Pixel Smash #258 13/01/2025
Pixel SMASH Bracket
The Stomping Ground #56 27/12/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
The Stomping Ground Returns 6/12/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pissmas 5 1/12/2024
Ultimate Singles
Super Sunshine Smash X Vichub: End of an Era (November 2024) 24/11/2024
Super Duper Doubles Bracket
L6 | P9 / Beet | 2 - 1 | Noot / RaZe |
L5 | Noot / RaZe | 2 - 1 | DungeonSnakeSecrtBathrom / Damn Daddy Daniel DeVito |
W4 | DD / Jdizzle | 2 - 0 | Noot / RaZe |
W3 | Noot / RaZe | 2 - 0 | Fiducia / JOKER |
W2 | Noot / RaZe | 2 - 1 | MasterofDandori / The Bamboozler |
Smash Ultimate Singles
CouchWarriors Crossup 2024 23/11/2024
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket
Smash@Swanston #16 15/11/2024
Ulti Singles Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash October 2024 20/10/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Gold Bracket
Smash Ultimate Singles Pools
Smash@Swanston #12 18/10/2024
Ulti Singles Bracket
L5 | Beefy | 3 - 1 | Noot |
L4 | Noot | 3 - 2 | NoTechNeek |
W3 | Zac! | 3 - 1 | Noot |
W2 | Noot | 2 - 0 | Skinny_Pat |
Pixel Smash #246 14/10/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Smash@Swanston #11 11/10/2024
Ulti Singles Bracket
Big Games Night Out 2024 10/10/2024
BGNO Super Smash Bros Ultimate Bracket
RMIT Games Day #11 29/09/2024
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket
Smash@Swanston #9 20/09/2024
Smash@Swanston #8 13/09/2024
Ulti Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #132 11/09/2024
Ultimate Singles Swamp
GF | Noot | 3 - 1 | Deku Meister |
W2 | Noot | 3 - 1 | Deku Meister |
W1 | Noot | 3 - 0 | Femchad |
Ultimate Singles gaming
Smash@Swanston #7 6/09/2024
Ulti Singles Bracket
Floating Point 2024 1/09/2024
Ultimate Doubles
L3 | Finn / Bro1 | 2 - 0 | Noot / chef |
L2 | Noot / chef | 2 - 0 | F1ERCE / Apriicot |
L1 | Noot / chef | 2 - 0 | Jump91 / Germanpogostick |
W2 | Neutral Legend / mast | 2 - 1 | Noot / chef |
W1 | Noot / chef | 2 - 0 | Maspenguin / Cheezy |
Offstage Floating Point Edition 29/08/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Smash@Swanston #5 23/08/2024
Smash@Swanston #4 16/08/2024
Ulti Singles Bracket
Smash@Swanston #3 9/08/2024
Ulti Singles Bracket
Smash@Swanston #2 2/08/2024
Ulti Singles Bracket
RMIT Games Day #9 28/07/2024
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket
Smash@Swanston 26/07/2024
Ulti Singles Bracket
The Final Stomping Ground 19/07/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
The Stomping Ground #53 12/07/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Phantom 2024 7/07/2024
Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L3 | Luma / Jarr | 2 - 0 | Noot / AlastairBL |
L2 | Noot / AlastairBL | 2 - 0 | Bagel / Aloly |
L1 | Noot / AlastairBL | 2 - 0 | Hazza / BigRatt |
W2 | MemeGod / Roober | 2 - 1 | Noot / AlastairBL |
Ultimate Singles
Pre-Phantom Stomping Ground 5/07/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
L5 | billie. | 2 - 0 | Noot |
L4 | Noot | 2 - 1 | Mouseface Killah |
L3 | Noot | 2 - 1 | Bonsai |
W2 | Yellow | 2 - 1 | Noot |
W1 | Noot | 2 - 0 | MANGOTANGO |
Temple Smash #122 3/07/2024
Ultimate Singles gaming
Super Sunshine Smash June 2024 16/06/2024
The Stomping Ground #48 7/06/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
BAM 14 2/06/2024
Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BAM 2024]
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Doubles [BAM 2024]
L3 | Flow / Ezycole | 2 - 1 | Finn / Emperor Palpatine |
W3 | Kinaji / Sriks | 2 - 0 | Finn / Emperor Palpatine |
W2 | Finn / Emperor Palpatine | 2 - 1 | Joser / Pram |
