
5th New Zealand Fantomex 11/12/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #112 - Donate to Jank Season! Ulti Singles Bracket Robin
5th New Zealand Fantomex 10/11/2024 [NZ] Respawn Platform #78 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
5th New Zealand Fantomex 30/10/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #106 - The 2010s but without all the Meta Knight Ulti Singles Bracket Robin
9th New Zealand Fantomex 20/10/2024 [NZ] Wellington Ranbats 20 October 2024 Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
9th New South Wales Frosty 14/10/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 123 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 14/10/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 123 Ultimate Singles Bracket IncineroarMega ManMii GunnerROBRobin
49th New South Wales Oberon 8/10/2024 [NSW] Offstage 89 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
33rd New South Wales Frosty 8/10/2024 [NSW] Offstage 89 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
2nd South Australia Q 1/10/2024 [SA] Weeklyvac #207 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinMetaknightPyra / MythraRobin
4th New Zealand Fantomex 29/09/2024 [NZ] Respawn Platform #75 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
5th New Zealand Fantomex 8/09/2024 [NZ] Wellington Ranbats 08/09/24 Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
4th New Zealand Fantomex 18/08/2024 [NZ] Ranbats Invades Respawn Platform Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
65th New South Wales Oberon 11/08/2024 [NSW] Epping Arcadian 3 Smash Ultimate Arcadian Robin
49th New South Wales Oberon 5/08/2024 [NSW] Offstage 84 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
7th New Zealand Fantomex 4/08/2024 [NZ] Respawn Platform #71 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 29/07/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 113 Ultimate Singles Top 4 ROBRobin
5th New South Wales Frosty 15/07/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 111 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
5th New Zealand Fantomex 7/07/2024 [NZ] Respawn Platform #69 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 26/05/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Cat in the Hat does a backflip Ultimate Singles Robin
5th New South Wales Fai 13/05/2024 [NSW] Offstage 73 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination IncineroarRobin
2nd New South Wales Fai 29/04/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 💯 Ultimate Singles Bracket IncineroarPalutenaRobin
1st South Australia Q 23/04/2024 [SA] WeeklyVac #186 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinKing DededeLittle MacMetaknightRobin
13th New South Wales Frosty 22/04/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 99 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 20/04/2024 [NSW] Storm the Castle #14 Ultimate Singles Top 12 Banjo & KazooieIncineroarRobin
17th New Zealand Goldenbukkit 14/04/2024 [NZ] Respawn Platform #64 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 14/03/2024 [NSW] Castle Smashers 56 Ultimate singles Bracket Donkey KongIncineroarRichterRobin
17th New South Wales Frosty 11/03/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 94 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 11/03/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 94 Ultimate Singles Bracket IncineroarRandomRobinSamus
9th New Zealand LunarizenChimera 6/03/2024 [NZ] Pōneke Popoff #72 - What's Up With Airline Food? Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 4/03/2024 [NSW] City Diggers #93 Ultimate Singles Bracket IncineroarPeachRobin
25th New South Wales Glace 26/02/2024 [NSW] OffStage #66 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 26/02/2024 [NSW] OffStage #66 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination IncineroarRobin
33rd New South Wales Frosty 19/02/2024 [NSW] Offstage #65 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
9th New South Wales Hamster 19/02/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 91 Ultimate Singles Bracket MarthPalutenaRobin
1st New South Wales Fai 19/02/2024 [NSW] Offstage #65 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination IncineroarRobin
4th New South Wales Fai 5/02/2024 [NSW] OffStage #63 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination IncineroarRobin
1st New South Wales Fai 29/01/2024 [NSW] City Diggers 88 Ultimate Singles Bracket RandomRobin
2nd New South Wales Fai 28/01/2024 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Guess Who’s Back? Ultimate Singles IncineroarRobin
5th New South Wales Fai 22/01/2024 [NSW] Offstage #61 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
13th New South Wales Fai 14/01/2024 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #23 Ultimate Singles Robin
7th South Australia Q 13/12/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #171 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket King DededeRobin
4th New South Wales Fai 9/12/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #22 Ultimate Singles King K. RoolRobin
4th New South Wales Hamster 23/11/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 83 Ultimate Singles Bracket MarthRobin
3rd New South Wales Hamster 4/11/2023 [NSW] Sets by the Sea Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket MarthPalutenaRobin
2nd New South Wales Fai 4/11/2023 [NSW] Sets by the Sea Smash Ultimate Singles Top 12 Banjo & KazooieIncineroarJokerROBRobin
9th New South Wales Fai 23/10/2023 [NSW] Offstage #55 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
6th New South Wales Frosty 21/10/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #9 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 21/10/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #9 Ultimate Singles Top 12 RobinShulkZelda
1st New South Wales Fai 21/10/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #9 Ultimate Singles Bracket Captain FalconIncineroarLuigiRobinToon Link
25th New South Wales Frosty 16/10/2023 [NSW] Offstage 54 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
7th New South Wales Fai 16/10/2023 [NSW] Offstage 54 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 8/10/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #20 Ultimate Singles Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 5/10/2023 [NSW] C’Town Beatdown #37 Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles Robin
17th New South Wales Frosty 2/10/2023 [NSW] Offstage 52 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
17th New South Wales Frosty 27/09/2023 [NSW] Offstage #51 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 27/09/2023 [NSW] Offstage #51 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
17th New South Wales Frosty 24/09/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Time to Rob a Bank Ultimate Singles Robin
9th New South Wales Frosty 21/09/2023 [NSW] C’Town BeatDown #36 Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 21/09/2023 [NSW] C’Town BeatDown #36 Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles BylethFalcoRobinSimon
1st New South Wales Fai 7/09/2023 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #35 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Bowser Jr.IkeMarthPyra / MythraRobin
129th New South Wales Frosty 27/08/2023 [NSW] Floating Point Ultimate Singles Robin
65th New South Wales Frosty 24/08/2023 [NSW] Pre-point offstage Ultimate Singles Robin
7th New South Wales Fai 23/08/2023 [NSW] C’town Floating Down Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 19/08/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #7 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 19/08/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #7 Ultimate Singles Bracket RobinRosalina & LumaYoshi
2nd New South Wales Fai 27/07/2023 [NSW] C Town Beatdown 33 Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles LucarioRobin
1st New South Wales Fai 24/07/2023 [NSW] City Diggers #67 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
7th New South Wales Frosty 22/07/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #18 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
4th New South Wales Aurora 15/07/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #6 Ultimate Singles Bracket Mr. Game and WatchPikachuRobinRosalina & Luma
1st New South Wales Fai 15/07/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #6 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Duck Hunt DuoMii SwordfighterPitRobinZelda
1st New South Wales Fai 15/07/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #6 Ultimate Singles Bracket BowserNessRobin
