
9th New South Wales Sumi 24/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #103 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination BylethIncineroarMewtwoMii GunnerSephiroth
17th New South Wales Sumi 8/12/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Neighbourhood watch Ultimate Singles Dr. MarioKing K. RoolMewtwoSamus
17th New South Wales Skye May 30/10/2024 [NSW] Offstage #90 - Halloween Edition Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Mewtwo
4th New Zealand Unladen 23/10/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #105 - Don't Unplug Your GameCube Adaptors Ulti Singles Bracket Mewtwo
7th New South Wales Skye May 18/10/2024 [NSW] SmashSoc Tourney #1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket MewtwoSnake
7th New South Wales Skye May 14/10/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 123 Ultimate Singles Bracket Mewtwo
25th New South Wales Skye May 8/10/2024 [NSW] Offstage 89 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Mewtwo
5th New South Wales Skye May 17/08/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #18 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Duck Hunt DuoIsabelleMega ManMewtwo
1st New South Wales Skye May 17/08/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #18 Ultimate Singles Pools Duck Hunt DuoIsabelleMega ManMewtwo
1st Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 22/07/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #234 Pixel SMASH Bracket LuigiMewtwoMii BrawlerMr. Game and WatchROB
3rd Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 8/07/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #232 Pixel SMASH Bracket LuigiMewtwoMr. Game and WatchRandomWolf
9th New South Wales Hal 20/06/2024 [NSW] Castle Smashers 70 Ultimate singles Bracket Dark SamusMewtwo
5th New South Wales Skye May 20/06/2024 [NSW] Castle Smashers 70 Ultimate singles Bracket HeroKazuyaLucasMewtwoZero Suit Samus
49th Queensland Crimson 2/06/2024 [VIC] BAM 14 Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BAM 2024] Mewtwo
49th Victoria Naan 30/05/2024 [VIC] The Bashtion #4 Ulti Singles Bracket Mewtwo
5th South Australia Taicho 23/04/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #186 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Bowser Jr.Mewtwo
3rd Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 15/04/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #220 Pixel SMASH Bracket JokerLuigiMewtwoMii GunnerMr. Game and Watch
5th Victoria MAMP 13/03/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #183 UPOV 183 Redemption Mewtwo
7th Australian Capital Territory Miss Inputs 6/03/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #182 UPOV 182 Redemption Mewtwo
1st Victoria MAMP 14/02/2024 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #179 UPOV 179 Redemption Mewtwo
25th New South Wales RoseCB 12/02/2024 [NSW] Offstage #64 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Mewtwo
3rd South Australia Q 16/01/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #172 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket King DededeMetaknightMewtwoPyra / Mythra
25th Queensland Crimson 14/01/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #23 Ultimate Singles Mewtwo
17th Queensland Crimson 9/12/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #22 Ultimate Singles Mewtwo
1st South Australia Q 15/10/2023 [SA] Big Cheese 4 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pools CorrinGreninjaMewtwoYoshi
17th Queensland Crimson 8/10/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #20 Ultimate Singles Mewtwo
1st New South Wales Dmo 1/10/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros - the vertigo incident Ultimate Singles BylethCloudGreninjaMewtwoPyra / Mythra
49th New South Wales jasmine 24/08/2023 [NSW] Pre-point offstage Ultimate Singles MewtwoPac-Man
3rd Western Australia Molly 31/07/2023 [WA] Enigma #102 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Mega ManMewtwoSnake
7th Australian Capital Territory Miss Inputs 7/07/2023 [ACT] FACTS #2 Ultimate Singles Bracket GanondorfMewtwoMii Gunner
4th Australian Capital Territory Miss Inputs 28/06/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #148 Ultimate Pop-Off Village #148 Redemption MewtwoMii GunnerMii Swordfighter
1st South Australia Q 19/04/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #141 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinGreninjaKing DededeMetaknightMewtwo