The Bashtion #4 30/05/2024
Ulti Singles Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash May 2024 19/05/2024
Super Duper Doubles Bracket
L3 | Wifike / Luma | 2 - 1 | Scobo / Emperor Palpatine |
W3 | Beet / P9 | 2 - 1 | Scobo / Emperor Palpatine |
W2 | Scobo / Emperor Palpatine | 2 - 1 | Wifike / Luma |
Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket
Smash Ultimate Singles Pools
W7 | Noot | 2 - 0 | Daaronaaronax |
W6 | Noot | 2 - 1 | DD |
W5 | Noot | 2 - 1 | Skinny_Pat |
W4 | Noot | 2 - 0 | phosphor1111 |
W3 | rebs | 2 - 0 | Noot |
W2 | Noot | 2 - 1 | Honk |
W1 | Noot | 2 - 1 | Necro |
The Stomping Ground #47 17/05/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors May Ranbat 2024 4/05/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pools
The Bashtion #1 2/05/2024
RMIT Games Day #6 21/04/2024
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #111 17/04/2024
Ultimate Singles gaming
Pixel Smash #220 15/04/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
The Action 2: Action Replay 7/04/2024
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L4 | Violet / roboticjo | 2 - 1 | Emperor Palpatine / th@man |
W3 | Xav / Johto | 2 - 0 | Emperor Palpatine / th@man |
W2 | Emperor Palpatine / th@man | 2 - 0 | Guts_LP / Cloudy |
Smash Ultimate Singles
The Special Sauce 2 4/04/2024
The Game Expo 2024 24/03/2024
Smash Ultimate - The Game Expo
L6 | Extra | 3 - 2 | Noot |
L5 | Noot | 3 - 0 | DragonKnight |
W3 | Pelipper Piccolo | 3 - 0 | Noot |
W2 | Noot | 2 - 1 | Olag |
Smash Ultimate Doubles - The Game Expo
L5 | Piggins / Nerpna | 3 - 2 | Noot / rebs |
W3 | DD / Jdizzle | 3 - 0 | Noot / rebs |
W2 | Noot / rebs | 2 - 0 | Luma / Poppt1 |
W1 | Noot / rebs | 2 - 0 | DOCTOR MOBIUS / Joe |
The Stomping Ground #40 22/03/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #107 20/03/2024
CouchWarriors March Ranbat 2024 2/03/2024
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L4 | Slimboy17 / RaZe | 3 - 2 | Noot / th@man |
L3 | Noot / th@man | 3 - 2 | Darth Plagueis, The Wise / JOKER |
L2 | Noot / th@man | 2 - 0 | Lokh_ND / DragonKnight |
W2 | Xav / Luma | 2 - 0 | Noot / th@man |
W1 | Noot / th@man | 2 - 0 | Dusk / remora |
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pools
The Stomping Ground #36 23/02/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #103 21/02/2024
Ultimate Singles gaming
The Stomping Ground #35 16/02/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Super Duper Sunshine 11/02/2024
Super Duper Doubles Bracket
L4 | Dags / BakedGoods | 2 - 1 | Flow / Noot |
L3 | Flow / Noot | 2 - 0 | Gravity / Skinny_Pat |
L2 | Flow / Noot | 2 - 0 | Lokh_ND / DragonKnight |
W2 | Scobo / Zac | 2 - 1 | Flow / Noot |
W1 | Flow / Noot | 2 - 0 | Jaypam / Baz |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple 2099 7/02/2024
Ultimate Singles gaming
Super Sunshine Smash January 2024 14/01/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket
Smash Ultimate Singles Pools
Temple 1966 10/01/2024
Ultimate Singles gaming
CouchWarriors Crossup 2023 17/12/2023
Super Smash Bro's Ultimate Doubles [CWCM] Bracket
GF | Scobo / P9 | 3 - 1 | DD / Noot |
L5 | DD / Noot | 3 - 2 | Xav / Beet |
L4 | DD / Noot | 3 - 2 | Wifike / Mackarp |
L3 | DD / Noot | 3 - 0 | MemeGod / Roosterbugalugs |
W3 | Scobo / P9 | 3 - 1 | DD / Noot |
W2 | DD / Noot | 2 - 0 | Gravity / Flow |
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [CWCM]
The Stomping Ground #29 8/12/2023
Pissmas 4 3/12/2023
Ultimate Singles
The Stomping Ground #27 24/11/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #200 12/11/2023
Pixel SMASH Ultimate (Main Bracket)