9th New South Wales Frosty 13/07/2023 [NSW] CTown Beatdown #32 Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 13/07/2023 [NSW] CTown Beatdown #32 Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles Bowser Jr.Donkey KongMarioRobin
4th New South Wales Fai 10/07/2023 [NSW] Offstage #46 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
17th New South Wales Frosty 9/07/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, No Thieves Are Allowed Ultimate Singles Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 6/07/2023 [NSW] Castle Smashers #20 Ultimate singles Bracket BayonettaIncineroarRobin
25th New South Wales Frosty 3/07/2023 [NSW] Offstage 45 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
25th New South Wales Frosty 2/07/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Gladys Berejiklian did what? Ultimate Singles Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 24/06/2023 [NSW] Storm The Castle #5 Ultimate Singles Top 8 KirbyLinkRobin
9th New South Wales Frosty 20/06/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 62 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 20/06/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 62 Ultimate Singles Bracket CloudLucasRobin
17th New South Wales Frosty 18/06/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Dawg in me Ultimate Singles Robin
9th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 7/06/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #145 Ultimate Pop-Off Village #145 Redemption Robin
13th New South Wales Frosty 5/06/2023 [NSW] City Diggers #60 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 5/06/2023 [NSW] City Diggers #60 Ultimate Singles Bracket InklingRobin
13th New South Wales Merdeka! 4/06/2023 [NSW] MegaLAN T2 - Atlantis Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 4/06/2023 [NSW] MegaLAN T2 - Atlantis Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket Captain FalconLucarioROBRobinSamus
1st South Australia Q 4/06/2023 [SA] Cheese League June 2023 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinLucinaMin MinPyra / MythraRobin
8th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 3/06/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 17 Ultimate Singles Bracket IncineroarLuigiPeachRobin
25th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 31/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #144 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
5th South Australia Q 31/05/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #146 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket InklingRobin
2nd New South Wales Fai 29/05/2023 [NSW] Offstage #43 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Ice ClimbersLuigiMin MinRobin
5th New South Wales Fai 28/05/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros: Moey’s Trade Offer Ultimate Singles Dark PitRobin
3rd South Australia Q 26/05/2023 [SA] BonusVac #24 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket RandomRobin
17th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 24/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #143 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
7th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 24/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #143 UPOV 143 Redemption Robin
1st South Australia Q 24/05/2023 [SA] WeeklyVac #145 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Banjo & KazooiePyra / MythraRandomRobin
25th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 20/05/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #32 Ultimate Singles Robin
9th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 20/05/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #32 Dancing Blade #32 Redemption Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 20/05/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #4 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Donkey KongRobin
1st New South Wales Fai 20/05/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #4 Ultimate Singles Bracket Donkey KongRobin
9th New South Wales Aurora 18/05/2023 [NSW] Castle Smashers #14 Ultimate singles Bracket Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 18/05/2023 [NSW] Castle Smashers #14 Ultimate singles Bracket Mii BrawlerRobin
25th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 17/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #142 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 15/05/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 57 Ultimate Singles Bracket Pyra / MythraRobin
25th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 10/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #141 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
9th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 10/05/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #141 Upov 141 Redemption Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 10/05/2023 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 10/05/2023 Smashfest - 10th May 2023 Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 8/05/2023 [WA] Enigma #93 Ultimate Singles Bracket InklingPac-ManRobinSamus
13th New Zealand Raging Ranga 7/05/2023 [NZ] WellingtonFGC Ranbats 07/05/2023 Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
33rd New South Wales Frosty 24/04/2023 [NSW] Offstage #41 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
13th New Zealand Raging Ranga 23/04/2023 [NZ] Wellington Ranbats 23 April 2023 Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 20/04/2023 [NSW] CTown Beatdown #27 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Banjo & KazooieCloudRobin
1st New South Wales Fai 20/04/2023 [NSW] CTown Beatdown #27 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Banjo & KazooieRobin
1st New South Wales Fai 18/04/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 54 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
25th New South Wales Frosty 17/04/2023 [NSW] Offstage #40 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
17th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 12/04/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #137 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
7th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 12/04/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #137 Ultimate Pop-Off Village #137 Redemption Robin
17th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 9/04/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Steve is Banned Ultimate Singles Robin
13th New Zealand Raging Ranga 9/04/2023 [NZ] Wellington Ranbats 09/04/2023 Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
7th New Zealand Akabird 8/04/2023 [NZ] Christchurch Ranbats 2023 - Episode #2 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket RobinZelda
2nd New South Wales Fai 6/04/2023 [NSW] CTown BeatDown #26 Ultimate Singles Round Robin RobinSamus
9th New South Wales Frosty 3/04/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 52 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
49th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 2/04/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #15 Ultimate Singles Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 2/04/2023 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #15 Ultimate Singles RobinSamus
17th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 29/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #135 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
7th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 29/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #135 UPOV 135 Redemption Robin
17th New Zealand Raging Ranga 26/03/2023 [NZ] Wellington Ranbats 26/03/2023 Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
25th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 25/03/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #30 Ultimate Singles Robin
5th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 25/03/2023 [ACT] Dancing Blade #30 Dancing Blade 30 Redemption Robin
17th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 22/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #134 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
7th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 22/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #134 Redemption Bracket Robin
25th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 18/03/2023 [NSW] Goulburn eSports Cup 2023 Goulburn SSBU Cup 23 recreation Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 18/03/2023 [NSW] Storm the Castle #2 Ultimate singles Top 16 IncineroarRobin
