i have changed my mind on lynching. it may seem sudden, but after reading a bunch of posts i see evidence to lynch Lachlan. I see him jumping on the bandwagon alot, when some people (too lazy to find out who) voting for SpaceJam, he also voted and now people are voting for me, seems to be voting for me as well.
This strikes me as very suspisous.
He was also one of the last people to vote for me, proving further the previous post
12/18/2016 12:26:33
Once you eliminate the inactive players, there's nowhere for mafia to hide because being inactive will be seen and acted upon as scummy.
I'm okay with a lynch on murkiri or something if it comes to that but we should be very cautious so it doesn't play out like the last game..
Looking at the vote counts again, I must've missed autumnwind voting for lumi, spacejam voting for maribro and hydro voting for duon. Is there any reasoning behind these votes.
I've been real busy the last couple days and won't be able to look/post until tomorrow so it'd be appreciated if you guys could elaborate and explain the votes. Will give a chance for town to analyse the situation again too.
Also all of the above was written just before I left for a tournament and I haven't had time to read messages / edit the post yet so I'll read them all soon.
12/18/2016 13:43:35
I'm okay with a lynch on murkiri or something if it comes to that but we should be very cautious so it doesn't play out like the last game..
Looking at the vote counts again, I must've missed autumnwind voting for lumi, spacejam voting for maribro and hydro voting for duon. Is there any reasoning behind these votes.
I've been real busy the last couple days and won't be able to look/post until tomorrow so it'd be appreciated if you guys could elaborate and explain the votes. Will give a chance for town to analyse the situation again too.
Also all of the above was written just before I left for a tournament and I haven't had time to read messages / edit the post yet so I'll read them all soon.
12/18/2016 13:43:35
Luminescent said:
Bijou, is there some Davinci Code that needs to be figured out in your latest post?
What's with the:
I'm not saying your mafia or anything. It's just that the formatting is making me violently uncomfortable
There was no point in doing it whatsoever other then to see how much attention to detail everyone else had lol.
If Murkiri is back and going to be playing more actively now I feel like we should be lynching someone else preferably.
There's a chance that he's mafia of course but the reason people were voting him was to create pressure on him to post and lynch if he didn't respond satisfactorily.
12/18/2016 14:29:41
@muriki the list above I'm the forum log show so the order people voted for you.
Sorry about the weekends delays TO'd Saturday then had 5 hours worth of driving Sunday + tournment.
Like I don't have much to say as this day 1 has taken far too long. It's honestly making me loose interest in the game. RIP.
Good to see you posting however muriki. You still have my vote for being a highly inactive player. :)
Talk later friendos.
@aerodrome/rhyno if by end of the "day" a majority is not reached it's a no lunch correct????? Or will the person with te most votes die? (As was the case in the one I ran this year)
12/18/2016 14:32:23
Sorry about the weekends delays TO'd Saturday then had 5 hours worth of driving Sunday + tournment.
Like I don't have much to say as this day 1 has taken far too long. It's honestly making me loose interest in the game. RIP.
Good to see you posting however muriki. You still have my vote for being a highly inactive player. :)
Talk later friendos.
@aerodrome/rhyno if by end of the "day" a majority is not reached it's a no lunch correct????? Or will the person with te most votes die? (As was the case in the one I ran this year)
12/18/2016 14:32:23
MrL said:I wanted to pressure Lumi so that he could contribute more to the discussion.
Once you eliminate the inactive players, there's nowhere for mafia to hide because being inactive will be seen and acted upon as scummy.
I'm okay with a lynch on murkiri or something if it comes to that but we should be very cautious so it doesn't play out like the last game..
Looking at the vote counts again, I must've missed autumnwind voting for lumi, spacejam voting for maribro and hydro voting for duon. Is there any reasoning behind these votes.
I've been real busy the last couple days and won't be able to look/post until tomorrow so it'd be appreciated if you guys could elaborate and explain the votes. Will give a chance for town to analyse the situation again too.
Also all of the above was written just before I left for a tournament and I haven't had time to read messages / edit the post yet so I'll read them all soon.