5th Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 8/03/2023 [VIC] Temple Smash #55 Ultimate Singles gaming LuigiMewtwoMii GunnerRandom
5th Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 6/03/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #162 Pixel SMASH Bracket LuigiMewtwo
7th Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 4/03/2023 [VIC] CouchWarriors March Ranbat 2023 Smash Ultimate Singles LuigiMewtwoMii GunnerMr. Game and WatchWolf
7th New Zealand Durameter 25/02/2023 [NZ] SeaSideSmash #24 Smash Ultimate 1v1 Top 8 KirbyMewtwoNess
2nd Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 24/02/2023 [VIC] Wild West Fridays #3 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket HeroLuigiMewtwoMii GunnerRandom
1st Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 22/02/2023 [VIC] Temple Smash #53 Ultimate Singles Top 4 LuigiMewtwoMii GunnerMr. Game and Watch
3rd New South Wales Sumi 21/02/2023 [NSW] Super Bowlo Bros #5 Ultimate Singles Top 8 King K. RoolLittle MacMewtwoPeachSora
9th New Zealand LunaFrost 29/01/2023 [NZ] Wellington FGC Ranbats January 29th Smash Ultimate Bracket MewtwoWolf
33rd New South Wales Drift 8/01/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, An Average Bracket Ultimate Singles BowserMewtwo
7th New Zealand yuall90 19/11/2022 [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2022 #10 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket Mewtwo
9th Queensland salmongain 24/09/2022 [QLD] UQ SMACK Smash Tourney SMACK UQ Smash Tourney Bracket CorrinMewtwo
65th Victoria Dusk 10/09/2022 [VIC] Vic Arcadian 2 VIC Arcadian Singles MewtwoPit
33rd Queensland salmongain 9/09/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 317 Smash Ultimate Singles CorrinMewtwo
4th South Australia Q 9/09/2022 [SA] BonusVac #14 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinMewtwoYoshi
13th New South Wales Aurora 8/09/2022 [NSW] SmashOP #22 Ultimate singles Bracket Mewtwo
5th New Zealand Eggus 7/09/2022 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #2 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Mewtwo
2nd South Australia Q 7/09/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #113 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinMetaknightMewtwoPyra / MythraROB
1st South Australia Q 26/08/2022 [SA] BonusVac #13 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket MewtwoPyra / Mythra
3rd South Australia Q 24/08/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #112 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket MewtwoPyra / Mythra
3rd South Australia Q 10/08/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #110 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket MetaknightMewtwoPyra / Mythra
9th Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 6/08/2022 [VIC] CouchWarriors August Ranbat 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles Captain FalconLuigiMewtwoMii Gunner
4th South Australia Q 3/08/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #109 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket King DededeMewtwoPac-Man
2nd South Australia Q 29/07/2022 [SA] BonusVac #11 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinInklingMewtwoPichuRandom
33rd South Australia Stawz 27/07/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #108 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket MarioMewtwo
3rd Australian Capital Territory Miss Inputs 25/07/2022 [ACT] The Sauce #47 Redemption Bracket Bracket JigglypuffMewtwo
17th Victoria Dusk 11/07/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #130 Pixel SMASH Bracket Dark PitMewtwo
25th Victoria Naan 5/07/2022 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #99 Ultimate Singles Bracket ChromMewtwo
33rd Victoria Dusk 27/06/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #128 Pixel SMASH Bracket Mewtwo
13th Western Australia Temper 22/06/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 22/06/2022 Smashfest - 22nd June 2022 Bracket Donkey KongIkeMewtwoPalutenaPokémon Trainer
2nd Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 4/06/2022 [VIC] CouchWarriors June Ranbat 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles Captain FalconLuigiMewtwo
2nd Queensland Joz. 23/05/2022 [QLD] Save Point Smash 8 - Ranked Ultimate Singles Bracket LucinaMewtwoRoy
