
17th New South Wales Sheeeep 17/03/2025 [NSW] Offstage #105 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Mr. Game and WatchWario
13th New South Wales Sheeeep 10/03/2025 [NSW] Offstage #104 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
17th New South Wales Sheeeep 2/03/2025 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #36 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Mr. Game and WatchWario
4th New South Wales Sheeeep 2/03/2025 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #36 Ultimate Singles Bracket Mr. Game and WatchWario
13th New South Wales Sheeeep 24/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #103 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Mr. Game and WatchWario
49th Western Australia Cyrcadia 23/02/2025 [WA] Journey to the West Ultimate Singles Wario
5th Western Australia Cyrcadia 23/02/2025 [WA] Journey to the West Ultimate Redemption Bracket Wario
49th Western Australia Cyrcadia 20/02/2025 [WA] College Dropout #32-Planet Royale Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia Cyrcadia 19/02/2025 [WA] College Dropout #31- Johnny Fox's Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th New South Wales Sheeeep 17/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #102 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
17th Western Australia Cyrcadia 16/02/2025 [WA] Late Registration: Christian Curry edition Ultimate Singles Wario
5th Western Australia Cyrcadia 6/02/2025 [WA] College Dropout #29 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Sumi 4/02/2025 [NSW] Offstage #101 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination BylethCloudDiddy KongSteveWario
7th Western Australia Cyrcadia 30/01/2025 [WA] College Dropout #28 (at Johnny Fox's) Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 23/01/2025 [WA] College Dropout #27 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th Western Australia Cyrcadia 21/01/2025 [WA] Knockout Series January 2025 Monthly Ultimate Singles Wario
17th Western Australia Cyrcadia 16/01/2025 [WA] College Dropout #26 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 8/01/2025 [WA] College Dropout #25 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 2/01/2025 [WA] College Dropout #24 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th Western Australia Cyrcadia 18/12/2024 [WA] College Dropout #23 Last Call 2024 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia Cyrcadia 15/12/2024 [WA] Knockout Series December Monthly / AWARDS NIGHT 2024 Ultimate Singles Wario
7th Western Australia Cyrcadia 11/12/2024 [WA] College Dropout #22 (at OBJs) Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 4/12/2024 [WA] College Dropout #21 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th Western Australia Cyrcadia 27/11/2024 [WA] College Dropout #20 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th Western Australia Cyrcadia 20/11/2024 [WA] College Dropout #19 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th New South Wales Sheeeep 10/11/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #32 Ultimate Singles Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 9/11/2024 [WA] Late Registration Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 6/11/2024 [WA] College Dropout #18 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 3/11/2024 [WA] Knockout Series November 2024 Monthly Ultimate Singles Wario
13th New South Wales Sheeeep 30/10/2024 [NSW] Offstage #90 - Halloween Edition Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 30/10/2024 [WA] College Dropout #17 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 21/10/2024 [WA] Enigma #130 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 16/10/2024 [WA] College Dropout #15 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 2/10/2024 [WA] College Dropout #13 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia Cyrcadia 29/09/2024 [WA] CouchWarriors WA September 2024 Ranbat Ultimate Singles Wario
3rd Western Australia Cyrcadia 29/09/2024 [WA] CouchWarriors WA September 2024 Ranbat Ultimate Redemption Bracket Wario
2nd Victoria DD 29/09/2024 [VIC] RMIT Games Day #11 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Coleman 16/09/2024 [NSW] Offstage 88 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
17th New South Wales Thrillhouse 1/09/2024 [NSW] Floating Point 2024 Ultimate Singles Wario
3rd Victoria DD 1/09/2024 [NSW] Floating Point 2024 Ultimate Singles Wario
17th Western Australia Cyrcadia 25/08/2024 [WA] CouchWarriors WA August 2024 Ranbat Ultimate Singles Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 21/08/2024 [WA] College Dropout #8 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 14/08/2024 [WA] College Dropout #7 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 7/08/2024 [WA] College Dropout #6 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 31/07/2024 [WA] College Dropout #5 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 29/07/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 113 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 29/07/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 113 Ultimate Singles Top 4 Wario
33rd Western Australia Cyrcadia 28/07/2024 [WA] CouchWarriors WA July 2024 Ranbat Ultimate Singles Wario
5th Western Australia Cyrcadia 28/07/2024 [WA] CouchWarriors WA July 2024 Ranbat Ultimate Redemption Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 22/07/2024 [WA] Enigma #124 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New Zealand Aluf 20/07/2024 [NZ] 350 Free For All #51 Ultimate Singles 1v1 Pools JigglypuffWario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 15/07/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 111 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th Victoria DD 7/07/2024 [VIC] Phantom 2024 Ultimate Singles Wario
17th Western Australia Cyrcadia 26/06/2024 [WA] College Dropout #2 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 19/06/2024 [WA] College Dropout Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th Western Australia Cyrcadia 17/06/2024 [WA] Enigma #123 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 13/06/2024 [WA] Curtin Call #16 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd Victoria Pelipper Piccolo 10/06/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #228 Pixel SMASH Bracket LuigiMii GunnerPichuWario
3rd New South Wales Sheeeep 8/06/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 28 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 8/06/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 28 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Johto 8/06/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 28 Ultimate Singles Bracket FalcoLucinaPitWarioWolf
7th Western Australia Cyrcadia 3/06/2024 [WA] Enigma #122 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th Victoria DD 2/06/2024 [VIC] BAM 14 Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BAM 2024] Wario
4th Western Australia Cyrcadia 30/05/2024 [WA] Curtin Call #14 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Sheeeep 26/05/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Cat in the Hat does a backflip Ultimate Singles Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 26/05/2024 [WA] CouchWarriors WA May 2024 Ranbat Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 23/05/2024 [WA] Curtin Call #13 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th Western Australia Cyrcadia 20/05/2024 [WA] Enigma #121 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd Victoria DD 19/05/2024 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash May 2024 Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
1st Victoria DD 19/05/2024 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash May 2024 Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
17th New South Wales Sheeeep 13/05/2024 [NSW] Offstage 73 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
9th Victoria Mexi 13/05/2024 [VIC] Pixel Smash #224 Pixel SMASH Bracket Pac-ManWario
2nd Victoria DD 12/05/2024 [TAS] FIST 2024 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 9/05/2024 [WA] Curtin Call #11 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 2/05/2024 [WA] Curtin Call #10 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 22/04/2024 [WA] Enigma #120 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 22/04/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 99 Ultimate Singles Bracket WarioWolf
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 18/04/2024 [WA] Curtin Call #8 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Coleman 15/04/2024 [NSW] Offstage 70 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 15/04/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 98 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th Western Australia Cyrcadia 14/04/2024 [WA] Murdoch Monthly - April Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
3rd Western Australia Cyrcadia 14/04/2024 [WA] Murdoch Monthly - April Ultimate Singles Round Robin Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 10/04/2024 [WA] Curtin Call #7 Ultimate Singles Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 4/04/2024 [WA] Curtin Call #6 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th Western Australia Cyrcadia 24/03/2024 [WA] CouchWarriors WA March 2024 Ranbat Ultimate Singles Wario
17th Western Australia Cyrcadia 18/03/2024 [WA] Enigma #118 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 18/03/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 95 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Thrillhouse 11/03/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 94 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 10/03/2024 [WA] Murdoch Monthly - March 2024 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
3rd Western Australia Cyrcadia 10/03/2024 [WA] Murdoch Monthly - March 2024 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Wario
9th Western Australia Cyrcadia 7/03/2024 [WA] Curtin Call #2 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th Western Australia Cyrcadia 4/03/2024 [WA] Enigma #117 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 4/03/2024 [NSW] City Diggers #93 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st Victoria DD 2/03/2024 [VIC] CouchWarriors March Ranbat 2024 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pools Wario
25th New South Wales Sheeeep 26/02/2024 [NSW] OffStage #66 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 25/02/2024 [WA] CouchWarriors WA February 2024 Ranbat Ultimate Singles Wario
17th New South Wales Sheeeep 19/02/2024 [NSW] Offstage #65 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 19/02/2024 [WA] Enigma #116 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 19/02/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 91 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Coleman 12/02/2024 [NSW] Offstage #64 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
5th Victoria DD 11/02/2024 [VIC] Super Duper Sunshine Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
4th Victoria DD 8/02/2024 [VIC] Super Duper Pixel Smash Pixel SMASH Bracket Wario
25th Western Australia Cyrcadia 5/02/2024 [WA] Enigma #115 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Sheeeep 5/02/2024 [NSW] OffStage #63 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
1st Victoria DD 5/02/2024 [VIC] The Super Duper Stomping Ground Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th Victoria DD 3/02/2024 [VIC] CouchWarriors February Ranbat 2024 Smash Ultimate Singles Top 24 Wario
1st Victoria DD 3/02/2024 [VIC] CouchWarriors February Ranbat 2024 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pools Wario
4th New South Wales Thrillhouse 29/01/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 88 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia Cyrcadia 22/01/2024 [WA] Enigma #114 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th New South Wales Sheeeep 22/01/2024 [NSW] Offstage #61 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 22/01/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 87 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New Zealand iDeeKay 20/01/2024 [NZ] Respawn Platform #60 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th New South Wales Sheeeep 14/01/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #23 Ultimate Singles Wario
7th New South Wales Coleman 14/01/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #23 Ultimate Singles Wario
4th Victoria DD 14/01/2024 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash January 2024 Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
1st Victoria DD 14/01/2024 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash January 2024 Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
