Elo breakdown

Rank Elo Elo δ Player
1st 2574 +44 New Zealand Grandmaster ube LucinaMr. Game and WatchLucario
2nd 2505 +58 New Zealand Grandmaster AlastairBL SoraJokerZero Suit Samus
3rd 2495 New Zealand Grandmaster IcyK BowserBylethBowser Jr.
4th 2318 New Zealand Grandmaster RenSoul LucasMii SwordfighterDonkey Kong
5th 2208 +64 New Zealand Master Giantdad JokerWolfRoy
6th 2180 +5 New Zealand Master Mackarp JigglypuffYoshiFalco
7th 2063 +46 New Zealand Master Smithereens LucasSteveBowser Jr.
8th 2042 -124 New Zealand Master Aluf MarioCaptain FalconDaisy
9th 1976 New Zealand Diamond La_Lapin ROBSteveWolf
10th 1973 +58 New Zealand Master Viiv YoshiWolfMr. Game and Watch
11th 1954 New Zealand Master Meatwagon222 LuigiSteveKing K. Rool
12th 1937 New Zealand Master DuoFace LucasDr. MarioBowser
13th 1928 New Zealand Master K-dawg JigglypuffCaptain Falcon
14th 1880 New Zealand Master LooseGoose IkeHeroPiranha Plant
15th 1868 New Zealand Master Big Red FoxWolfPichu
16th 1866 New Zealand Master timtam StevePiranha PlantMii Swordfighter
17th 1825 +80 New Zealand Master DaWests DaisyBowserPyra / Mythra
18th 1792 -75 New Zealand Master Twister3 RidleyPyra / MythraSonic
19th 1783 New Zealand Master Spotyus Banjo & KazooieDark SamusSamus
20th 1764 +10 New Zealand Diamond BoBert FalcoTerryFox
21st 1749 New Zealand Master Hob IncineroarMr. Game and WatchDuck Hunt Duo
22nd 1743 -46 New Zealand Master KFC LucinaJokerCaptain Falcon
23rd 1720 New Zealand Diamond Sayshi Mega ManMetaknightBayonetta
24th 1713 New Zealand Diamond Qizou King K. RoolROBSteve
25th 1710 +22 New Zealand Diamond Unladen DaisyMewtwoPeach
26th 1692 New Zealand Diamond Angel FalcoCorrin
27th 1646 +16 New Zealand Diamond dingdongkid Mega ManDonkey KongLittle Mac
28th 1627 +81 New Zealand Platinum Widdershin LinkSephirothROB
29th 1624 New Zealand Master GammaFox JokerInklingToon Link
30th 1610 New Zealand Diamond Double A King DededeIkeGanondorf
31st 1606 New Zealand Master LunaFrost KazuyaLittle MacWolf
32nd 1597 -37 New Zealand Master mojobones BayonettaGreninjaPikachu
33rd 1596 New Zealand Diamond Boloney LinkPalutenaPyra / Mythra
34th 1575 New Zealand Platinum UEPA Villager
35th 1569 New Zealand Platinum Squinnsher Captain FalconDonkey KongGanondorf
36th 1568 New Zealand Platinum Adurome MarioFalcoDonkey Kong
37th 1534 New Zealand Gold Phases NessSephirothLucas
38th 1525 New Zealand Platinum TapJumper FoxMarioSheik
39th 1506 New Zealand Platinum Sgt_Pepper Donkey KongIncineroarSteve
40th 1505 New Zealand Diamond Dull_Bulb JigglypuffIncineroarWario
41st 1495 +29 New Zealand Diamond Eggus Donkey KongHeroJoker
42nd 1491 New Zealand Gold Direee PalutenaSnakeMario
43rd 1471 New Zealand Platinum Fisic SoraSephirothDark Pit
44th 1452 New Zealand Gold Pinecone Peach
45th 1451 New Zealand Master iDeeKay WarioCaptain FalconFox
46th 1447 New Zealand Gold Durameter NessPokémon TrainerInkling
47th 1442 New Zealand Gold GGSammy Ice ClimbersYoshiFalco
48th 1432 New Zealand Gold Hope Chest Rosalina & LumaMii GunnerWii Fit Trainer
49th 1426 New Zealand Diamond dcs HeroSnakeMetaknight
50th 1386 New Zealand Gold Zai KazuyaTerrySonic
51st 1369 New Zealand Gold Akabird ZeldaPichuHero
52nd 1368 New Zealand Gold [.,.] BylethCorrinDonkey Kong
53rd 1341 New Zealand Silver AMB FalcoWolfCaptain Falcon
54th 1259 New Zealand Silver Gnathus Banjo & KazooiePiranha PlantCorrin
55th 1257 New Zealand Gold Taurii Rosalina & LumaPalutenaJigglypuff
56th 1256 New Zealand Silver Burn The Vampire PalutenaBylethCorrin
57th 1255 New Zealand Silver Valos LinkKazuyaRyu
58th 1228 New Zealand Silver Fantomex RobinMetaknight
59th 1211 New Zealand Silver Fank009 InklingHeroBowser
59th 1211 New Zealand Silver Quangous MarioLucas
61st 1191 New Zealand Silver KRB KirbySamus
62nd 1185 New Zealand Silver Wenju IncineroarPalutena
62nd 1185 New Zealand Silver OgiByeah KazuyaKen
64th 1175 New Zealand Gold JoyKong Donkey KongCloudLittle Mac
65th 1171 New Zealand Silver B2k Captain FalconGanondorfMario
66th 1157 New Zealand Silver Entry Diddy KongROBByleth
67th 1135 New Zealand Bronze Lunchbillion LinkGanondorf
68th 1088 +28 New Zealand Bronze ss23 BylethLittle MacPyra / Mythra
69th 1083 New Zealand Bronze adc
70th 1049 New Zealand Bronze StarLeo CorrinByleth
71st 1047 New Zealand Bronze DJMaskery Joker
72nd 1042 New Zealand Bronze Smash Bowden
73rd 1025 New Zealand Bronze Oresund PalutenaMarioDiddy Kong
74th 1017 New Zealand Bronze Gyatterene King Dedede
75th 1013 New Zealand Bronze Spanky
76th 1008 New Zealand Bronze soleyy Donkey KongGanondorfDiddy Kong