193rd Victoria Naan 15/05/2022 [VIC] BAM 12 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2022] MewtwoSheik
25th Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 15/05/2022 [VIC] BAM 12 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2022] LuigiMewtwo
7th Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 23/04/2022 [VIC] CouchWarriors April Ranbat 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles LuigiMewtwo
5th Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 22/04/2022 [VIC] Temple Smash #20 Ultimate Singles Bracket LuigiMewtwo
25th South Australia Stawz 10/11/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #77 Ultimate WeeklyVac #77 (10/11/21) MewtwoSoraWolf
2nd Tasmania Jai2Go 4/11/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #74 Ultimate Singles Bracket FoxLucinaMewtwo
4th Tasmania Jai2Go 28/10/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #73 Ultimate Singles Bracket FoxLucinaMewtwo
4th Tasmania Jai2Go 21/10/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #72 Ultimate Singles Bracket FoxLucinaMewtwo
3rd Tasmania Jai2Go 15/10/2021 [TAS] North Tas Monthly - October Ultimate Singles Top 4 FoxLucinaMewtwo
2nd Tasmania Jai2Go 15/10/2021 [TAS] North Tas Monthly - October Ultimate Singles RR FoxLucinaMewtwo
1st Tasmania Jai2Go 14/10/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #71 Ultimate Singles Bracket FoxLucinaMewtwo
25th South Australia Stawz 13/10/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #73 Ultimate WeeklyVac #73 (13/10/21) Mewtwo
3rd Tasmania Jai2Go 30/09/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #70 Ultimate Singles Bracket FoxLucinaMewtwo
1st Tasmania Jai2Go 25/09/2021 [TAS] North Tas Monthly - September Ultimate Singles RR Captain FalconMewtwo
1st Tasmania Jai2Go 25/09/2021 [TAS] North Tas Monthly - September Ultimate Singles Top 4 Mewtwo
7th New Zealand Spotyus 31/07/2021 [NZ] Hit the Lab #6 Ultimate Singles Banjo & KazooieMewtwoROB
17th Queensland Joz. 25/06/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 266 Smash Ultimate Singles LucinaMewtwoWolf
2nd New Zealand iBexal 19/06/2021 [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2021 #7 SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.7 2021 Bracket Mewtwo
3rd New Zealand iBexal 6/06/2021 [NZ] DaLocal #-1 DaFirst DaLocal Mewtwo
3rd New Zealand iBexal 26/05/2021 [NZ] Built to Smash #18 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Double Elimination Mewtwo
5th New Zealand iBexal 1/05/2021 [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2021 #4 SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.4 2021 Bracket Mewtwo
33rd Victoria Naan 6/04/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #69 Ultimate Singles Bracket GreninjaMewtwo
13th Queensland Mint 9/03/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club #8 GC Fight Club#8 Mewtwo
13th Queensland Mint 2/03/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club #7 GC Fight Club #7 Mewtwo
9th Queensland Mint 16/02/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club #5 GC Fight Club #5 Mewtwo
17th Queensland Mint 9/02/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club #4 GC Fight Club #4 Mewtwo
1st Queensland Mint 9/02/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club #4 GC Fight Club #4 Amateurs Mewtwo
2nd South Australia Taicho 3/02/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #42 Ultimate WeeklyVac #42 (03/02/21) GreninjaMewtwo
9th Queensland Mint 2/02/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club #3 GCFC 3 Mewtwo
2nd South Australia Taicho 27/01/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #41 Ultimate WeeklyVac #41 (27/01/21) GreninjaMewtwo
7th Queensland Mint 26/01/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club #2 GC Fight Club #2 Mewtwo
25th South Australia Stawz 20/01/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #40 Ultimate WeeklyVac #40 (20/01/21) MewtwoWolf
2nd South Australia Taicho 20/01/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #40 Ultimate WeeklyVac #40 (20/01/21) GreninjaMewtwo
9th Queensland Mint 19/01/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club #1 GC Fight Club #1 Mewtwo
2nd Victoria Extra 12/01/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #72 Pixel SMASH Bracket Mewtwo
1st Victoria Extra 15/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #68 Pixel SMASH Bracket Mewtwo