13th Western Australia Cyrcadia 8/01/2024 [WA] Enigma #113 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th New South Wales Sheeeep 8/01/2024 [NSW] Offstage #60 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
17th Western Australia Cyrcadia 7/01/2024 [WA] CouchWarriors WA January 2024 Ranbat Ultimate Singles Wario
9th New South Wales Sheeeep 7/01/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, 2024 edition Ultimate Singles Wario
17th Western Australia Cyrcadia 18/12/2023 [WA] Enigma #112 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Coleman 18/12/2023 [NSW] OffStage #59 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
4th New South Wales Thrillhouse 18/12/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Christmas 2023 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd Victoria DD 17/12/2023 [VIC] CouchWarriors Crossup 2023 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [CWCM] Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 11/12/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 86 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
65th New South Wales Sheeeep 9/12/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #22 Ultimate Singles Wario
13th New South Wales Thrillhouse 9/12/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #22 Ultimate Singles Wario
17th New South Wales Coleman 3/12/2023 [QLD] Pissmas 4 Ultimate Singles Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 30/11/2023 [QLD] Smash by the Bar Ultimate singles Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 23/11/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 83 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th Western Australia Cyrcadia 12/11/2023 [WA] Murdoch Monthly - November 2023 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Wario
2nd Victoria DD 12/11/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #200 Pixel SMASH Ultimate (Main Bracket) Wario
2nd New South Wales Coleman 12/11/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, 3rd Last SBB for the Year Ultimate Singles Wario
17th Western Australia Cyrcadia 6/11/2023 [WA] Enigma #109 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Hoodwink 6/11/2023 [WA] Enigma #109 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Coleman 5/11/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #21 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Coleman 5/11/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #21 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Thrillhouse 4/11/2023 [NSW] Sets by the Sea Smash Ultimate Singles Top 12 Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 4/11/2023 [NSW] Sets by the Sea Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
33rd Western Australia Cyrcadia 29/10/2023 [WA] CouchWarriors WA October 2023 Ranbat Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd New South Wales Coleman 29/10/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Moey’s return Ultimate Singles Wario
17th New Zealand Ket 22/10/2023 [NZ] Down Underdog II Ultimate Amateur Singles Bracket Wario
13th New South Wales Sheeeep 16/10/2023 [NSW] Offstage 54 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
2nd New South Wales Coleman 16/10/2023 [NSW] Offstage 54 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
5th South Australia KyoKyle 15/10/2023 [SA] Big Cheese 4 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
1st South Australia KyoKyle 15/10/2023 [SA] Big Cheese 4 Smash Ultimate Singles Redemption Bracket Wario
25th South Australia KyoKyle 11/10/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac: Small Cheese 2023 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th United Kingdom Dull_Bulb 11/10/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #52 - DullBulb Main Reveal Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th New South Wales Sheeeep 8/10/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #20 Ultimate Singles Mr. Game and WatchWario
9th New Zealand iDeeKay 8/10/2023 [NZ] Southern Cross Up 2023 Main Game: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Bracket Final Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Coleman 8/10/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #20 Ultimate Singles Wario
17th Victoria Mexi 1/10/2023 [VIC] RMIT Games Day #1 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket Pac-ManWario
13th South Australia KyoKyle 27/09/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #162 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 27/09/2023 [NSW] Offstage #51 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
25th Victoria Mexi 17/09/2023 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash September 2023 Smash Ultimate Singles Pac-ManWario
9th South Australia KyoKyle 13/09/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #160 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th South Australia KyoKyle 10/09/2023 [SA] Cheese League September 2023 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New Zealand Aluf 9/09/2023 [NZ] SeaSideSmash #27 Smash Ultimate 1v1 Top 8 MarioMetaknightPalutenaWario
7th New South Wales Bonsai 7/09/2023 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #35 Ultimate Singles Round Robin FalcoPac-ManWario
13th South Australia KyoKyle 30/08/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #159 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd United Kingdom Dull_Bulb 30/08/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #46 - We Are So Back Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
65th New South Wales Thrillhouse 27/08/2023 [NSW] Floating Point Ultimate Singles Wario
25th New South Wales Coleman 27/08/2023 [NSW] Floating Point Ultimate Singles Wario
5th United Kingdom Dull_Bulb 27/08/2023 [NZ] Welly Ranbats BLACKOUT IS GOING TO RIYADH WELLINGTON IS THE BEST REGION FREE Smash Ultimate Bracket Wario
17th New South Wales Coleman 24/08/2023 [NSW] Pre-point offstage Ultimate Singles Wario
13th New South Wales Thrillhouse 23/08/2023 [NSW] C’town Floating Down Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th Victoria Mexi 20/08/2023 [VIC] Pixel Arcadian Super Smash Bro's Utimate Singles Pools Pac-ManWario
3rd New Zealand Aluf 20/08/2023 [NZ] Waikato Arena Rampage 2023 Main Game - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bowser Jr.Captain FalconMarioMetaknightWario
1st New South Wales Coleman 20/08/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Floating Point is next week Ultimate Singles Wario
9th South Australia KyoKyle 16/08/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #157 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia LoneZen 13/08/2023 [WA] Murdoch Monthly - August 2023 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 10/08/2023 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #34 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 10/08/2023 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #34 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
4th United Kingdom Dull_Bulb 9/08/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #43 - Thunder! Fire! Freeze! Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th United Kingdom Dull_Bulb 6/08/2023 [NZ] Respawn Platform #50 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th New South Wales Coleman 5/08/2023 [QLD] Baiting Camping & Fishing 1 Ultimate singles Wario
5th United Kingdom Dull_Bulb 2/08/2023 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #42 - Snake? Snake!? Snaaaake! Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Thrillhouse 27/07/2023 [NSW] C Town Beatdown 33 Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles Wario
13th South Australia KyoKyle 26/07/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #154 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket KazuyaTerryWario
9th New South Wales Thrillhouse 24/07/2023 [NSW] City Diggers #67 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th New South Wales Thrillhouse 22/07/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #18 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 22/07/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #18 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 22/07/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #18 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Coleman 22/07/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #18 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th South Australia KyoKyle 19/07/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #153 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket KazuyaTerryWario
2nd New South Wales Coleman 16/07/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Protein Cream Puffs Enjoyer Ultimate Singles Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 13/07/2023 [NSW] CTown Beatdown #32 Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles Wario
1st New South Wales Coleman 9/07/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, No Thieves Are Allowed Ultimate Singles Wario
9th South Australia KyoKyle 5/07/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #151 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket TerryWario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 28/06/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #150 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket TerryWario
9th South Australia KyoKyle 21/06/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #149 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket TerryWario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 20/06/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 62 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Coleman 18/06/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Dawg in me Ultimate Singles Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 15/06/2023 [NSW] C'town Beatdown 30 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 14/06/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #148 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket TerryWario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 13/06/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 61 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
97th New South Wales Thrillhouse 11/06/2023 [VIC] BAM 13 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2023] Wario
33rd South Australia KyoKyle 8/06/2023 [VIC] BAM 13 Salty Suite Smash Ultimate Singles TerryWario
9th South Australia KyoKyle 4/06/2023 [SA] Cheese League June 2023 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket TerryWario
9th New South Wales Ramos 4/06/2023 [NSW] MegaLAN T2 - Atlantis Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket Wario
17th New South Wales Thrillhouse 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
17th New South Wales Sheeeep 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Coleman 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Ramos 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Bracket Donkey KongWario
4th New South Wales Sheeeep 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Coleman 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 1/06/2023 [NSW] C'town Beat down 29 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Wario
13th South Australia KyoKyle 31/05/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #146 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket TerryWario
13th New South Wales Sheeeep 29/05/2023 [NSW] Offstage #43 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 29/05/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 59 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th New South Wales Ramos 28/05/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros: Moey’s Trade Offer Ultimate Singles Donkey KongWario
9th New South Wales Sheeeep 28/05/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros: Moey’s Trade Offer Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd New South Wales Coleman 28/05/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros: Moey’s Trade Offer Ultimate Singles Wario
9th South Australia KyoKyle 24/05/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #145 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket TerryWario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 22/05/2023 [NSW] City Diggers #58 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Jam 15/05/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 57 Ultimate Singles Bracket Pyra / MythraWario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 15/05/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 57 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th New South Wales Sheeeep 14/05/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Moey's birthday bash Ultimate Singles Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 10/05/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #143 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket TerryWario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 8/05/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 56 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th New South Wales Thrillhouse 6/05/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 16 Ultimate Singles Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 6/05/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 16 Ultimate Singles Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 4/05/2023 [NSW] C'town Beat down 28 Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles Wario
