@Corvid and Duon, you guys have like 5 hours to make a post, tyty. Until 12am.
01/07/2017 07:43:59
been thinking a bit about what to do over the next couple days. it's a bit awkward from here as we weed out mafia. i'm also not the biggest fan of a mass roleclaim - all the roles claimed so far have had very strong ways to prove they are what they say they are so i'd imagine with a good amount of the remaining townies they have either no evidence or circumstantial evidence to prove they are what they are (i fall into the latter and would be very annoyed if i were lynched lategame because of this).
on top of this, the mafia have already had plenty of time to work on potential fake claims; if they get lucky, have a role that is often interpreted as pro-town or a role that investigates as pro-town (assuming there's another investigator, which might be a bit presumptuous, but i think a completely worthless vanilla cop + one-shot investigate isn't quite enough idk) then it could make things very frustrating. mass claiming can get things done quickly but it's probably best to take longer; gives more time for the mafia to hang themselves.
couple of thoughts:
- all i can tell about ghost is that he's playing differently from last game, which i don't necessarily think says anything about his alignment as he's a smart guy. if the people who really suspect him could make their case on him that'd be appreciated.
- similarly, i think windkeeper has also been playing differently from last game. after we lost i went and looked over his posts (cause i was leaning towards pro-town with him) and noted that he really aggressively focused on one player in particular and i feel like he's been more pro-town this game. but i was wrong last game!
- i'm not as sure about cjeccjec being mafia as much as i think he's just not very good at the game.
- from my perspective maribro has been quieter than he was last game, though to be fair in that game he was being pressured a lot more lmao. for now i guess i'll defer to everyone else who's played with him.
- i wouldn't write off laggy not being mafia immediately, wasn't there a game where hydro was 1-shot unynchable too (if it was a dean-admin game that's pretty funny)? there's still precedent for it. not worth forgetting about him. however as i mentioned before, i'm fine with leaving him alone for now; i don't think he's likely to influence the town discussion very much either way.
01/07/2017 07:46:11
on top of this, the mafia have already had plenty of time to work on potential fake claims; if they get lucky, have a role that is often interpreted as pro-town or a role that investigates as pro-town (assuming there's another investigator, which might be a bit presumptuous, but i think a completely worthless vanilla cop + one-shot investigate isn't quite enough idk) then it could make things very frustrating. mass claiming can get things done quickly but it's probably best to take longer; gives more time for the mafia to hang themselves.
couple of thoughts:
- all i can tell about ghost is that he's playing differently from last game, which i don't necessarily think says anything about his alignment as he's a smart guy. if the people who really suspect him could make their case on him that'd be appreciated.
- similarly, i think windkeeper has also been playing differently from last game. after we lost i went and looked over his posts (cause i was leaning towards pro-town with him) and noted that he really aggressively focused on one player in particular and i feel like he's been more pro-town this game. but i was wrong last game!
- i'm not as sure about cjeccjec being mafia as much as i think he's just not very good at the game.
- from my perspective maribro has been quieter than he was last game, though to be fair in that game he was being pressured a lot more lmao. for now i guess i'll defer to everyone else who's played with him.
- i wouldn't write off laggy not being mafia immediately, wasn't there a game where hydro was 1-shot unynchable too (if it was a dean-admin game that's pretty funny)? there's still precedent for it. not worth forgetting about him. however as i mentioned before, i'm fine with leaving him alone for now; i don't think he's likely to influence the town discussion very much either way.
01/07/2017 07:46:11
Nah I wasnt unlynchable I had one night kill immune
01/07/2017 07:59:44
01/07/2017 07:59:44
He was kill immune. I don't put lynchproofs in my games
01/07/2017 08:01:21
01/07/2017 08:01:21
ah my mistake. i'm more inclined to lean towards town then.
01/07/2017 08:07:59
01/07/2017 08:07:59
Does Aero usually use certain types of roles for their games? I've heard a bit about some of the previous games and are probably going to read up on those, but this is generally a question for people who have played in Aero's previous games.
01/07/2017 08:54:08
01/07/2017 08:54:08
Hey guys, I've been pretty busy these past few days.
I made a picture of what I did though instead of reading thread. I'll do that now. Enjoy
01/07/2017 10:32:35
I made a picture of what I did though instead of reading thread. I'll do that now. Enjoy

01/07/2017 10:32:35
did you have a rewards card tho
01/07/2017 10:42:35
01/07/2017 10:42:35
I'm back from UQ. I have nothing to add, I'm sorry.