Pixel Smash #199 7/11/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
The Stomping Ground #23 27/10/2023
Super Sunshine Smash October 2023 22/10/2023
Super Duper Doubles Bracket
GF | Zac / Noot | 3 - 2 | NoTechNeek / MasterofDandori |
GF | Zac / Noot | 3 - 1 | NoTechNeek / MasterofDandori |
L4 | Zac / Noot | 3 - 2 | Wifike / Aloly |
L3 | Zac / Noot | 3 - 0 | MemeGod / Willo |
L2 | Zac / Noot | 2 - 0 | vboy / yourSugaR1994 |
W2 | Wifike / Aloly | 2 - 1 | Zac / Noot |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Big Cheese 4 15/10/2023
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L8 | Finn / Bro1 | 3 - 1 | MAST! / Noot |
L7 | MAST! / Noot | 3 - 0 | chizzL / Malikoff |
L6 | MAST! / Noot | 3 - 0 | Fen / Piggins |
L5 | MAST! / Noot | 3 - 0 | Oscar / Vivi |
L4 | MAST! / Noot | 2 - 0 | Luma / Keutz |
W3 | chizzL / Malikoff | 2 - 0 | MAST! / Noot |
W2 | MAST! / Noot | 2 - 0 | Con_Gaming / Aetos |
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Top 48
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pools
The Medium Cheese 2023 12/10/2023
Ultimate Singles
Big Games Night Out 5/10/2023
BGNO Super Smash Bros Ultimate Bracket
RMIT Games Day #1 1/10/2023
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #83 28/09/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Super Sunshine Smash September 2023 17/09/2023
Super Duper Doubles Bracket
L4 | Corvid / rebs | 2 - 0 | Noot / Xav |
L3 | Noot / Xav | 2 - 0 | Piggins / Aloly |
L2 | Noot / Xav | 2 - 1 | Wifike / Flow |
W2 | MemeGod / Scobo | 2 - 1 | Noot / Xav |
The Stomping Ground #18 15/09/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #81 13/09/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
The Stomping Ground #17 8/09/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Floating Point 27/08/2023
Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L7 | KyeChimera / Legacy | 3 - 2 | Noot / Luma |
L6 | Noot / Luma | 2 - 0 | Ryzuul / Xav |
L5 | Noot / Luma | 2 - 0 | MAST! / The Junes |
L4 | Noot / Luma | 2 - 0 | Morgone / Violet |
W3 | Beet / Coleman | 2 - 0 | Noot / Luma |
W2 | Noot / Luma | 2 - 0 | Guts_LP / Isak |
W1 | Noot / Luma | 2 - 0 | Scozz / CompLex |
Ultimate Singles
L7 | BakedGoods | 3 - 1 | Noot |
L6 | Noot | 3 - 2 | Keenansaurus |
L5 | Noot | 3 - 1 | Wifike |
L3 | Noot | 2 - 0 | Gong | Patch |
W3 | Chipotle | 2 - 1 | Noot |
W2 | Noot | 2 - 0 | Joser |
Pre-point offstage 24/08/2023
Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #188 21/08/2023
The Stomping Ground #13 28/07/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash July 2023 16/07/2023
Super Duper Doubles Bracket
L6 | Dura / RaZe | 3 - 0 | EL / Noot |
W4 | Malikoff / SebPro101 | 3 - 0 | EL / Noot |
W3 | EL / Noot | 2 - 1 | Dura / RaZe |
W2 | EL / Noot | 2 - 0 | Beet / Mik15 |
W1 | EL / Noot | 2 - 0 | Necro / SuperbGuy |
The Stomping Ground #11 14/07/2023
The Stomping Ground #10 7/07/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
The Stomping Ground #9 30/06/2023
The Stomping Ground #8 23/06/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #177 12/06/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
BAM 13 11/06/2023
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2023]
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Doubles [BAM 2023]
L7 | Corvid / Turn Up | 3 - 0 | Deku Meister / Noot |
L6 | Deku Meister / Noot | 3 - 0 | Duon / Sifo1 |
L4 | Deku Meister / Noot | 2 - 1 | Dags / Suluxz |
L3 | Deku Meister / Noot | 2 - 0 | Varous / Sayhnim |
L2 | Deku Meister / Noot | 2 - 0 | Jem / M4TCH |
W2 | Kinaji / Sriks | 2 - 0 | Deku Meister / Noot |
W1 | Deku Meister / Noot | 2 - 0 | MAMP / Joey |