13th South Australia KyoKyle 30/04/2023 [SA] SA Arcadian 3 Ultimate Singles Top 16 Wario
2nd South Australia KyoKyle 30/04/2023 [SA] SA Arcadian 3 Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 20/04/2023 [NSW] CTown Beatdown #27 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 20/04/2023 [NSW] CTown Beatdown #27 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 18/04/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 54 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Coleman 17/04/2023 [NSW] Offstage #40 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
1st New South Wales Coleman 16/04/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Mario movie Multiverse Ultimate Singles Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 15/04/2023 [SA] Cheese League April 2023 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 12/04/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #140 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th New Zealand street_ 8/04/2023 [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2023 - Episode #2 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket Bowser Jr.Wario
7th South Australia KyoKyle 7/04/2023 [SA] BonusVac #23 Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
13th South Australia KyoKyle 5/04/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #139 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 3/04/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 52 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th New South Wales Sheeeep 2/04/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #15 Ultimate Singles Wario
17th New South Wales Thrillhouse 2/04/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #15 Ultimate Singles Wario
13th South Australia KyoKyle 29/03/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #138 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 28/03/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 51 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th Victoria Mexi 27/03/2023 [VIC] Pixel Smash #166 Pixel SMASH Bracket Pac-ManWario
13th South Australia KyoKyle 22/03/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #137 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Coleman 21/03/2023 [NSW] Offstage 38 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
9th South Australia KyoKyle 15/03/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #136 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 14/03/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 49 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th New South Wales Coleman 12/03/2023 [VIC] The Game Expo Smash Ultimate - The Game Expo Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 9/03/2023 [NSW] C'town Beat down 24 Ultimate Singles Double Elim Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 8/03/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #135 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 7/03/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 48 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 5/03/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #14 Ultimate Singles Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 1/03/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #134 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Thrillhouse 28/02/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 47 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Coleman 27/02/2023 [NSW] Offstage #36 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
5th South Australia KyoKyle 24/02/2023 [SA] BonusVac #21 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 23/02/2023 [NSW] C'town Beat down 23 Ultimate Singles Double Elim Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 22/02/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #133 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Coleman 19/02/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Egoist Straika Ultimate Singles Wario
7th South Australia KyoKyle 15/02/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #132 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Coleman 12/02/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, What does Pot of Greed do? Ultimate Singles Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 11/02/2023 [SA] Cheese League February 2023 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th South Australia KyoKyle 11/02/2023 [SA] Cheese League February 2023 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 9/02/2023 [NSW] C’Town Beatdown #22 Ultimate Singles Double Elim Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 8/02/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #131 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Coleman 6/02/2023 [NSW] Offstage #33 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
25th New South Wales Thrillhouse 4/02/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #13 Ultimate Singles Wario
25th New South Wales Sheeeep 4/02/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #13 Ultimate Singles Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 4/02/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #13 Ultimate Singles Wario
25th Western Australia Temper 1/02/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 01/02/2023 Smashfest - 1st February 2023 Bracket Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 1/02/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #130 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Coleman 30/01/2023 [NSW] OffStage 32 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 29/01/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Friendship With Ben Ended, Mike_Kool Is My New Bestfriend Ultimate Singles Wario
4th South Australia KyoKyle 27/01/2023 [SA] BonusVac #20 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th South Australia KyoKyle 25/01/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #129 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia Temper 25/01/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 25/01/23 Smashfest - 25th January 2023 Bracket Wario
65th New South Wales Thrillhouse 22/01/2023 [ACT] The Action Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
5th Victoria DD 22/01/2023 [ACT] The Action Smash Ultimate Singles KazuyaWario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 22/01/2023 [ACT] The Action The Action Silver Ammies Wario
49th New South Wales Thrillhouse 20/01/2023 [ACT] The Action: Frame 1 Ultimate Singles Wario
13th South Australia KyoKyle 18/01/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #128 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Thrillhouse 12/01/2023 [NSW] C’town Beatdown #21 Ultimate Singles Double Elim Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 11/01/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #127 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
33rd New South Wales Sheeeep 8/01/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, An Average Bracket Ultimate Singles Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 29/12/2022 [NSW] C' Town Beat Down #20 Ultimate Singles Double Elim Wario
9th New South Wales Sheeeep 19/12/2022 [NSW] Offstage #29 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
1st New South Wales Shmu 19/12/2022 [NSW] Offstage #29 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination MarthPikachuWario
5th New South Wales Coleman 18/12/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros. A Very Meowy Christmas Ultimate Singles Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 14/12/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #125 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th South Australia KyoKyle 11/12/2022 [SA] Cheese League December 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th South Australia KyoKyle 11/12/2022 [SA] Cheese League December 2022 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 6/12/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 46 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 6/12/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 45 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Thrillhouse 29/11/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 44 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 24/11/2022 [NSW] C''Town Beat Down #18 Ultimate Singles Double Elim Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 24/11/2022 [NSW] C''Town Beat Down #18 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 23/11/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #122 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd Victoria DD 22/11/2022 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #117 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 22/11/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 43 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th Victoria DD 20/11/2022 [VIC] CouchWarriors CrossUp 2022 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [CWC 2022] Wario
9th South Australia KyoKyle 18/11/2022 [SA] BonusVac #18 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd South Australia Jon Bombo 18/11/2022 [SA] BonusVac #18 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Ice ClimbersLucasMetaknightToon LinkWario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 15/11/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 42 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th New South Wales Coleman 12/11/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #10 Ultimate Singles Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 8/11/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 41 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd Victoria DD 8/11/2022 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #115 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th New South Wales Coleman 6/11/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, !bracket Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 1/11/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 40 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
65th New South Wales Coleman 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Wario
65th New South Wales Thrillhouse 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Wario
17th New South Wales Coleman 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Big Cheese 3 - Ultimate Redemption Bracket Wario
5th Victoria DD 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Big Cheese 3 - Ultimate Redemption Bracket Wario
5th Victoria DD 27/10/2022 [SA] The Medium Cheese 2022 Ultimate Singles Wario
25th South Australia KyoKyle 19/10/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #119 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd Victoria DD 18/10/2022 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #112 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th South Australia KyoKyle 14/10/2022 [SA] Secret Round Robin Evac Robbing Vac 2 Wario
4th South Australia KyoKyle 14/10/2022 [SA] Secret Round Robin Evac Secret BonusVac RR C - 14/10/22 Wario
25th South Australia KyoKyle 12/10/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #118 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th New South Wales Thrillhouse 11/10/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 37 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th Western Australia Turk 9/10/2022 [WA] Sundays @ Subi #7 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 6/10/2022 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #15 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 4/10/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 36 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th New South Wales Thrillhouse 2/10/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #9 Ultimate Singles Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 2/10/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #9 Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd Victoria DD 1/10/2022 [VIC] CouchWarriors October Ranbat 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 27/09/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 35 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 23/09/2022 [SA] BonusVac #15 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st Victoria DD 22/09/2022 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #100 Smash Ultimate Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 20/09/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 34 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th New South Wales Coleman 18/09/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Moey's Mog Mania Ultimate Singles Wario
