee 22/06/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors June Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Lucario
9th Queensland Aurion 18/06/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 26 Tuesday Night Fights 26 Lucario
2nd Queensland Aurion 17/06/2019 [QLD] Currumbin RSL#3 Currumbin RSL #3 Lucario
17th Queensland schooner 14/06/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 205 Friday Night Smash 205 Lucario
5th Queensland Aurion 11/06/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 25 Tuesday Night Fights 25 Lucario
13th Victoria Kimah 10/06/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #17 Pixel SMASH Bracket CorrinLucario
5th Queensland Aurion 4/06/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 24 Tuesday Night Fights 24 Lucario
2nd Queensland Aurion 3/06/2019 [QLD] Currumbin RSL #1 Smash Bros. Bracket Lucario
9th Queensland Aurion 1/06/2019 [QLD] Good Games Gold Coast June 2019 GGGC SMASH JUNE Lucario
9th Victoria Deez 31/05/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #11 Ultimate Nekocards #10 Lucario
5th Victoria Deez 29/05/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #24 Geelong Smash Ultimate #23 Lucario
97th New South Wales Jimmy 18/05/2019 [VIC] BAM 11 Smash Ultimate Singles Lucario
9th Victoria Toffee 29/04/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #11 Pixel Smash Bracket Lucario
33rd Victoria Jazzy 28/04/2019 [VIC] Smash @ Bunjil Place Ultimate Singles Bracket Captain FalconLucarioPikmin & OlimarVillagerYoshi
33rd Queensland Aurion 19/04/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 197 Friday Night Smash 197 Lucario
9th Queensland Aurion 16/04/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 17 Tuesday Night Fights 17 Lucario
33rd Victoria Toffee 14/04/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed April 2019 Stay Smashed April 2019 Singles Lucario
17th Queensland Aurion 12/04/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 196 Friday Night Smash 196 Lucario
4th Queensland Aurion 12/04/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 196 Friday Night Smash 196 Redemption Lucario
5th Queensland Aurion 9/04/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 16 Tuesday Night Fights 16 Lucario
9th Queensland Aurion 7/04/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 16 Smash by the Beach 16 Pro Lucario
3rd Queensland Aurion 7/04/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 16 Pools Lucario
4th Queensland Aurion 2/04/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 15 Tuesday Night Fights 15 CorrinLucario
7th Queensland Aurion 22/03/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 193 Friday Night Smash 193 Redemption LucarioWolf
7th Queensland Aurion 5/03/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 11 Tuesday Night Fights 11 Lucario
5th Queensland Aurion 26/02/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 10 Tuesday Night Fights 10 LucarioWolf
7th Queensland Aurion 23/02/2019 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD February 2019 Ranbat CW Qld Feb Ranbat Amateurs Lucario
3rd Queensland Aurion 23/02/2019 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD February 2019 Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Lucario
7th Queensland Aurion 19/02/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 9 Tuesday Night Fights 9 Lucario
33rd Queensland Aurion 15/02/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 188 Friday Night Smash 188 Lucario
5th Queensland Aurion 15/02/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 188 Friday Night Smash 188 Redemption Lucario
4th Queensland Aurion 12/02/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 8 Tuesday Night Fights 8 Bowser Jr.Lucario
2nd Queensland Aurion 10/02/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 14 Pools Lucario
4th Queensland Aurion 5/02/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 7 Tuesday Night Fights 7 Lucario
9th New South Wales Rocket 31/01/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 12 Super Smashin Thursdays 12 - Ultimate Ammy IncineroarLucario
33rd Victoria Jash 29/01/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #6 Ultimate Singles Lucario
7th Queensland Aurion 29/01/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 6 Tuesday Night Fights 6 Lucario
33rd Victoria Deez 27/01/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Jan 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Lucario
17th Victoria Deez 13/01/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed January 2019 Stayed Smashed January 2019 Singles Lucario
17th Victoria Deez 11/01/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #3 Ultimate Nekocards #3 Lucario
17th Victoria Deez 29/12/2018 [VIC] Milaga II Milaga II - Ultimate Singles Lucario
33rd Victoria Deez 15/12/2018 [VIC] CouchWarriors Crossup Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Lucario