12/18/2016 15:27:49
No lynch if no majority is met.
12/18/2016 15:28:08
12/18/2016 15:28:08
Clearly the obvious vote is Murkuri, but there's already enough votes on him and none of the strong players have voted for him yet.
VOTE: Unvote And guys, listen. I'm fine with being treated like a weak ass player, but I'm trying. Believe me, I just read 4 long pages of Mafia at 1 in the morning. The only reason that I've been having infrequent activity is because I'm addicted to YouTube, a storm which knocked out our power recently passed by and my internet has been playing up a bit lately. Just know that I don't want to be treated like one of the players that doesn't care. I'm really trying.
12/18/2016 15:35:33
VOTE: Unvote And guys, listen. I'm fine with being treated like a weak ass player, but I'm trying. Believe me, I just read 4 long pages of Mafia at 1 in the morning. The only reason that I've been having infrequent activity is because I'm addicted to YouTube, a storm which knocked out our power recently passed by and my internet has been playing up a bit lately. Just know that I don't want to be treated like one of the players that doesn't care. I'm really trying.
12/18/2016 15:35:33
Lol Autumn no need to be up at 1 in the morning slep like a good boi.
I feel like murkiri's defence is suspicious because he brings Mafia in to it in a way that gives me a hunch. Can't kind put my finger on what exactly though.
Not enough for me to be all that suspicious anymore and I therefore revoke my vote
Vote: Unvote
In saying that remember murkiri just because you vote it doesn't mean you want to instantly lynch them. You can use your vote as pressure or to start a lynch. as everyone keeps saying it's not an immediate death sentence, so use it. Hmm ummmm
Im fairly clueless now, what should we do .-.
12/18/2016 22:39:19
I feel like murkiri's defence is suspicious because he brings Mafia in to it in a way that gives me a hunch. Can't kind put my finger on what exactly though.
Not enough for me to be all that suspicious anymore and I therefore revoke my vote
Vote: Unvote
In saying that remember murkiri just because you vote it doesn't mean you want to instantly lynch them. You can use your vote as pressure or to start a lynch. as everyone keeps saying it's not an immediate death sentence, so use it. Hmm ummmm
Im fairly clueless now, what should we do .-.
12/18/2016 22:39:19
cjeccjec said:
Im fairly clueless now, what should we do .-.

12/18/2016 23:06:26
Murkiri has some good points but most of the time mafia want the better players dead.
Also sorry for inactivity ive been pretty busy in the last 2 days.
12/18/2016 23:23:01
Also sorry for inactivity ive been pretty busy in the last 2 days.
12/18/2016 23:23:01
InsertName said:
Murkiri has some good points but most of the time mafia want the better players dead.
Also sorry for inactivity i've been pretty busy in the last 2 days.
Its okay. Don't worry I wont try and start a bandwagon against you just yet. :)
12/19/2016 00:08:02
If Murkiri's posting I'll have a look when I get home,
but for now I'll pick someone from my earlier post. Let's go vote: InsertName
Only six days remaining
12/19/2016 01:30:32
but for now I'll pick someone from my earlier post. Let's go vote: InsertName
Only six days remaining
12/19/2016 01:30:32
heads up, real life update. I am flying to Melbourne on Thursday through Saturday for a funeral as my uncle passed away this morning. So inactivity between now and Boxing Day is a direct result from this. If I feel like it is too bad I will withdraw from the game and have them seek a replacement
I however am still in this game for now.12/19/2016 02:28:40
LachlanF said:
heads up, real life update. I am flying to Melbourne on Thursday through Saturday for a funeral as my uncle passed away this morning. So inactivity between now and Boxing Day is a direct result from this. If I feel like it is too bad I will withdraw from the game and have them seek a replacement
I however am still in this game for now.
Sorry for your loss ;(
12/19/2016 02:29:19
LachlanF said:I offer my condolences. I'm so sorry for you. :(
heads up, real life update. I am flying to Melbourne on Thursday through Saturday for a funeral as my uncle passed away this morning. So inactivity between now and Boxing Day is a direct result from this. If I feel like it is too bad I will withdraw from the game and have them seek a replacement
I however am still in this game for now.