9th United Kingdom Dull_Bulb 18/09/2022 [NZ] Wellington Ranbats 18/09/2022 Smash Ultimate Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 15/09/2022 [NSW] C’Town Beatdown #13 Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
9th United Kingdom Dull_Bulb 14/09/2022 [NZ] Techable Moments #1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 13/09/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 33 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Coleman 12/09/2022 [NSW] OffStage #19 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Wario
9th New South Wales Thrillhouse 3/09/2022 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #8 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 3/09/2022 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #8 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 30/08/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 32 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 16/08/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 30 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th New South Wales Coleman 14/08/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping Arcadian Ultimate Singles Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 14/08/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping Arcadian Ultimate Singles Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 11/08/2022 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #10 Ultimate Singles Double Elim Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 11/08/2022 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #10 Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
3rd Victoria DD 6/08/2022 [VIC] CouchWarriors August Ranbat 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Victoria DD 5/08/2022 [VIC] Temple Smash #31 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 4/08/2022 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #9 Ultimate Singles Main bracket Wario
13th South Australia KyoKyle 3/08/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #109 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 2/08/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 28 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st Victoria DD 31/07/2022 [VIC] Super Sunshine July 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd Victoria DD 29/07/2022 [VIC] Temple Smash #30 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th South Australia KyoKyle 27/07/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #108 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 26/07/2022 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #8 Ultimate Singles Main bracket Wario
2nd Victoria DD 26/07/2022 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #100 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 26/07/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 27 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
193rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 17/07/2022 [NSW] Phantom 2022 Ultimate singles Wario
49th New South Wales Coleman 17/07/2022 [NSW] Phantom 2022 Ultimate singles Wario
2nd Victoria DD 17/07/2022 [NSW] Phantom 2022 Ultimate singles Wario
129th New South Wales Thrillhouse 15/07/2022 [NSW] Battle Kat Bunker: The Phantom Hour Ultimate Singles Wario
49th New South Wales Coleman 15/07/2022 [NSW] Battle Kat Bunker: The Phantom Hour Ultimate Singles Wario
5th Victoria DD 15/07/2022 [NSW] Battle Kat Bunker: The Phantom Hour Ultimate Singles Wario
17th Victoria DD 14/07/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Ghostly Grind Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th South Australia Stawz 10/07/2022 [SA] Cheese League July 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket MarioWarioWolf
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 7/07/2022 [NSW] C'town Beat down 7 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 7/07/2022 [NSW] C'town Beat down 7 Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
3rd Victoria DD 2/07/2022 [VIC] CouchWarriors July Ranbat 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd New Zealand Aluf 2/07/2022 [NZ] SeaSideSmash #21 Smash Ultimate 1v1 Top 8 Bowser Jr.Diddy KongFoxMetaknightWario
9th New South Wales Coleman 1/07/2022 [SA] BonusVac #9 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 28/06/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 23 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Coleman 24/06/2022 [NSW] StarForge #119 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 21/06/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 22 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st Victoria DD 18/06/2022 [VIC] E15 x Kanga SSBU Singles Bracket Wario
4th Victoria DD 13/06/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #126 Pixel SMASH Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Thrillhouse 7/06/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 20 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Thrillhouse 4/06/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 7 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 4/06/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 7 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st Victoria DD 4/06/2022 [VIC] CouchWarriors June Ranbat 2022 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 2/06/2022 [NSW] C'Town Beatdown #5 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 2/06/2022 [NSW] C'Town Beatdown #5 Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 31/05/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 19 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Coleman 27/05/2022 [NSW] StarForge #116 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Wario
2nd New South Wales Coleman 27/05/2022 [NSW] StarForge #116 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Wario
1st Victoria DD 27/05/2022 [VIC] Temple Smash #23 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 24/05/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 18 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
97th New South Wales Thrillhouse 15/05/2022 [VIC] BAM 12 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2022] Wario
7th Victoria DD 15/05/2022 [VIC] BAM 12 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2022] Wario
2nd Victoria DD 12/05/2022 [VIC] Pre-BAM Pixel Smash Pixel SMASH Wario
7th Victoria DD 11/05/2022 [VIC] Super Salty Suite Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
5th Victoria DD 10/05/2022 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #94 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 10/05/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 16 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Thrillhouse 26/04/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 14 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th New South Wales Coleman 22/04/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Green Hill Zone Super Barista Bros, Green Hill Zone Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 21/04/2022 [NSW] C’town Beat Down #1 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Coleman 10/04/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, The Rise of the Lasagna Ultimate Singles Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 5/04/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 11 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th New South Wales Thrillhouse 2/04/2022 [NSW] Okay This is Epping 5 Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Coleman 2/04/2022 [NSW] Okay This is Epping 5 Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Coleman 2/04/2022 [NSW] Okay This is Epping 5 Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 2/04/2022 [NSW] Okay This is Epping 5 Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 29/03/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 10 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 22/03/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 9 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 15/03/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 8 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th New South Wales Thrillhouse 14/03/2022 [NSW] Offstage 2 Offstage 2 Wario
5th New South Wales Coleman 6/03/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Sunday Sizzle Ultimate Singles Wario
9th Tasmania Mario 13/01/2022 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #84 Ultimate Singles Bracket King DededeWario
5th Victoria DD 3/01/2022 [VIC] Pixel Smash #106 Pixel SMASH Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Thrillhouse 21/12/2021 [NSW] OffStage 1 OffStage 1 Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 20/12/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 21 Central Sydney Skirmish 21 Wario
17th Victoria Leshy 19/12/2021 [VIC] CouchWarriors Christmas 2021 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 16/12/2021 [NSW] City Diggers 6 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Coleman 12/12/2021 [NSW] The Kanga Invitational Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
4th New South Wales Coleman 12/12/2021 [NSW] Super Barista Bros. Table For Five Super Barista Bros. Table For Five Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 9/12/2021 [NSW] City Diggers 5 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Thrillhouse 2/12/2021 [NSW] City Diggers 4 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Tasmania BigMac 25/11/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #77 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Victoria DD 21/11/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash 6 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
13th Tasmania BigMac 18/11/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #76 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 18/11/2021 [NSW] City Diggers 3 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th Western Australia yung_bruh 17/11/2021 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 17/11/21 Smashfest - 17th November 2021 Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 11/11/2021 [NSW] City Diggers 2 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 7/11/2021 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Double Shot Super Barista Bros, Double Shot Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 4/11/2021 [NSW] City Diggers 1 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th Victoria DD 1/11/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #98 Pixel SMASH Bracket Wario
13th New South Wales Coleman 31/10/2021 [NSW] Super Barista Bros Super Barista Bros Wario
9th Tasmania BigMac 28/10/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #73 Ultimate Singles Bracket WarioWolf
2nd Victoria DD 25/10/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #97 Pixel SMASH Bracket Wario
7th Tasmania BigMac 21/10/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #72 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th Tasmania BigMac 14/10/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #71 Ultimate Singles Bracket WarioWolf
5th Western Australia yung_bruh 6/10/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 6/10/21 Smashfest - 6th October 2021 Bracket Wario
2nd Western Australia yung_bruh 4/10/2021 [WA] Enigma #24 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd Tasmania Trucks 30/09/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #70 Ultimate Singles Bracket Captain FalconWario
9th Tasmania BigMac 23/09/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #69 Ultimate Singles Bracket WarioWolf
9th Western Australia yung_bruh 20/09/2021 [WA] Enigma #23 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Tasmania BigMac 9/09/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #67 Ultimate Singles Bracket WarioWolf
4th South Australia Jon Bombo 11/08/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #65 Ultimate WeeklyVac #65 (11/08/21) Toon LinkWarioYoung Link
33rd South Australia MOnKE????? 14/07/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #64 Ultimate WeeklyVac #64 (14/07/21) KazuyaWario
9th Western Australia Giorno69 14/07/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 14/07/21 Smashfest - 14th July 2021 Bracket Wario