17th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 15/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #133 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
7th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 15/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #133 Redemption Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 14/03/2023 [NSW] City Diggers 49 Ultimate Singles Bracket Donkey KongKing K. RoolLucasRobin
17th New Zealand Raging Ranga 12/03/2023 [NZ] Wellington FGC Ranbats March 12th Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
7th New South Wales Fai 12/03/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Bye Bye Bihate Ultimate Singles MarthRobin
1st New South Wales Fai 11/03/2023 [NSW] AEL Newcastle Cup March 2023 Ultimate Singles Banjo & KazooieRobin
17th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 8/03/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #132 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
5th New South Wales Fai 5/03/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #14 Ultimate Singles Robin
33rd New South Wales Frosty 28/02/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 47 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 28/02/2023 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 47 Ultimate Singles Bracket Bowser Jr.FalcoIncineroarPiranha PlantRobin
17th New Zealand Raging Ranga 26/02/2023 [NZ] Wellington FGC Ranbats February 26th Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
33rd Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 25/02/2023 [ACT] Victory Road 5 Ultimate Bracket Robin
13th New South Wales Frosty 23/02/2023 [NSW] C'town Beat down 23 Ultimate Singles Double Elim Robin
25th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 22/02/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #130 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
5th Australian Capital Territory TheyRa 22/02/2023 [ACT] Ultimate Pop-Off Village #130 UPOV 130 Redemption Robin
5th New South Wales Frosty 21/02/2023 [NSW] Super Bowlo Bros #5 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Robin
3rd New South Wales Frosty 21/02/2023 [NSW] Super Bowlo Bros #5 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
17th New South Wales Frosty 20/02/2023 [NSW] OffStage #35 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
25th New South Wales Frosty 19/02/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Egoist Straika Ultimate Singles Robin
25th New South Wales Frosty 13/02/2023 [NSW] Offstage #34 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
13th New Zealand Raging Ranga 12/02/2023 [NZ] Wellington FGC Ranbats February 12th Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
17th New South Wales Frosty 9/02/2023 [NSW] C’Town Beatdown #22 Ultimate Singles Double Elim Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 9/02/2023 [NSW] C’Town Beatdown #22 Ultimate Singles Double Elim Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 7/02/2023 [NSW] Super Bowlo Bros #3 Ultimate Singles Bracket Dark SamusLinkLittle MacRobinWolf
65th New South Wales Frosty 4/02/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #13 Ultimate Singles Robin
33rd New South Wales Frosty 30/01/2023 [NSW] OffStage 32 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
5th New South Wales Fai 30/01/2023 [NSW] OffStage 32 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
13th New Zealand Raging Ranga 29/01/2023 [NZ] Wellington FGC Ranbats January 29th Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
17th Queensland JoshUR 27/01/2023 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 337 Smash Ultimate Singles RidleyRobin
17th South Australia Fishy 15/01/2023 [SA] Cheese League January 2023 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
17th New Zealand Raging Ranga 15/01/2023 [NZ] Wellington FGC Ranbats January 15th Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
5th South Australia Fishy 15/01/2023 [SA] Cheese League January 2023 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket RobinYoung Link
49th New South Wales Frosty 14/01/2023 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #12 Ultimate Singles Robin
33rd Queensland JoshUR 13/01/2023 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 335 Smash Ultimate Singles RidleyRobin
9th New South Wales Fai 8/01/2023 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, An Average Bracket Ultimate Singles Robin
17th New South Wales Frosty 20/12/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Xmas Special Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
25th New South Wales Frosty 19/12/2022 [NSW] Offstage #29 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 19/12/2022 [NSW] Offstage #29 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination King K. RoolRobinSamus
33rd New South Wales Frosty 18/12/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros. A Very Meowy Christmas Ultimate Singles Robin
6th New South Wales Frosty 15/12/2022 [NSW] C’Town Beat Down #19 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 15/12/2022 [NSW] C’Town Beat Down #19 Ultimate Singles Double Elim LucinaRobinSheikYoshiYoung Link
65th New South Wales Frosty 11/12/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #11 Ultimate Singles Robin
25th New South Wales Frosty 28/11/2022 [NSW] Offstage #28 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
25th New South Wales Frosty 27/11/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, SIUUUUUU!!! Ultimate Singles Robin
13th New South Wales Frosty 15/11/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 42 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
65th New South Wales Frosty 12/11/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #10 Ultimate Singles Robin
17th Queensland Joz. 11/11/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 326 Smash Ultimate Singles FalcoLucinaRobin
1st New South Wales Fai 10/11/2022 [NSW] SmashOP #30 Ultimate singles Bracket King K. RoolRobin
17th New South Wales Frosty 7/11/2022 [NSW] Offstage #26 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 7/11/2022 [NSW] Offstage #26 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination King K. RoolRobin
17th New South Wales Frosty 1/11/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 40 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
97th South Australia Fishy 29/10/2022 [SA] Big Cheese 3 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 23/10/2022 [WA] Sundays @ Subi #8 Ultimate Singles Bracket Dr. MarioMarioRobinSteveZelda
5th New South Wales Fai 19/10/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 19/10/22 Smashfest - 19th October 2022 Bracket Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 17/10/2022 [WA] Enigma #69 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
2nd South Australia Fishy 14/10/2022 [SA] Secret Round Robin Evac Secret BonusVac RR A - 14/10/22 Robin
2nd South Australia Q 14/10/2022 [SA] Secret Round Robin Evac Secret BonusVac RR B - 14/10/22 ROBRobin
2nd New South Wales Fai 10/10/2022 [WA] Enigma #68 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
25th South Australia Fishy 9/10/2022 [SA] Cheese League October 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
7th South Australia Fishy 9/10/2022 [SA] Cheese League October 2022 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 9/10/2022 [WA] Sundays @ Subi #7 Ultimate Singles Bracket Bowser Jr.KirbyROBRobin
13th South Australia Fishy 7/10/2022 [SA] BonusVac #16 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 4/10/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 36 Ultimate Singles Bracket King K. RoolRobin
65th New South Wales Frosty 2/10/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping #9 Ultimate Singles Robin
13th New Zealand Raging Ranga 2/10/2022 [NZ] Wellington Ranbats 02/10/2022 Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 27/09/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 35 Ultimate Singles Bracket King K. RoolRobin
25th New South Wales Frosty 25/09/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Wrath of the Iceman Ultimate Singles Robin
9th New South Wales MrWooloo 22/09/2022 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #14 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 22/09/2022 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #14 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket LucasMega ManRobinSamus
1st New South Wales Fai 20/09/2022 [NSW] City Diggers Esports 34 Ultimate Singles Bracket LuigiMega ManRobin
25th New South Wales Frosty 18/09/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Moey's Mog Mania Ultimate Singles Robin