BAM 13 Salty Suite 8/06/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash BAM13 7/06/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Super Sunshine Smash June 2023 4/06/2023
Super Duper Doubles Bracket
L5 | MasterofDisaster / Scobo | 3 - 2 | Keutz / Noot |
L4 | Keutz / Noot | 2 - 1 | Flow / Ezycole |
L3 | Keutz / Noot | 2 - 1 | Gravity / Skinny_Pat |
W2 | MasterofDisaster / Scobo | 2 - 1 | Keutz / Noot |
W1 | Keutz / Noot | 2 - 0 | Honk / Lime |
Smash Ultimate Singles
The Stomping Ground #5 26/05/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
The Stomping Ground #4 19/05/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors May Ranbat 2023 6/05/2023
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L3 | extra!? / Black Country New Chode | 2 - 1 | Noot / Slimboy17 |
W2 | Myki Inspectors Love Him / Jix | 2 - 1 | Noot / Slimboy17 |
W1 | Noot / Slimboy17 | 2 - 1 | Aiden / MothCoats |
Smash Ultimate Singles
The Stomping Ground #1 21/04/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #61 19/04/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
L4 | Beet | 3 - 0 | Noot |
L3 | Noot | 2 - 1 | HotHeadJabs |
W3 | Ezycole | 2 - 1 | Noot |
W2 | Noot | 2 - 0 | DragonKnight |
Pixel Smash #168 10/04/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #166 27/03/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Temple Smash #57 22/03/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Pixel Smash #165 20/03/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Pixel Smash #164 13/03/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
The Game Expo 12/03/2023
Smash Ultimate - The Game Expo
Smash Ultimate Doubles - The Game Expo
L2 | Wifike / Mackarp | 2 - 0 | Taicho / Noot |
L1 | Taicho / Noot | 2 - 0 | The Micheal Rosen Fanboy / The Robbie Rotten Fanboy |
W2 | B1 / Nerpna | 2 - 0 | Taicho / Noot |
Wild West Fridays #5 10/03/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #55 8/03/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Okay this is Epping #14 5/03/2023
Ultimate Singles
Wild West Fridays #3 24/02/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #160 20/02/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash February 2023 19/02/2023
Super Duper Doubles Bracket
L3 | Slimboy17 / Pen Islander | 2 - 1 | Noot / P9 |
W2 | Milkshake Reviewer / Ryzuul | 2 - 0 | Noot / P9 |
W1 | Noot / P9 | 2 - 0 | Flow / Lokh_ND |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Wild West Fridays #2 10/02/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #158 6/02/2023
CouchWarriors February Ranbat 2023 4/02/2023
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L5 | Milkshake Reviewer / Ryzuul | 3 - 1 | Noot / Ezycole |
L4 | Noot / Ezycole | 3 - 2 | Wash / Zac |
L3 | Noot / Ezycole | 2 - 0 | Lokh_ND / Wifike |
W3 | P9 / SebPro101 | 2 - 1 | Noot / Ezycole |
W2 | Noot / Ezycole | 2 - 1 | Flow / Prehistoric |
Smash Ultimate Singles
L6 | MAST! | 2 - 1 | Noot |
L5 | Noot | 2 - 1 | Prehistoric |
L3 | Noot | 2 - 0 | NoTechNeek |
W3 | MothCoats | 2 - 0 | Noot |
W2 | Noot | 2 - 0 | Lime |
Wild West Fridays #1 3/02/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #157 30/01/2023
Temple Smash #49 25/01/2023
Ultimate Singles
L6 | Apple Reviewer | 3 - 0 | Noot |
W4 | P9 | 3 - 0 | Noot |
W3 | Noot | 3 - 0 | Naru |
W2 | Noot | 2 - 1 | MothCoats |
W1 | Noot | 2 - 0 | HotHeadJabs |
Pixel Smash #155 16/01/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Couchwarriors January Ranbat 2023 7/01/2023
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L2 | RaZe / Dura | 2 - 1 | Noot / Ryzuul |
L1 | Noot / Ryzuul | 2 - 0 | Faylor / Jezza |