4th South Australia Jon Bombo 14/07/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #64 Ultimate WeeklyVac #64 (14/07/21) Toon LinkWario
33rd South Australia MOnKE????? 7/07/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #63 Ultimate WeeklyVac #63 (07/07/21) KazuyaWario
9th Victoria DD 6/07/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #77 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th Victoria DD 28/06/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #93 Pixel SMASH Bracket Wario
4th Western Australia Giorno69 24/06/2021 [WA] Enigma #19 Enigma #19: Now with 1.0x knockback Wario
4th Victoria DD 21/06/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #92 Pixel SMASH Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 17/06/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs Wollongong June 17th 2021 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
4th Western Australia yung_bruh 17/06/2021 [WA] Enigma #18 Enigma #18 - E3 = Enigma, eGirls, ePizza Wario
13th New South Wales Thrillhouse 13/06/2021 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #3 Okay This Is Epping #3 Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 10/06/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs Wollongong June 10th 2021 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
5th Western Australia Giorno69 3/06/2021 [WA] Enigma #16 Enigma #16: Not presented by Knockout Series Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 3/06/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs Wollongong June 3rd 2021 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 27/05/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs Wollongong May 27th 2021 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
17th South Australia MOnKE????? 23/05/2021 [SA] Cheese League May 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League May Redemption ChromWario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 20/05/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs Wollongong May 20th 2021 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 13/05/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs Wollongong May 13th 2021 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
4th New South Wales Thrillhouse 6/05/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs Wollongong May 6th 2021 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 30/04/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs Wollongong April 29th 2021 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 24/04/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Newcastle Clashes #4 Super Smash Bros. Switch - Singles Bracket Wario
1st Western Australia Giorno69 22/04/2021 [WA] Enigma #12 Enigma #12: ft. Not Ryoh :( Wario
33rd South Australia MOnKE????? 21/04/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #53 Ultimate WeeklyVac #53 (21/04/21) Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 19/04/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs Wollongong April 15th 2021 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
5th Western Australia Giorno69 14/04/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 15/4/2021 Smashfest - 14th April 2021 Bracket Wario
3rd Victoria DD 11/04/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash #3 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
5th Western Australia Giorno69 8/04/2021 [WA] Enigma #10 Enigma #10: The Only Weekly (for this week anyway) Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 8/04/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs Wollongong April 8th 2021 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
17th South Australia Stawz 7/04/2021 [SA] WeeklyVac #51 Ultimate WeeklyVac #51 (07/04/21) Wario
5th Western Australia Giorno69 1/04/2021 [WA] Enigma #9 Enigma #9: The Most Convenient Tournament Wario
17th South Australia MOnKE????? 28/03/2021 [SA] El Queso League March Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th South Australia MOnKE????? 28/03/2021 [SA] El Queso League March El Queso League Redemption March 21 Wario
2nd Victoria DD 27/03/2021 [VIC] Couchwarriors March Ranbat 2021 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
13th New South Wales Coleman 26/03/2021 [NSW] Star Forge 114 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th Western Australia Giorno69 25/03/2021 [WA] Enigma #8 Enigma #8: The Senate Will Decide Your Fate Wario
4th New South Wales Thrillhouse 25/03/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs Wollongong March 25th 2021 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
2nd Victoria DD 23/03/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #67 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st Victoria DD 22/03/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine 66 SunshineSmash Bracket Wario
33rd South Australia MOnKE????? 14/03/2021 [SA] Cheese League March 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th South Australia MOnKE????? 14/03/2021 [SA] Cheese League March 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League March Ultimate Redemption Wario
4th Western Australia Giorno69 11/03/2021 [WA] Enigma #6 Enigma #6: BaeBlades, Let It Rip Wario
2nd Victoria DD 7/03/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash 2 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
9th Western Australia Giorno69 4/03/2021 [WA] Enigma #5 Mr. Sakurai presents: Enigma #5 Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 4/03/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong March 4 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
33rd New South Wales Coleman 26/02/2021 [NSW] Star Forge #112 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 25/02/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong February 25 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
7th Western Australia Giorno69 18/02/2021 [WA] Enigma #3 Enigma #3: Hold Forward Turtle's Fury Wario
5th Western Australia yung_bruh 18/02/2021 [WA] Enigma #3 Enigma #3: Hold Forward Turtle's Fury Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 18/02/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong February 18 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
49th South Australia MOnKE????? 14/02/2021 [SA] Cheese League February 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th South Australia MOnKE????? 14/02/2021 [SA] Cheese League February 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League February 2021 - Ultimate Redemption FalcoWarioWolf
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 11/02/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong February 11 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
17th New Zealand iDeeKay 5/02/2021 [NZ] Biggie III Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 4/02/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2021 Wollongong February 4 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
3rd Victoria DD 2/02/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #61 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New Zealand Aluf 30/01/2021 [NZ] Hit the Lab #1 Ultimate Singles DaisyMarioWario
7th Western Australia yung_bruh 28/01/2021 [WA] Enigma #2 Enigma #2: Enigma Max Wario
7th Western Australia Giorno69 28/01/2021 [WA] Enigma #2 Enigma #2: Enigma Max Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 28/01/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong January 28 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia Giorno69 27/01/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 27/01 Smashfest - 27th January Bracket Wario
3rd Victoria DD 26/01/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #74 Pixel SMASH Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Giorno69 21/01/2021 [WA] Enigma #1 Enigma #1: New Beginnings Wario
9th Western Australia yung_bruh 21/01/2021 [WA] Enigma #1 Enigma #1: New Beginnings Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 21/01/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong January 21 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
1st Victoria DD 18/01/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #59 SunshineSmash Bracket Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 14/01/2021 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong January 14 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
25th Western Australia Giorno69 13/01/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 13/01 Smashfest - 13th January Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia yung_bruh 13/01/2021 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 13/01 Smashfest - 13th January Bracket Wario
4th Victoria DD 10/01/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd Victoria DD 13/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Perfect 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Top 32 Wario
1st Victoria DD 13/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Perfect 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th Western Australia Giorno69 10/12/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #34 Smash at Sorrento #34 - And So I face, the Final Curtain... Wario
4th New South Wales Thrillhouse 10/12/2020 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong December 10 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
5th New Zealand iDeeKay 8/12/2020 [NZ] Built to Smash #10 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Double Elimination Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia yung_bruh 6/12/2020 [WA] Murdoch Presents Smash Bros in the CBD #2 Ultimate Singles Phase 1 Wario
13th Western Australia Giorno69 6/12/2020 [WA] Murdoch Presents Smash Bros in the CBD #2 Ultimate Singles Phase 1 Wario
1st New Zealand iDeeKay 5/12/2020 [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2020 #12 SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.12 2020 Bracket Wario
7th Western Australia yung_bruh 3/12/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #33 Smash at Sorrento #33 - And now the end is near... Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 3/12/2020 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong December 3 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Giorno69 2/12/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 02/12 Smashfest - 2nd December Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 26/11/2020 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong November 26 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
33rd Canada ImSoChove 20/11/2020 [NZ] Docked & Loaded Ultimate Singles Diddy KongWario
7th Western Australia yung_bruh 19/11/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #32 Smash at Sorrento #32 - Good luck with exams Wario
2nd New South Wales Thrillhouse 19/11/2020 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong November 19 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia yung_bruh 18/11/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 18/11 Smashfest - 18th November Bracket Wario
2nd Victoria DD 17/11/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #64 Outdoor Edition Pixel SMASH Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Bass 12/11/2020 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #20 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Dr. MarioKing DededeWario
5th New South Wales Thrillhouse 12/11/2020 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong November 12 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
4th Western Australia Giorno69 12/11/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #31 Smash at Sorrento #31 - Big Aura Energy Wario
17th Western Australia Giorno69 5/11/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #30 Smash at Sorrento #30 Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 5/11/2020 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong November 5 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Giorno69 29/10/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #29 Smash at Sorrento #29 Wario
3rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 29/10/2020 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong October 29 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia yung_bruh 21/10/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 22/10 Smashfest - 21st October Bracket Wario
7th New South Wales Thrillhouse 15/10/2020 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong October 15 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia yung_bruh 8/10/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #26 Smash at Sorrento #26 Wario