13th New Zealand Raging Ranga 18/09/2022 [NZ] Wellington Ranbats 18/09/2022 Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 15/09/2022 [NSW] C’Town Beatdown #13 Ultimate Singles Pools LuigiRobin
17th South Australia Fishy 11/09/2022 [SA] Cheese League September 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
4th South Australia Fishy 11/09/2022 [SA] Cheese League September 2022 - Ultimate Smash Singles Redemption Bracket Robin
2nd South Australia Q 11/09/2022 [SA] Cheese League September 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinMetaknightRandomRobin
3rd New South Wales Fai 8/09/2022 [NSW] SmashOP #22 Ultimate singles Bracket IncineroarRobin
2nd New South Wales Fai 3/09/2022 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #8 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 3/09/2022 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #8 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 29/08/2022 [NSW] OffStage #18 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 20/08/2022 [ACT] Dancing Blade 24 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 16/08/2022 [NSW] City Diggers 30 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
49th New South Wales Frosty 14/08/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping Arcadian Ultimate Singles Robin
9th South Australia Fishy 12/08/2022 [SA] BonusVac #12 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
2nd South Australia Q 12/08/2022 [SA] BonusVac #12 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinKing DededePyra / MythraRobin
2nd New South Wales Fai 11/08/2022 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #10 Ultimate Singles Double Elim Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 11/08/2022 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #10 Ultimate Singles Pools Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 8/08/2022 [NSW] OffStage #16 Ultimate Singles Double Elimination IncineroarRobin
17th New South Wales Frosty 7/08/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, wHy CaNt I PlAy iN tHe ArcAdiAN Ultimate Singles Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 4/08/2022 [NSW] C'Town Beat Down #9 Ultimate Singles Main bracket IncineroarPokémon TrainerRobin
129th New South Wales Frosty 17/07/2022 [NSW] Phantom 2022 Ultimate singles Robin
17th New South Wales Fai 17/07/2022 [NSW] Phantom 2022 Ultimate singles Robin
17th New South Wales Fai 15/07/2022 [NSW] Battle Kat Bunker: The Phantom Hour Ultimate Singles Robin
9th New South Wales Fai 13/07/2022 [NSW] Pre-Phantom StarForge #122 Ultimate Singles IncineroarRobin
7th New South Wales Frosty 7/07/2022 [NSW] C'town Beat down 7 Ultimate Singles Main Bracket Robin
4th New South Wales Frosty 7/07/2022 [NSW] C'town Beat down 7 Ultimate Singles Pools Robin
17th New South Wales Frosty 3/07/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, We Bing Chilling Ultimate Singles Robin
7th New South Wales Frosty 1/07/2022 [NSW] StarForge #120 Ultimate Singles Ammies Robin
3rd New South Wales Frosty 1/07/2022 [NSW] StarForge #120 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 29/06/2022 [NSW] C’Town Beat Down #31 Ultimate Singles Top 8 GanondorfRobinRoy
1st New South Wales Fai 29/06/2022 [NSW] C’Town Beat Down #31 Ultimate Singles Pools Ice ClimbersMarioPichuRobinZero Suit Samus
3rd New South Wales Fai 19/06/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, What Am I Doughing Here Ultimate Singles Robin
2nd South Australia Q 15/06/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #102 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinGreninjaIncineroarRandomRobin
3rd South Australia Q 12/06/2022 [SA] Cheese League June 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinIncineroarInklingKing DededeRobin
2nd New South Wales Fai 10/06/2022 [NSW] StarForge #118 Ultimate Singles Round Robin Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 10/06/2022 [NSW] StarForge #118 Ultimate Singles Top 8 Robin
2nd South Australia Q 8/06/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #101 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket CorrinPyra / MythraRobin
2nd New South Wales Fai 4/06/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 7 Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 4/06/2022 [NSW] Okay this is Epping 7 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 2/06/2022 [NSW] SmashOP 9 Ultimate singles Bracket Robin
3rd South Australia Q 25/05/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #100 Ultimate WeeklyVac #100 (25/05/22) CorrinFoxRobin
13th South Australia Fishy 20/05/2022 [SA] BonusVac #6 BonusVac #6 (20/05/2022) RobinYoung Link
3rd South Australia Q 18/05/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #99.5 Ultimate WeeklyVac #99.5 (18/05/22) PichuRobin
3rd South Australia Q 11/05/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #99 Ultimate WeeklyVac #99 (11/05/22) MetaknightRichterRobinYoshi
9th South Australia Fishy 30/04/2022 [SA] South Australian Arcadian 2 Ultimate Singles Top 16 Robin
2nd South Australia Fishy 30/04/2022 [SA] South Australian Arcadian 2 Ultimate Singles Pools Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 28/04/2022 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #88 Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
25th New South Wales Frosty 24/04/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Sonics Chili Dog Fiasco: Night at the Casino Ultimate Singles Robin
17th Western Australia Mik 24/04/2022 [WA] Murdoch Monthly - April 2022 (KOS) Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
17th New South Wales Frosty 22/04/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Green Hill Zone Super Barista Bros, Green Hill Zone Robin
9th South Australia Fishy 22/04/2022 [SA] BonusVac #4 BonusVac #4 (22/04/2022) Robin
17th New South Wales Frosty 21/04/2022 [NSW] C’town Beat Down #1 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
17th New South Wales Frosty 15/04/2022 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Where's My Lasagna Super Barista Bros, Where's My Lasagna Robin
33rd Western Australia Mik 13/04/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 13/04/2022 Smashfest - 13th April 2022 Bracket Robin
9th South Australia Fishy 10/04/2022 [SA] Cheese League April 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
13th South Australia Fishy 8/04/2022 [SA] BonusVac #3 BonusVac #3 (08/04/2022) ChromRobin
17th Western Australia Mik 6/04/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 06/04/22 Smashfest - 6th April 2022 Bracket Robin
13th Western Australia Mik 30/03/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 30/03/22 Smashfest - 30th March 2022 Bracket Robin
7th New South Wales Fai 27/03/2022 [NSW] GVP Esports - Our Final Smash SSBU - Singles Bracket Robin
13th Western Australia Mik 23/03/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 23/03/2022 Smashfest - 23rd March 2022 Bracket Robin
17th Western Australia Mik 9/03/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 09/03/22 Smashfest - 9th March 2022 Bracket Robin
17th Western Australia Mik 2/03/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 02/03/2022 Smashfest - 2nd March 2022 Bracket Robin
9th Western Australia Mik 27/02/2022 [WA] Murdoch Monthly - February 2022 (KOS) Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
9th New South Wales Fai 25/02/2022 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 290 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 24/02/2022 [NSW] GVP Thursday Throwdowns 27 SSBU - Singles Bracket Robin
13th Western Australia Mik 23/02/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 23/02/22 Smashfest - 23rd February 2022 Bracket Robin
1st New Zealand IcyK 20/02/2022 [NZ] Wellington Ranbats 20/02/2022 Smash Ultimate Bracket BowserRobin
13th Western Australia Mik 16/02/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 16/02/22 Smashfest - 16th February 2022 Bracket Robin
13th Western Australia Mik 9/02/2022 [WA] Escape Portal Smashfest 09/12/22 Smashfest - 9th February 2022 Bracket Robin
25th Western Australia Mik 6/02/2022 [WA] Little Z's Big Bash 2 The Big Bash 2 Robin
7th New South Wales Ulticow 27/01/2022 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Throwdowns 23 SSBU - Singles Bracket Mr. Game and WatchRobin
3rd South Australia Q 12/01/2022 [SA] WeeklyVac #84 WEEKLYVAC #84 ROUND ROBIN Pyra / MythraRobin
5th Queensland KayJay 18/12/2021 [QLD] Smash @ The Goblin 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket LucinaRobin
2nd New South Wales Fai 16/12/2021 [NSW] City Diggers 6 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
