Elo breakdown

Rank Elo Elo δ Player
1st 2641 Queensland Grandmaster Bro1 WolfMr. Game and WatchJoker
2nd 2577 Queensland Grandmaster Smasio CorrinJokerPiranha Plant
3rd 2528 Queensland Grandmaster Dags Wii Fit TrainerDiddy KongRoy
4th 2431 Queensland Grandmaster Lukas SnakeLucasIncineroar
5th 2374 Queensland Grandmaster Finn SnakeLucinaMr. Game and Watch
6th 2362 +115 Queensland Grandmaster BakedGoods BowserSephirothGanondorf
7th 2275 Queensland Grandmaster PillowTalk Thee Stallion BayonettaCorrinRosalina & Luma
8th 2167 Queensland Master Joser JokerPalutenaMr. Game and Watch
9th 2164 -79 Queensland Master Pram PalutenaFoxCloud
10th 2141 Queensland Grandmaster Stacked FalcoROBMii Brawler
11th 2115 +91 Queensland Master J-Rods King K. RoolSonicTerry
12th 2056 Queensland Master Shitashi Mega Man
13th 1972 +111 Queensland Master Litty DaisyLuigiPeach
14th 1969 Queensland Master Soggz Young LinkFalco
14th 1969 +4 Queensland Master Brain Power Banjo & KazooieBowser Jr.Hero
16th 1904 Queensland Diamond Pinkie MetaknightLucinaCaptain Falcon
17th 1867 Queensland Diamond Artrix8 Mega ManKing K. RoolJigglypuff
18th 1856 Queensland Master DFS FalcoInklingPikachu
19th 1813 Queensland Diamond Swate ROBNessSteve
20th 1797 Queensland Master BattleDolphin JigglypuffMarioNess
21st 1787 Queensland Diamond Snap FoxWarioRandom
22nd 1767 +9 Queensland Diamond Thracia IncineroarTerry
23rd 1749 Queensland Grandmaster Negima TerryHeroInkling
24th 1747 Queensland Master Spectre Pyra / MythraKing K. RoolDonkey Kong
25th 1746 Queensland Grandmaster Shadrew KenRyuKazuya
26th 1720 Queensland Master Lainey BayonettaCaptain FalconPalutena
27th 1704 Queensland Master Joz. LucinaFalcoMewtwo
28th 1696 Queensland Diamond Vivid Captain FalconCloudGanondorf
29th 1684 -62 Queensland Diamond Lomar GreninjaJokerSheik
30th 1669 -51 Queensland Diamond Blorph NessJokerLittle Mac
30th 1669 Queensland Platinum Exclin MarthKenJigglypuff
32nd 1668 Queensland Master Recon WolfWarioSnake
33rd 1659 +78 Queensland Diamond OrcaShmorka JokerWarioHero
34th 1652 Queensland Diamond Suluxz VillagerYoung Link
35th 1610 -19 Queensland Platinum mini! Piranha PlantYoshiPikachu
36th 1588 +120 Queensland Platinum The Stig Mii BrawlerGanondorfKirby
37th 1586 +48 Queensland Platinum Metalotl MewtwoROBHero
38th 1579 -322 Queensland Diamond Benthoven MarioSheikFalco
39th 1575 Queensland Master TrackerBase SteveInklingPokémon Trainer
40th 1518 -24 Queensland Platinum Embo Young LinkChromPalutena
41st 1482 -38 Queensland Gold Mr. S MarioLuigiRandom
42nd 1470 +136 Queensland Gold Jane CorrinLucinaPyra / Mythra
43rd 1355 Queensland Gold Benedict Mii GunnerPyra / MythraShulk
44th 1351 -71 Queensland Platinum Avocado Zero Suit SamusChromWolf
45th 1349 Queensland Diamond KaiDASH KirbyMii BrawlerPikachu
46th 1346 Queensland Platinum Iroh Captain FalconMarioPichu
47th 1338 +285 Queensland Silver salmongain Pac-ManCorrinLucina
48th 1329 Queensland Silver Gravydice WolfIncineroarKing K. Rool
49th 1302 -76 Queensland Gold BWS' Strongest Soldier Wii Fit TrainerBowser Jr.Mii Swordfighter
50th 1290 Queensland Gold ALP1NE NessDiddy KongPalutena
51st 1289 Queensland Silver KrissyK Lucas
52nd 1228 -52 Queensland Platinum arc Pyra / MythraYoung LinkWolf
53rd 1198 Queensland Gold NaCl IncineroarBylethRichter
54th 1188 Queensland Gold Page SephirothCloudPalutena
55th 1164 Queensland Platinum Exist King DededeSoraKirby
56th 1147 Queensland Gold SlishFish Min MinPiranha Plant
57th 1144 Queensland Gold HeaL ZeldaCloudRobin
58th 1137 Queensland Silver Big-E Richter
59th 1096 Queensland Silver Lost Edge WolfBowserRandom
60th 1088 Queensland Bronze south
61st 1063 Queensland Bronze Bagel Pyra / MythraCaptain FalconInkling
62nd 1058 Queensland Gold Serein SnakeSteveMii Gunner
63rd 1039 Queensland Bronze skrumpyify Ganondorf
64th 1036 Queensland Bronze Duckey
65th 1028 Queensland Bronze SCHMACK Captain FalconMario
66th 1018 Queensland Bronze Jojo Wii Fit TrainerDonkey KongGanondorf
67th 1015 Queensland Bronze DOc BayonettaJokerPikmin & Olimar
68th 1010 Queensland Bronze Sunyata Yoshi