1st New South Wales Thrillhouse 8/10/2020 [NSW] AEL Clubs 2020 Wollongong October 8 Smash Bros. Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia Giorno69 30/09/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 30/09 Curtin Smashfest - 30th September Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Temper 22/09/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #25 Smash at Sorrento #25 FalcoHeroLucasRoyWario
5th Western Australia yung_bruh 22/09/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #25 Smash at Sorrento #25 Wario
5th Western Australia Giorno69 22/09/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #25 Smash at Sorrento #25 Wario
49th Western Australia Killeroo 20/09/2020 [WA] Murdoch Presents Smash Bros in the CBD #1 Ultimate Singles Phase 1 Wario
17th Western Australia yung_bruh 20/09/2020 [WA] Murdoch Presents Smash Bros in the CBD #1 Ultimate Singles Phase 1 Wario
17th Western Australia Giorno69 20/09/2020 [WA] Murdoch Presents Smash Bros in the CBD #1 Ultimate Singles Phase 1 Wario
25th Western Australia Killeroo 16/09/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 16/09 Curtin Smashfest - 16th September Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Giorno69 15/09/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #24 Smash at Sorrento #24 Wario
7th Western Australia yung_bruh 15/09/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #24 Smash at Sorrento #24 Wario
33rd Western Australia Killeroo 9/09/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 09/09 Curtin Smashfest - 9th September Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia yung_bruh 9/09/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 09/09 Curtin Smashfest - 9th September Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia Giorno69 8/09/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #23 Smash at Sorrento #23 Wario
33rd Western Australia Killeroo 2/09/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 02/09 Curtin Smashfest - 2nd September Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia Giorno69 1/09/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #22 Smash at Sorrento #22 Wario
5th Western Australia yung_bruh 1/09/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #22 Smash at Sorrento #22 Wario
33rd Western Australia Killeroo 26/08/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 26/08 Curtin Smashfest - 26th August Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Giorno69 25/08/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #21 Smash at Sorrento #21 Wario
9th Western Australia yung_bruh 25/08/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #21 Smash at Sorrento #21 Wario
49th Western Australia Killeroo 19/08/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 19/08 Curtin Smashfest - 19th August Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia Giorno69 18/08/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #20 Smash at Sorrento #20 Wario
7th Western Australia yung_bruh 18/08/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #20 Smash at Sorrento #20 Wario
33rd Western Australia Killeroo 12/08/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 12/08 Curtin Smashfest - 12th August Bracket Wario
13th Western Australia Giorno69 11/08/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #19 Smash at Sorrento #19 - Maccas fries suck get with it Wario
9th Western Australia yung_bruh 11/08/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #19 Smash at Sorrento #19 - Maccas fries suck get with it Wario
33rd Western Australia Killeroo 5/08/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 05/08 Curtin Smashfest - 5th August Bracket Wario
9th Western Australia yung_bruh 4/08/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #18 Smash at Sorrento #18 Wario
7th Western Australia Giorno69 4/08/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #18 Smash at Sorrento #18 Wario
33rd Western Australia Killeroo 29/07/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 29/07 Curtin Smashfest - 29th July Bracket Wario
7th Western Australia yung_bruh 28/07/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #17 Smash at Sorrento #17 Wario
13th Western Australia Giorno69 21/07/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #16 Smash at Sorrento #16 Wario
7th Western Australia yung_bruh 21/07/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #16 Smash at Sorrento #16 Wario
49th Western Australia Giorno69 15/07/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 15/07 Curtin Smashfest - 15th July Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia yung_bruh 15/07/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 15/07 Curtin Smashfest - 15th July Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia yung_bruh 14/07/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #15 Smash at Sorrento #15 Wario
9th Western Australia Giorno69 14/07/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #15 Smash at Sorrento #15 Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 12/07/2020 [NSW] BKB SMUSH: THE RETURN 02 BKB SMUSH: THE RETURN 02 Wario
17th Western Australia Giorno69 8/07/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 08/07 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 8/07/2020 [NSW] BKB SMUSH WEDNESDAYS 02 BKB SMUSH WEDNESDAYS 02 Wario
9th Western Australia yung_bruh 7/07/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #14 Smash at Sorrento #13 Wario
17th Western Australia yung_bruh 2/07/2020 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 2/7/20 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st New Zealand Aluf 7/06/2020 [NZ] Hambats 2020 - Round 4 SSBU Singles Bracket DaisyMarioWario
7th Queensland Nicc 14/03/2020 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD March 2020 Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
17th Western Australia yung_bruh 12/03/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #13 Smash at Sorrento #13 Wario
33rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 10/03/2020 [NSW] Star Forge #111 Star Forge #111 Wario
129th New South Wales Thrillhouse 7/03/2020 [NSW] Phantom 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
65th Queensland Nicc 7/03/2020 [NSW] Phantom 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
7th New South Wales Thrillhouse 7/03/2020 [NSW] Phantom 2020 Phantom amateurs Bracket Wario
5th Victoria DD 7/03/2020 [NSW] Phantom 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
49th Queensland Nicc 6/03/2020 [NSW] Star Forge #110 Star Forge #110 - Phantom Edition! Wario
13th Queensland Nicc 5/03/2020 [NSW] BKB SMUSH BOOTCAMP SEASON 1 WEEK 10 Dup Bracket 10 Wario
2nd Victoria DD 3/03/2020 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #59 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th New South Wales Coleman 1/03/2020 [NSW] BKB SMUSH SUNDAY SEASON 1 WEEK 9 Dup bracket 9 Wario
2nd Queensland Nicc 28/02/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 241 Friday Night Smash 241 Wario
25th Western Australia yung_bruh 27/02/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #12 Smash at Sorrento #12 Wario
7th New South Wales Thrillhouse 27/02/2020 [NSW] Super City Diggers Thursday Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
49th New South Wales Coleman 23/02/2020 [NSW] Starforge: Underground 18 Ultimate Singles Wario
49th Victoria Hazzacka 22/02/2020 [VIC] Couchwarriors Feburary Ranbat 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles WarioWolf
49th Victoria Kong 22/02/2020 [VIC] Couchwarriors Feburary Ranbat 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
33rd New South Wales Thrillhouse 22/02/2020 [VIC] Couchwarriors Feburary Ranbat 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
25th Victoria Hughie 21/02/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 9 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th Victoria Hughie 18/02/2020 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #57 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th New South Wales Coleman 16/02/2020 [NSW] BKB SMUSH SUNDAY SEASON 1 WEEK 7 Dup Bracket 7 Wario
25th Queensland Nicc 14/02/2020 [QLD] META SHIFT Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Victoria DD 14/02/2020 [QLD] META SHIFT Ultimate Singles Wario
25th Western Australia yung_bruh 13/02/2020 [WA] Smash at Sorrento #11 Smash at Sorrento #11 Wario
3rd Victoria DD 11/02/2020 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #56 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th New South Wales Coleman 9/02/2020 [NSW] BKB SMUSH SUNDAY SEASON 1 WEEK 6 Dup bracket 6 Wario
3rd Queensland Nicc 8/02/2020 [QLD] Coastal Clash 9 Ultimate Singles Pros Wario
1st Queensland Nicc 8/02/2020 [QLD] Coastal Clash 9 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd Victoria Extra 4/02/2020 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #55 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th Western Australia Little Z 1/02/2020 [WA] Oasis Smash Ultimate Singles - Oasis Smash, Perth Top 8 Wario
7th Western Australia Little Z 1/02/2020 [WA] Oasis Smash Ultimate Singles - Oasis Smash, Perth Top 32 Wario
7th Western Australia ShRoOm!?! 1/02/2020 [WA] Oasis Smash Ultimate Singles - Oasis Smash, Perth Top 32 MarioWario
5th Western Australia ShRoOm!?! 1/02/2020 [WA] Oasis Smash Ultimate Singles - Oasis Smash, Perth Top 8 Wario
13th Victoria Hughie 31/01/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate #6 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd Victoria DD 28/01/2020 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #54 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
13th Queensland Nicc 24/01/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 237 Friday Night Smash 237 Wario
1st Victoria DD 15/01/2020 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #55 Geelong Smash Ultimate #54 Wario
3rd Victoria DD 14/01/2020 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #52 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st Victoria DD 13/01/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #47 SunshineSmash Bracket Wario
1st Victoria DD 11/01/2020 [VIC] Couchwarriors January Ranbat 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles KenWario
1st Victoria Pazx 11/01/2020 [ACT] Fighting Game Monthlies January x Dancing Blade Round Robin Pools Bracket Diddy KongPalutenaSnakeWarioZero Suit Samus
9th Queensland Nicc 10/01/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 235 Friday Night Smash 235 Wario
17th Western Australia yung_bruh 9/01/2020 [WA] Good Games Cannington #13 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd Victoria DD 8/01/2020 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #54 Geelong Smash Ultimate #53 Wario
2nd Victoria DD 7/01/2020 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #51 Ultimate Singles Bracket KenWario
5th Queensland Nicc 3/01/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 234 Friday Night Smash 234 Wario
1st Victoria DD 28/12/2019 [VIC] Milaga Threeie Ultimate Singles (Max 48 entrants!) Pools (Round Robin) Wario
1st Victoria DD 28/12/2019 [VIC] Milaga Threeie Ultimate Singles (Max 48 entrants!) Top 16 Wario
2nd Victoria DD 21/12/2019 [VIC] Smashmas @ GGEZ Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
9th Victoria DD 14/12/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Crossup 2 Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Wario
25th Queensland Nicc 5/12/2019 [SA] Smaller Cheese 2019 Big Cheese 2: Smaller Cheese Wario
2nd Victoria DD 27/11/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #50 Geelong Smash Ultimate #49 GanondorfMr. Game and WatchSnakeToon LinkWario
3rd Victoria DD 26/11/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #47 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
3rd Victoria DD 23/11/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors November Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Victoria DD 20/11/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #49 Geelong Smash Ultimate #48 Wario
1st Victoria DD 19/11/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #46 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st Victoria DD 13/11/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #48 Geelong Smash Ultimate #47 Wario
17th New South Wales Skyreth 12/11/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #99 Star Forge #99 IkeWario
33rd New South Wales Skyreth 9/11/2019 [NSW] Never Stand Still Arcadian Smash Ultimate Singles IkeWario
1st Victoria DD 6/11/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #47 Geelong Smash Ultimate #46 Wario
25th New South Wales Skyreth 5/11/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #98 Star Forge #98 IkeWario
9th Queensland Nicc 2/11/2019 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD November 2019 Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
7th Queensland Nicc 1/11/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 225 Friday Night Smash 225 Wario