01/07/2017 10:47:34
01/07/2017 10:47:34
After reading the past few pages. I've come to agree with most of what JLo says. I hate parroting but I share the same opinions
Mass reveal - I just don't like it. Especially since an Anti Town suggested it.
Lynching Dean - Town is doing well this game, I feel like being greedy and keeping dean around will cause more deaths than necessary. Also Jester doesn't really sound like a possibility and if it is then oh well.
Bijou being visited intrigues me. Since he isn't sharing what happened. It's probably something like Courier. I won't actually think about this too much since he doesn't want to share.
Hydro, I asked for the rewards card. I'm also a cashier.
01/07/2017 11:00:53
Mass reveal - I just don't like it. Especially since an Anti Town suggested it.
Lynching Dean - Town is doing well this game, I feel like being greedy and keeping dean around will cause more deaths than necessary. Also Jester doesn't really sound like a possibility and if it is then oh well.
Bijou being visited intrigues me. Since he isn't sharing what happened. It's probably something like Courier. I won't actually think about this too much since he doesn't want to share.
Hydro, I asked for the rewards card. I'm also a cashier.
01/07/2017 11:00:53
No one seems to be willing to come forward about targeting me. Someone knows something. I'll give whoever another day to come forward otherwise I'll reveal what it was.
01/07/2017 11:08:33
01/07/2017 11:08:33
I swear to god if you get me hyped up over a piece of fruit i'm going to vote for you so hard.
01/07/2017 11:10:05
01/07/2017 11:10:05
Yeah it kinda just passed through me that people might no have a good way to claim town, like no evidence.
No Mass claim
01/07/2017 11:46:03
No Mass claim
01/07/2017 11:46:03
Inb4 Bijou was visited by an amnesiac/forgetful cop.
Dean's thoughts for the night: those that have said little but "massclaim is a bad idea" should look scummy, it's the easy way to "contribute" without actually saying anything of substance and ignores most everything else of what's happened recently.
Adding to the above, if I didn't think lynchproof mafia was a shitty role I'd be really confident Laggy is mafia. He may not be the best player but I do expect town!Laggy to at least try his best, but so far he's mostly been nothing but one-sentence posts, going after easy targets and judging by how quickly he responded to Maribro's jibe yesterday it seems he's lurking.
I would vote for him or cjeccjec/LuminousLucas but it would seem town has its heart on lynching me and I don't see any of the votes on me decreasing so it's difficult to actually pressure anyone.
@anyone who thinks I would shoot a townie if I somehow live to night 4, why on Earth would I do that? That is 100% the fastest way to get myself lynched which goes against both my win-condition and my enjoyment of the game (being alive is more fun than being dead). Think I'd shoot Bijou or Luminescent out of spite or something? Not that sort of person.
Also @Invisi it seemed you thought I was arsonist. I am just regular serial killer.
01/07/2017 12:46:54
Dean's thoughts for the night: those that have said little but "massclaim is a bad idea" should look scummy, it's the easy way to "contribute" without actually saying anything of substance and ignores most everything else of what's happened recently.
Adding to the above, if I didn't think lynchproof mafia was a shitty role I'd be really confident Laggy is mafia. He may not be the best player but I do expect town!Laggy to at least try his best, but so far he's mostly been nothing but one-sentence posts, going after easy targets and judging by how quickly he responded to Maribro's jibe yesterday it seems he's lurking.
I would vote for him or cjeccjec/LuminousLucas but it would seem town has its heart on lynching me and I don't see any of the votes on me decreasing so it's difficult to actually pressure anyone.
@anyone who thinks I would shoot a townie if I somehow live to night 4, why on Earth would I do that? That is 100% the fastest way to get myself lynched which goes against both my win-condition and my enjoyment of the game (being alive is more fun than being dead). Think I'd shoot Bijou or Luminescent out of spite or something? Not that sort of person.
Also @Invisi it seemed you thought I was arsonist. I am just regular serial killer.
01/07/2017 12:46:54
Duon and Corvid have received inactivity strikes.
01/07/2017 13:17:56
Aerodrome said:
Corvid you have one strike. If you get a strike you get replaced immediately.
01/07/2017 13:17:56
dean said:I genuinely can't think of anything at all to push conversation forward. At this point I feel like it's better for me to take a step back and let everyone know if I think of something. I'm still keeping up with what everyone's saying though.
Dean's thoughts for the night: those that have said little but "massclaim is a bad idea" should look scummy, it's the easy way to "contribute" without actually saying anything of substance and ignores most everything else of what's happened recently.