W1 | Moleminer / Shellytonz | 2 - 0 | Noot / Ryzuul |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #46 4/01/2023
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #153 2/01/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
WeeklyVac #126 21/12/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
WeeklyVac #125 14/12/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #150 11/12/2022
Pixel SMASH Ultimate (Main Bracket)
EBS Ultimate #119 6/12/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | BlueBarossa | 2 - 0 | Noot |
W2 | Slimboy17 | 2 - 1 | Noot |
CouchWarriors December Ranbat 2022 3/12/2022
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L3 | HiLm / Mackarp | 3 - 1 | Noot / Beet |
W3 | Extra!? / Concorde | 3 - 0 | Noot / Beet |
W2 | Noot / Beet | 2 - 1 | Piggins / RAMBO |
Sunshine Smash #108 24/11/2022
Smash Ultimate Bracket
Temple Smash #43 23/11/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors CrossUp 2022 20/11/2022
Super Smash Bro's Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L4 | RAMBO / Static | 3 - 1 | Noot / Corvid |
L3 | Noot / Corvid | 2 - 0 | JOKER / Wash |
W3 | DD / Jdizzle | 2 - 0 | Noot / Corvid |
W2 | Noot / Corvid | 2 - 1 | Piggins / Nerpna |
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [CWC 2022]
EBS Ultimate #116 15/11/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #147 14/11/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Temple Smash #42 9/11/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #146 7/11/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Big Cheese 3 29/10/2022
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L5 | Con_Gaming / Jonathon Bombathon | 3 - 1 | Dugongs / Tier 3 Mori Calliope Sub |
L4 | Dugongs / Tier 3 Mori Calliope Sub | 2 - 0 | Blu / Jacko |
W3 | DD / P9 | 2 - 0 | Dugongs / Tier 3 Mori Calliope Sub |
W2 | Dugongs / Tier 3 Mori Calliope Sub | 2 - 1 | lyoko / HTEM |
W1 | Dugongs / Tier 3 Mori Calliope Sub | 2 - 1 | Kori / K00l |
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles
The Medium Cheese 2022 27/10/2022
Ultimate Singles
WeeklyVac - Small Cheese Edition 2022 26/10/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #41 21/10/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #143 17/10/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Sunshine Smash #103 13/10/2022
Smash Ultimate Bracket
Temple Smash #39 7/10/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #110 4/10/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors October Ranbat 2022 1/10/2022
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L5 | Ryzuul / Xav | 3 - 2 | Tier 3 Mori Calliope Sub / Sriks |
L4 | Tier 3 Mori Calliope Sub / Sriks | 3 - 0 | w00tkins / Piski |
L3 | Tier 3 Mori Calliope Sub / Sriks | 2 - 0 | Scobo / Mackarp |
W2 | Malikoff / Deku Meister | 2 - 1 | Tier 3 Mori Calliope Sub / Sriks |
W1 | Tier 3 Mori Calliope Sub / Sriks | 2 - 1 | you don't get evangelion / Pastra |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #37 30/09/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #140 26/09/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Temple Smash #36 23/09/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Sunshine Smash #100 22/09/2022
Smash Ultimate Bracket
Temple Smash #35 9/09/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #102 9/08/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors August Ranbat 2022 6/08/2022
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L4 | P9 / Dura | 3 - 0 | RomanWombat900 / MasterofDisaster |
L3 | RomanWombat900 / MasterofDisaster | 2 - 0 | SpacemanBad2 / Beet |
L2 | RomanWombat900 / MasterofDisaster | 2 - 1 | Kyoho / Woots |