25th New South Wales Skyreth 29/10/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #97 Star Forge #97 IkeWario
13th Queensland Himbo 29/10/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 45 Tuesday Night Fights 45 Wario
2nd Queensland Himbo 29/10/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 45 Tuesday Night Fights 45 Amateurs Wario
1st Victoria DD 29/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #44 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
7th Queensland Nicc 26/10/2019 [QLD] QUTies' Super Showdown #3 Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Wario
7th Victoria DD 26/10/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors October Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd Queensland Nicc 26/10/2019 [QLD] QUTies' Super Showdown #3 Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
17th Queensland Nicc 25/10/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 224 Friday Night Smash 224 Wario
4th Queensland Nicc 25/10/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 224 Friday Night Smash 224 Redemption Wario
1st Victoria DD 23/10/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #45 Geelong Smash Ultimate #44 Wario
25th New South Wales Skyreth 22/10/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #96 Star Forge #96 IkeWario
1st Victoria DD 16/10/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #44 Geelong Smash Ultimate #43 Wario
33rd New South Wales Skyreth 15/10/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #95 Star Forge #95 IkeWario
3rd Victoria DD 15/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #42 Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Victoria Extra 14/10/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #35 Pixel SMASH Bracket Mr. Game and WatchWario
33rd Western Australia Killeroo 9/10/2019 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 09/10/19 EP 9/10 Recreation Wario
1st Victoria DD 9/10/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #43 Geelong Smash Ultimate #42 Wario
9th Queensland Himbo 8/10/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 42 Tuesday Night Fights 42 Wario
1st Queensland Himbo 8/10/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 42 Tuesday Night Fights 42 Amateurs Wario
13th Victoria Flum 1/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #40 Ultimate Singles Wario
7th Queensland Himbo 1/10/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 41 Tuesday Night Fights 41 Wario
3rd Victoria The Bamboozler 30/09/2019 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #34 Smash @ Sunshine #34 30-09-2019 Bracket Donkey KongIkeWarioWolf
49th Queensland Scared 29/09/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #14 Ultimate Singles Wario
3rd Victoria DD 29/09/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors September Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Victoria DD 25/09/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #41 Geelong smash Ultimate #40 Wario
9th Queensland sam gregg 24/09/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 40 Tuesday Night Fights 40 WarioWolf
2nd Victoria DD 24/09/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #39 Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Victoria DD 21/09/2019 [NSW] OzHadou Nationals 16 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Wario
1st Victoria DD 18/09/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #40 Geelong Smash Ultimate #39 Wario
17th Queensland Himbo 17/09/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 39 Tuesday Night Fights 39 Wario
13th Queensland sam gregg 17/09/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 39 Tuesday Night Fights 39 IncineroarWarioWolf
3rd Victoria DD 17/09/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #38 Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Queensland Himbo 17/09/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 39 Tuesday Night Fights 39 Amateurs Wario
2nd Victoria DD 11/09/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #39 Geelong Smash Ultimate #39 LuigiWario
4th Victoria DD 8/09/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed September 2019 Stay Smashed September 2019 Singles Wario
17th Western Australia Killeroo 5/09/2019 [WA] Good Games Cannington #4 Cannington GGs Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
17th Western Australia Killeroo 4/09/2019 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 04/09 Curtin Smashfest 4th September Wario
33rd Victoria Sock 1/09/2019 [VIC] Melbourne Esports Open 2019 MEO Smash Ultimate Bracket Wario
4th Victoria DD 1/09/2019 [VIC] Melbourne Esports Open 2019 MEO Smash Ultimate Bracket Wario
5th New Zealand iDeeKay 24/08/2019 [NZ] Biggie II Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd Victoria DD 24/08/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors August Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
9th Victoria Denz 13/08/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #33 Ultimate Singles Rosalina & LumaWario
129th Queensland GBread 10/08/2019 [QLD] Sunny Side Up Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Wario
25th Queensland GBread 10/08/2019 [QLD] Sunny Side Up Sunny Side Up Amateurs Wario
7th Victoria DD 10/08/2019 [QLD] Sunny Side Up Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Wario
4th New Zealand iDeeKay 10/08/2019 [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2019 S1E13 SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.13 2019 Bracket Wario
97th Queensland GBread 9/08/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 213 Friday Night Smash 213 (SSU) Wario
9th Victoria Pazx 7/08/2019 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village 20 Ultimate Singles Bracket DaisyWario
4th Queensland Omta 4/08/2019 [QLD] QUTies' Super Showdown #1 Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Donkey KongWario
3rd New Zealand iDeeKay 30/07/2019 [NZ] Built to Smash #6 Built to Smash #6 - Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
25th Queensland Omta 27/07/2019 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD July 2019 Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Donkey KongWario
17th New Zealand 0zai 27/07/2019 [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2019 S1E12 SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.12 2019 Bracket Wario
7th Victoria DD 27/07/2019 [VIC] Couch Warriors Ranbat July 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd Victoria DD 23/07/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #30 Ultimate Singles BowserWario
13th Queensland Omta 21/07/2019 [QLD] Coastal Clash 3 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Donkey KongWario
3rd Queensland Omta 21/07/2019 [QLD] Coastal Clash 3 Ultimate Singles Bracket Donkey KongWario
33rd Queensland Omta 19/07/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 210 FNS 210 Donkey KongWario
17th Queensland Omta 19/07/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 210 FNS 210 Amateurs Donkey KongWario
25th Western Australia Killeroo 17/07/2019 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 17/07/2019 Curtin Smashfest 17th July Wario
1st Victoria DD 17/07/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #31 Geelong Smash Ultimate #30 Wario
5th Victoria DD 14/07/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed July 2019 Stay Smashed Singles - July 2019 Wario
17th New Zealand 0zai 13/07/2019 [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2019 S1E11 SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.11 2019 Bracket Wario
2nd New Zealand Blazbian 13/07/2019 [NZ] Hambats 2019 2.5 SSBU Singles Bracket VillagerWario
2nd New Zealand iDeeKay 13/07/2019 [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2019 S1E11 SSBU - Christchurch Ranbats S1.11 2019 Bracket Wario
5th Western Australia Little Z 10/07/2019 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 10/07/2019 Curtin Smashfest 10th July Wario
1st Victoria DD 10/07/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #30 Geelong Smash Ultimate #29 Wario
1st Victoria DD 9/07/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #28 Ultimate Singles Wario
25th Western Australia Little Z 6/07/2019 [WA] BigWinChampionship 2 Ultimate Singles Top 64 Wario
7th Canada ImSoChove 6/07/2019 [NZ] Auckland Ranbats 2019 Round 8 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket Wario
3rd Victoria DD 6/07/2019 [WA] BigWinChampionship 2 Ultimate Singles Top 64 Wario
1st Victoria DD 6/07/2019 [WA] BigWinChampionship 2 Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
9th Western Australia Little Z 5/07/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 26 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament Bracket BowserWario
9th Western Australia Little Z 3/07/2019 [WA] Curtin Smashfest 3/07/2019 Curtin Smashfest 3rd July Wario
1st Victoria DD 3/07/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #29 Geelong Smash Ultimate #28 Wario
4th Queensland McJobo 2/07/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 28 Tuesday Night Fights 28 Mr. Game and WatchWario
2nd Victoria DD 2/07/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #27 Ultimate Singles Wario
5th Victoria DD 25/06/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #26 Ultimate Singles SnakeWario
5th South Australia Jon Bombo 23/06/2019 [SA] Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #2 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #2 Diddy KongIce ClimbersMetaknightToon LinkWario
9th Queensland Omta 22/06/2019 [QLD] Coastal Clash 2 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Donkey KongWario
7th Victoria DD 22/06/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors June Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
5th New Zealand iDeeKay 22/06/2019 [NZ] Crush Counter Capital 2019 CCC2019 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate FoxRichterSimonWario
3rd Queensland Omta 22/06/2019 [QLD] Coastal Clash 2 Ultimate Singles Bracket Donkey KongWario
1st Victoria DD 19/06/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #27 Geelong Smash Ultimate #26 Wario
3rd Victoria DD 18/06/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #25 Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd Queensland McJobo 16/06/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 18 Pools Wario
1st Queensland Toketchan 13/06/2019 [QLD] Smash @ the Jack 15 Smash @ the Jack 15 Captain FalconInklingMr. Game and WatchWarioWolf
3rd Victoria DD 12/06/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #26 Geelong Smash Ultimate #25 Wario
33rd Victoria Sodaman 11/06/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #24 Ultimate Singles Wario
5th Western Australia Little Z 1/06/2019 [WA] BigWinSmash: Ultimate Showdown #6 Ultimate Singles Top 32 King K. RoolWario
2nd Western Australia Little Z 22/05/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 20 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket King K. RoolWario
129th Victoria DD_ 18/05/2019 [VIC] BAM 11 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
9th Victoria DD 18/05/2019 [VIC] BAM 11 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
9th Victoria DD 16/05/2019 [VIC] BAM11 Salty Suite Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
2nd Victoria DD 15/05/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #22 BAM Special Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th Victoria DD 14/05/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #20 Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd Queensland McJobo 14/05/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 21 Tuesday Night Fights 21 Bowser Jr.IsabellePiranha PlantRobinWario
5th Queensland McJobo 10/05/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 200 Friday Night Smash 200 Mr. Game and WatchWario
1st Victoria DD 8/05/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #21 Geelong smash ultimate #21 Wario
7th Victoria DD 7/05/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #19 Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Queensland McJobo 7/05/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 20 Tuesday Night Fights 20 FalcoKing DededeMetaknightSamusWario
7th Western Australia Chappos 4/05/2019 [WA] BigWinSmash: Ultimate Showdown #5 Ultimate Singles Wario
5th Queensland Omta 4/05/2019 [QLD] Coastal Clash Coastal Clash Pro Bracket Donkey KongWario
3rd Western Australia Little Z 4/05/2019 [WA] BigWinSmash: Ultimate Showdown #5 Ultimate Singles King K. RoolWario
3rd Queensland Omta 4/05/2019 [QLD] Coastal Clash Coastal Clash Pools Donkey KongWario
65th Victoria DD_ 27/04/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
5th Victoria DD 27/04/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
33rd Queensland Omta 26/04/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 198 Friday Night Smash 198 Donkey KongWario