17th New South Wales Frosty 13/12/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 20 Central Sydney Skirmish 20 Robin
25th New South Wales Frosty 12/12/2021 [NSW] Super Barista Bros. Table For Five Super Barista Bros. Table For Five Robin
7th New South Wales Frosty 12/12/2021 [NSW] Super Barista Bros. Table For Five SBB Ammies 05 Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 12/12/2021 [NSW] The Kanga Invitational Ultimate Singles Pools Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 25/11/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Throwdowns 15 SSBU - Singles Bracket Robin
7th New South Wales Fai 21/11/2021 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping 4 Okay this is Epping #4 Robin
9th South Australia Fishy 17/11/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #78 Ultimate WeeklyVac #78 (17/11/21) ChromRobinYoung Link
9th South Australia Fishy 10/11/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #77 Ultimate WeeklyVac #77 (10/11/21) Robin
33rd New South Wales Frosty 7/11/2021 [NSW] Super Barista Bros, Double Shot Super Barista Bros, Double Shot Robin
9th South Australia Fishy 3/11/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #76 Ultimate WeeklyVac #76 (03/11/21) ChromRobin
5th New South Wales Fai 31/10/2021 [NSW] Super Barista Bros Super Barista Bros Robin
3rd South Australia Q 6/10/2021 [SA] WeeklyVac #72 Ultimate WeeklyVac #72 (06/10/21) CorrinMetaknightRobin
13th Queensland Joz. 27/08/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 272 Smash Ultimate Singles FalcoLucinaRobinWolf
2nd New Zealand IcyK 25/07/2021 [NZ] Wellington Ranbats 25/07/2021 Smash Ultimate Bracket BowserFalcoRobin
33rd Queensland Ham 23/07/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 269 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
17th South Australia Fishy 14/07/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #64 Ultimate WeeklyVac #64 (14/07/21) Robin
17th Queensland Ham 9/07/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 267 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
25th Queensland Ham 25/06/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 266 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
3rd Tasmania Shop 24/06/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #56 Ultimate Singles Bracket King K. RoolPiranha PlantRobin
5th New South Wales Fai 21/06/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 17 Central Sydney Skirmish 17 Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 19/06/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Newcastle Clashes #6 Super Smash Bros. Switch - Singles Bracket Robin
25th Queensland Ham 18/06/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 265 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
7th Tasmania Shop 17/06/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #55 Ultimate Singles Bracket Donkey KongKing K. RoolMarthPiranha PlantRobin
2nd New South Wales Fai 17/06/2021 [NSW] GVP Thursday Night Throwdowns #7 SSBU - Singles Bracket LucinaRobin
13th New South Wales Fai 13/06/2021 [NSW] Okay This Is Epping #3 Okay This Is Epping #3 LucinaRobin
5th Tasmania Shop 10/06/2021 [TAS] Roadside Rumble #54 Ultimate Singles Bracket Piranha PlantRobin
17th Queensland Ham 21/05/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 261 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
9th New South Wales Fai 17/05/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 13 Central Sydney Skirmish 13 Robin
9th Queensland Ham 11/05/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 15 GC Fight Club 15 Robin
9th Queensland Ham 11/05/2021 [QLD] GC Fight Club 15 GCFC #15 Amateurs Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 6/05/2021 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #72 Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
9th New South Wales Fai 4/05/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #73 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
17th New South Wales Fai 1/05/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash 4 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
7th New South Wales Fai 29/04/2021 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #71 Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
13th Queensland Ham 27/04/2021 [QLD] Gold Coast Fight Club #13 GC Fight Club #12 Robin
7th Queensland Ham 27/04/2021 [QLD] Gold Coast Fight Club #13 GC Fight Club #13 Amateurs Robin
7th New South Wales Fai 27/04/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #72 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
9th New South Wales Fai 24/04/2021 [VIC] Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2021 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
25th Queensland Ham 23/04/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 257 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 22/04/2021 [VIC] Sunshine Smash #70 Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
25th South Australia Fishy 21/04/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #53 Ultimate WeeklyVac #53 (21/04/21) Robin
9th New South Wales Fai 20/04/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #71 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
5th New South Wales Fai 18/04/2021 [NSW] Battle Kat Comeback Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
25th Queensland Ham 16/04/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 256 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
25th South Australia Fishy 14/04/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #52 Ultimate WeeklyVac #52 (14/04/21) Robin
5th New South Wales Fai 12/04/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 9 Central Sydney Skirmish 9 Robin
33rd Victoria Ignis 11/04/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash #3 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 8/04/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #41 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket CloudCorrinRobin
13th New South Wales Fai 5/04/2021 [NSW] AEL Georges River Cup 2021 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
25th Victoria Zekora 28/03/2021 [SA] El Queso League March Ultimate Singles Bracket PalutenaRobin
17th New South Wales Fai 26/03/2021 [NSW] Star Forge 114 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 25/03/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #39 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket CorrinRobinWolf
9th New South Wales Fai 22/03/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 7 Central Sydney Skirmish 7 Robin
4th Victoria Skitter 22/03/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine 66 SunshineSmash Bracket Robin
25th Queensland Ham 19/03/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 253 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 18/03/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #38 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket RobinWolf
7th New South Wales Fai 15/03/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 6 Central Sydney Skirmish 6 Robin
25th Queensland Ham 12/03/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 252 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 11/03/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #37 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket RobinWolf
5th New South Wales Fai 8/03/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish #5 Central Sydney Skirmish 5 Robin
33rd Victoria Skitter 7/03/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash 2 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
17th Victoria Ignis 7/03/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash 2 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
33rd Queensland Ham 5/03/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 251 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
1st New South Wales Fai 4/03/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #36 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Pokémon TrainerRobinWolf
13th New South Wales Fai 1/03/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish 4 Central Sydney Skirmish 4 Robin
25th Queensland Ham 26/02/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 250 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
9th New South Wales Fai 26/02/2021 [NSW] Star Forge #112 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 25/02/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #35 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Robin