1st Victoria Extra 13/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Perfect 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Mewtwo
1st Victoria Extra 13/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Perfect 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Top 32 Mewtwo
2nd Victoria Extra 3/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #66 Outside Edition Pixel SMASH Bracket Mewtwo
3rd Tasmania Jai2Go 24/10/2020 [TAS] North Tas Monthly Smash Ultimate - October North Tas Monthly Smash Ultimate - October MewtwoWii Fit Trainer
13th New South Wales Lumidyne 10/03/2020 [NSW] Star Forge #111 Star Forge #111 Mewtwo
9th Queensland Mint 21/01/2020 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 55 Tuesday Night Fights 55 Mewtwo
5th Queensland Mint 14/01/2020 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 54 Tuesday Night Fights 54 Mewtwo
3rd Queensland Mint 11/01/2020 [QLD] Smash By The Beach 22 Smash by the Beach 22 Amateurs Mewtwo
3rd Queensland Mint 23/12/2019 [QLD] Currumbin RSL #29 Smash Bros. Bracket Mewtwo
2nd Queensland Joz. 16/11/2019 [QLD] Coastal Clash 7 Ultimate Singles Bracket LucinaMewtwoYoung Link
129th Victoria Naan 10/11/2019 [VIC] Victorian Arcadian 2019: Best Of The Average VIC Arcadian Singles Mewtwo
17th Queensland Joz. 8/11/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 226 Friday Night Smash 226 LucinaMewtwo
13th South Australia Ninhon 3/11/2019 [SA] Smash @ UniSA #6 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #6 3/11 MewtwoShulkWolf
9th Queensland Joz. 2/11/2019 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD November 2019 Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles LucinaMewtwo
1st Queensland Joz. 25/10/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 224 Friday Night Smash 224 Redemption GanondorfLucinaMewtwo
5th South Australia Taicho 16/10/2019 [SA] WeeklyVAC #14 WeeklyVac #14 Bowser Jr.Mewtwo
7th Queensland Joz. 11/10/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 222 Friday Night Smash 222 LucinaMewtwo
13th Queensland Joz. 5/10/2019 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD October Ranking Battle Smash Ultimate Singles LucinaMewtwo
2nd Queensland Mint 30/09/2019 [QLD] Currumbin RSL#18 Smash Bros. Bracket Banjo & KazooieBowserMewtwo
25th Victoria Revax 29/09/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors September Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles MewtwoMii Gunner
2nd Queensland Joz. 28/09/2019 [QLD] QUTies' Super Showdown #2 SSQ 2 Amateurs IkeMewtwo
1st Queensland Joz. 21/09/2019 [QLD] Coastal Clash 5 Ultimate Singles Bracket LucinaMewtwo
5th New South Wales KingTide 10/09/2019 [NSW] AEL Open 4 - Lismore Workers Club Smash Bros. Bracket Mewtwo
3rd Queensland Mint 9/09/2019 [QLD] Currumbin RSL#15 Currumbin RSL#15 Banjo & KazooieBowserMewtwo
9th South Australia Ninhon 8/09/2019 [SA] Smash @ UniSA #4 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #4 MewtwoShulk
2nd Queensland Mint 26/08/2019 [QLD] Currumbin RSL#13 Currumbin RSL#13 BowserMewtwo
17th New South Wales SaucyDancer 25/08/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #13 Ultimate Singles Mewtwo
2nd Queensland Joz. 24/08/2019 [QLD] Coastal Clash 4 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket LucinaMewtwo
3rd South Australia Taicho 23/08/2019 [SA] EVAC August 2019 Evac August 2019 GreninjaMewtwo
2nd South Australia Taicho 21/08/2019 [SA] WeeklyVAC #6 WeeklyVAC #6 GreninjaMewtwo
2nd Queensland Mint 20/08/2019 [NSW] AEL Open - Lismore Workers Club Smash Bros. Bracket BowserMewtwo
7th Queensland Mint 17/08/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 20 Ultimate Singles Pros Mewtwo
2nd Queensland Mint 17/08/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 20 Ultimate Singles Pools BowserMewtwo
2nd Queensland Mint 12/08/2019 [QLD] Currumbin RSL#11 Currumbin RSL#11 BowserMewtwo
1st Queensland Mint 29/07/2019 [QLD] Currumbin RSL#9 Currumbin RSL #9 BowserMewtwo
3rd Queensland Mint 13/07/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 19 Pools BowserMewtwo
3rd Queensland Mint 13/07/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 19 Smash by the Beach 19 Amateurs BowserMewtwo
2nd Queensland Mint 8/07/2019 [QLD] Currumbin RSL#6 Currumbin RSL #6 BowserMewtwo
4th Queensland Mint 1/07/2019 [QLD] Currumbin RSL#5 Currumbin RSL #5 BowserMewtwo