01/07/2017 13:46:53
Drunk thoughts and just posting so I don't get called out for inactivity
1) mass claim is a good call but apparently none of you dumbos wanna win so whatever. We'll play on anyways
G) I don't think keeping dean around is a good idea by principal. It's only a good idea because it's dean and dean just wants to do play. Lynch dean imo but we should prob plan our game plan for the next few days
XIV) extra yeah I've been passive this game but that's just because of Perth drama. Haven't really felt like posting a lot of the time and whatever but I have only provided insight and have tried to generate discussion.
👻😴😴😂) laggy is defs my most suspicious person, definitely think the lynchproof thing is more than meets the eye. Still dunno what to think of Lucas and cjeccjec (did you know that's just cjec twice??! I didn't till I read it a few times) but they are probs next
Idk what to put here next) I think it's really obvious by now bijou, you know who sent you that thing and I am pretty damn sure I know who it is. Why do you think it's worth outing them?
01/07/2017 15:48:53
1) mass claim is a good call but apparently none of you dumbos wanna win so whatever. We'll play on anyways
G) I don't think keeping dean around is a good idea by principal. It's only a good idea because it's dean and dean just wants to do play. Lynch dean imo but we should prob plan our game plan for the next few days
XIV) extra yeah I've been passive this game but that's just because of Perth drama. Haven't really felt like posting a lot of the time and whatever but I have only provided insight and have tried to generate discussion.
👻😴😴😂) laggy is defs my most suspicious person, definitely think the lynchproof thing is more than meets the eye. Still dunno what to think of Lucas and cjeccjec (did you know that's just cjec twice??! I didn't till I read it a few times) but they are probs next
Idk what to put here next) I think it's really obvious by now bijou, you know who sent you that thing and I am pretty damn sure I know who it is. Why do you think it's worth outing them?
01/07/2017 15:48:53
Why do you think mass roleclaim is a good idea maribro?
Do we expect that most of mafia won't have roles that could double as town roles?
Plus it makes any role that becomes useless/detrimental if claimed bad.
People are going to claim when we put pressure on them anyway, and we can judge them at that point.
01/07/2017 16:26:50
Do we expect that most of mafia won't have roles that could double as town roles?
Plus it makes any role that becomes useless/detrimental if claimed bad.
People are going to claim when we put pressure on them anyway, and we can judge them at that point.
01/07/2017 16:26:50
I have no reason to think one way or the other, just gut feeling basis on other games of qldsmash Mafia. I won't push my opinion though as it seems most of town are against it and fucked if I care to argue
01/07/2017 16:39:03
01/07/2017 16:39:03
I don't know who it was that targeted me. If no one reveals by thereby of the day I'll have some information for you. The end* I recommend we don't role claim until I reveal what I know though if anyone at all is even considering it to be a good idea
01/07/2017 21:58:02
01/07/2017 21:58:02
Ahaha my name is cjec twice. I'm surprised it just goes over most people's head.
Tbh I have nothing to contribute pretty disheartened atm but I'll keep up to date.
01/07/2017 23:43:07
Tbh I have nothing to contribute pretty disheartened atm but I'll keep up to date.
01/07/2017 23:43:07
I mean at this point the person who visited bijou is either duon (but he's already claimed jailor)/Corvid or they're not claiming.
01/08/2017 01:08:37
01/08/2017 01:08:37
Although we are going to be lynching Dean today (unless a mafia member has a massive slip up), we can still vote for people to pressure them for the next day. I will admit that being voted against probably won't seem as problematic as the other days, but if we vote for that person the next day then it will be fine. I was going to vote for Corvid to get him talking but that isn't a problem anymore.
I'll wait until Bijou reveals what happened to him last night before I try to pressure people.
01/08/2017 04:37:57
I'll wait until Bijou reveals what happened to him last night before I try to pressure people.
Ghostbone said:Duon said he targeted Corvid last night so the person is probably just not claiming.
I mean at this point the person who visited bijou is either duon (but he's already claimed jailor)/Corvid or they're not claiming.
01/08/2017 04:37:57
Duon said he Jailed Corvid earlier this day Literally saw Windkeeper's post after hitting enter.
01/08/2017 05:32:30
01/08/2017 05:32:30
EIS-DUON said:I also blocked Corvid cause I still think hes anti-town being quiet as per usual "Jailed" Corvid ratherI read this as he has already done it and I'm fairly certain in a forum game like this the jailer does their actions in the night like any other role. I could be wrong though so we'll have to get confirmation from him when he remembers that this game exists. ignore this.
01/08/2017 05:48:35