5th New South Wales Fai 22/02/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish #3 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 21/02/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Newcastle Clashes #2 Super Smash Bros. Switch - Singles Bracket Robin
9th New South Wales Fai 15/02/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish #2 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
17th Queensland Ham 12/02/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 248 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
2nd New South Wales Fai 11/02/2021 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #33 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Robin
3rd South Australia Q 10/02/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #43 Ultimate WeeklyVac #43 (10/02/21) CorrinJigglypuffMr. Game and WatchRobinYoshi
17th New South Wales Fai 8/02/2021 [NSW] Central Sydney Skirmish #1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
25th Victoria Skitter 2/02/2021 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #61 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
25th Queensland Ham 29/01/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 246 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
17th Queensland Ham 22/01/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 245 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
33rd South Australia Fishy 20/01/2021 [SA] WeeklyVAC #40 Ultimate WeeklyVac #40 (20/01/21) Robin
9th Victoria Ignis 19/01/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #73 Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
4th Victoria Ignis 18/01/2021 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #59 SunshineSmash Bracket Robin
13th Queensland Ham 15/01/2021 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 244 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
7th Victoria Ignis 10/01/2021 [VIC] Super Sunshine Smash Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
17th Victoria Raid 5/01/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #71 Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
2nd Victoria Ignis 5/01/2021 [VIC] Pixel Smash #71 Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
9th Victoria Ignis 29/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #70 Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
3rd Victoria Ignis 22/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #69 Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
3rd Victoria Ignis 21/12/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine 57 SunshineSmash Bracket Robin
49th Queensland Ham 20/12/2020 [QLD] Pissmas 2 Ultimate Singles Robin
5th Queensland Ham 20/12/2020 [QLD] Pissmas 2 Pissmas 2 No Cigar Robin
5th Victoria Ignis 19/12/2020 [VIC] Dungeon.Exe 7 Smash Saturday Returns @ Dungeon.exe 1v1's Bracket Robin
17th South Australia Fishy 16/12/2020 [SA] WeeklyVAC #39 Ultimate WeeklyVac #39 (16/12/20) Robin
9th Victoria Ignis 15/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #68 Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
4th Victoria Ignis 14/12/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #56 SunshineSmash Bracket Robin
17th Victoria Skitter 13/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Perfect 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Top 32 Robin
9th Victoria Ignis 13/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Perfect 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Top 32 Robin
3rd Victoria Skitter 13/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Perfect 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
2nd Victoria Ignis 13/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Perfect 1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
17th South Australia Fishy 12/12/2020 [SA] Cheese League December 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League December - Ultimate Singles (12/12/20) Robin
3rd South Australia Fishy 12/12/2020 [SA] Cheese League December 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League December 2020 - Ultimate Redemption (12/12/20) Robin
7th Victoria Ignis 8/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #67 Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
9th Queensland Joz. 5/12/2020 [QLD] Smashmas Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
2nd Queensland Joz. 5/12/2020 [QLD] Smashmas Ultimate Singles Pools Robin
13th Victoria Ignis 3/12/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #66 Outside Edition Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
3rd New South Wales Fai 3/12/2020 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #23 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Robin
5th New South Wales Fai 29/11/2020 [NSW] GVP FGC Newcastle Clashes Super Smash Bros. Switch - Singles Bracket Robin
7th Victoria Ignis 24/11/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #65 Outdoor Edition Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
4th New South Wales Fai 19/11/2020 [NSW] GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #21 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket Robin
9th Victoria Ignis 17/11/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #64 Outdoor Edition Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
25th South Australia Fishy 25/10/2020 [SA] Cheese League October 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League October - Ultimate Singles (25/10/20) Robin
9th South Australia Tacotician 25/10/2020 [SA] Cheese League October 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League October 2020 - Ultimate Redemption Mii GunnerRobin
3rd South Australia Fishy 25/10/2020 [SA] Cheese League October 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League October 2020 - Ultimate Redemption Robin
17th South Australia Fishy 7/10/2020 [SA] WeeklyVAC #32 Ultimate WeeklyVac #32 (07/10/20) Robin
13th New South Wales Fai 12/07/2020 [NSW] BKB SMUSH: THE RETURN 02 BKB SMUSH: THE RETURN 02 JokerRobin
9th Victoria Skitter 15/06/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #59 Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
9th Victoria Ignis 8/06/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #58 Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
33rd Queensland Ham 14/03/2020 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD March 2020 Ranbat Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
9th Queensland Ham 14/03/2020 [QLD] CouchWarriors QLD March 2020 Ranbat Couchwarriors QLD March 2020 Ranbat Amateurs Robin
17th Queensland Ham 13/03/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 243 Friday Night Smash 243 Robin
3rd Queensland Ham 13/03/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 243 Friday Night Smash 243 Redemption Robin
129th Victoria Skitter 7/03/2020 [NSW] Phantom 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
1st Victoria Skitter 7/03/2020 [NSW] Phantom 2020 Phantom amateurs Bracket Robin
17th Queensland Ham 6/03/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 242 Friday Night Smash 242 Robin
9th Queensland Ham 6/03/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 242 Friday Night Smash 242 Redemption Robin
25th South Australia Tacotician 4/03/2020 [SA] WeeklyVac #28 Ultimate WeeklyVac #28 04/03/20 RobinZelda
33rd Victoria Skitter 3/03/2020 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #59 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
33rd Queensland Ham 29/02/2020 [QLD] QUTies' Super Showdown #6 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
1st Queensland Ham 29/02/2020 [QLD] QUTies' Super Showdown #6 QSS 6 Amateurs Robin
25th Queensland Ham 28/02/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 241 Friday Night Smash 241 Robin
9th Queensland Ham 28/02/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 241 Friday Night Smash 241 Redemption Robin
33rd Victoria Raid 22/02/2020 [VIC] Couchwarriors Feburary Ranbat 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
4th Queensland Ham 22/02/2020 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 23 Ultimate Singles Pools Robin
3rd Queensland Ham 22/02/2020 [QLD] Smash by the Beach 23 Smash by the Beach 23 Amateurs Robin
25th Queensland Ham 21/02/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 240 Friday Night Smash 240 Robin
13th Victoria Raid 21/02/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 9 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
5th Queensland Ham 21/02/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 240 Friday Night Smash 240 Redemption Robin
25th South Australia Fishy 16/02/2020 [SA] Cheese League February 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