13th South Australia Ninhon 23/06/2019 [SA] Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #2 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #2 MewtwoShulk
1st Queensland Mint 17/06/2019 [QLD] Currumbin RSL#3 Currumbin RSL #3 BowserMewtwo
4th Queensland Mint 16/06/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 18 Pools BowserMewtwo
1st Queensland Mint 16/06/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 18 Smash by the Beach 18 Amateurs BowserMewtwo
7th Queensland Joz. 7/06/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 204 Friday Night Smash 204 LucinaMewtwo
13th New South Wales El Chimpe 6/06/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 30 Super Smashin Thursdays 30 - Ultimate Singles Mewtwo
3rd Queensland Mint 3/06/2019 [QLD] Currumbin RSL #1 Smash Bros. Bracket BowserMewtwo
17th New South Wales El Chimpe 30/05/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 29 Super Smashin Thursdays 29 - Ultimate Singles Mewtwo
25th Queensland Mint 25/05/2019 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD May Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket BowserMewtwo
4th Queensland Mint 25/05/2019 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD May Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pools BowserMewtwo
3rd Queensland Joz. 25/05/2019 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD May Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pools LucinaMewtwo
5th New South Wales El Chimpe 23/05/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 28 Super Smashin Thursdays 28 - Ultimate Singles Mewtwo
2nd Queensland Mint 11/05/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 17 Pools BowserMewtwo
17th Queensland Cajeck 3/05/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 199 Friday Night Smash 199 Mewtwo
2nd Queensland Cajeck 3/05/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 199 Friday Night Smash 199 B Mewtwo
3rd Queensland Cajeck 30/04/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 19 Tuesday Night Fights 19 Mewtwo
13th Queensland Mint 28/04/2019 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD April Ranbat Smash Ultimate Redemption Bracket Mewtwo
4th Queensland Mint 28/04/2019 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD April Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pools BowserMewtwo
5th Queensland Mint 23/04/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 18 Tuesday Night Fights 18 BowserMewtwo
25th Victoria Hazzacka 14/04/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed April 2019 Stay Smashed April 2019 Singles Mewtwo
25th Australian Capital Territory Miss Inputs 10/04/2019 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 10 Ultimate Singles Bracket JigglypuffMewtwo
17th Victoria Hazzacka 9/04/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #15 Ultimate Singles Mewtwo
65th New South Wales SaucyDancer 31/03/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground 8 Singles Mewtwo
13th South Australia Ninhon 31/03/2019 [SA] Smash @ UniSA #1 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #1 MewtwoShulk
25th Queensland SoMa 30/03/2019 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD March Ranbat CW QLD March Ranbat Amateurs IkeMewtwo
5th Queensland SoMa 30/03/2019 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD March Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pools IkeMewtwo
65th Victoria Ultra Instinct 23/03/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Ranbat March 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Mewtwo
25th Victoria Hazzacka 23/03/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Ranbat March 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Captain FalconMewtwo
33rd Australian Capital Territory Miss Inputs 20/03/2019 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 8 Ultimate Singles Bracket JigglypuffMewtwo
9th South Australia Ninhon 17/03/2019 [SA] Cheese League Round 3 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket MewtwoShulk
25th Victoria Hazzacka 12/03/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #11 Ultimate Singles Captain FalconMewtwo
0 Victoria Revax 3/03/2019 [VIC] Next Level Games Dandenong #9 Smash Ultimate #9 MewtwoMii GunnerPitRyu
49th New South Wales SaucyDancer 2/03/2019 [NSW] Phantom 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles LinkMewtwo
9th Victoria Jazzy 27/02/2019 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #11 Guf Ultimate 11 MewtwoYoshi