12/19/2016 05:12:36
Gonna post something just to let people know I'm keeping up with the thread.
Murkiri's response seems like the response on an inexperienced player, whether they be town or mafia, so I can't really read him either way. We should be looking to now switch the pressure to other inactive players I suppose.
Just got back from melbourne and I'm really tired from PPH so I'll give some more insight when i wake up tomorrow
12/19/2016 05:32:09
Murkiri's response seems like the response on an inexperienced player, whether they be town or mafia, so I can't really read him either way. We should be looking to now switch the pressure to other inactive players I suppose.
Just got back from melbourne and I'm really tired from PPH so I'll give some more insight when i wake up tomorrow
12/19/2016 05:32:09
dean said:
If Murkiri's posting I'll have a look when I get home,
but for now I'll pick someone from my earlier post. Let's go vote: InsertName
Only six days remaining
12/19/2016 06:01:59
Are you not going to have any internet connection for your trip Lachlan? Otherwise you should still be able to find time to post occasionally during your trip?
This may seem rude to do while he's going to be away too but since Murkiri is posting now I feel like Lachlan is the one I'd want to lynch today. Going to start that now before we're out of time.
Vote: LachlanF
Basically because he eluded to having a fire power and arsonist is the only one I know of. For those of you asking why he would hint he's an arsonist at all, I honestly wouldn't put it past him to just do it for no reason other than him making a bad play.
12/19/2016 06:40:16
This may seem rude to do while he's going to be away too but since Murkiri is posting now I feel like Lachlan is the one I'd want to lynch today. Going to start that now before we're out of time.
Vote: LachlanF
Basically because he eluded to having a fire power and arsonist is the only one I know of. For those of you asking why he would hint he's an arsonist at all, I honestly wouldn't put it past him to just do it for no reason other than him making a bad play.
12/19/2016 06:40:16
So I just read up on what an arsonist does (not sure why I didn't do this before). Basically serial killer but better, so ummm let's kill him?
Surely that's the most obvious arsonist reveal in the world as well .-.
Votes: LachlanF
Thoughts everyone?
12/19/2016 07:31:13
Surely that's the most obvious arsonist reveal in the world as well .-.
Votes: LachlanF
Thoughts everyone?
12/19/2016 07:31:13
Hello, I have been home sick today as my ear is really giving me trouble. It's also kinda hard to think straight with the headache it's giving me.
I've just read the thread that I missed over the weekend, and the only thing that sticks out is Lachlan's vague fire claim. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him to allude to being the serial killer, even though it's obviously an awful play.
Sounds like he'll be inactive until the end of day 1 too, which is unfortunate. I'm sorry to hear about your uncle Lachlan.
But given the circumstances he's probably our best lynch target.
Vote: LachlanF
12/19/2016 07:43:32
I've just read the thread that I missed over the weekend, and the only thing that sticks out is Lachlan's vague fire claim. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him to allude to being the serial killer, even though it's obviously an awful play.
Sounds like he'll be inactive until the end of day 1 too, which is unfortunate. I'm sorry to hear about your uncle Lachlan.
But given the circumstances he's probably our best lynch target.
Vote: LachlanF
12/19/2016 07:43:32
I feel the same way as cjec, honestly calling a fire role this early would already raise suspicions, especially with how little he's provided besides that.
VOTE: LachlanF
12/19/2016 07:45:25
VOTE: LachlanF
12/19/2016 07:45:25
By the way the circumstances I'm referring to is his fire claim, not his personal life.
12/19/2016 07:51:56
12/19/2016 07:51:56
Sorry I haven't been active the last few days guys, just been trying to deal with some personal issues and haven't really had the mental state to analyse and read deeply into people's posts. Anyways let's have a look shall we.