17th South Australia Fishy 16/02/2020 [SA] Cheese League February 2020 Cheese League February 2020 Redemption Robin
33rd Victoria Skitter 11/02/2020 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #56 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
25th South Australia Fishy 9/02/2020 [SA] Smash @ UniSA #7 Smash Ultimate Singles @ UniSA #7 (9/2/20) Robin
7th South Australia Fishy 9/02/2020 [SA] Smash @ UniSA #7 UniSA 7 Ultimate Redemption Robin
33rd Queensland Ham 7/02/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 239 Friday Night Smash 239 Robin
9th Queensland Ham 7/02/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 239 Friday Night Smash 239 Amateurs Robin
9th Victoria Skitter 7/02/2020 [VIC] Smash @ Swanston Ultimate 7 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
25th New South Wales Fai 4/02/2020 [NSW] Star Forge #107 Star Forge #107 Robin
9th Victoria Skitter 4/02/2020 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #55 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
25th Queensland Ham 31/01/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 238 Friday Night Smash 238 Robin
9th Queensland Ham 31/01/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 238 Friday Night Smash 238 Redemption Robin
13th New South Wales Fai 25/01/2020 [NSW] Hornsby Smash Ultimate #49 Hornsby Smash Ultimate #49 LucinaRobin
49th Queensland Ham 24/01/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 237 Friday Night Smash 237 Robin
3rd Queensland Ham 24/01/2020 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 237 Friday Night Smash 237 Amateurs Robin
9th Victoria Raid 20/01/2020 [VIC] Pixel Smash #49 Pixel SMASH Robin
33rd South Australia Fishy 8/01/2020 [SA] WeeklyVac #21 Weekly #21 Robin
3rd Queensland Diddle 7/01/2020 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 53 Tuesday Night Fights 53 Amateurs Robin
17th Victoria Skitter 16/12/2019 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #44 SunshineSmash Bracket Robin
65th New South Wales Fai 14/12/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Crossup 2 Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Robin
33rd Victoria Skitter 14/12/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Crossup 2 Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Robin
25th Victoria Skitter 10/12/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #49 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
33rd South Australia Fishy 7/12/2019 [SA] Big Cheese 2 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Redemption Robin
4th Victoria Skitter 27/11/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #50 Geelong Smash Ultimate #49 Robin
25th Victoria Skitter 26/11/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #47 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
25th Victoria Skitter 23/11/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors November Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
4th Victoria Skitter 20/11/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #49 Geelong Smash Ultimate #48 Robin
3rd Victoria Skitter 13/11/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #48 Geelong Smash Ultimate #47 Robin
5th Queensland Diddle 12/11/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 47 Tuesday Night Fights 47 Amateurs Robin
97th Victoria Dalmnation 10/11/2019 [VIC] Victorian Arcadian 2019: Best Of The Average VIC Arcadian Singles Robin
25th Victoria Skitter 10/11/2019 [VIC] Victorian Arcadian 2019: Best Of The Average VIC Arcadian Singles Robin
9th South Australia Tacotician 30/10/2019 [SA] WeeklyVAC #16 Weekly #16 RobinZelda
4th Victoria Skitter 30/10/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #46 Geelong Smash Ultimate #45 Robin
25th Victoria Skitter 29/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #44 Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
49th Victoria Skitter 26/10/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors October Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
13th South Australia Tacotician 23/10/2019 [SA] WeeklyVAC #15 WeeklyVAC #15 BowserRobinZelda
33rd South Australia Tacotician 20/10/2019 [SA] Cheese League Round 10 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket RobinZelda
4th Victoria Skitter 16/10/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #44 Geelong Smash Ultimate #43 Robin
17th Victoria Skitter 15/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #42 Ultimate Singles Robin
4th Victoria Skitter 9/10/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #43 Geelong Smash Ultimate #42 Robin
17th Victoria Skitter 8/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #41 Ultimate Singles Robin
17th South Australia Fishy 6/10/2019 [SA] Smash @ UniSA #5 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #5 Robin
33rd Victoria Skitter 1/10/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #40 Ultimate Singles Robin
97th New South Wales Frosty 29/09/2019 [NSW] Star Forge Underground #14 Ultimate Singles Robin
33rd Victoria Skitter 29/09/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors September Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
13th Victoria Skitter 24/09/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #39 Ultimate Singles Robin
2nd Western Australia Turn Up 19/09/2019 [WA] Good Games Cannington #5 Good Games Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
17th Victoria Skitter 17/09/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #38 Ultimate Singles Robin
9th Victoria Skitter 16/09/2019 [VIC] Pixel Smash #31 Pixel SMASH Bracket Robin
33rd Victoria Zekora 15/09/2019 [SA] Cheese League Round 9 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket BayonettaCorrinJokerRobin
25th Victoria Skitter 10/09/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #37 Ultimate Singles Robin
25th Victoria Skitter 8/09/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed September 2019 Stay Smashed September 2019 Singles Robin
7th Queensland Churropon 6/09/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 217 Friday Night Smash 217 Robin
17th Victoria Skitter 1/09/2019 [VIC] Melbourne Esports Open 2019 MEO Smash Ultimate Bracket Robin
5th New Zealand mojobones 1/09/2019 [NZ] Smash-Net #66 Ultimate Singles BayonettaRobin
17th Victoria Skitter 24/08/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors August Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
33rd Victoria Skitter 20/08/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #34 Ultimate Singles Robin
33rd South Australia Fishy 18/08/2019 [SA] Cheese League Round 8 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
17th Victoria Skitter 13/08/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #33 Ultimate Singles Robin
2nd Victoria Corvid 12/08/2019 [VIC] Smash @ Sunshine #27 Smash @ Sunshine #27 12-08-2019 Bracket CorrinMarioMetaknightRobinWolf
13th Victoria Skitter 6/08/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #32 Ultimate Singles Robin
17th South Australia Fishy 4/08/2019 [SA] Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #3 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #3 InklingRobin
25th Victoria Skitter 27/07/2019 [VIC] Couch Warriors Ranbat July 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
4th Victoria Skitter 26/07/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #15 Ultimate Nekocards #14 Robin
25th Victoria Skitter 23/07/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #30 Ultimate Singles Robin
13th Victoria Skitter 20/07/2019 [VIC] Ultimate Smash Bash July @GGEZ GGEZ July Ultimate Smash Bash Robin
25th Victoria Raid 14/07/2019 [VIC] Stay Smashed July 2019 Stay Smashed Singles - July 2019 Robin
17th South Australia Fishy 14/07/2019 [SA] Cheese League Round 7 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
13th Victoria Skitter 12/07/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #14 Ultimate Nekocards #13 Robin
17th Victoria Skitter 9/07/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #28 Ultimate Singles Robin
1st Victoria Corvid 6/07/2019 [WA] BigWinChampionship 2 Ultimate Singles Pools MarioPokémon TrainerRobin
33rd Western Australia rosey 5/07/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 26 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament Bracket Robin
5th Victoria Skitter 3/07/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #29 Geelong Smash Ultimate #28 Robin
17th Victoria Skitter 2/07/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #27 Ultimate Singles Robin
13th Victoria Skitter 28/06/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #13 Ultimate Nekocards #12 Robin