13th New South Wales SaucyDancer 24/02/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #7 Singles Mewtwo
13th South Australia Ninhon 24/02/2019 [SA] Cheese League #2 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket MewtwoShulk
5th Victoria Revax 24/02/2019 [VIC] Next Level Games Dandenong #8 Smash Ultimate #8 MewtwoMii Gunner
49th Victoria Ultra Instinct 23/02/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors February 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Mewtwo
2nd Victoria Extra 20/02/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #10 Guf Ultimate #10 Mewtwo
25th New South Wales SaucyDancer 12/02/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #61 Star Forge 61 Mewtwo
3rd Victoria Corvid 11/02/2019 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine 1 Smash @ TDG Mewtwo
5th Victoria Revax 10/02/2019 [VIC] Next Level Games Dandenong #7 Smash Ultimate #7 MewtwoRyu
3rd Victoria Extra 10/02/2019 [VIC] Next Level Games Dandenong #7 Smash Ultimate #7 Mewtwo
3rd Queensland Mint 10/02/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 14 Pools MewtwoPac-Man
33rd New South Wales SaucyDancer 5/02/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #60 Star Forge 60 Mewtwo
13th South Australia Ninhon 1/02/2019 [SA] EVAC February 2019 EVAC 1/02/2019 MewtwoShulk
33rd Victoria Jules 27/01/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Jan 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles CloudMewtwo
13th South Australia Ninhon 20/01/2019 [SA] Cheese League #1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket MewtwoShulk
4th Queensland SoMa 20/01/2019 [QLD] Caloundra Ultimate Smash 1 Ultimate Singles Pools IkeMewtwo
4th Queensland SoMa 20/01/2019 [QLD] Caloundra Ultimate Smash 1 Ultimate Singles Amateurs IkeMewtwo
17th Queensland Joz. 11/01/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 183 Friday Night Smash 183 LucinaMewtwoPit
7th Victoria Revax 6/01/2019 [VIC] Next Level Games Dandenong #2 Smash Ultimate #2 MewtwoRyu
9th Queensland Ari 5/01/2019 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD Smash Ultimate New Year Bash Bros Singles Pros IkeMewtwo
3rd Queensland Joz. 5/01/2019 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD Smash Ultimate New Year Bash Bros Couchwarriors QLD New Year Bash Amateurs MarthMewtwoPit
2nd Queensland Ari 5/01/2019 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD Smash Ultimate New Year Bash Bros Singles Bracket Mewtwo
25th Queensland Joz. 4/01/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 182 Friday Night Smash 182 MarthMewtwoPitRobin
9th Queensland Joz. 28/12/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 181 Friday Night Smash 181 MarthMewtwoRobin
17th Queensland Ari 22/12/2018 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD December Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pros Mewtwo
7th New Zealand Jarcino 22/12/2018 [NZ] Ramble's Late Night Ranbats #1 Ramble's Late Night Ranbats #1 Mewtwo
2nd Queensland Ari 22/12/2018 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD December Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Mewtwo
13th South Australia Ninhon 16/12/2018 [SA] Revival of SA #6 RoSA #6 Ultimate Singles MewtwoPit
9th Queensland Ari 16/12/2018 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 12 - Ultimate Smash by the Beach 12 Pros Mewtwo
9th Queensland BemaniAK 16/12/2018 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 12 - Ultimate Smash by the Beach 12 Amateurs IncineroarMewtwo
2nd Queensland Ari 16/12/2018 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 12 - Ultimate Pools Mewtwo
97th Victoria JASP 15/12/2018 [VIC] CouchWarriors Crossup Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Mewtwo
33rd Queensland Joz. 14/12/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 179 Friday Night Smash 179 MarthMewtwo
25th Queensland Ari 14/12/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 179 Friday Night Smash 179 Mewtwo
17th Victoria Alfonzo 14/12/2018 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate 1 Ultimate Nekocards #1 Mewtwo
7th Queensland Joz. 14/12/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 179 Friday Night Smash 179 Redemption MarthMewtwo
5th Queensland Ari 14/12/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 179 Friday Night Smash 179 Redemption Mewtwo