dean said:
Do you think that there is going to be a cop in this game together with Luminescent's one-shot investigate? Cop is realistically the only town role that can gather more info tonight than you would have otherwise (Tracker/Watcher won't do much since no one is going to go out to kill), and this game is already super-stacked with town power roles as it is.
Mafia are also extremely likely to have information-gathering roles that benefit from night like Tracker or Rolecop.
Tracker/Watcher can catch a vanillaiser in action as well.
And the mafia is getting their info either way (we have no guarantee to take out an information gathering role).
It's not like I don't think Dean is SK either (he probably is 90% of the time), but there's no reason to assume he's telling the truth. Hydro tried to imply that because we didn't follow Dean's suggestion to claim roles, that means that he achieved nothing and claiming SK was pointless (in the case that he's mafia), but that's viewing the situation with hindsight. And if we don't vote of Dean today then his claim WAS useful to him, since we're assuming he's SK and not the mafia (traitor?) vanillaiser/rolecop himself.
01/10/2017 02:38:44