33rd Queensland Lainey 27/06/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 33 Super Smashin Thursdays 33 - SSBUltimate Singles Robin
5th Queensland Lainey 27/06/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 33 Super Smashin Thursdays 33 - SSBUltimate Singles (Ammy) Robin
3rd Victoria Skitter 26/06/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #28 Geelong Smash Ultimate #27 Robin
33rd Victoria Skitter 22/06/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors June Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles GreninjaRobin
33rd Queensland Lainey 20/06/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursday 32 Super Smashin Thursdays 32 - Ultimate Singles Robin
9th Victoria Skitter 19/06/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #27 Geelong Smash Ultimate #26 Robin
13th Victoria Skitter 14/06/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #12 Ultimate Nekocards #11 Robin
25th Queensland Lainey 13/06/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 31 Super Smashin Thursdays 31 - Ultimate Singles Robin
9th New South Wales Bussy 13/06/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 31 Super Smashin Thursdays 31 - Ultimate Singles Robin
5th Victoria Skitter 12/06/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #26 Geelong Smash Ultimate #25 Robin
7th Victoria Skitter 11/06/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #24 Ultimate Singles Robin
17th South Australia Fishy 7/06/2019 [SA] EVAC June 2019 EVAC June 2019 Robin
33rd Queensland Lainey 6/06/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 30 Super Smashin Thursdays 30 - Ultimate Singles Robin
17th Queensland Lainey 1/06/2019 [NSW] GEEVO 9 Super Smash Bros. Switch - Singles Bracket Robin
13th Victoria Skitter 31/05/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #11 Ultimate Nekocards #10 Robin
33rd Queensland Lainey 30/05/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 29 Super Smashin Thursdays 29 - Ultimate Singles Robin
9th Western Australia rosey 29/05/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 21 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Robin
17th Victoria Skitter 28/05/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #22 Ultimate Singles Robin
33rd Queensland Lainey 23/05/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 28 Super Smashin Thursdays 28 - Ultimate Singles Robin
17th Western Australia rosey 22/05/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 20 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Robin
129th Victoria Naga 18/05/2019 [VIC] BAM 11 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
65th Victoria Skitter 18/05/2019 [VIC] BAM 11 Smash Ultimate Singles GreninjaRobin
33rd Victoria Skitter 16/05/2019 [VIC] BAM11 Salty Suite Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
25th Victoria Skitter 15/05/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #22 BAM Special Ultimate Singles Bracket Robin
17th Western Australia rosey 15/05/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 19 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Robin
17th Victoria Skitter 14/05/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #20 Ultimate Singles Robin
2nd Queensland McJobo 14/05/2019 [QLD] Tuesday Night Fights 21 Tuesday Night Fights 21 Bowser Jr.IsabellePiranha PlantRobinWario
13th Western Australia rosey 9/05/2019 [WA] Beach Based Bonanza 37 Beach Based Bonanza 37 Ultimate Robin
33rd Victoria Skitter 7/05/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #19 Ultimate Singles Robin
25th Western Australia rosey 4/05/2019 [WA] BigWinSmash: Ultimate Showdown #5 Ultimate Singles Robin
5th Victoria Skitter 3/05/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #10 Ultimate Nekocards #9 Robin
9th Western Australia rosey 1/05/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 18 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Robin
9th Victoria Skitter 30/04/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #18 Ultimate Singles Robin
33rd Victoria Skitter 27/04/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors April Ranbat 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
25th Western Australia rosey 24/04/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 17 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Robin
25th Victoria Skitter 23/04/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #17 Ultimate EBS x Zen gaming #17 Robin
7th Victoria Skitter 18/04/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #18 Geelong Smash Ultimate #18 Robin
17th Western Australia rosey 10/04/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 15 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Robin
7th Victoria Skitter 10/04/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #17 GUF Ultimate 17 GreninjaRobin
9th Victoria Skitter 3/04/2019 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #16 Geelong Smash #16 Robin
49th Western Australia rosey 30/03/2019 [WA] BigWinSmash: Ultimate Showdown #4 Ultimate Singles Robin
17th Western Australia rosey 27/03/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 13 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Robin
49th Western Australia rosey 24/03/2019 [WA] Stratagem Smash Sunday #2 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament Bracket Robin
33rd Victoria Skitter 23/03/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Ranbat March 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
13th Queensland Joz. 22/03/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 193 Friday Night Smash 193 GanondorfLucinaPitRobin
9th Western Australia rosey 22/03/2019 [WA] UWAnime Smash Ultimate Tournament 2019 UWAnime Smash Ultimate Tournament 2019 Robin
17th Western Australia rosey 20/03/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 12 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Robin
7th Victoria Skitter 20/03/2019 [VIC] GUF Geelong Ultimate #14 GUF Ultimate 14 Robin
17th South Australia Moonlight 17/03/2019 [SA] Cheese League Round 3 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket RobinVillager
25th Australian Capital Territory Akechi 9/03/2019 [ACT] Fighting Game Monthlies March Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket InklingRobin
1st Australian Capital Territory Akechi 9/03/2019 [ACT] Fighting Game Monthlies March Fighting Game Monthlies March 2019 Redemption InklingRobin
33rd Western Australia rosey 6/03/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 11 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Robin
49th Western Australia rosey 2/03/2019 [WA] BigWinSmash: Ultimate Showdown #3 Ultimate Singles Robin
33rd Western Australia rosey 27/02/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 10 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Robin
49th Victoria Skitter 23/02/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors February 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles GreninjaRobin
25th Western Australia rosey 20/02/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 9 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Robin
17th New Zealand Arrowskee 3/02/2019 [NZ] Smash-Net #54 Smash-Net 54: Ultimate Singles 03/02/2019 Robin
5th Western Australia rosey 2/02/2019 [WA] BigWinSmash: Ultimate Showdown #2 Ultimate Singles Pools Robin
7th Victoria Skitter 30/01/2019 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #7 GUF Ultimate 7 Robin
17th Victoria Skitter 29/01/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #6 Ultimate Singles Robin
13th Victoria Skitter 27/01/2019 [VIC] Couchwarriors Jan 2019 Smash Ultimate Singles Robin
13th Victoria Skitter 25/01/2019 [VIC] Nekocards Ultimate #4 Ultimate Nekocards #3 Robin
9th Victoria Skitter 23/01/2019 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #6 Guf Ultimate #6 Robin
13th Victoria Skitter 22/01/2019 [VIC] EBS Ultimate #5 Ultimate Singles Robin
7th New Zealand Arrowskee 20/01/2019 [NZ] Smash-Net #53 Smash-Net 53: Ultimate Singles 20/01/2019 Robin
13th Queensland Joz. 18/01/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 184 Friday Night Smash 184 GanondorfLucinaMarioPitRobin
0 Victoria Skitter 16/01/2019 [VIC] Guf Geelong Ultimate #5 GUF Ultimate 5 Robin
33rd Western Australia rosey 9/01/2019 [WA] Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 3 Strats Mid Week smash Bracket Robin
3rd Queensland Joz. 5/01/2019 [QLD] Couchwarriors QLD Smash Ultimate New Year Bash Bros Singles Bracket MarthPitRobin
25th Queensland Joz. 4/01/2019 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 182 Friday Night Smash 182 MarthMewtwoPitRobin
9th Queensland Joz. 28/12/2018 [QLD] Friday Night Smash 181 Friday Night Smash 181 MarthMewtwoRobin