Elo breakdown

Rank Elo Elo δ Player
1st 2605 +48 New Zealand Grandmaster ube LucinaMr. Game and WatchLucario
2nd 2476 +1 New Zealand Grandmaster IcyK BowserRoyByleth
3rd 2431 New Zealand Grandmaster Mackarp JigglypuffYoshiKirby
4th 2278 New Zealand Grandmaster Ichigo Dark PitIkeBowser Jr.
5th 2272 New Zealand Grandmaster RenSoul LucasMii SwordfighterDonkey Kong
6th 2246 +20 New Zealand Master K-dawg JigglypuffCaptain Falcon
7th 2158 -16 New Zealand Grandmaster Smithereens LucasSteveBowser Jr.
8th 2088 New Zealand Master Giantdad JokerWolfCloud
9th 2009 -12 New Zealand Master Twister3 RidleyPyra / MythraSonic
10th 1987 +138 New Zealand Diamond Qizou King K. RoolROBMii Brawler
11th 1941 -17 New Zealand Master timtam SteveMii SwordfighterPiranha Plant
12th 1914 +35 New Zealand Master KFC SonicLucinaCaptain Falcon
13th 1898 -98 New Zealand Master La_Lapin ROBSteveWolf
14th 1873 New Zealand Diamond Squinnsher Captain FalconDonkey KongGanondorf
15th 1861 +58 New Zealand Master LooseGoose IkePiranha PlantHero
16th 1835 +51 New Zealand Master Spotyus Banjo & KazooieDark SamusSamus
17th 1818 New Zealand Master DuoFace LucasDr. MarioBowser
18th 1812 +29 New Zealand Master Aluf MarioPalutenaCaptain Falcon
19th 1806 New Zealand Diamond Deiv Luigi
20th 1781 +132 New Zealand Diamond Sayshi Mega ManMetaknightBayonetta
21st 1769 New Zealand Diamond BoBert FalcoTerryFox
22nd 1751 +132 New Zealand Platinum Chinkus KazuyaHeroIncineroar
23rd 1739 -73 New Zealand Master Big Red FoxWolfPichu
24th 1725 New Zealand Master Hob IncineroarMr. Game and WatchDuck Hunt Duo
25th 1694 +68 New Zealand Diamond Angel FalcoCorrin
26th 1672 New Zealand Master GammaFox JokerInklingPalutena
27th 1659 -98 New Zealand Master DaWests DaisyBowserSteve
28th 1654 -153 New Zealand Diamond Unladen DaisyMewtwoPeach
29th 1635 New Zealand Diamond Dull_Bulb JigglypuffIncineroarWario
30th 1610 +76 New Zealand Platinum Phases NessSephirothLucas
31st 1596 New Zealand Platinum Direee PalutenaSnakeMario
32nd 1593 New Zealand Platinum UEPA Villager
33rd 1581 +1 New Zealand Diamond Double A King DededeIkeGanondorf
34th 1576 +18 New Zealand Diamond dingdongkid Mega ManDonkey KongLittle Mac
35th 1562 New Zealand Diamond Knee Young Link
36th 1549 New Zealand Platinum Pinecone PeachBayonettaDuck Hunt Duo
37th 1540 +57 New Zealand Platinum Widdershin LinkSephirothROB
38th 1521 +38 New Zealand Diamond dcs HeroSnakeMetaknight
39th 1509 -67 New Zealand Master mojobones BayonettaGreninjaPikachu
40th 1468 -44 New Zealand Master Viiv YoshiWolfMr. Game and Watch
41st 1464 New Zealand Gold [.,.] BylethCorrinDonkey Kong
42nd 1438 New Zealand Gold Fantomex RobinPiranha PlantMetaknight
43rd 1411 +7 New Zealand Master LunaFrost KazuyaLittle MacWolf
44th 1406 New Zealand Master iDeeKay WarioCaptain FalconFox
45th 1372 New Zealand Silver atom heart father RidleyFalcoDr. Mario
46th 1359 -46 New Zealand Gold Zai KazuyaTerryCloud
47th 1330 New Zealand Platinum Fisic SoraSephirothDark Pit
48th 1307 +3 New Zealand Gold Puffer McSparkleFace SheikSephirothDark Pit
49th 1299 +83 New Zealand Silver segway JigglypuffYoshi
50th 1276 -164 New Zealand Platinum Sgt_Pepper Donkey KongIncineroarSteve
50th 1276 +76 New Zealand Silver Phinn ShulkSonicPac-Man
52nd 1268 New Zealand Silver Wenju IncineroarPalutena
53rd 1230 New Zealand Gold Otab Pyra / MythraFalcoJoker
54th 1221 New Zealand Silver ribombee Bowser Jr.King DededeVillager
55th 1217 New Zealand Silver Valos LinkKazuyaRyu
56th 1215 New Zealand Silver Tundra PalutenaSheikLucina
57th 1196 New Zealand Silver Fank009 InklingHeroBowser
58th 1175 New Zealand Silver Cipherus RoyLucario
59th 1166 New Zealand Silver Cadilax
60th 1134 New Zealand Silver B2k#3528 Captain FalconSnakeGanondorf
61st 1129 +126 New Zealand Bronze Mistake
62nd 1122 +21 New Zealand Bronze JotterBit GanondorfKing K. Rool
63rd 1100 New Zealand Bronze Artemis Cloud
64th 1090 -33 New Zealand Gold Akabird ZeldaPichuHero
65th 1083 New Zealand Bronze Stratz Young LinkLittle MacSora
66th 1081 +28 New Zealand Gold skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy JigglypuffInklingMr. Game and Watch
67th 1079 New Zealand Gold JoyKong Donkey KongCloudLittle Mac
68th 1076 New Zealand Silver Mook RoyBowser Jr.Young Link
69th 1073 New Zealand Silver Epo SoraBylethCloud
70th 1071 -6 New Zealand Bronze DJMaskery Joker
71st 1070 New Zealand Bronze Fispie
72nd 1066 +76 New Zealand Bronze Wo King K. RoolLinkMii Swordfighter
73rd 1056 -187 New Zealand Silver Burn The Vampire PalutenaBylethCorrin
74th 1047 -10 New Zealand Bronze StarLeo CorrinByleth
75th 1041 New Zealand Silver GiveMeFangs RichterSimon
75th 1041 +381 New Zealand Bronze miss GayManWatch StevePac-ManMr. Game and Watch
77th 1033 New Zealand Bronze BagFace Little Mac
78th 1029 New Zealand Bronze SebSaysHi King Dedede
79th 1026 -24 New Zealand Gold Taurii Rosalina & LumaPalutenaJigglypuff
80th 1025 New Zealand Bronze Akira
81st 1023 +6 New Zealand Bronze Lunchbillion LinkGanondorfCaptain Falcon
82nd 1019 New Zealand Bronze Ben Pyra / Mythra
83rd 1004 +40 New Zealand Bronze CJM Sora
84th 1003 New Zealand Bronze JDMM Fox
85th 1001 -71 New Zealand Bronze Moccoli