Many sorry to Hydro, was just reading off the vote thing at the top of the page. Duon hasn't really contributed much at all this game. Been very inactive and his allusions last game to members of mafia trying to stir up beef with each other to make them look town was both ludicrous and misleading. His analysis was way off. Seeing as Spacejam has started to contribute properly and hasn't called anybody else a cuck in some bizarre coded message, I can probably move my vote to Duon
Vote: Duon
@dean sorry for sucking up to you, it's just you generally post what I want to say before I get a chance to say it. Don't wanna post blank stuff so I just kinda say I agree lol. My B anyways, I shall try and present my thoughts more independently
Murkiri's posts read strangely. Dunno if he's maf or not but yeah it was weird reading it. Saying people would bandwagon on him because mafia want a free lynch is weird. Townies don't know who other townies are and rushed bandwagons/quickhammers aren't really ever good plays for maf or town so I don't really see why you think that's evidence of anything.
Condolences to Lachlan.
Lachlan could be bomb I think. Explosions are firey and hot. Not sure what to think of someone soft claiming bomb though. Aero did it before and he was scum but I don't really know if Lachlan is calculated enough to make a play like this. Especially not on day 1.
12/19/2016 07:59:12
Many sorry to Hydro, was just reading off the vote thing at the top of the page. Duon hasn't really contributed much at all this game. Been very inactive and his allusions last game to members of mafia trying to stir up beef with each other to make them look town was both ludicrous and misleading. His analysis was way off. Seeing as Spacejam has started to contribute properly and hasn't called anybody else a cuck in some bizarre coded message, I can probably move my vote to Duon
Vote: Duon
@dean sorry for sucking up to you, it's just you generally post what I want to say before I get a chance to say it. Don't wanna post blank stuff so I just kinda say I agree lol. My B anyways, I shall try and present my thoughts more independently
Murkiri's posts read strangely. Dunno if he's maf or not but yeah it was weird reading it. Saying people would bandwagon on him because mafia want a free lynch is weird. Townies don't know who other townies are and rushed bandwagons/quickhammers aren't really ever good plays for maf or town so I don't really see why you think that's evidence of anything.
Condolences to Lachlan.
Lachlan could be bomb I think. Explosions are firey and hot. Not sure what to think of someone soft claiming bomb though. Aero did it before and he was scum but I don't really know if Lachlan is calculated enough to make a play like this. Especially not on day 1.
12/19/2016 07:59:12
Also I feel like corvid hopped on the lachlan train I little too quickly after not saying much else. I feel like he may have been lurking waiting to bandwagon a lynch.
And bomb would make tons more sense, Lachlan was all like "I just have me a hunch that you will not be too happy when I die, but at the same time you will be very happy that I am dead." I can't see us being not happy at lynching an arsonist whatsoever so i'm convinced if anything that lachlan would be bomb
Also not sure why you would claim bomb almost ever :|
I'm very likely to be continue changing my vote around a lot through the course of Day 1 but right now I am voting Duon.
I'm doing so because he is inactive and it's likely that once we force him to speak up i'll vote someone else.
At this point i'm still suspicious of both murkiri and Corvid, so my thoughts at the moment will probably lead me to look at lynching either later on.
Vote: Unvote
Vote: Duon
12/19/2016 08:10:17
And bomb would make tons more sense, Lachlan was all like "I just have me a hunch that you will not be too happy when I die, but at the same time you will be very happy that I am dead." I can't see us being not happy at lynching an arsonist whatsoever so i'm convinced if anything that lachlan would be bomb
Also not sure why you would claim bomb almost ever :|
I'm very likely to be continue changing my vote around a lot through the course of Day 1 but right now I am voting Duon.
I'm doing so because he is inactive and it's likely that once we force him to speak up i'll vote someone else.
At this point i'm still suspicious of both murkiri and Corvid, so my thoughts at the moment will probably lead me to look at lynching either later on.
Vote: Unvote
Vote: Duon
12/19/2016 08:10:17
Bomb makes sense. I have some faith that Lachlan would be a little more tactful if he actually was an arsonist.
And with that, I don't have any reason to suspect anyone again. Vote: No Lynch
12/19/2016 08:57:24
And with that, I don't have any reason to suspect anyone again. Vote: No Lynch
12/19/2016 08:57:24