W2 | RaZe / Alpal | 2 - 1 | RomanWombat900 / MasterofDisaster |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #30 29/07/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #100 26/07/2022
Phantom 2022 17/07/2022
Ultimate singles
Ultimate Doubles
L4 | The Falco Fanatics | 2 - 1 | Noot / Xav |
L3 | Noot / Xav | 2 - 1 | Jai2go / Suluxz |
W3 | Sumi & Bjschoey | 2 - 0 | Noot / Xav |
W2 | Noot / Xav | 2 - 0 | Boy & Bird |
Battle Kat Bunker: The Phantom Hour 15/07/2022
Ultimate Singles
Super Barista Bros, Ghostly Grind 14/07/2022
EBS Ultimate #99 5/07/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Tassie Fighter Con VS 3/07/2022
Ultimate Doubles Bracket
GF | Luma / noot | 3 - 2 | Saber / Wingy |
GF | Saber / Wingy | 3 - 2 | Luma / noot |
W3 | Luma / noot | 3 - 2 | Saber / Wingy |
W2 | Luma / noot | 3 - 1 | Ripto / Willye |
Ultimate Singles Top 12
Sunshine Smash #93 23/06/2022
E15 x Kanga 18/06/2022
SSBU Doubles Bracket Bracket
L3 | Naru / Ezycole | 2 - 0 | Xav / noot |
L2 | Xav / noot | 2 - 0 | MasterofDisaster / Flow |
W2 | SebPro101 / Sriks | 2 - 0 | Xav / noot |
W1 | Xav / noot | 2 - 0 | RAMBO / Slimboy17 |
SSBU Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #97 14/06/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #126 13/06/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
EBS Ultimate #96 7/06/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors June Ranbat 2022 4/06/2022
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L4 | Malikoff / Clam Crab Cuckold Cowrie | 3 - 0 | Duon / noot |
W3 | MilkMeme / Danklin | 3 - 1 | Duon / noot |
W2 | Duon / noot | 2 - 1 | Piski / RAMBO |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #23 27/05/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Post-BAM Mini EBS 17/05/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
BAM 12 15/05/2022
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Doubles [BAM 2022] Bracket
L4 | Mana / Jix | 2 - 1 | Xav / noooooooooooooooooooooot |
L3 | Xav / noooooooooooooooooooooot | 2 - 1 | yellow / Malikoff |
L2 | Xav / noooooooooooooooooooooot | 2 - 0 | Jacko / Ferrero Rocher |
W2 | Zanzer / Yako | 2 - 1 | Xav / noooooooooooooooooooooot |
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2022]
Pre-BAM Pixel Smash 12/05/2022
Super Salty Suite 11/05/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Sunshine Smash 10 1/05/2022
Super Duper Doubles Bracket
GF | Jdizzle / P9 | 3 - 0 | SebPro101 / noot |
L6 | SebPro101 / noot | 3 - 0 | Dura / UnRealSora |
W4 | Jdizzle / P9 | 3 - 0 | SebPro101 / noot |
W3 | SebPro101 / noot | 2 - 1 | Dura / UnRealSora |
W2 | SebPro101 / noot | 2 - 0 | Flow / Gravity |
CouchWarriors April Ranbat 2022 23/04/2022
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L6 | Duon / Extra | 3 - 0 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / MAST! |
L5 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / MAST! | 3 - 1 | RINSE / Wash |
W4 | MilkMeme / WeToxicFew | 3 - 2 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / MAST! |
W3 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / MAST! | 2 - 0 | Duon / Extra |
W2 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / MAST! | 2 - 0 | RustyRidley42 / Slimeboy420 |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #117 18/04/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Sunshine Smash #86 14/04/2022
Smash Ultimate Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash 9 10/04/2022
Super Duper Doubles Bracket
L7 | P9 / Insie | 3 - 2 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / SebPro101 |
L6 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / SebPro101 | 3 - 2 | Deku Meister / Dura |