2nd Queensland McJobo 23/04/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 18 Tuesday Night Fights 18 LuigiMr. Game and WatchWarioWolf
1st Queensland McJobo 16/04/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 17 Tuesday Night Fights 17 Wario
9th Victoria B-2 15/04/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #9 Pixel SMASH 15-04-19 Wario
2nd Victoria DD 14/04/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed April 2019 Stay Smashed April 2019 Singles Wario
1st Victoria DD 10/04/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #17 GUF Ultimate 17 Wario
1st Queensland McJobo 9/04/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 16 Tuesday Night Fights 16 Donkey KongWario
2nd Queensland McJobo 7/04/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 16 Smash by the Beach 16 Pro WarioWolf
5th Victoria DD 5/04/2019 [NSW] Expand Gong 4 EG4 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Victoria DD 3/04/2019 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #16 Geelong Smash #16 Wario
2nd Queensland McJobo 2/04/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 15 Tuesday Night Fights 15 Mr. Game and WatchWario
65th New South Wales Katsune 31/03/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground 8 Singles Wario
17th Queensland McJobo 30/03/2019 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD March Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pros WarioWolf
1st Queensland McJobo 30/03/2019 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD March Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
1st Victoria DD 30/03/2019 [VIC] Jacked Geelong Presents: Jackedboree Ultimate Singles Wario
9th Queensland McJobo 29/03/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 194 Friday Night Smash 194 Wario
1st Queensland McJobo 26/03/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 14 Tuesday Night Fights 14 Wario
9th Victoria Extra 23/03/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Ranbat March 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles WarioWolf
5th Victoria DD 23/03/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Ranbat March 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
9th Queensland McJobo 22/03/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 193 Friday Night Smash 193 Wario
1st Victoria DD 20/03/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #14 GUF Ultimate 14 Wario
17th New South Wales Vic 19/03/2019 [NSW] Star Forge #66 Star Forge #66 ChromDonkey KongLucasPokémon TrainerWario
2nd Queensland McJobo 19/03/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 13 Tuesday Night Fights 13 Wario
49th South Australia Fenno 17/03/2019 [SA] Cheese League Round 3 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pikmin & OlimarWario
17th Victoria Dampé 17/03/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed March 2019 Stay Smashed March 2019 - Singles Wario
1st Victoria DD 17/03/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed March 2019 Stay Smashed March 2019 - Singles Wario
9th Victoria Dampé 16/03/2019 [VIC] Ultimate Smash Bash #3 @GGEZ Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
5th Queensland McJobo 16/03/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 15 Smash by the Beach 15 Pros Mr. Game and WatchWario
4th Queensland Omta 16/03/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 15 Pools Donkey KongWario
2nd New Zealand Aluf 16/03/2019 [NZ] Auckland Ranbats 2019 Round 2 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket Wario
1st Queensland McJobo 16/03/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 15 Pools Wario
25th Victoria Nicks 12/03/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #11 Ultimate Singles Dr. MarioWario
9th Victoria DD 12/03/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #11 Ultimate Singles LuigiWario
3rd Queensland McJobo 12/03/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 12 Tuesday Night Fights 12 WarioWolf
33rd South Australia Fenno 8/03/2019 [SA] EVAC March 2019 Smash Ultimate EVAC March 2019 MarthWario
13th Victoria Nicks 8/03/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #7 Ultimate Nekocards #6 Wario
2nd Queensland Toketchan 7/03/2019 [QLD] Smash @ the Jack 8 Smash @ the Jack 8 Donkey KongInklingMr. Game and WatchWario
1st Victoria DD 6/03/2019 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #12 Geelong Smash Ultimate #12 Wario
1st Queensland McJobo 5/03/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 11 Tuesday Night Fights 11 Wario
49th New South Wales Thrillhouse 2/03/2019 [NSW] Phantom 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Pokémon TrainerWario
49th New South Wales Joe 2/03/2019 [NSW] Phantom 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles WarioZero Suit Samus
9th Victoria Extra 2/03/2019 [NSW] Phantom 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Mr. Game and WatchWarioWolf
2nd Victoria DD 2/03/2019 [NSW] Phantom 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
9th Queensland McJobo 1/03/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 190 Friday Night Smash 190 WarioWolf
1st Queensland McJobo 26/02/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 10 Tuesday Night Fights 10 Mii BrawlerWario
4th Victoria DD 23/02/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors February 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Queensland Toketchan 21/02/2019 [QLD] Smash @ the Jack 7 Smash @ the Jack 7 InklingWario
1st Victoria DD 20/02/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #10 Guf Ultimate #10 Wario
5th Victoria Extra 19/02/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #9 Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd Queensland McJobo 19/02/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 9 Tuesday Night Fights 9 Wario
2nd Victoria DD 18/02/2019 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine 2 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th Victoria DD 17/02/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed Feburary 2019 Stay Smashed February Singles 2019 Mii SwordfighterWario
9th Queensland McJobo 15/02/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 188 Friday Night Smash 188 Wario
1st Victoria Extra 13/02/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #9 GUF Ultimate 9 WarioWolf
7th Victoria DD 12/02/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #8 Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Victoria Extra 12/02/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #8 Ultimate Singles WarioWolf
4th Queensland McJobo 10/02/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 14 Smash by the Beach 14 Pros Wario
2nd Queensland McJobo 10/02/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 14 Pools Wario
1st Queensland Toketchan 7/02/2019 [QLD] Smash @ the Jack 6 Smash @ the Jack 6 InklingWario
33rd Western Australia Killeroo 6/02/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 7 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Wario
3rd Victoria DD 6/02/2019 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #8 GUF Ultimate 8 Wario
4th Victoria DD 5/02/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #7 Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Queensland McJobo 5/02/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 7 Tuesday Night Fights 7 Wario
9th South Australia Jon Bombo 1/02/2019 [SA] EVAC February 2019 EVAC 1/02/2019 Toon LinkWario
4th Western Australia Little Z 30/01/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 6 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Wario
1st Queensland McJobo 29/01/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 6 Tuesday Night Fights 6 Wario
5th Victoria DD 27/01/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Jan 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Wario
4th Victoria Extra 27/01/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Jan 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles ROBWarioWolf
5th Queensland McJobo 25/01/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 185 Friday Night Smash 185 Wario
3rd Western Australia Little Z 23/01/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 5 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Wario
3rd Victoria DD 23/01/2019 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #6 Guf Ultimate #6 Wario
7th Victoria DD 22/01/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #5 Ultimate Singles Wario
2nd Queensland McJobo 22/01/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 5 Tuesday Night Fights 5 Wario
13th South Australia Jon Bombo 20/01/2019 [SA] Cheese League #1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Toon LinkWarioYoung Link
3rd Queensland McJobo 19/01/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 13 Smash by the Beach 13 Pros Wario
1st Queensland McJobo 19/01/2019 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 13 Pools Wario
0 Victoria Extra 16/01/2019 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #5 GUF Ultimate 5 Mr. Game and WatchWarioWolf
0 Victoria DD 16/01/2019 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #5 GUF Ultimate 5 Wario
17th Victoria Nicks 15/01/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #4 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
4th Victoria DD 15/01/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #4 Ultimate Singles Bracket Wario
1st Victoria Extra 15/01/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #4 Ultimate Singles Bracket Donkey KongMr. Game and WatchWarioWolf
65th Queensland Scared 13/01/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Overground Singles Bracket Wario
5th Victoria DD 13/01/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed January 2019 Stayed Smashed January 2019 Singles SnakeWario
1st Victoria Extra 13/01/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed January 2019 Stayed Smashed January 2019 Singles Mr. Game and WatchWarioWolf
1st Victoria DD 11/01/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #3 Ultimate Nekocards #3 Wario
33rd Western Australia Killeroo 9/01/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 3 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Wario
3rd Western Australia Little Z 9/01/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 3 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Wario
1st Victoria DD 9/01/2019 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #4 GUF Ultimate 4 Wario
1st Victoria DD 8/01/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #3 Ultimate Singles Bracket SnakeWario
37th Queensland Scared 5/01/2019 [NSW] First Round Fisticuffs #2 Ultimate Singles Wario
1st Western Australia Little Z 5/01/2019 [WA] BigWinSmash: Ultimate Showdown Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
5th Western Australia Little Z 2/01/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 2 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Wario
3rd Victoria DD 29/12/2018 [VIC] Milaga II Milaga II - Ultimate Singles Wario
3rd Victoria DD 28/12/2018 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #2 Ultimate Nrkocards #2 Wario
17th Queensland McJobo 22/12/2018 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD December Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pros Wario
2nd Queensland McJobo 22/12/2018 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD December Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Pools Wario
1st Victoria DD 19/12/2018 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #2 Guf Ultimate 2 Wario
2nd Victoria Extra 18/12/2018 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #2 Ultimate Singles Bracket Mr. Game and WatchWario
4th Queensland McJobo 16/12/2018 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 12 - Ultimate Smash by the Beach 12 Pros Wario
1st Queensland McJobo 16/12/2018 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 12 - Ultimate Pools Wario
7th Victoria DD 15/12/2018 [VIC] CouchWarriors Crossup Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Wario
1st Victoria Extra 15/12/2018 [VIC] CouchWarriors Crossup Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Mr. Game and WatchWarioWii Fit TrainerWolf
1st Victoria Extra 14/12/2018 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate 1 Ultimate Nekocards #1 Mr. Game and WatchWarioWii Fit TrainerWolf
5th Victoria Extra 12/12/2018 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #1 GUF Ultimate 1 Mr. Game and WatchWario
1st Victoria DD 12/12/2018 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #1 GUF Ultimate 1 Wario
5th Queensland McJobo 11/12/2018 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 1 Tuesday Night Fights 1 Wario
4th Western Australia Little Z 8/12/2018 [WA] Beach Based Bonanza 31 Beach Based Bonanza 31 Ultimate Wario