L5 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / SebPro101 | 3 - 1 | Slimeboy420 / RustyRidley42 |
W4 | P9 / Insie | 3 - 1 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / SebPro101 |
W3 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / SebPro101 | 2 - 0 | Cookiezac / Scobo |
W2 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / SebPro101 | 2 - 0 | Wifike / Personate |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #19 8/04/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #89 5/04/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #115 4/04/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Temple Smash #18 1/04/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Sunshine Smash #84 31/03/2022
Smash Ultimate Bracket
EBS Ultimate #88 29/03/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #87 22/03/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #86 15/03/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors March Ranbat 2022 6/03/2022
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L5 | P9 / Insie | 3 - 1 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / Xav |
L4 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / Xav | 3 - 2 | Ryzuul / Tyler |
W3 | DD / Jdizzle | 3 - 0 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / Xav |
W2 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / Xav | 2 - 1 | MAST! / Duon |
W1 | noooooooooooooooooooooot / Xav | 2 - 0 | Nova / Orchid |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pixel Smash #109 21/02/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
WeeklyVac #88 16/02/2022
Weeklyvac #88
WeeklyVac #87 9/02/2022
Weeklyvac #87 (Naora edition)
Pixel Smash #107 7/02/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Temple Smash #12 4/02/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L4 | Piggins | 2 - 0 | Noot |
L3 | Noot | 2 - 1 | Radio |
L2 | Noot | 2 - 1 | DawnHydrangeas |
W2 | Deku Meister | 2 - 0 | Noot |
W1 | Noot | 2 - 0 | kenan7 |
Temple Smash #11 28/01/2022
Sunshine Smash #79 9/12/2021
Smash Ultimate Bracket
Temple Smash #8 3/12/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors November Ranbat 2021 27/11/2021
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L3 | Ryzuul / Tyler | 2 - 1 | Noot / Xav |
W3 | Duon / bylethbro94 | 2 - 1 | Noot / Xav |
W2 | Noot / Xav | 2 - 0 | Hazzacka / WeToxicFew |
Smash Ultimate Singles
Super Sunshine Smash 6 21/11/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
EBS Ultimate 80 16/11/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #6 6/11/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #5 30/10/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
BANC 11/07/2021
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Doubles [BANC] Bracket
L2 | iB / Slash | 2 - 1 | Princess / Noot |
L1 | Princess / Noot | 2 - 0 | Murke / homer |
W2 | RaZe / Alpal | 2 - 1 | Princess / Noot |
W1 | Princess / Noot | 2 - 0 | AATU / Cardinal |
Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BANC] Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash 5 10/07/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #4 9/07/2021
WeeklyVac #62 30/06/2021
Ultimate WeeklyVac #62 (30/06/21)
Pixel Smash #92 21/06/2021
Temple Smash #2 12/06/2021
Ultimate Singles Main Bracket
TFC Locals - Weekly #7 4/06/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
TFC Locals - Weekly #4 7/05/2021
TFC Locals - Weekly #2 23/04/2021
Melee Singles Bracket
Ultimate Singles Bracket
TFC Locals - Weekly #1 16/04/2021
WeeklyVAC #50 31/03/2021
Ultimate WeeklyVac #50 (31/03/21)
WeeklyVAC #49 24/03/2021
Ultimate WeeklyVac #49 (24/03/21)
Cheese League March 2021 - Ultimate 14/03/2021
Cheese League March Ultimate Redemption
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
GF | Q / Nikes | 3 - 1 | StabbyJ / noot |
L7 | StabbyJ / noot | 3 - 1 | Vivi / oscar |
L6 | StabbyJ / noot | 2 - 0 | Jacko / Blu |
L5 | StabbyJ / noot | 2 - 1 | Nadgey / bonk |
W4 | Q / Nikes | 2 - 0 | StabbyJ / noot |
W3 | StabbyJ / noot | 2 - 1 | Con / Aetos |
W2 | StabbyJ / noot | 2 - 0 | Taicho / peachy |
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
WeeklyVAC #46 3/03/2021
Ultimate WeeklyVac #46 (03/03/21)
WeeklyVAC #45 24/02/2021
Cheese League February 2021 - Ultimate 14/02/2021
Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
L7 | Googlemaps / Ghost | 3 - 1 | Whissle / Noot |
W5 | Nikes / Q | 3 - 0 | Whissle / Noot |
W4 | Whissle / Noot | 2 - 0 | MothPlague / Arma |
W3 | Whissle / Noot | 2 - 1 | Vivi / Oscar |
W2 | Whissle / Noot | 2 - 0 | Heaven / pinky |
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
WeeklyVAC #43 10/02/2021
Ultimate WeeklyVac #43 (10/02/21)
WeeklyVAC #42 3/02/2021
Ultimate WeeklyVac #42 (03/02/21)
WeeklyVAC #41 27/01/2021
Ultimate WeeklyVac #41 (27/01/21)
WeeklyVAC #40 20/01/2021
Ultimate WeeklyVac #40 (20/01/21)
TFC Locals Event #4 2/01/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pissmas 2 20/12/2020
Ultimate Singles
TFC Locals Event #3 5/12/2020
Ultimate Singles Bracket
North Tas Monthly Smash Ultimate - October 24/10/2020
North Tas Monthly Smash Ultimate - October
TFC Locals Event #2 10/10/2020
Ultimate Singles Bracket
TFC Locals Event #1 19/09/2020
Ultimate Singles Bracket
North Tas Monthly #7 15/03/2020
NorTAS Monthly Mar
TFC Fundamentals March 2020 1/03/2020
North Tas Monthly #5 16/02/2020
North Monthly 16.2.20 Doubles
GF | Cap/Chins | 3 - 1 | Noot/Kraw |
GF | Noot/Kraw | 3 - 2 | Cap/Chins |
L2 | Noot/Kraw | 2 - 0 | Luma/Marge |
L1 | Noot/Kraw | 2 - 0 | President/MaxKiNG |
W1 | Luma/Marge | 2 - 0 | Noot/Kraw |
North Tas Monthly 16.2.20
Thursday Throwdown 20200213 13/02/2020
Tas Monthly February 2020 2/02/2020
Thursday Throwdown 20200130 30/01/2020
North Tas Monthly #4 19/01/2020
North Tas Monthly Doubles
GF | Kraw / Anthonoot | 3 - 2 | DT | Luma / JP | LargeMarge |
W3 | Kraw / Anthonoot | 2 - 1 | DT | Chins / EH | Cap Supreme |
W2 | Kraw / Anthonoot | 2 - 0 | DT | MaxKiNG / JP | Mr. President |
North Tas Monthly 19.1.20
Thursday Throwdown 20200116 16/01/2020
Tas Monthly January 2020 5/01/2020
GF | Luma | 3 - 0 | Noot |
L8 | Noot | 3 - 1 | Breadstick |
L7 | Noot | 2 - 0 | Kraw |
L6 | Noot | 2 - 0 | Sayhnim |
W4 | Breadstick | 2 - 1 | Noot |
W3 | Noot | 2 - 1 | Kraw |
W2 | Noot | 2 - 0 | Diesel Booster |
Thursday Throwdown 20191205 5/12/2019
North Tas Monthly November 2019 23/11/2019
Battle Hall Monthly November 19 Doubles
GF | Kraw/Anthonoot | 3 - 1 | Breadstick/Ripto |
GF | Kraw/Anthonoot | 3 - 1 | Breadstick/Ripto |
L3 | Kraw/Anthonoot | 2 - 0 | Cap Supreme/Snoop Dog |
L2 | Kraw/Anthonoot | 2 - 0 | Mr President/MaxKiNG |
L1 | Kraw/Anthonoot | 2 - 0 | Sayhnim/Varous |
W2 | Breadstick/Ripto | 2 - 0 | Kraw/Anthonoot |
Battle Hall Monthly November 19
Tas Monthly November 2019 17/11/2019
Thursday Throwdown #1 7/11/2019
Thursday Throwdown 2019-11-07
North Tas Monthly #3 26/10/2019
Smash Ultimate at Battle Hall Monthly #3 (bracket)
Tas Monthly October 2019 20/10/2019
North Tas Monthly #2 24/08/2019
Tas Monthly August 2019 18/08/2019
TAS Ultimate #2 13/07/2019
P1 | Kraw + Noot | 2 - 0 | Will + Lvl9 |
P1 | Luma + LargeMarge | 2 - 1 | Kraw + Noot |
P1 | Kraw + Noot | 2 - 0 | Gerald + Streetsy |
P1 | Kraw + Noot | 2 - 0 | MaxKING + RNGeoff |
P1 | Kraw + Noot | 2 - 1 | Chins + Cap Supreme |